《Not Yet》The Destroyer



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"Dragons/Demon/Spirits” Dragons or Demons Speaking.

‘Dragon/Demon/Spirits thought’ Dragons thinking.

"Jutsu/ Magic” is being used.

Not Yet

Chapter 19

The Destroyer

Sorcerer's Weekly, Yearly Edition - X780

The Destroyer

"Hot on the list was the above name, The Destroyer. Who is it and how did the person get that name is on it on page 12."

The Destroyer was the name of the front page of the magazine with a mysterious image in the back, everything hidden in the shadows. This managed to pique the interest of some in Fairy Tail and they turned to the page in question.

'The Year X780 was a wonderful one as everything remained peaceful and calm. Though the name of Fairy Tail will not be missed by any journalist in any year and it is the same this year, Fairy Tail managed to keep its place on the top of the light guilds along with Phantom Lord.

However, this year, Fairy Tail added 2 new S-class mages to its ranks and took a great leap in the number of S-class mages in any Guild.

First, we should talk about the Fairy Queen, Titania, Erza Scarlet. Most of Fiore knew of her and her skills as a swordswoman are nothing less than extraordinary.

Erza was chosen and participated in the S-class Trials along with a few others and became the Youngest S-class mage, Until…

Until the person who was never heard and seen came out of nowhere and took the Title of Youngest S-class mage from her.

Introducing Naruto Uzumaki with his partner and companion, Sirius.

The Sorcerer's weekly had the rarest opportunity of getting a photo of him with his companion and here he is'.

There was an image of Naruto with Sirius.

Naruto wore a double-breasted, long-sleeved, orange jacket with a high, black collar. The jacket extends below his waist and is trimmed with gold. He had 2 pouches on his back. He had a green jewel tied across his beck which can be clearly seen. He also wore green pants with gold markings across them and black open-toed shoes. Over this, he wore a green cape with a black Fairy Tail Guild mark on its back and had a sword holder covered by the cape.

Sirius was beside him, standing with Naruto in his battle mode. He is 6 foot tall with Gold and light orange skin. His underbelly is light orange as well. His small gold tail also had an orange ending to it. He has green tribal markings on his forehead like the head of an arrow instead of black spots like a general jaguar and had a small green gem around his neck much like Naruto's own.

He wore simple clothes with a black shirt and green shorts with a green cape over it like his father and a black Fairy Tail mark on his left shoulder and cape.

Both of them were seen grinning at the camera like lunatics as they just completed their arrangements to prank in Magic Council HQ in Era.

'As you have seen above, they are quite a unique pair. Moving forward, the Sorcerer's Weekly was informed that he was picked and introduced to Fairy Tail by Gildarts Clive, famously known as the Ace of Fairy Tail. Proving his worth, Naruto with Sirius went on regular jobs and completed them in record time.

By some more digging, we found that Mr Naruto did a misranked S-class job without being an S-class mage. While the Magic Council denies any of those claims, one thing is clear.


Naruto Uzumaki is a strong mage and so he was recognised as such. He is not only the Youngest S-class mage, he was given the Title 'The Destroyer' by the town folks he went on jobs to. They were happy and surprised at the same time at Mr Naruto's work.

There you have it, folks. This concludes our report on Naruto Uzumaki. See you all in the next issue of Sorcerer's weekly' concluded the magazine.

"Damn, that was a nice title. The Destroyer" said Macao.

"No kidding. That kid has gone far in less than a year" said Wakaba. Usually, Macao brings a model edition of Sorcerer's Weekly to 'see' the new models in the Kingdom.

Since he didn't pay attention to things last year, he brought the Yearly edition of Sorcerer's Weekly which was issued more than a few days ago. The magazine congregates everything that happened the previous year and skim through it and publish a brief version of important events and Mages who took the spotlight that year.

Macao and Wakaba read it to get a good grasp on events of the previous year. It seems Naruto took the spotlight that year.

"Hey Naruto, you got an article in Sorcerer's Weekly," said Macao as he saw Naruto walk into the Guild Hall the next day. Naruto was beside him in an instant and read through it at light speed.

