《Not Yet》Forging Bonds
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"Dragons/Demon” Dragons or Demons Speaking.
‘Dragon/Demon thought’ Dragons thinking.
"Jutsu/ Magic” is being used.
Not Yet
Chapter 12
Forging Bonds
Naruto reminisced about the new people he met and enjoyed himself before the Guild brawl started. Deciding to get to know his peers better, he started to talk with others.
He is going to make sure he remembers all of them. He is not going to be like his old self in the Shinobi World. He vowed and started his campaign.
He knew some of them. Makarov the 3rd Guildmaster, Gildarts, Mira, Erza, Natsu, Gray, Happy, Lisanna, Cana, Happy, Levi and Elfman the most. He was acquainted with people like Jet, Droy, Macao and Wakaba. He should know most of them to call himself a good Guild member and to get a better grasp on the Guild, he decided to become part of its activities.
He started with the Thunder God Tribe. He went to a relaxing Laxus, who was relaxing in a chair on the second floor to start his campaign, Sirius following, flying along.
"Yo, Laxus. How is it going?" asked Naruto jovially. Laxus tilted his head to see who is it and it was that annoying blonde newbie.
Laxus is a very tall and muscular young man with blue/grey eyes, his blond hair slicked back, its numerous spiky strands pointing backwards, though some fall down in a small tuft on his forehead. His blonde shade is a bit lighter than Naruto's. He has a distinct lightning bolt-shaped scar on his right eye, his eyes have dark circles, with each of them possessing a single, prominent eyelash jutting outwards. Laxus always wears a "Sound Pod" model of Magic Headphones. His black Fairy Tail stamp is located on his left rib cage and is surrounded by a large tribal tattoo, which extends up to his left shoulder and covers part of the corresponding upper back.
He had a muscular body and sharp canines. Naruto can smell lightning all over this guy and he concluded why.
'Oh, a Dragon Slayer. But his magic seems different. Maybe he is a Second Generation Dragon Slayer as opposed to me, The Third Generation. Tou-san told me about the process to become one after all' thought Naruto. It is good to know that there is another Dragon Slayer around.
Laxus donned a leopard-print, orange tunic with dark-lined sleeves reaching down below his elbows, and fur on the lower edges. He sported a bright red cape, tied on the front with a garish knot, which bore a large, lighter Fairy Tail symbol on the back, and loose, baggy dark pants tucked inside light metal greaves. Around his waist was a simple belt to which he attached the device linked to his Magic Headphones. He also had a small chain tied around his right wrist.
"When I first saw you, I thought you were strong as Gildarts recommended you," he said in a neutral tone.
"Oh, then what do you think now?" Asked Naruto curiously.
"Now, you are a complete bluffer who became an S-class just by luck," he said in an annoyed tone. Naruto smirked at this.
He cast that Genjutsu for a reason after all. Humans don't believe some things even if the evidence clearly lay in front of them. They refuse to believe it, as it is a natural part of the human brain psychology.
Mages, though special, are still human, Fairy Tail being no exception. Take his own personal example.
He was mistreated his whole life because of Konoha citizens fear of Kyuubi, even though he is in front of them behaving and being just like any other kid. He lost so many things for this hatred and he is not going to give these people another change like that.
He knew Fairy Tail is a good Guild and things like that doesn't happen, but he, Naruto, who joined just now, defeating a well known and strong member like Gildarts will not be acknowledged. He knew that.
Not that the people are at fault or anything. It's just their instincts tell them otherwise and it may cause resentment towards him if he tells them to believe otherwise. He didn't want that to happen and so he acted. People who saw knew the truth and that was enough for him. They knew what happened. He wants people to trust him, not to resent him. And so he acted.
"That's how it is, huh," said Naruto.
"It's a shame that I can't appeal to gramps to undo your promotion," said Laxus in disdain.
"Well, I can't help it now, can I?" Said Naruto in a mocking tone. He got an immediate reaction from Laxus, he stood up from the chair he was sitting on and glared at Naruto in anger.
