《Not Yet》Dealing with the Interruption
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"Dragons/Demon” Dragons or Demons Speaking.
‘Dragon/Demon thought’ Dragons thinking.
"Jutsu/ Magic” is being used.
Not Yet
Chapter 14
Dealing with the Interruption
Outskirts of Ceasa Town
The townsfolk were watching everything in wonder. This is the first in some of their lives to see a mage live in action. They cheered as the clouds parted, making way to the beautiful evening sun. 2 figures were seen smirking at the display in front of them.
"Interesting," said one of them.
"Certainly," said the other. These 2 are A&B. The 2 experiments sent by Brain to test the blonde boy.
With Naruto
"Well, that takes care of that annoying rain," said Naruto and turned to the Sea King who started to sweat and a bit pale because of the light.
"You bastard, I'm going to make you pay for this" he yelled and sprinted towards Naruto.
"Sea King's Barrage," said the pale creature and started punching Naruto. Hands made of water in hundreds made their way towards Naruto. The blonde only smirked and with an audible gulp, drank all the water.
"WHAT!?" yelled the King in astonishment.
"I want to say it, but I can't. I decided to keep it a secret until I met someone" said Naruto. The Sea King is having none of it. He attacked again.
"Sea God's Judgment," he said and a large hand made of water started to fell upon Naruto.
'Hmm, what an interesting technique. I like it. I'll copy it,' thought Naruto and activated his Sharingan. He saw the movement of magic in the attack and copied its pattern. It is a good attack. He had enough of this sea thing.
The water never reached Naruto. He dispelled the attack with a wave of his hand. As a Water Dragon Slayer, he has control of all the water in his vicinity passively. Of course, it depends on the level of mastery as well. That applies to any element as well, Dragon Slayer or not. But Dragon Slayer has an advantage here.
"Ok, last chance. Come up with your best attack. After this, I'm leaving" said Naruto in a bored tone. The Sea King saw this and got enraged. He is going to show this useless Human why it is dangerous to mess with The Sea King.
"Sea King's Rage: Cyclone," said the creature. Everything changed. All the water in the area started to move and with a loud sound, the water started to flow in the direction of Naruto. It was an interesting attack for Naruto.
"It seems playtime is over," said Naruto and saw Sirius floating in the air, above the level of the wave. He smiled at his son's battle instinct. It was an clever move in a battle and he should appreciate his son for that later.
"Light Style: Dome of Death," said Naruto. The light formed around the raging water, The Sea King as it's epicentre. It vaporized instantly because of the heat. In the middle
of it was the figure of the dry form of Sea King.
"What's the matter? I thought you were going to teach me a lesson" said Naruto, tauntingly. The Sea King rose his head in rage.
"It is noble of you to think for your fellow aqua life creatures. But it is foolish of you to think of killing humans to make it happen. I hope this teaches a lesson to you " said Naruto and in a flash of light, the creature was cut down into several pieces. The Sea King didn't see what happened but he was killed just like that.
"That's taken care of," said Sirius. With a wind Jutsu, he pushed all the blood into the water nearby and it went into the drains of the town. The town was totally destroyed but the central area where the dome of death was made was vaporized. The surrounding areas got scorched as well. It was a big mess.
Naruto and Sirius slowly made their way out of the town to the townsfolk.
"AMAZING" shouted all the townsfolk in joy.
"You did it, man. Great job" said one of the young people in the crowd.
"Ya, that's my job after all," he said with a smile.
"We thank you, Young mage. Here, take your reward" said the Mayor and gave Naruto a bag of Jewels. Naruto counted them to be 1.7 million Jewels. That's a 70% increase from the reward on the job request.
"I think that is above what was on the job request. But I don't think I should take it all. Take this and repair the damage, old man. 1 million is enough" said Naruto and gave the excess money back to the mayor. He smiled widely at the gesture and Naruto departed the village with Sirius.
After they walked along into the forest, Sirius started talking but Naruto interrupted him.
"You did great today, Siri," said Naruto, ruffling his golden fur.
"How so?" asked the curious Jaguar.
"You instinctively flew into the air when that large wave came. That is very intuitive of you" said Naruto with a smile.
"That Rasenshuriken was amazing," said Sirius. He always liked flashy things much like his father. Naruto liked that a lot about the cute Jaguar. 'Maybe Old Gramps Sage is the reason for that' thought Naruto. After all, that man is the creator of Sirius and he asked for what type of companion Naruto wanted. He created Sirius.