"Oho, they didn't tell me they are going to publish it in the magazine. If I had known, I would have given them a good pose" said Naruto with a smile.

"Yup. I would have used some lightning to spice things up" added Sirius.

"Damn. I thought appearing in the magazine is a great achievement" said Macao.

"Maybe that is for Older guys like us, buddy. Kids these days-" sighed Wakaba with his pipe.

"Hey, why are you all around that table?" yelled Natsu as he walked with Happy towards the table.

"Naruto got an article about himself in Sorcerer's Weekly," said Gray.

"What is that?" Asked Natsu in a confused tone.

"Natsu, they are those guys who published your photo in the magazine last year. Don't you remember, we were kicked out of a hotel" said Happy, remembering the name.

"Those guys! I'll maim them" yelled Natsu with fire coming out of his mouth.

"Maim who?" Asked a familiar female voice and Natsu shivered at that.

"Chicken. He is saying he will maim a chicken" said Naruto, saving Natsu from Erza's wrath.

"Erza, look. You and Naruto got an article in Sorcerer's Weekly," pointed out Lisanna further diverting her attention.

"Really?" Asked Erza and read it. She got a wide smile after reading it.

"Congratulations, Naruto. I know you will make the Guild proud" said Erza and hugged Naruto. Everyone thought he will be crushed by the force.

But on the contrary, Erza's Heart Kreuz armour cracked at the area where Naruto's head hit. Everyone was shocked at that and Erza got a perturbed look at that.

"I think I should repair my armour. Keep up the good work, guys" said Erza and went to repair her armour.

"Damn, you have a thick skull, Naruto," said Gray. Naruto didn't reply to Gray's comment as he felt a certain pink-haired mage stare at him.

"Gray-. Are you wearing clothes?" Asked a confused Cana.

"Yup. This coat is very handy. I can feel it if I don't wear it. The temperature is a clear give away" said Gray as he patted his coat.

"That's it. We are going to fight" yelled Natsu, forgetting that Naruto saved him from a strong beating from Erza.


"Now?" Asked Naruto.

"Yea. Why not?"

"How about this, you first try with Sirius?"

"Who is Sirius?" Asked Natsu, confused. Natsu's instincts screamed at him to dodge and so he dodged. The place he dodged from was broken because of a Lightning hit.

"Ooh. Where did that come from? Laxus you bastard" yelled Natsu. But when he saw up, Laxus was not there on the second floor to smirk at him.


"It's Sirius, dummy," said Happy, pointing to an angry Sirius who was glaring at Natsu, his blazing with fury.

"Oh, Happy's friend. No. I'll fight you. He can fight that stripper" said Natsu, pointing towards a comfortable Gray.

"Fine. I'll fight him" accepted Gray. Sirius got a happy smile. This is his first time to really fight someone on his own and he is excited about it.

"Let's meet outside," said Naruto and flew towards the backyard. Sirius, Happy, Natsu and Gray followed. Rest of the Guild followed excitedly to watch the match.

There was a large empty space behind Fairy Tail Guildhall facing Lake Sciliora, a large lake in Fiore. It was decided that the first fight will be between Sirius and Gray.

Sirius and Gray stood facing each other in their respective stances. Gray with his right hand closed on his left and Sirius in his battle mode. But hands spread across, making a defensive motion.

'"I'll be the proctor for this match and let the fight...begin," said Naruto and Gray attacked immediately.

"Ice-Make: Arrows," said Gray and shot some Ice arrows towards Sirius. Sirius brought his wings out and dodged them, taking into the skies.

"Ice-Make: Hammer," said Gray and formed a Hammer in the air and tried to hit Sirius with it, which Sirius dodged.

"Lighting Style: Thunder Clap," said Sirius and released a lightning bolt towards Gray. Gray dodged them by making some shields.

"Ice-Make: Lance," said Gray and made lances and threw them at Sirius. Sirius dodged them again.

"Water Style: Waterfall Jutsu," said Sirius. Using the water available in the lake to form a waterfall which fell on Gray.