"You better get strong. I don't want you running around and get the reputation of Fairy Tail down by your actions" said Laxus with a glare. Naruto just smirked at that.
"I'll do my best," said Naruto and Laxus promptly vanished in lightning. Naruto got a good read on Laxus now. He just wanted to know how to deal with other members and enacted his plan. He went to greet the other members of the Thunder God Tribe. Freed, Bickslow and Evergreen. He found them talking to each other and walked towards them.
Freed is a slim man of average height with waist-length light-green hair; his bangs are brushed to one side, covering the majority of the right side of his face, as well as a pair of thin lightning bolt-shaped strands jutting out backwards from the sides of his head. His hair is gathered at the end and tied in a short ponytail with a grey ribbon. Freed's eyes are greenish-blue, beneath the left one lies a small beauty mark. In addition, Freed possesses prominent eyelashes. His green Fairy Tail Mark is located on the back of his left hand.
Freed's outfit consists of a dark red knee-length double-breasted coat, which possesses a wide collar, large lighter-coloured cuffs decorated by a darker line on the back part, and edges adorned by two, thin golden lines each. There are four yellow buttons closing said coat; the coat being red. Over it, around Freed's waist, is a pair of buckled belts, attached to which, on his left hip, is his sword. Underneath, he wears a simple, light-coloured shirt with large cuffs and a mildly high collar, mostly obscured by other pieces of his clothing, among which a light cravat tie around his neck, with the lower part, tucked inside the coat. Freed's attire is completed by a pair of loose light-coloured pants tucked inside simple knee height boots, each sporting a line of small buttons on their respective outer sides.
Next to him was Evergreen. She has light brown hair, dark brown eyes and visible pink lips. She wears oval glasses and has a developing figure. Her hair was arranged in a sideways ponytail and she wore a green dress that had movable wings on the back of it. She wore navy blue stockings along with white sandals and carried around a feathered purple fan with three hearts on it. Her green guild stamp is located on the right side of her bust.
And the last member is Bickslow. He is a tall man with a mildly muscular build and broad shoulders. His hair is blue and black, with the black parts being almost shaven, and the blue ones, occupying the top and the sides of his head, being much longer, with the one of the top being styled in a mohawk-like crest, and the ones on the sides pointing backwards. Bickslow’s large eyebrows are also blue, and the upper part of his nose and his forehead bears the tattoo of a stylized man extending his long, curved arms outwards. His irises each have a concentric circle surrounding the pupils inside them. He also has prominent eyelashes ending in a spiralling curved motif, each placed at one of his large eyes’ sides, the pair of eyelashes pointing towards his nose are headed downwards, while the outer ones jut upwards. Below his eyes are two slightly curved lines pointing downwards. His black Fairy Tail stamp is located on the upper part of his tongue, often visible due to him sticking it out.
Bickslow’s upper body is covered in a dark, mildly fitting cloth covered in vertical white stripes, which extend up to his head to cover it in a tight hood, exposing only his hands and face. The upper part of the latter, however, is almost always obscured by a metal visor reminiscent of a Medieval sallet, which comes covered with eight small, elongated holes, with four of them in front of each of his eyes, allowing him to see, but preventing others from seeing his eyes. He wears large armbands, and he has large shoulder pads each with skulls on its centre. His waist is circled by a simple dark band, which holds up a massive waist guard made of cloth, which comes in four long, light-coloured pieces, each adorned by a dark "X", reaching down below his knees. Under such a waist guard, Bickslow dons a pair of extremely baggy, loose dark pants, with each leg being adorned by a pair of lighter-coloured belts crossing in an "X" formation. Those pants are tucked inside a pair of light, armoured greaves.
"Yo" greeted Naruto warmly.
"Yes, Mr Naruto. Congratulations on making S-class" said Freed and both Evergreen and Bickslow nodded in unison.
"Thanks. I don't think Laxus is happy with it" said Naruto, staring at the empty seat he occupied before he left.
"Well, Laxus is different," said Freed.
"Yes, he doesn't like we-" started Evergreen and was stopped by Bickslow. Naruto noticed it but didn't question it.
