《Shadow Light》Angels and Devils



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"Normal speech” people talking.

‘Normal thought' people thinking.

"Kurama/Dragons” Kurama or Dragons speaking.

‘Kurama/Dragon thought’ Kurama or Dragons thinking.

"Jutsu/ Magic” is being used.


Shadow Light

Chapter 15

Angels and Devils

Meanwhile in Heaven

In the home of Angels, as well as the former home of the Fallen Angels, and the God of the Bible, before his death. Everything was going fine and peaceful.

Angels are offering their prayers to their Father, The God of the Bible in a serene atmosphere. A lone Angel was seen hurrying around the peaceful Heaven with visible distress in his eyes.

Heaven resembles a place sitting above the clouds with a bright white ceiling high overhead. The clouds appear to be in gold colour because of the eternal light that God had created to fill the area. It is guarded by a large gate and has a white stone path and stone buildings, which appear to be floating.

Heaven is divided into seven regions, or "Heavens", with the Seventh Heaven being the present location of the Sacred Gear system, and the God of the Bible's system, it is also the location where the God of the Bible resided within Heaven, before his death. Now take care of by Michael. The Seven Heavens are as follows.

First Heaven

The "first floor" of Heaven, where the Brave Saints and low-level Angels generally reside. It also serves as the front lines of Heaven's defences.

Second Heaven

A place filled with darkness where the Angels observe the stars and where they confine Angels who have sinned. It is also a general prison location in Heaven.

Third Heaven

The home of the souls of the dead who have been taken to Heaven. It's so vast that it's almost immeasurable and it is what the Heaven worshippers believe in. It is also connected to Purgatory. It is also the place where the Tree of Life is located.

Fourth Heaven

The Garden of Eden is where the legend of Adam and Eve began. This is the place where the Tree of Wisdom resides.

Fifth Heaven

The former home of the members of Grigori, before they fell. It is now filled with research institutes where the Brave Saints were created.

Sixth Heaven

Known as "Zebel". The current core of Heaven. All important things take place here and Michael and other Seraphs Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael reside here.

Seventh Heaven

As stated above, this is the home to the Sacred Gear System, and God's System and where the God of the Bible once resided in Heaven when he was alive. This is the throne room of the Biblical God.

Michael was seen going around Zabel, performing his duties as the leader of Angels and Heaven. He saw a golden cross form at the entrance and shifted his attention towards it.

"Lord-Michael" called a messenger Angel with 2 wings as he appeared in Zabel and bowed to their leader.

"You can raise, what is the matter?" Asked Michael in a soft tone.

Michael is the leader of the Angels and Seraphs. He is one of the God of the Bible's creations, who took his place as leader after he died in the Great War. Michael is a kind individual as expected from an Angel. He has a kind smile on his face with emerald green eyes.

Michael has the appearance of a handsome-looking man with long blond hair and green eyes. Like Azazel, he has twelve wings growing from his back, and unlike other Angels whose wings are white, his wings are coloured gold, further symbolizing his position as their leader. He wears a red robe with a gold cross on the front of his white alb. He has golden shoulder plates with a white sash and a golden halo set above his head.


"My Lord, there was an emergency situation," said the Angel in haste.

"What is the situation?" asked Michale in a soft tone, soothing the Angel.

"Sir, it's about Devils. They are doing something out of ordinary"

"Is it? Please explain further"

"Yes sir. They are giving Humans High-class status without reincarnating them fully into Devils, and these individuals are called Human-Devils, Sir" he said and started showing the live programme that is transmitted across in the Deviltube.

"How interesting. Please call all the seraphs here" said Michael and the messenger nodded, bowed, and vanished in a golden cross.

A few minutes later

"You called for a meeting, brother," asked a melodic female voice. Michael turned to see his sister, Gabriel appear behind him.

Gabriel has the appearance of an extremely beautiful woman with curly blonde hair and a voluptuous figure and is known as the most beautiful woman in Heaven. Like other Seraphs, Gabriel has 12 wings growing from her back. She has an innocent look on her face that made everyone love her. She also had Green eyes like Michael as it is a common trait among the Angels created by God, their father.

"Yes, Gabriel. It seems Devils did something extraordinary" said Michael with a smile.

"Do tell us, Michael," said Raphael. Raphael is another member of the 4 Great Seraphim. He has green eyes, has the appearance of a man in his early 20s and wears a regal-looking white rob with blue endings to it and a golden cross in the middle of his robe with 12 white feathery wings behind him. He walked towards the table where they met. It has room for 10 members, but only 4 seats are positioned on the 4 sides of the table.