Gray didn't dodge it. Instead, he faced the waterfall and used his magic to freeze the entire falls. A frozen waterfall can be seen behind Fairy Tail Guild hall frozen in the air in a falling motion. Sirius grumbled in annoyance at that.

He knew his control on water is not as good as his control on lightning and wind. But to allow his opponent to pry on his weakness is not what Sirius wanted.

Gray got a happy smile at that. Now that he got Ice with him, he can use it to his whims. His maker magic gives him exceptional control over Ice though it had its limits as well. With his current mastery, he can control the waterfall easily.

"Are you sure you are trying to attack me, Sirius?" Mocked Gray with a wide smile. He is also taking this seriously now after seeing the strength of the cute Jaguar.

"Ice-Make: Cannon"

"Ice-Make: Excalibur"

"Ice-Make: Shooting Excalibur" shouted Gray and the large sword he made from the waterfall was formed in the cannon, ready to be shot. He aimed for Sirius while calculating his escape routes.

"Shooting Excalibur: Release," said Gray and shot the ice sword with the full force of his Ice Cannon.

It tore through air with high speeds Sirius never fought before and he tried his best to stop it. But couldn't as the sword has a lot of build-up force.

"Wind Style: Great Break Through" shouted Sirius and the Ice Sword started to crack. This gave him hope and he started to continue with chipping the sword with his Wind.

After some effort, he managed to break the whole sword into pieces but was surprised as Gray was ready with his next attack.

"Ice-Make: Fishnet"

"Ice-Make: Prison" simultaneously said Gray and the 2 attacks came towards a shocked Sirius. Having put a lot of effort into breaking the sword, has couldn't dodge them and was caught in the fishnet and trapped in the prison.

He slowly descended to the ground as his movement was restricted by the fishnet and prison. But just before he can hit the group, he cushioned his fall with wind and touched smoothly.

"Give up," said Gray. Sirius lifted his face and smirked at the Ice mage. He promptly dispelled into a cloud of smoke. Gray was shocked by this. He looked around confused about what happened.

"Don't move. Give up" came the voice of Sirius as he appeared behind Gray from the ground. Gray was momentarily surprised, he turned to see Sirius holding a metallic knife towards his neck.

"Good try," said Gray and fell into pieces of Ice. This time, Sirius felt his moment restricted again and saw his feet stuck on the ice floor.

"My Ice Floor can freeze anything in its grasp. Yield" said Gray in a serious tone. Though his face was tense.

"Ya. I yield" said Sirius and Gray broke the Ice Floor and released Sirius.

"Damn. That was close. Sirius, I didn't know you can fight this well" said Gray with praise.

"Hn. But I lost at the end" said Sirius in a disappointed tone.

"You can't win all matches man. You should just learn the lesson and move on unlike that brute there" said Gray, pointing towards an excited Natsu who was yelling something.

"Ya. I guess" smiled Sirius. He felt someone ruffle his fur and looked up to see his father as he is now back to his normal size.

"That was great, Siri. I think you learned something from it," said Naruto with a smile. Compared to how he was a few months ago, Sirius improved a lot and Naruto is proud of that.

"Yes, Papa," said Sirius, acknowledging his defeat and vowing to learn from his mistakes.

"Great, now rest. I'll come after-" Naruto was stopped as Natsu yelled at him.

"Hey, Naruto. Come. It's our time to fight. I'll kick your ass" yelled Natsu to high heavens. Naruto got a devious smirk at that.

"I'm coming," said Naruto and walked towards Natsu, who was in the middle of the cleared area. He sent Sirius to his house as he needs rest.

"I'll be your judge for this," said an old voice and all turned to see Makarov, their Guild master walk towards the fighting area.

"Gramps. I'll kick his ass for sure" shouted Natsu, pointing towards Naruto who is smiling calmly.

"We'll see, Natsu," said Makarov with a nod.

"Ready, Fight," he said, chopping invisible air. The fight began immediately, Natsu charging towards Naruto.

"Take this," he said and punched Naruto in the gut. Naruto easily stopped the flamed fist and caught Natsu's hand in a vice grip.

Natsu struggled to get out of it, but couldn't. He used the only way he knew to escape.