"What she is saying is, he might have seen your win as a fluke," said Bickslow, his tongue sticking out, showing his black Fairy Tail Guild mark.
"Well, I can't fault him I guess. After all, beating Gildarts is not easy" he said with a smile and they all nodded.
"No doubt. He is a monster" said Freed.
"Well guys, it seems you are enjoying, sorry to disturb you," said Naruto.
"Not a problem, have a great day," said Freed and Naruto moved forward.
"Hey, Naruto, that's just great," said Cana as she gave him a one-hand hug while carrying a mug filled with booze.
"We must celebrate this occasion. Come, drink" she said, half-drunk and gave Naruto her mug.
"I think I'll pass. Not that I don't like it, but I want to meet others, you know" he said, pushing the mug she is giving him. The booze smell was strong. He took a whiff of the air. Something fell off.
He took another whiff of the air. He can smell it, 2 smells, which are similar but not identical. With all the string scents around, he can't concentrate on that particular one. He could have sworn he knew the other person.
The smell of the alcohol is disrupting his smell, he is very near to figuring it out. 2 people, of similar scents but not to the point of being identical, who are they. Only if he knew who the other person is. Maybe he should spend time with others to get a good read on others smells as well.
After all, an enhanced sense of smell is one of the important traits of a Dragon Slayer and he can't call himself a good son to his father if he can't remember the smells of his Guild members. And so he continued with his efforts in familiarising others.
He is going on to meet other people when he was interrupted by a call of his name.
"Naruto," called a female voice. He turned to see Levi walking towards him with Jet and Droy in tow.
Levy is a young, petite teenage girl of a slender build who stands at a rather below-average height for her age. Her shoulder-length blue hair, which has eyebrow-length bangs, is normally tied up with a colourful bandana around her head. Her preference of clothing appears to be of a school girl type as she is wearing a white tank top with a red tie and a green and blue dress underneath and a blue skirt which reached below her knees.
He knew her well. They are study mates. He knew her magic, Solid Script well, a magic that can bring the words spoken or written to life. As a Fuuinjutsu user, he can relate to her to some extent.
"Hey, Levi" he greeted back.
"Congratulations on making S-class" she exclaimed and hugged him. He is close to her as much as he is with Mira or Natsu, she is a good friend of his as she always comes to the Guild Library with him when he is around and not on jobs.
"Thanks, Levi," he said and he could have sworn he smelt something burning but it dissipated fastly, to point out what. He turned to her and smiled widely.
"You know, I have something for you," he said, building up some suspense.
"What is it?" She asked curiously.
"These," he said and pulled some books on Solid Script magic.
"Wow. Where did you get these?" she asked excitedly.
"I found them in our Guild's main library," said Naruto. They planned to draw a complex structure after all. With practice, she can reach up to his level of mastery. Levi gave them a dreamy look and continued staring at them while Jet and Droy greeted him.
"Congrats man," said Jet.
"Ya, congrats" repeated Droy. Naruto turned to look at them.
Jet is a slim, young man of average height with orange hair, kept jutting backwards at the sides of his head. He has a sharp face, a prominent, flat and defined nose pointing downwards, and distinctive teeth, with a protruding, sharp, triangular-shaped upper molar complemented by a chipped portion on the lower row, something which allows him to close his teeth completely despite such a peculiar physical irregularity.
Jet wears a light-brown coat with yellowish fur trimmings on its edges and sleeves, which reach down below his elbows. Below it was a high-collared purple shirt, with its collar mostly left open, which was sometimes seen left hanging over the checkered belt below it, with a rectangular buckle, and others tucked inside the baggy dark pants covering Jet’s legs, in turn, tucked inside dark boots. He wears a bracelet composed of thin ropes around his right wrist, and a watch around his left. The most distinctive piece of his attire is probably the fancy, extremely high hat matching his coat, with a large brim and fur trimmings over its entire length, at regular intervals, plus a large furry ball on its top.