"Raphael, it's been a long time since we met like this," said Michael and Raphael nodded and soon their 4th member also came in a golden cross. Michael didn't meet often as they are busy with their works and rare opportunities like this make this possible. After all, maintaining such a large religion is no small task.

"Uriel, we are waiting for you"

"Sorry, I'm busy testing some things," said Uriel and walked hastily towards the table. Uriel has the appearance of a man in his mid-20s with green eyes and gold hair. He wears a regal robe much like his brothers but has white edges to it with a golden cross in the middle.

"I heard Devils did something," said Uriel in a concerned tone. Out of all the Seraphs, Uriel is the most competitive among them and is the one who pushed for the Brain Saint system when it has come to discussion.

"Yes, Uriel. Earlier today, I got a message from one of our messenger Angels about this new development in the Devil faction" said Michael. Seeing all of them eager to hear the news, Michael continued.

"It seems they are changing some things," said Michael cryptically.

"What do you mean by that, Michael," asked Raphael.

"Well, instead of reincarnating Humans into Reincarnated Devils, they began to reincarnate them into Human-Devil hybrids" explained Michael.

"Does this mean they are creating hybrids? I thought they have a particular distaste for Humans as they only see them as their playthings" Asked Uriel in confusion.

"It appears to be so. As for their distaste, they have changed in recent times, but not fully. I didn't get any information from Sirzechs or Azazel to explain this. I think our fallen brother also has the same opinion. I'm sure that Devils will send a message to maintain this status quo," said Michael. All of them nodded. As if being summoned, an Angel appeared in front of them.


"My Lord, a message was sent to you from Lord Sirzechs Lucifer," said Peter. Peter is the care guard at heavens gates and even though he hates Devils, he knew whom to respect.

"Yes, Peter. Please put it on the table. Thanks for your help" said Michael.

"The pleasure is mine," said Peter and vanished.

"Seems you are correct, Michael. Shall I read this?" Asked Gabriel.

"Yes," said Michael and Gabriel took the letter and opened it. It didn't have any traps set in it and on the envelope and at the bottom are 2 crests. First was a blue crest that belongs to the Leviathan Clan and the other was a red magical circle with Lucifer Clan Crest.

They belong to Serafall Leviathan and Sirzechs Lucifer respectively as they are the current Satans of the Underworld.

"It is authentic," commented Uriel. All of them nodded and Gabriel started reading.

'To Michael,

I hope everything is going well in Heaven. I sent this letter to inform you about our recent inclusion.

As you have known by now, we Devils have added 2 Humans into our ranks and as you have known, they are Human-Devils instead of Reincarnated Devils. This is a one-time inclusion and will not be done far and wide.

I repeat this is a one-time inclusion. Our people love Jiraiya-sama and have voted to reincarnate him into a Devil. But then came the question of who should reincarnate him.

We asked the man in question about it and he agreed to be reincarnated, but as a Human-Devil instead of a Reincarnated Devil.

So to make that possible, a test was made by Ajuka and it was successful. In the ceremony done late yesterday, we have officially welcomed them to our faction.

That is why it is a one-time thing. This will not be repeated and it is not an act of aggression towards any faction.

I hope you understand, Michael.

By the way, you need to talk to Azazel. That crow has invented something that may be the end of the world if it comes out. I call for a meeting this month-end. We need to discuss some things. Hope you can make it.

Best Wishes,

Sirzechs Lucifer, Satan Lucifer'

"That makes sense now," said Michael in realisation.

"What is it, brother," asked a curious Raphael.

"Father's system has included a new Sacred Gear into existing Longinus, I'm trying to find it out what was responsible for this, but I couldn't"

"Does this mean Azazel created a Sacred Gear that managed to make into Longinus class?" Asked Raphael in astonishment.

"But aren't artificial Sacred Gears inferior to the original once made by Father," asked Uriel. It is true. The Artificial Sacred Gears that Azazel researched and invented have several limits and side effects.

For example, after some time has passed, an artificial Sacred Gear can cause fatigue after their usage and may affect both the powers and abilities of the wielder if said wielder uses them for long periods. That is what they have concluded from their observations till now from Azazel's experiments.

"It seems something is different with this one," said Gabriel.

"Where does it show on the Longinus class, Michael?" Asked Uriel, curiously. If Azazel has made a Sacred Gear which is Longinus Class, then what is stopping him to make some more to boast his ranks. Artificial Sacred Gears can be used by anyone after all. Michael projected the current Longinus on a light screen.

The 13 Original Longinus made by the God of the Bible + 1. The screen read.