"Fire Dragon's: Iron Fist," said Natsu setting his hand ablaze. But was shocked at what happened. A thin coat of yellow formed around Naruto's hand, separating it from the burning inferno that is Natsu's hand.

"You think you can injure me with heat?" Asked Naruto. Natsu suddenly felt the temperature on his hand increase and felt his hand burn.

"Damn, damn that hurt" shouted Natsu as Naruto released his hand and he shook it to get a good feel of it. He covered it in his fire, which decreased the burning sensation he felt and moved to fight again.

A hand to hand session started, with Natsu trying his best to injure Naruto physically, but all his efforts were for nought as Naruto was not injured in the slightest.

"Ok, I'm done with this. I'll kick your ass with my magic" yelled Natsu and fire started to form around him.

"Fire Dragon's: Claw," said Natsu, igniting his feet in flames, thereby increasing the power of his kicks. He lunged at Naruto and kicked him continuously without relenting.

"Light: Shield," said Naruto and a thin layer of gold shield formed around him, guarding against Natsu's claw-like kicks. Natsu didn't give up and came up with his next attack.

"Fire Dragon's: Wing Attack," said Natsu as he rushed towards Naruto and grabbed Naruto and subsequently set his hands ablaze, sending Naruto into the air with a stream of fire. But much to Natsu's dismay, Naruto just floated in the air adjusting himself and smirked at Natsu smugly.

Using his flames, Natsu shot into the air and tried to headbutt the blonde with his Fire Dragon's: Sword Horn, but Naruto dodged it narrowly, changing his direction midair.

"Fire Dragon's: Brilliant Flame" Natsu yelled, igniting both his hands in flames and then bringing them together, creating a fiery explosion and throwing it at the smug blonde.

"Reflect," said Naruto and reflected it at the Fire Dragon Slayer who ate it happily.

"Damn bastard. Fight me here on the ground" yelled Natsu. He got frustrated by Naruto dodging all his attacks in the air and challenged Naruto.

"Ok, but let's fight seriously this time," said Naruto, descending to the ground and continued speaking.

"How about a small bet?"

"Bet? What kind of bet?"

"I'll fight every time you ask if you win-" as Natsu heard what he wanted, he didn't hear after that. Naruto continued.

"If I win, you will not ask me to fight until I ask you to," said Naruto. He wanted to limit it for some time, but considering Natsu's personality and his will to fight, he changed that decision.

"Do you agree?" Asked Naruto. Natsu nodded absentmindedly.

"Then let's begin," said Naruto. The began, but this time, Naruto charged at Natsu.

"Light Style: Laser Circus," said Naruto, showing one of his powerful techniques. The light rays charged at Natsu at high speeds and the Fire Dragon Slayer used his own attack to nullify them.

"Dragon Slayer's Secret Art: Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon's Fist," said Natsu and rapidly punched the light rays coming towards him, with his hands lit ablaze.

The Light Rays coming towards Natsu gradually lost their intensity and dispersed into light particles.

"Good attack. Let's push you further" said Naruto and charged another attack.

"Light Style: Giant's Arrow," said Naruto and launched a large arrow made of light towards Natsu. Natsu felt the potency of the attack and braced himself for impact.

"Dragon Slayer's Secret Art: Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade," said Natsu. He circularly swiped his arms, creating a powerful, and highly destructive, torrent of flames that barraged towards the fast approaching Giant's Arrow.

Both attacks collided and fought for superiority but ended in a stalemate and dispersed with a loud explosion.


With Others

"What monsters. Even from here, I can feel the intensity and heat of those attacks" said Lisanna.

"No kidding. Naruto is pushing Natsu to his limits. Poor fire brain" agreed Gray.

"What raw strength. It's not a wonder he became the youngest S-class mage" said Macao.

"Yeah. Thank God I didn't have to fight against him" said Wakaba.

"Wow. He is awesome" said Levi in excitement. Naruto is the one who understood her thirst for knowledge and tried to help her and so she cheered him.

"Go blondie. Go. If you win, I'll share the winnings in half" yelled a drunk Cana. She organises a betting ring every time a spar like this takes place and currently, everyone had bet against the blonde as he just won in his match by a fluke against Gildarts.

