《Accidental Time God》Chapter 00.125 - Watching Time Pass Me By


Pocket Watch PoV

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* A thing is coming close to my owner, for some reason I think it would be very bad if it hits him… Why would it? I don't know. I use most of the small quantity of energy I had inside my core to will time to stop around him, around us, and with that he was able to move out of the way. What is time? Why is my owner so surprised that it stopped? *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* Year 650, January 1st at 14:56:21, it was the time I awakened and I thought that I need to protect my owner’s life. *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* I am more of an observer than a fighter. Right now I am just looking around and seeing what I can see. Even being kept in a pocket, I can somehow see all around me. My owner would always says that he liked me, I am feeling useful since the first time he said that. *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* ‘What am I? Who am I? Who created me? What is my purpose? Why was I created?’ I was thinking about these things but no one answered me, no one could hear me, so I just stayed there observing my surroundings while taking in energy, mana my owner calls it, from the air. *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* With my help, once in awhile, my owner was able to avoid death and now he is praised as a hero. I learned a few things about myself, well, just what I am and where I was created. It looks like I have the ‘memory’ of my past and, although it is far more simple than what I 'think' now, I just needed to look inside my own ‘body’. Year 50, December 25th. That was the day I was ‘born’. *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* Today my owner took me to see a man named King and he received some kind of title… I don’t know why someone would receive such a thing or what it would be used for… *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* The Knight Justin, my owner, is now marrying a girl. He says that she is beautiful. I don’t understand his concept of beautiful or his logic about love… I wish I could understand it. Oh, the woman is named Mary… but I don’t care, it's just my owner that I need to protect. *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* Year 685, June 17th. Owner is dying, and I am now a present to his son, Homer. Owner Justin made sure that the watch should be passed to the next generation right before the death of the previous one. It is sad to part with him, but I understand that the humans do not have much ‘time’. Their lives are short and in this time they really live with all their power, ticking and fighting for their future. *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* Owner Homer is now 45 years old and he is already passing me to the next heir. Nothing happened during this time for me to use my powers, except when he was about to make some bad decisions while training so I have him go back in time. It was kinda fun playing pranks with him like that, but now with his body like that it is almost impossible for him to continue. He didn’t die but he was poisoned, and it made him grow weaker every day. Today he is giving me to the next family head, it is his oldest son Matheus, 13 years old. The others were all girls and have already married since they are older than him. *Tick Tock Tick Tock*


*Tick Tock Tick Tock* I was observing his growth and everytime he made a mistake I could see that it was funny to watch over the humans. Matheus was excellent in magic, but could not do well with swordplay. But he never stopped training and now with 39 years he is known as the Magic Knight. It is just a title. *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* Another war broke out on March 20th, year 750. The house of my owner, acclaimed as the hero, was chosen to command the battle. We won because of the tactics all the previous leaders would drill into the minds of the new ones. It made them more and more military-like in their way of thinking, it amused me how a few things can change their behaviour. *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* I continued to spy on and help my owners when I could for 200 years. I could see that the city was getting bigger, the humans more numerous and yet… some people tried to steal me. I would just freeze time and let my owner walk on for a second or two, it worked perfectly and I learned that not every human was good. *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* My current owner fell in love with the crowned princess and he wanted to confess his love to her, but right on the day he would do it bandits had kidnapped her. They were asking that the king marry one of them with her, so that he would be the next king. I laughed at his behavior. The ‘hero’ family is here, always watching and prepared to defend their citizens and royalty. *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* Victor, my current owner, was preparing to raid the hideout with the help of the kingdom's guards to rescue the princess and the king was more than happy that the heir of the house that led the kingdom to victory in more than one war was offering their sword.

I had already killed some heirs on my own... If they got too careless I would just make their time stop... it was strange that after just two owners dying I was treated as both a cursed and a holy item. I could save my owner or kill him if he started to put himself in needless dangers.

Well, I was never officially named as a cursed item, but the people of the family understood that if they had me I would stop time. It was what made me the first 'magic' clock.

I didn't know how to truly use my power and I could just make one person move in the range of 10 seconds at the most, and after that I would need to recharge my mana for an hour before using it again, or 6 minutes to use it for 1 second. *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

"Watch, I ask for your protection. Please guard my life if I ever enter into true danger." Viscount Victor Mammon requested of me. Yeah, the family has upgraded their title and gained some territory, because as a knight they were nobles just in name and as Barons they could have just the house, but as Viscounts they had some territory and could join the meetings of the kingdom.