"You will use it soon as well, Siri"
"Do you think so?" Asked Sirius with excitement.
"Yes, my boy. All you need to do is let your body develop. Your Battle form already strains you, I don't want you to damage it more. I don't want you performing Rasenshuriken as it puts more strain on you" said Naruto in a chiding tone.
Sirius's body is strong when compared to other animals or even exceeds. But due to his young age, his body is not fully developed yet at the level where he can perform Rasenshuriken easily. Naruto heals the damage done to his precious son's body from time to time. That is why performing Rasenshuriken is out of the question now.
With the Aero and Basil
He fought the monster well. That gave them some idea about his skills. He can use Wind and some kind of Light magic. They should observe it more carefully.
"That last attack was something," said A or Aero, as they started following Naruto in the forest.
He didn't appear exhausted, but they knew any Mage would be tired after that fight.
They wanted to test him here and now, but they were tasked to test his cap strength and he can't be at cap strength at this moment after a fight like that.
Of course, they can kill him. But they didn't think that would be easy either. So they chose to follow him and test him later, maybe tomorrow.
"I agree. We should look out for that. It almost disintegrated that monster" said B or Basil in a hissing manner.
"Testing him now is waste as he will not be at his full power and killing him is futile as well as that cat beside him appears to be strong" concluded Basil.
"I think we should test him tomorrow," said Aero.
"Yes, it seems like it. I hope he can give me a good challenge" said Basil and they both continued following Naruto wherever he goes. While remembering how that got themselves here in this situation.
Flashback Begin
A Few Days Ago, Unknown Location
In an unknown location lay the headquarters of Oración Seis, one of the strongest Dark Guilds in Fiore. Brain was seen walking across a dimly lit hallway.
He brought a few experiments from his time in the Bureau of Magic Development with him to this new base as pawns and now it is paying off.
Experiments A and B are special and strongest amongst all the failed experiments. He reached a cell that held a person inside. It was grotesque being in its true form and Brain seemed not fazed by its appearance.
"Experiment A, you have work to do," he said in a cold tone.
"If it isn't dead Brain. What is it?" Asked the creature.
"I have an assignment for you and you will be partnered with B, Aero," said the man with a smirk. The creature's human name is Aero.
"Oh, B, you say. Good. Very good. I hope the assignment is going to be interesting" he said and Brain didn't reply.
They walked to another cell and released another creature and they both came here in their human disguises. The location of their target was given to them yesterday, whom it came from, they didn't know and care.
A or Aero. Aero's face is usually concealed behind an elongated, white mask covered with holes. He dons this while in the light, as he has grown weary of questions and offhand remarks regarding his appearance from various people that have seen him. In place of a normal head, he has a large, cylindrical glass capsule filled with red liquid, with two small heads suspended within its confines. The two heads are both tattooed with the letter A and tend to talk in tandem when revealed, giving the effect of two people speaking in turn. The upper head speaks with a deep voice, while the other speaks in a high-pitched, childlike voice. Each head appears to have its level of individuality. As a result of the experiments done on him, this is the body he got. He also got a boost in his magic container and capacity but couldn't control it to a satisfactory level. But he is strong.
His outfit is customized as a request to the Bureau. He wears a dress garb that covers his entire body as opposed to the normal jacket and hakama like other subjects. He also wears a frilly nobles' coat that acts as his replacement jacket and a single white gentleman's glove.
Beside him was B or Basil. Basil usually appears as a pale-skinned androgynous teenage young man with a lean, muscular build. He has long, wispy hair, violet eyes with slit-like pupils, and wears a black crop top and skirt, along with a matching headband with a triangular symbol on it.
Although already formidable in his human form, Basil can assume a much larger, chimeric shape with a serpentine body, multiple pairs of legs, long human-like hair, a bat-like face and red eyes. This is the result of the experiments done on him in the Bureau of Magic Development under Brain's leadership. He lost his humanity and got this in return.
These 2 are the strongest subjects Brain has managed to salvage after his departure from the Bureau. He personally took care of these 2 but didn't have any attachments to them as he just views them as his pawns.
Their mission is simple. Measure the strength of the Mage named Naruto Uzumaki. Test his limits and if possible, kill him. It depends on the circumstances of course. But the main objective is to measure his power and its the max limit.