Droy was a tall, slim young man with black hair kept in an unusual, distinctive hairstyle, with a tuft of hair on top of his head jutting upwards and then curving frontwards, being reminiscent of a plant’s stem. His hair extends in a rounded form on his forehead and was cut on both sides of Droy’s head in a spiralling motif. Droy has dark eyes and thin dark eyebrows pointing downwards at their outer edges; his rectangular-shaped face sported sharp features, with prominent cheekbones.
"Thanks, guys," said Naruto.
"So, did you find something interesting?" Asked Levi in hope.
"What do you mean?" Asked Sirius, taking for the first time in this whole trip.
"Ah, Sirius. So you are with Naruto, huh" said Levi, as she picked the small jaguar into her hands and hugged him.
"Of course, I'm" he groaned as he doesn't like being petted. He thinks of himself to be a mature guy.
"Now, now, Siri. Stop being whiney" chastised Naruto.
"Yes, there are so many books in that library, the one in our Guild pales in comparison," he said and Levi got stars in her eyes.
"Really, come on, take me there" she pleaded with Naruto.
"I can't. Master said it is only for S-class mages or at least, S-class trial candidates only and we aren't even allowed to bring them back here. I managed to copy a few and bring them with me" he said, gesturing to the books he gave to her.
"Fine. I'm going to make S-class and find more of them" said Levi and Naruto smiled. He was introduced to other members like Alzack, Max, Warren and Reedus by Levi. They were all good guys and he managed to learn some new things about them and it was fun.
When he sat on the stool to the bar counter, a new face greeted him.
"Hello there" came a female voice. Naruto turned to see a slim young teen girl of average height with straight, pale lavender hair set in a bowl cut-like style, with her fringe covering the left part of her forehead, and the right side exposed. Her two bangs framing her face and her forehead being covered by her fringe. She has brown eyes, and a large, dark-coloured ribbon adorning the top of her head. She is wearing a pair of simple glasses with oval lenses.
Her outfit was composed of a light-coloured coat reaching down below her waist, with dark cuffs retaining the original colour on their back edges, a dark cravat tie around the collar, tight-fitting dark pants tucked inside light-coloured boots with dark soles, and light-coloured gloves. She also had a small, dark satchel adorned by a pair of small hearts hanging on her right hip, seemingly attached to her waist.
"Yo," greeted Naruto.
"My name is Laki, Laki Olietta. Nice to meet you" she said in a pleasant tone.
"Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki and this is my friend, Sirius," said Naruto as Sirius was on his left shoulder. He doesn't sit there anymore, but when Naruto and Sirius were training, Sirius used to sit on Naruto's left shoulder to avoid sitting close to that Bic Lizart as he would like to call Aldoron. It has become a bonding moment since then where they both would talk and after joining Fairy Tail, he didn't do it till now.
Today is special as Naruto made to S-class, he pulled all stops and so he is sitting on Naruto's left shoulder happily enjoying the pleasant evening.
"I know. Um, well, I just want to congratulate you, that's all" she said in haste.
"Thanks. By the way, what do you do, if you don't mind me asking? '' said Naruto. He doesn't know this girl well. He had seen her walking around the bar and talking to others.
"Well, I'm a mage and I can use Wood Make magic," said Laki, producing a small piece of wood from her hands. Naruto got interested.
From her scent, he concluded she can use wood magic and so he asked it to confirm. As a Wood Dragon God Slayer, it is good to know there are some other wood magic users. He can give her guidance and she has the potential to be a great mage.
"Well, that's good to know. Do you have any future plans?" He asked and she pondered for a minute. She seemed shy to answer him.
"Um, I want to be-become a carpenter," she said, stammering in the middle.
"That's a good goal. Why do you think of becoming that?" Asked Naruto.
"As you know, our Guild had very destructive tendencies and the thing which suffers the most is our Guildhall. I don't want to hire carpenters to repair the damage or rebuild it. That's why if I become a good carpenter, I can repair it in no time, right?" Laki said confidently at the end.
Naruto should admit, the girl was intriguing. She is aiming to become what he can do now. He destroys the area but repairs it at the end with his magic to minimise the damages and costs. She is aiming to become just that. She seems determined as well.