1. True Longinus

2. Zenith Tempest

3. Annihilation Maker

4. Shadow Light (+1)

5. Dimension Lost

6. Boosted Gear

7. Divine Dividing

8. Regulus Nemea

9. Canis Lykaon

10. Sephiroth Graal

11. Incinerate Anthem

12. Absolute Demise

13. Innovate Clear

14. Telos Karma

"Michael, see number 4," said Raphael. All of them observed that place.

"Shadow Light? What is it?" asked Uriel completely lost.

"I didn't know such a Sacred Gear existed. So that is what Sirzechs meant about Azazel doing something that is going to be the end of the world" said Michael. As it has +1 to it, it is clear that is what Sirzechs is implying.

"So he did it," said Gabriel.

"Yes, Gabriel. He was successful in creating a Sacred Gear with our Light Essence and judging by its name, somehow, the Shadow Dragon is involved in it"

"You mean, Skiadrum?" Asked Uriel in shock.

"Yes, the same Shadow Dragon. What, how? I admit we didn't keep tabs on that Dragon, but how in heaven did he end up in a Sacred Gear" asked Raphael.

"I wish I knew, brother. I wish I knew. I think in our upcoming meeting it will be made clear'' said, Michael. When they thought everything was going well, after a disaster of the Holy Sword Project, Azazel went out of his way and created a new headache for them.

He prayed for his father's help to clear all this up. He doesn't want to deal with another headache like the Holy Sword project. As a leader, he feared this would spark a war if word gets out of it. With that, the meeting came to an end and all the Angels went on their duties. With various doubts and questions which they have no answers yet.

Next Day, Uzumaki Estate, Kuoh

Naruto woke from his slumber with 2 beauties on his sides. Miya came to celebrate with him after he returned from the Underworld. Reni welcomed them with a bright smile and they had a passionate night. He woke up to see his 2 girls on his sides, smiling contently.

"What a happy start to the day," said Naruto.

"Of course, it is. Our cover is no longer required" said Reni.

"And you will be enjoying it with another woman for a week," said Miya with a sweet smile. Naruto could have sworn he saw a ghost behind her, smiling toothily.

"Which woman?" Asked Reni.

"Well, Jiraiya-sama had an appointment with Katerea Leviathan," said Miya with a smile. Naruto sighed. 'So she decided to break the ice' thought Naruto.

"Come on, Naruto. This Ice Girl is with you for years now and she is in love with you. Don't you think it is about time you reveal it to her?" said Kurama in a bored tone.

'You seem to enjoy all this well, Kurama'

"Of course, I am. I would rather enjoy myself with these than getting bored" said Kurama, clearing his ears.

'Fine, I'll tell her. I'm not going to hide it for long anyway. She is my Vice President after all,' said Naruto.

"What she is trying to say is that I and Jiraiya are the same," said Naruto. Reni gave him a confused look while Miya smiled widely.

"Wh-what? Does that mean-"

"Yes. It does mean we are the same person. The Jiraiya you interacted with last month is true. But now, he is gone and I'm gonna be him" said Naruto. Instead of giving her a long-winded explanation, he activated his Sharingan and explained everything through a Genjutsu.

Of course, information about his past life is omitted, but all the information about Jiraiya's resurrection and his release were shown. Kurama is also kept a secret. They will be revealed later if the need comes.

As he thought, one step at a time. He knew even Miya can't handle the revelation of Kurama now even though she understood him more than Reni had.

"Wow, Naruto-kun. You are even more genius than I thought" said Reni in awe.

"Of course, I am. My dear" said Naruto with a smirk.

"Now that all the secrets are out, let's get back on topic. Don't you have to meet Katerea?'' Miya asked.

"Yes, I should. I'm gonna meet her. I'm not one to disappoint my clients" said Naruto. In a puff of smoke, a clone came into existence. This is an enhanced blood clone that can withstand anything below High Ultimate class power.

"Reni, he will come with you and take care of things here," said Naruto.

"I envy her," said Miya with a faux hurt tone. As the Original Naruto is going to deal with Katerea personally.

"Stop your over dramatics now," said Naruto as he elbowed her, which she blocked.

"Right, let's go. I think you have a busy day ahead" said Miya and vanished with the original Naruto in an orange magic circle to Whirlpool Publications office.

"We also had a big day ahead, Naruto-kun," said Reni as she circled her hands around the clone's neck.

"Yes, I know. We have to face the song and dance now" said Naruto and with a kiss, they went to ready and go to their school.

With Miya

They appeared in the General Manager office of Whirlpool Publications and relaxed.

"Where did you tell her to meet me?"

"I told her to meet you at the Publications Guesthouse in the city," she said with a smile.