Flashback End
Scene Break
Next Day
Naruto and Sirius relaxed in a hotel and started for their next job. It is like a missing case. The full job details of the job are:
'Lost in the Maze
Job Location: Web Valley
Job Description: A group of people who were travelling through the Web Valley, near Clover Town, suddenly disappeared. Many people got lost in this natural labyrinth of canyons over the years, but the group was being led by an experienced guide. People nearby have been talking of strange noises coming from the canyons. Investigate and find the lost group, but be wary, as these new noises can't be from just any creature.
Reward: 200,000 jewels per mage'
To get more information on the place they were going to, Naruto picked up a book about everything that is known on Web Valley. It has some interesting details about the mysterious place.
'Web Valley is a part of Clover Canyon. This place is known for its innumerable fissures from an ancient earthquake. It is a great, natural labyrinth where numerous people have been lost and never to return. It was told that even hunters from Hunter Guilds couldn't get out when they lost their bearings.
Web Valley is a part of Clover Canyon which is situated near Clover Town.
Fauna and Flora
Flying Fish
Web Valley is best known for the presence of the famous Hane-Sakana, also known as a "Winged Fish", which looks like a fish with a pair of wings'
It read. That bit was certainly interesting, to say the least. They are currently on their way to Web Valley in the forests near the Clover town. Naruto can sense 2 people following them and as they are quite a distance away from the town, he thought of confronting them
'Siri, prepare for battle. There are 2 people following us,' said Naruto telepathically. Sirius nodded and prepared himself and Naruto called them out.
"I know you are following me, come out, '' said Naruto. No response was given, Naruto threw an explosive tag into a small gap in the bushes and 2 figures lept out. Soon after that, an explosion destroyed the area to smithereens. These 2 people are peculiar in appearance and their scent is also somewhat different.
He observed them closely, they wore different clothes but that is not what he is looking for. They both have 2 scents. One was like a Human and the other like an animal. For the guy on the right, it is fish, while the guy on the left is a snake.
'What is this? I don't understand? Is this some kind of disguise they are maintaining concealing their true form?' Thought Naruto. He observed Sirius' reaction. 'Though Cats don't have an as good sense of smell as a Dragon, Jaguars can hear really well, and their sense of smell is strong as well. That is why Sirius is able to keep up with me well,' thought Naruto.
'Sirius, I know you want to fight. But I want you to be safe. I am not saying to not fight. But be careful. They have 2 scents each. I think they are concealing their true form. You fight the one on the right one if it comes to that. He smells like fish,' said Naruto. Sirius nodded his head. Their enemies didn't know about the conversation that happened and as good villains, they started introducing themselves.
"Greetings, Naruto Uzumaki and Sirius. We are here on a mission" said the guy on the right as if it was some high-level business meeting.
"You can go ahead then," said Naruto. They both nodded.
"My name is Aero and this is my companion Basil" he introduced and Naruto nodded.
"Where we are from and who sent us is not required. But our mission is simple. We are here to test you" said Basil. Naruto raised an eyebrow at that. Are they telling me to show them my power?
"I think you made yourself clear. If that is all you want, I'm willing to entertain it" said Naruto and Sirius backed off.
"As a bonus, you can even test my partner here," said Naruto and Sirius's body was buffed into his Battle mode.
Both of their opponents took notice of this and slipped into their battle stances respectively. This time, it is clear. Aero slipped back while Basil recoiled as if to attack by coiling outwards.
Naruto wants to fight Basil because of his suspicion of the man's appearance to be a snake. In case he was bitten, the poison will have an effect on Naruto as the Kyuubi's Chakra remaining in him nullifies it and if it doesn't, then his magic will do the job.
'Sirius, take the fish. I'll take that snake' thought Naruto and they divided to take care of their opponents. Naruto lept towards the recoiled snake while Sirius jumped on the Aero.
"I think our opponents are decided, Basil. I'll see you after your battle" said Aero and jumped back to evade Sirius' sword strike. Basil didn't reply but dodges Naruto's attack and they separated from each other.
Though Naruto doesn't want to leave Sirius alone with an opponent like that, he can't always be with his son. He thought of leaving him for once and focused on his opponent.
"You have a lot of nerve to come and ask me of my capabilities like that"
"Talking, are you. I'm not the one in charge of negotiations. I'm here to fight and if possible, exterminate you" said Basil in a cold tone. His nails elongated and became claws as he attacked Naruto.