"Well, in that case, here, take these," he said and dropped some books on the table.
"What? What are these?" She asked confused and cautiously.
"No, no. No need to be cautious. These are some books that are available in our Guild library on the Tenrou Island on Maker magic. It might help you. I think there are some techniques as well"
"Really? Why are you giving them to me?"
"Don't you think, you learning these will help our Guild?" Said Naruto with a smile.
"That's why. I'm not a fan of repairing things when that idiot damages everything and you learning these will definitely help things" said Naruto gesturing to Natsu who was eating something.
"I promise I'll do my best," she said in a meek tone.
"Good. All the best" said Naruto.
"Say, don't you think we are not celebrating properly?" Asked Sirius with a mischievous smirk.
"Ya, it seems awfully calm for a party. Don't you think so, Laki" asked Naruto with the same mischievous smile as Sirius.
"You think so?"
"Yep. Time to spice things up" he said and sent a small wind blade formed in his hand.
He threw it towards the flames Natsu was eating. The fire was put out. Gray sneezed at the same time, making it more authentic.
"What!" Shouted Natsu.
"Who is it? Who put my precious flames out" said Natsu in panic and heard a sneeze and turned to the person in question.
"You stripper. I knew it. It was you!" exclaimed Natsu.
"What? What are you taking, flame brain? Didn't anyone tell you how to behave like a man?" Asked Gray.
"Dare to say again?" Said Natsu as he stepped forward.
"I'll. Didn't anyone tell you about manners?" Said Gray as he took a step forward.
"As if you know, stripper," said Natsu.
"Gray, your clothes," said Cana in the middle of their argument.
"Crap, I lost them again," said Gray.
"See," said Natsu and gave a toothy smile as if proving something.
"What are you smiling at flame brain? Did anyone tell you about your stupidity?" Said Gray and they were head butting at the moment.
"That's it, I'm roasting you," said Natsu and his hands were engulfed in fire.
"As if you could," said Gray and his hands were giving a white mist, his ice magic coming to life.
"Fire Dragon's: Iron Fist," said Natsu and lunged towards Gray.
"Ice-Make: Shield," said Gray and an ice shield formed in front of him, blocking the fire Dragon Slayer.
"Fire Dragon's: Wing Attack," said Natsu and a fire arc went towards Gray which was blocked by another shield.
"Ice-Make: Cannon," said Gray and a small cannon made of ice started shooting balls of ice towards Natsu which the fire mage dodged. They hit other people who were lounging around the Guild. One of them is Max.
Max is a slim young teen of average height with beige hair kept in a bowl undercut, with two large, straight bangs framing and partially covering the sides of his face, he has dark eyes and thin, dark eyebrows.
Max's outfit consists of a simple, open-collared blue shirt with rolled-up sleeves, loose dark blue pants with torn hemlines, and light-coloured plain shoes.
Max was happily drinking some juice when a ball of ice hit him from the back and his juice fell all over him, spoiling not only his clothes but also his face.
"Who is it!" Exclaimed Max but because of some unfortunate circumstances, another ice lance came towards him. He used his sand magic to protect him and the sand particles and ice together splashed across other members because of the heavy impact.
"Sand Wall," he said and a wall of same came to life and protected him but the sand was thrown across the hall.
The people who were injured by it started throwing whatever they got their hands on towards others.
"Now that was a lively Guild," said Naruto.
"I agree," said Sirius. Happy was seen flying helplessly in all the chaos.
"What! Why do you do this" asked Laki in confusion?
"Didn't you tell me you want to be a good carpenter? Go on, practise" said Naruto, gesturing towards the plucked floorboards and stools. Laki's mouth fell agape as Naruto left her.
"Careful, if you open your mouth like that, sand might go in," said Naruto and left and as he said, a small ball of sand hit Laki's face. Who threw it is not known in the midst of all the chaos.
With Erza
Erza was happily munching on a strawberry cake that was gifted by Naruto when a small ball of ice came and damaged it. She turned outraged at the person who threw it only to see the beginning of a Guild brawl.
