《Broken System》Magic Tournament End


When I wake up I get a notification from the System saying I can buy new skills which is cool.

- Shop -

- Skill Shop -

- New Skills - Appraisal:15000 Credits, HellFire:1000 Credits, Tsunami:750 Credits, Spiral Nado: 750 Credits, Earth Pit 750 Credits.

APPRAISAL! I needed this, I can see peoples stats if I buy that now. The other skills are also very good advanced tier skills so i'll buy them aswell.

Ding - Host has purchased Appraisal,Minus 15000 Credits. 22500 Remaining

Ding - Host has purchased Hellfire, Minus 1000 Credits. 21500 Remaining.

Ding - Host has purchased Tsunami,Minus 750 Credits. 20750 Remaining.

Ding - Host has purchased Spiral Nado,Minus 750 Credits. 20000 Remaining.

Ding - Host has purchased Earth Pit,Minus 750 Credits. 19250 Remaining.

Good now that I bought those skills let's put my 60 stat points into things. I'll put 15 in Intelligence and 45 in Wisdom.

Ding - Host has put 15 points into Intelligence. 120 Total.

Ding - Host has put 45 points into Wisdom. 123 total.

Now my skills will cost less and do more damage. before that let's Appraise David and Sam.

- Status -

-Name: David Molan

- Race: Human

-Gender: Male

-Age: 18

-Level: 20

-Health: 300/300

-Mana: 350/350








- Status -

-Name: Samantha Molan














Hmm they are both pretty strong. I can't see how much they regen hp and mp or how much exp until their next level. i also can't see their skills but I guess that makes it somewhat fair.

We are heading to the Arena now to get ready for the Semi-Finals and Finals. When we are there we sit down and wait 5 minutes before the announcer comes.


Damn hes loud as usual, Well let's get ready for the semi-finals.


Seems like I am in Block C this time, David is in Block A again.

David goes against a rank 8 Mage named Malus. They are even in strength of their spells but David can cast faster and his spells cost less mana so he ended up winning with a few intermediate spells.

Next is a rank 9 Mage named Andre vs a rank 10 Mage named Lia.

As soon as the match starts Lia creates a massive Hellfire and throws it at Andre, Who in turn Creates 3 water walls to block the incoming Hellfire while creating a Tsunami sending it at Lia. Lea manages to block the Tsunami with multiple Earth Walls but in doing so Andrea managed to get close to her and hit her with the advanced wind spell Spiral Nado, Sending her flying outside of the Arena resulting in her loss.

Next is a rank 7 Mage named Kyle vs another rank 7 Mage named Tommy. Once the match starts Tommy jumps away from kyle and creates an Earth Pit under him with Earth Spikes. Kyle in exchange creates a slanted Earth Wall under him stopping his fall but Tommy gained time to use Tsunami drowning and killing Kyle.

David, Andrea and Tommy all advance to the Finals.

Now it's time for block B to begin.

First match is a rank 9 Mage named Julie against a rank 9 Mage named Riley.

The match starts and both of them shoot a Hellfire at eachother, Resulting in them colliding but Julie's Hellfire ended up swallowing Riley's, Gaining power and ending his life.

Now it is a rank 9 Mage named Yosaf vs a rank 9 Mage named Gota.

The match starts and Gota sends a Hellfire backed by a Lightning Spear at Yosaf. It seems he can use Lightning Magic aswell. Yosaf in return Blocks it with his Shadow and then sending out 5 Dark Spears at Gota. Gota manages to block 3 of them with a Fire Wall, But 2 of them end up hitting him ending his life.

Last match is between the rank 8 Mage Wendy vs the rank 8 Mage Cora.

Once the match starts Wendy shoots an Ice Blizzard right at Cora in 1 second. Not having enough time Cora is frozen to death before she can even finish her spell.


As a result, Julie, Yosaf and Wendy advance to the finals.

Now Block C begins and it starts off with a rank 9 Mage named Jacob vs a rank 8 Mage named Holly.

Jacob doesn't give Holly a chance and uses Shadow Bind on her, Stopping her movements for 1.5 seconds while he sends a wave of Dark Arrows at her impaling her with darkness.

Next match is a rank 7 Mage named Garry vs a rank 8 Mage named Drew.

Drew shoots out 3 fireballs followed by an earth arrow at Garry, Who in turn blocks them with a Water Wall and cutting Drew up with Wind Cutter's.

Now it is my turn and I am against a rank 9 Mage named Norman.

I don't even give him a chance to do anything as I hit him with 3 Lightning Spears and a Fireball.

Me, Garry and Jacob all advance to the Finals.

Once the last part of the Semi-Finals start David goes against Jacob, but ends up losing because he failed to block Dark Spear that hits him in the heart.

Next match is Garry vs Yosaf, Which ends with Yosaf blowing Garry up with loads of fireballs.

Next match is David vs Tommy. Tommy attack David with multiple spells that only get shot down by David. David fires a Lightning Spear followed by a volley of Earth Arrows which kill Tommy as he is blocking the Lightning Spear.

Next match is Andrea vs Julie. It's a draw because at the end Julie killed herself with her own fireball.

Next is me against Wendy, Where I once again just kill her instantly with a Darkness Spear,

On to the Finals, It is Me, David and Yosaf.

The first fight is against David and Yosaf so I am competing for first with whoever wins.

David summons Lightning Spears and Fireballs while Yosaf Summons 10 Darkness Spears followed by a volley of Fire Arrows, Which swallow all of David's Fireballs while his Spears destroy David's Lightning Spears leaving 2 Darkness Spears to hit David resulting in his death.

Now the final match is between me and Yosaf, And to make it to the final match is good for him so I decide to kill him with my strongest spell, Lightning Hurricane. As a result half of the Arena is destroyed and his body is torn apart and burnt.


I head up to the stage to get my rewards which consist of 1 billion dollars, A hellfire spellbook and an enchanted Mithril Sword that enhances Strength and Dexterity by 50 when held.

After that we head back to our lodge and they instantly congratulate me.

"Damn dude, I didn't think you would win like that. You straight up ripped and burnt his body while destroying the arena."(David)

"Yeah, I didn't know you were this strong, You have to teach us some magic when we get back."(Sam)

"Sure, I would gladl-

Ding - Since host won the Magic Tournament, Host is able to purchase Skill Books in the shop to use or give to others. Host also gains an increase in all his stats by 30.

"Why did you stop talking?"(David)

"Oh nothing much. Just got a notification fro mthe System that I can now purchase Skill Books to use or give to others, Aswell as an increase in all of my stats by 30..."(Me)


"Yea. I know. I did not expect this, but it makes it a lot easier for me. I can buy you guys advanced skillbooks and stuff to give you for your magic."(Me)


"Yea, But let's wait until we are back home. Don't want anybody to notice this. Would bring trouble if they knew I can create advanced skillbooks."(Me)

And so we head home, But instead of doing anything we go straight to sleep, Since we are all dead tired from the Tournament and the drive home.

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