"Cheap tricks like that don't work on me"
"Then how about these," said Basil and gas shot out of his claws. Naruto evaded it and it hit a nearby tree. It lost its colour and died in seconds.
"Poison!" Said Naruto. He saw so many types of poisons, but one with such a deteriorating effect is his first time.
"Yes, it is a very corrosive poison. I know I can't hold back with a mage like you. It is best if you show me your best. Unless you don't want to go out of this alive" said Basil in a dark tone and Naruto smirked at his enemy.
"My best, you say. Don't make me laugh. Poison like that can't even penetrate my shield" said Naruto as his face turned serious. His body was engulfed in white light with an orange tint to it. His speed, reflexes as strength increased drastically and his enemy made note of this. Is it becoming difficult to dodge his attacks as time goes on.
"Fine, I think I can't hold back anymore. I think my regeneration in this form can not hold a candle to that intensity and power" said Basil and his form changed.
His body came off as if it was like a mask and his body changed. His body took a more serpentine shape with green scales and a black underbelly. He has 3 horns, 2 to the side and 1 in the middle of his head with red eyes looking coldly at Naruto.
"You see, this is my original body. I can't do my missions like this, so that is why I take that human form" said Basil, his tongue slithering out like a Snake's. He reminded Naruto so much of Orochimaru. The mad scientist is also just like this guy when he fought Naruto in the forest of Death and on Tsunade's retrieval mission with Jiraiya.
"I have experience in dealing with snakes," said Naruto in a cocky tone.
"Oh, is it? Then why don't we take this a step further" said Basil and lunged at Naruto and tried to bite the blonde boy. However, his light barrier stopped him in his attack and he jumped back when he sensed a magic build up.
Which appeared to be the right call as moments after his jump, a large blast came out of the area he jumped at.
"If I can't use my body, then I'll use magic" hissed the snake to himself and a purple cloud of most made its way towards Naruto. Naruto dispelled it easy with a moment of his hand.
'Basil, don't waste your time playing with him. He is too dangerous to do that. Start attacking him with large scale attacks and if need be, target the nearest village. Push him to use his best attacks. I already kept an eye on him by a fish floating around you. It is recording the fight. Make sure you push him' came the strained voice of his partner, Aero.
'Is his fight with that cat pushing him to use such attacks already and if that cat is pushing Aero that much, then how much can he push me' thought Basil. In his thoughts, he completely dropped his guard and Naruto cashed it. A jaw shattering punch hit Basil's jaw and it nearly broke his jaw. He stumbled back because of the force behind that punch.
"That was the hardest jaw I have ever punched," said Naruto. Basil glared at the blonde boy. His jaw soon started to emit smoke and it healed completely.
"Oh, you have a good healing rate," complimented Naruto.
"You'll regret playing with me, foolish boy," said Basil. Naruto sensed a large build of magic that was concentrated towards him. He smirked at his opponent.
"That's what I'm waiting for. Show me if you are worthy of witnessing my power" said Naruto.
"Scale Bullets," said Basil and the scales on his body came out and started attacking the blonde boy. Naruto fired an equal amount of light needles to counter it and it not only nullified it, but some explosions came out of it as well.
'So he can either bend light to his will or use it as an element. Such versatile magic. I should be careful with it'
"Poison Fang," said Basil and jumped on Naruto. Because of the heavyweight of his body, most of his opponents can't lift him and will become victims of his deadly poison and he thought the same will happen in this case. But boy he was wrong.
"Light Sword," said Naruto and slashed his body into pieces. Basil felt the pain but couldn't do anything. His regeneration took time to regenerate the sliced part. He felt something different in the newly regenerated part. It felt like burning.
"Feeling burning sensation? Well, my light is special. It not only cuts the part but injects it with hot light particles which burn them from inside. So, even though you regenerate it, it will be like rubber and can be cut easily because of the small light particles in it" said Naruto in a matter of fact tone. Basil didn't suffer this much pain in a long time.
"Damn you, bastard. Aero will kill your partner. I had enough information about you. I'll see you soon" said Basil and vanished. Naruto smirked at that. Poor fellow underestimated Naruto, again.
With Sirius, A Few moments prior
"You have a lot of nerve to attack me while I'm talking, kitty," said Aero mockingly.
"I know you are weakling, so I attacked to make sure you don't escape," said Sirius in a smug tone. It came out more cockily as he is in his battle mode.