But Cana thought otherwise and bet on the blonde and it seems she is winning. She cheered on in glee as she counted all the money she would get.

Makarov knew that Naruto would win, but the Old Guild master didn't bet anything as he wanted to know why Naruto agreed to fight with Natsu.

Makarov knows Natsu's love to fight and his tendency to ask for a fight with anyone he feels strong. But Naruto agreeing to it is not expected by Makarov.

'Why would a newly promoted no name S-class mage agree to fight with a well-known fight lover like Natsu and that too in front of the whole guild?' is what the Guild master can't understand.

'What is he thinking pushing Natsu like this?' Is another thought.

'Is he hoping to achieve something that I can't see? What are you doing, Naruto?' Thought Makarov?

He recently received the news of Naruto's appointment as one of Magic Council's Hunters. A job that has the lowest respect in Makarov's view. But Naruto agreed.

That, coupled with Naruto's decision to fight Natsu threw the Old man into a loop. 'I must talk to him after this' concluded Makarov, deciding to get the answers from the source.

With Natsu

He was flabbergasted by the way his attack fought for a stalemate. 'That attack was one of my strongest. Damn you, Naruto. I'll finish this' thought Natsu and started to take large amounts of air.

Naruto saw this and smiled. 'Oh, he's going to use Dragon Roar. Well, I should use mine as well,' thought Naruto and started to take large amounts of air as well.

He made a barrier around the arena they are fighting in to minimise the damage to the surrounding area and not hurt any of his Guildmates. As their stomachs were filled with air and were ready to be released their respective Roar's. Natsu released it first.

"Fire Dragon's: Roar," yelled Natsu. Large amounts of fire was released by Natsu towards the Light All Slayer. The flames took the form of a Dragon and rushed towards the blonde.

"Light All Slayer's: Wrath," said Naruto. This is the equivalent of a Dragon's roar in All Slayer Magic. He can still remember the words said by his father.

Flashback Begin

It's been a year since Naruto started training in his Light All Slayer magic. He mastered all low-level attacks and had a good grasp on the mid-level once. He started to go through high-level attacks when his father interrupted him.

"Naruto, does that book have any attack equivalent to my Roar?" Asked the large Dragon God.

"What do you mean by that?"

"As you know, we Dragon's use our breath attack which is called the Dragon's Roar. Demons use a similar attack known as Demon's Rage. God's also has an equivalent one known as God's Bellow. Does that book have anything equivalent to these?" Explained Aldoron.

Naruto got a quizzical look and started to skim through the small book which gave him his magic. His eyes dilated at what he found.

"Father, I guess I found a similar attack. It is called…Wrath. Slayer Magic: Wrath" said Naruto.

"Good. If it doesn't have any, I thought of suggesting one. Now go, continue your training" said Aldoron and Naruto continued his training. As he was satisfied by the information.

Flashback End

"Light All Slayer's: Wrath," said Naruto. A blinding light engulfed the area and both Natsu's and Naruto's attacks collided with each other. But this time, the winner is clear.

Naruto's attack cut through the flames Natsu's Dragon Roar created and went straight for the Pinkett.

"Oh, oh," said Natsu, seeing the upcoming light. But before it can hit me, it dispersed, leaving him unscathed and confused

"Ah?" Asked a confused Dragonslayer.

"Naruto wins" came the voice of the proctor of the match, Makarov. That statement cut through the confusion in others like a hot knife through butter created by the sudden disappearance of Naruto's attack.

"Naruto won. Yay" shouted Cana in happiness.

"Damn, I thought Natsu would win," said a disappointed Jet.

"What do you expect from an S-class mage?" Asked Levi smugly.

"No matter. He proved his worth as an S-class I guess" concluded Macao.

"No kidding. Those attacks are entirely on a different scale" admired Wakaba, smoking his pipe.

"Naruto, meet me in my office at 7," said Makarov and walked off.

Everyone jumped in to celebrate Naruto's victory and some to tell a confused Natsu how he did great.

A lone figure seeing from the second-floor balcony smirked at this.