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* 'I'll protect you if you aren't extremely reckless.' I answer him and he places me inside the pocket that was placed right near his heart. It has become tradition that all my owners only wear clothes with such a pocket, and it is reserved for me. *Tick Tock Tick Tock*


He leaves with 30 well-trained swordsmen and 6 mages. The full mages were outnumbered by the magic swordsmen, but the full mages were well-trained in magic and their mana pools were bigger as well. The women typically choose to be mages and light workers while the men worked more as archers, knights and heavy workers. That was what I have seen until now.

It was not long before they were already close to the building the princess was being held hostage. She was tied up and the people around me were about to enter but luckily Victor made the right decision. He made a signal and shouts with all his might.

“I AM HERE TO TAKE THE PRINCESS BACK! I WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS WANT TO SET HER FREE WITHOUT ANY HARM!” He had used a common magic to make his voice reach far distances. The sheer volume and tone of voice made some people that were watching run away.

“We want 1000 gold plates, a free pass to get out of the country without problem, as well some slaves!” One of the bandits said. His body was big and he was bald, quite hilarious to see and I wanted to polish it like my owners do to my body once a few days and I love it. My visage gets so shiny and the time starts to shine as well. He was there with the princess and just appeared to say what he wanted and then entered the building again.

“*Tsk* He is smarter than I had thought…” My owner clicks his tongue while shaking his head and with a few more signals of his hands, the mages and knights start to spread out without making sounds, all while using some easy spell they start to bind or defeat the bandits with ease.

It was then that it started for real. More and more bandits appeared from everywhere and with an order the mages made a circle inside the warrior’s formation. My owner was battling on the front with all the men and once every few minutes an arrow would enter the building. The power balance was quite off and the small army made its way to the top just to find a more powerful group of people. They were powerful enough to hold down all the people in this room, except for one. Me and my owner work together and with a small light I stop the time for my owner as the leader of the gang is about to throw something at my owner’s head. It was a strange thing, probably a knife, and he would not notice it because he was engaged with three other men on his own.

Noticing the time magic he quickly cut the necks of the men he was fighting and with a side step he goes out of the way of the strange dagger. I then deactivate my magic. *Tick Tock Tick Tock* ‘I used 3 seconds, I have 7 left. To be able to use those 3 again I’ll need to wait 18 minutes… We will probably not have the time to do it.’ *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

Victor then rushes to the leader, but the man put the princess right before him and smiles to my owner.

“I don’t know how you did that, but I can see that it has limitations.” His smile widens when he sees my owner's eyes. He is correct, I can’t use this power recklessly and he knew about it… The boss snaps his fingers and some more people enter the room. 40 in total and they were all using small lances that were pointed at everyone. “Now I am walking away so that I can eat this delicacy.” The bald man's fingers run through the hair of the female that my owner loves.

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* ‘*Sigh* Ok, I understand… I’ll use the last 7 seconds already for you. Use it wisely.’ *Tick Tock Tick Tock* I thought and using the mana inside me I make the time stop for a second time, and without losing even a second my owner runs and decapitates the leader, taking the princess in his arms just as my magic runs out.

I had activated my magic again because I felt his anger. This emotion is one of the most primordial ones and I am already used to it… but I don’t know why sentient beings act like this. I don’t understand the base of the emotions like anger.

It is then that it works normally again. The world starts to run once more, the flow of time is back to normal and the leader falls dead. ‘58 minutes and 40 seconds to total recharge of mana.’ I proceed to look at the fight that unfolded without any new problems and the bandits were killed or restrained.

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* ‘30 minutes and 50 seconds to total recharge.’ It was a fast fight as expected, and Victor got what he wanted. The king promised to marry him with his daughter because of his excellent work.

My secret had been revealed to the king as well. The clock that is a curse and a present. If used correctly it will be a present, but once it is used recklessly it will kill its owner.

The king smiled, he had a strange light in his eyes but he never said or tried anything. I don’t know why but I think I understand a bit more of the mortal's emotions… *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* Year 855, May 5th. Victor married Mary, the princess, and from that my place is elevated as well. Before I was just an heirloom, but now I am a Royal Treasure and just the King and the crowned prince or princess can hold me, after being well-trained to not act recklessly with me in their presence. *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* ‘Is it this what they call happiness? Or this is solitude?’ *Tick Tock Tick Tock* I thought while I look over the bed where the now crowned prince was having his night activities with the princess.

*Tick Tock Tick Tock* Year 860, January 1st. Victor is now the King and Mary is the Queen. They have already a three year old kid. Black hair and blue eyes. A cute boy was waving his hand to the crowd and I was around his neck. He is going to be the next King and with it he will need to learn how to ‘use’ me. *Tick Tock Tick Tock*

Writer's Spot: Hello people of hell! I'm the the Writer, as you may have noticed, or not.

I came here to tell you all one thing!




The story will walk a little slowly, for now... YAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I want to see how many people will discover the SECRET.

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