"Well, I plan on taking her somewhere private"

"What! Don't you trust me?" Asked Miya in a faux hurt tone with a tear rolling down her eyes.

"All those movies I have taken you is a mistake"

"No. Don't change the topic"

"Ok, I just want to give her some privacy, that's it. You don't know what happens with a Devil Princess" said Naruto and Miya understood. A bell in the room rang, signifying his meeting with her.

"I guess it's time,'' said Naruto. With one last kiss, they went their separate ways.

"Careful, dear," she said with a teasing smile and gone to her work, while Naruto changed into Jiraiya and vanished in a Magic circle.

With Katerea

She came to the place a bit early and started preparing herself for what was to come. She had prepared herself physically and mentally. She is going to enjoy herself here.

"Leviathan-sama, please rethink this," asked her attendant, Seila.

"I've thought about it, Seila. I think turning him to our side is for the best" said Katerea in a haughty tone.

"But you don't need to do this, Leviathan-sama. We are here to do things for you" she insisted.

"No, I'm going to do this on my own. You can leave" she said in a commanding tone and Seila left in a Leviathan family Magic circle. Soon after that, Katerea studied her breathing and calmed herself. Getting Jiraiya on their side is crucial.

They can see it. The so-called 'Devil Faction' is going to listen to him and if he is in their palm, they can play New Satan Faction to their heart's content. Aside from her mission, she is here to satisfy herself as well.

She heard a knock on the door and was permitted to enter. In came the man she knew.

He is a tall and well-built man in adulthood with fair skin. He had waist-length, spiky white hair tied back into a ponytail, with two shoulder-length bangs framing his face. But the 2 Red lines she knew he had across his cheeks were gone and his body was well built than from what she can remember.

'It seems the King Piece has boosted his physical strength and appearance. As expected from the King Piece' thought Katerea. The other boy, Naruto, was also good looking. He is a cute little boy, young for her taste.

The few wrinkles around the corners of his mouth and the wart on the left side of his nose were also gone. Jiraiya now looked like a man in his early 30s compared to that of a man in his 40s when she previously saw him.

He is not only more handsome than expected, but he has this unique charisma that is doing wonders for Katerea. She has no doubt that if Original Satans still exist, Jiraiya is going to give Asmodeus a run for his money for creating such lust by his mere presence.

He is in his usual attire consisting of a green short shirt kimono and matching pants, under which he wore mesh armour that is visible at his wrists and ankles. He also wore handguards, a black belt, traditional Japanese wooden sandals, and a red haori with two yellow circles on each side. The kanji for "oil" and "sage" was written on the yellow circles on his kimono in black letters.

She observed that all his attire had a thin golden edge to it. It appears to be some kind of special Kimono worn for rare occasions.

"It is an honour to get your acquaintance, mistress," he said in a high tone and bowed. Katerea was confused. Why is bowing to her? She cleared her throat to speak.

"It is an honour to meet you, Jiraiya-sama. My name is Katerea '' she said and stepped forward. Jiraiya kissed her knuckles like a gentleman.

"I'll be in your care for the next week. Please take care of me" he said in a calm tone.

"Of course, I'll also be in your care as well. Please pleasure me" she said and then she saw the Jiraiya she knew.

"You bet. Now, my dear. Let's move. I have a place arranged for this" he said and held her in his hands in a hug. They vanished in a magic circle.

For the next week, the whereabouts of Katerea Leviathan and Jiraiya, the Sage would not be known to the world even if they used magic to search for them.

With Clone Naruto in Kuoh

Naruto and Reni reached Kuoh academy and were personally greeted by Sona Sitri herself. She had a sweet smile on her face as she adjusted her glasses.

"I'm waiting for your arrival, Naruto. It's good to see you again. Now, if you both follow me" she said and started walking towards the Student Council office.

"Wait, don't we have classes to attend to," asked Naruto. Sona didn't reply immediately. After a few seconds, she turned and replied coolly.

"No, for the special meeting with the Student Council, all your appointments are cancelled for today. Please follow me" she said and started walking again. Naruto sighed. He should have expected this.

Sona is not going to leave him alone after he played with them like that. After all, for a month, he played them for fools. As a person who prides herself as a tactician, her pride took a sharp blow with his stunt.

They silently followed her to the Student Council room. The room was enlarged to fit everyone. Rias's peerage already is there with Rias on the left side couch, Akeno standing on her right, Kiba on her left and Koneko sitting in a small chair beside her.

Opposite to her was an empty couch which would be where he will sit and in the middle was Sona's seat, the Student Council President seat. Behind the seat was Tsubaki and to the sides were remaining members of the Council.