"Hn, as if that proves his worth as an S-class mage of Fairy Tail. Worthless scum" said Laxus, who returned from his job recently. He said it aloud and walked off as there was no one to hear that.

"That's a good match, Naruto" came the voice of a female knight as she walked towards him.

"Thanks, Erza. I just want him to know how there will always be someone stronger than us out there. That is a valuable lesson I learned in my training days" said Naruto with a smile.

"I don't know how much your intention worked," said Erza as Natsu was seen shouting towards him as he was just told about the full bet.

"No matter. He'll understand eventually" shrugged off Naruto. Erza nodded in understanding.

"I think someone is waiting for you, blondie," said Cana with a smirk as she walked towards Naruto with a bag in hand.

"Huh, who?" Asked a Naruto confused. He already dropped Sirius at home as Sirius needs rest after using his Battle Mode for a long time.

He was just passing time as his clone was keeping guard and healing his precious son.

"I guess she has white hair and a tomboyish personality. Waiting in the mountains is what I heard" said Cana, handing Naruto his share of the winnings. It is late afternoon and he had a few hours to meet Makarov and so Naruto went to eat lunch and meet that white-haired girl waiting for him?

Meanwhile, In Blue Pegasus Guild

Karen Lilica, the celestial spirit mage whom Naruto saw in Web Valley, was in a bad mood. She was recently scolded by master Bob, the Guild Master of Blue Pegasus.

She was chastised for her habit of being cruel to her spirits mainly to Aries. She did it to divert her attention from her frustration because of her lack of jobs and ineffectiveness.

'Celestial Spirits are living beings with feelings. Keep this in mind, Karen, you will suffer as well if you continue to do as you please to them' were his exact words.

She had been doing it for some time now and was warned by Leo the Lion, whom she calls Loke so many times. She got frustrated and called upon the only person whom she can put force on.

"Open, the Gate of the White Lamb: Aries" called Karen and with a ding dong sound, Aries appeared in front of her.

"How can I help you, Karen?" Asked Aries in a soft tone. Aries is a female spirit who resembles a young woman with pink hair, brown eyes and a pair of twisted horns on her head. She wears clothes that have a white and fluffy wool-like getup.

"How to help me? Are you asking how? All this is because of you" yelled Karen and started beating her. Aries didn't dodge or escape and took everything apologising for her mistake, even though she doesn't know what mistake she did.

"I'll make your stay here permanent" threatened Karen, as her anger didn't subside.

"Please don't. That is against the wishes of the King" pleaded Aries in a pained tone as she is still being beaten.

"Why you!" Said Karen and tried to increase her punishment, when in gold light, another person replaced Aries.

"You have gone too far, Karen. I warned you many times" said Loke in a serious tone. He is in his full celestial spirit brilliance as the last time he came, he wanted to conceal that. He is heartbroken by the way one of his brethren was treated and had enough of it.

"Huh, you again. I didn't summon you, why did you come?" Karen asked in a frustrated tone. She had enough of his ramblings about spirits feelings.

"I had enough of your misbehaviour. And decided to punish myself. I demand you to release us from your contracts" demanded Loke.

"Release you? Please. Who do you think I am? I'll send you immediately" said Karen and tried to force close Loke's gate.

"You can't forcefully send me back. I came here with my own power. Other spirits are afraid of making a contract with you" said Loke in a disappointed tone.

Karen tried her best to send Loke back, but as he said, he didn't go back and stood still.

"I'll remain in this world and wait until you release our contracts. Meet me when you come back to your senses" said Loke and walked off. He sent Aries to the Celestial Spirit world, closing her gate himself.

He knew Karen couldn't summon another spirit as her magic limitation won't allow it. He is going to teach her a good lesson this time.

And Cut

Don't forget to suggest to me the techniques of Mangekyou Sharingan you like Naruto to have and if they are good, they might be given to Naruto.

And with this, 3 abilities of Naruto's Mangekyou are selected. Only one ability remains which you can write to me and I'll select the most interesting one.

Tell me what you think in your comments or DM's.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Black Infinity 1289,

Ja Ne.

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