"Confident in yourself I see. Well, let's test that confidence" said Aero and his hands turned to fish-like fins and he attacked Sirius. Having a sword in his hand, Sirius deflected most of the attacks or blocked them with his sword. They were going at it when suddenly Aero felt his fin cutting.
He turned back to see a smirked Sirius with his sword having the blood of his fin.
"You impudent cat. How dare you cut me. I'm going to kill you" said Aero and his body changed into a shark-like appearance. But the weirdest thing to Sirius is there are 2 heads instead of one head and they are talking to each other simultaneously.
"Come at me with all you got. I'll send your severed head to that cocky boy as a gift" said Aero. Sirius got angry at that. His muscles bulged with power and his sword got a blue tint to it. Electricity started crackling at the tip of his blade.
During the course of 3 years, his father trained him in all his 3 elements. Wind and Lightning being main and Water being secondary. He liked Lightning the most in all of them as it is as flashy as his father's Light magic.
Though he uses wind most of the time, when it comes to showing his true talent it is going to be lightning. And he is going to use this weapon against his opponent. He mocked him and he said something which made Sirius angry.
"Raijin no Ken," said Sirius. This is a Kenjutsu style which his Grandfather, Minato Namikaze created along with his Hiraishin Jutsu. Naruto taught him how to use this style along with his elemental training. He can use all 3 elements with his sword but he learned this style because of its speed and reflex time it grants to the user. Naruto developed a new style from this to his Light Slayer magic.
Sirius's sword was engulfed in lightning and he made his move. He moved in all directions and attacked when his opponent's concentration was somewhere else.
Aero was giving his message of not underestimating his opponent to his partner Basil. He is not going to lose to a small cat.
"Lightning Style: Thunder Clap," said Sirius. A bolt of lightning struck the area where Aero stood.
"I must admit, you are strong, cat. But that's not going to save you from me" said Aero. Sirius can see his gills open and made a small sound. Sirius couldn't hear it, but after that, a loud rumble can be heard.
Sirius turned his head to see a large mass of flying fish coming towards them, or more accurately, towards him.
"What?" Asked an incredulous Sirius.
"That blonde was correct in sending you against me as I'm weaker when compared to Basil strength wise, but I can control fish. Any type of fish as long as they are audible, can be put under my command. The Web Valley is full of Flying fish. That is why we chose this part. Now what can you do against a 1000 fish" said Aero and laughed maniacally.
"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu," said Sirius. 2 Shadow Clones came to life. 3 of them nodded to each other.
"Water Style: Raging Water Wave," said 1 clone and released a large amount of water in the direction of all the flying fish.
"Lightning Style: Electro-Magnetic Murder," said another clone and pulsed the lightning through.
"Wind Style: Suppressing Winds," said the original Sirius and pushed his hands down in the direction of the mob of flying fish and they were thrown towards the electrified water by a strong wind blast. They fell into the water and were electrocuted to death.
"Nnnnnnnnnooooooo" yelled Aero in horror. This cat has killed all 1000 flying fish he had managed to take control of in just 3 attacks and what are those copies and how could they perform magic.
"That takes care of all the flying fish. Now it's your time" said Sirius.
"Shit. No. I'm not gonna die. I'll be back. I'll take my revenge" said Aero. But before he could move, a large explosion stopped him from escaping, momentarily diverting his attention.
"No, you are not" came to the voice of the cat near Aero's ear and his head was cut into pieces.
"I'm…useless. I'm...so...rry...Br-" were his last words before his last breath left him. Sirius heard it, but because the fish didn't complete it, he doesn't know whom Aero is referring to.
"Good job, Siri" came the voice of Naruto.
"Papa. It seems someone named Br- is the one responsible for this. Those were his last words, he is apologising to that person" said Sirius.
"Don't worry about it. My opponent will show us the way to their lair" said Naruto ruffling the golden fur of the jaguar affectionately.
"Hey, don't do that. I'm not a kid" said Sirius, indignantly.
"Ok, big guy. Now come on, we have a job to do" said Naruto and Sirius nodded and they continued their journey.
And Cut
Don't forget to suggest to me the techniques of Mangekyou Sharingan you like Naruto to have and if they are good, they might be given to Naruto.
And with this, 3 abilities of Naruto's Mangekyou are selected. Only one ability remains which you can write to me and I'll select the most interesting one.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Black Infinity 1289,
Ja Ne.
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