Tsubaki was the same as she last saw her last time when he played his Chess game with Sona.

Tsubaki is a young bespectacled woman with long straight black hair that extends down to her knees, with split bangs and heterochromatic eyes, with a violet left eye and a light brown right eye which she covers with magic and her eyes appear to be light brown in both eyes as he can sense magic around her eyes and see through it.

In addition to wearing the Kuoh Academy girls' school uniform, she also wears blue, semi-rimmed glasses with square lenses.

On either side of the table are 2 members of the Student Council with whom he had less interacted.

First is a tall girl with blue, shoulder-length hair and matching eyes. She has the basic appearance of a tomboy and has a bishounen face. She is wearing the Kuoh Academy middle school uniform much like Rias knight. Her name is Tsubasa Yura.

On the opposite side of her, to the other side of the table was another girl. A young beautiful girl with white hair and blue-green eyes. She mostly wears a Kuoh Academy girls' middle school uniform. Her name is Momo Hanakai.

He generally interacted with Sona and Tsubaki more than these 2 as he only comes here when there is any work to do in his last month. Now that the cat is out of the bag, he predicted that he is going to be visiting a lot more here.

"Shall we begin?" said Sona as she sat in her chair behind the table. The members of her peerage who were on their seats on either side of the table walked behind her while Naruto sat on the couch opposite Rias, Reni standing to his right.

This set-up reminded Naruto so much of his introduction to Zekram. They sat in their positions and Sona started to explain the rules to the introduction.

"You are going to say your name, Evil Piece, Peerage and Clan name or Sacred Gear or other abilities you use. Is that clear?" she said sternly and everyone nodded their heads.

"I'll start. Sona Sitri, Sitri Clan Heiress, Water Magic, King" she said in a stern tone.

"Tsubaki Shinra, Queen, Mirror Alice" followed Tsubaki in the same stern tone.

"Momo Hanakai, Bishop," she said tentatively.

"Tsubasa Yura, Rook" is the only reply she gave. It followed Rias and she continued.

"Rias Gremory, Gremory Clan Heiress, Power of Destruction, King'' said Rias with pride.

"Akeno Himejima, Queen, Lightning Magic," said Akeno with a smile, Naruto knew it to be fake.

"Kiba Yuuto, Knight, Sword Birth," said Kiba in a calm tone.

"Koneko Toujou, Rook" she stopped at that. Naruto knew her to be some kind of Youkai as he can sense the Senjutsu remnants in her. He didn't comment though. It is not his problem.

Now it is his turn. He knew he should say a Sacred Gear or some kind of power name. Lying does not cut it as it may cause trust issues in the future. He also couldn't say his Sacred Gear full name as he gave word to Zekram and he knew the consequences of it. Though sharing it with these people might not cause harm as all of them are devils, he is not going to take chances here.

He desperately wanted to contact the original, but the original expressly gave orders to not contact him. He mentally sighed. 'Guess I should come up with a cool name then' he thought and thought of good names. He finally got a good one and started his introduction.

"Naruto Uzumaki, Uzumaki Undertakings Heir, Abyss Shadow, King," said Naruto. As expected, he got confused looks from everyone.

"Abyss Shadow? Is it some kind of Sacred Gear?" Asked Rias as she is the most impulsive one amongst all present.

"Yes, I'll explain more about it later" he had and all of them calmed down. Everyone turned to Reni who cleared her throat to speak.

"Lavinia Reni, Bishop, Absolute Demise," she said with a smile. This shocked most in the room. She is a Bishop as all though she is a Queen piece. They also knew about her Sacred Gear. 'That is a low-tier Longinus she had. How strong is this girl?' thought Sona and Tsubaki. Sona made it her goal to educate her Peerage in Sacred Gears. So they knew about most of them and particularly the Longinus, the so-called God Killing Weapons.

"Absolute Demise, that's a powerful Sacred Gear," said Sona aloud praising Reni. Reni smiled at her.

"Yup, that's my Reni-chan," said Naruto with a smile.

"Don't try to divert the topic, Mr Uzumaki. Explain to us about your Sacred Gear" she said and the clone sighed. What a troublesome situation he found himself in.

"Well, do any of you know about Skiadrum?" He asked and all he got were confused looks.

"Let me tell you a story. The story of the Shadow Dragon, the Black Dragon of Abyss" said Naruto and started telling the tale of the Shadow Dragon, Skiadrum.

And Cut.

That’s it for this chapter folks. Hope you like it.

See ya in the next chapter.

Suggestions are welcome.


Black Infinity1289,

Ja Ne.

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