She became angry and turned to discipline them back in line when an apple pie hit her square in the face. She couldn't dodge as the pie was very fast to dodge and she didn't see it coming.
She turned to see the culprit, only to see the smirking face of Mirajane looking at her smugly.
"What, do you think as you are S-class now, you can beat me?" Said Mira.
"Don't do it now. I just want to enjoy the evening" said Erza.
"Are you kidding me? You can't escape me. Did you forget? Until you beat me, it doesn't matter even if you make S-class" said Mira. Erza didn't seem to take this seriously and Mira taunted further.
"I thought you are a warrior, Erza. Where is that spirit? Or did your spirit ran away when you saw me" she said arrogantly with a smirk?
"So be it. I accept" said Erza and turned to Mira. She was smirking with an apple pie in her hand. She threw it and Erza dodged it this time. They started hand to hand combat. Punches, kicks, jabs, hooks were thrown and both dodged the other easily.
After some time the fight went nowhere and so they decided to take it a step further and used their respective magics.
"Requip: Heavens Wheel," she said, her body was enveloped in a bright golden flash changing her Heart Kreuz armour which sports a breastplate composed of a single piece of metal, decorated by curved lines and by a deformed version of Heart Kreuz's mark, with the cross' right arm extending to the right part of Erza's chest, and the blue mark of Fairy Tail is located under the cross itself.
Requip Magic allows the users to store items in a pocket dimension so they can easily summon them at any time, even during battle, which gives them a high level of flexibility in combat. However, there is a limit to how much the pocket dimension can store.
Requip can be used for simple or combat-related purposes. Some users may just choose to use it to change their clothing.
Requip users can also project a holographic inventory screen where they can view and organize items in their pocket dimension, as well as add items without the user equipping it on themselves.
Erza's is Knight type Requip and she stores her armours and swords there. Her Heaven's Wheel Armor is plated armour covering her chest, with a large metal flower over it, and she wears a large billowing skirt that has metal plating in the upper area. Her stomach and neck are uncovered, and she has large metal wings that appear to be made of individual blades, as well as a wing-like headpiece.
Seeing this, Mira smirked and changed into her battle form as well.
"Take Over: Satan Soul," said Mira and her body were engulfed in a bright golden flash much like Erza's before.
Take Over allows the user to, essentially, "take over" the power of an entity and use it to fight. It can increase the power, strength, and speed of the Caster, sometimes adding a new skill, such as flying or breathing underwater. One can only "take over" the power of beings that they truly "know". There are few types of Take Over magic and the type Mirajane uses is Satan Soul.
Satan Soul is a very powerful spell, as well as the source of her epithet "The She-Devil". Satan Soul allows Mira to take over the appearance, abilities and powers of a demonic being. In such a state, her eyes, eyelashes, ears, and hair all change drastically, and dark, thin markings appear all over her body. Her forearms and hands become covered in scales, and each sprouts a fin-like protrusion on its outer side. She also grows a large, stocky tail, seemingly made of metal plates or scales. Her clothing also changes, with any attire she might be wearing being replaced by a dark, skimpy one-piece suit revealing her arms and legs, which is open on the front and the back, exposing most of her belly, wide cleavage and upper back too. She also dons a pair of gauntlets covering the back parts of her transformed arms.
They started their fight again, this time it was serious. They fought hand to hand much like earlier, as it is indoors, they don't want to use magic. Even this made some impressions on others.
First, all other fights were stopped, mesmerized by the battle of the two girls. After that, someone realised that even if Erza is fighting, then there is no point in stopping now.
"See, even Erza is enjoying it," said someone in the crowd.
"YEAH" cheered all of them. And with reinvigorated spirits, the Guild Brawl continued, making it the most damaging brawl ever.
And Cut
Don't forget to suggest to me the techniques of Mangekyou Sharingan you like Naruto to have and if they are good, they might be given to Naruto.
Only one ability of the Mangekyou remains which you can write to me and I'll select the most interesting one.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Black Infinity 1289,
Ja Ne.
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