《Not Yet》The Secret Mission Part-2
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"Dragons/Demon” Dragons or Demons Speaking.
‘Dragon/Demon thought’ Dragons thinking.
"Jutsu/ Magic” is being used.
Not Yet
Chapter 10
The Secret Mission Part-2
They continued their meeting without any further interruptions or delays. Naruto saw through it without any hitch. But something is screaming in him. It was as if it was all pre-planned. He doesn't know why, but everything happening here seems too much convenient to him.
He entered and went straight through Millianna's room without anyone detecting him. For a Tower this large, you can expect at least some sensory lacrima's which show you anyone's moment in them or some kind of security. But he encountered none.
And the second thing that didn't make any sense is, Millianna was not able to see or sense them when they are just behind the wooden sheet that was obscuring her to the wall. He expected all the mages at least a bit trained in such a large elaborate building.
But there was none. All the doors were open for him as if they are inviting him in and asking him to spy on them. That didn't make any sense to him. Even now, he is not using any special magic to hide. He and Sirius are just behind another wall that is hiding them from the place they all were standing.
He knew how magic works as someone who learnt from basics, Magic gives any half-assed mage a sensory ability that enables them to sense their surroundings. And for people who are well trained in sensing, sensing their surroundings is an involuntary thing.
Dragon Slayers like him can sense anything within a specific range which gets amplified when they are in their element in which case all their senses will be heightened. Sirius can sense up to 100 meters around him. He can sense anyone's magic capacity and their magic density easily.
Sirius always keeps it off as Naruto will always be at his side and Naruto's magic is a big distraction to him with his extra large reserves and its density. But the point is simple, they want him to see everything.
He also observed the fact that by the way, they greeted each other, they don't meet regularly and if he assumes they meet periodically, he has this sense that this was being staged. Everything he is seeing is pre-planned and scripted as if they want to make something clear to someone and using him as a means.
Sirius observed the concentrated face of his father's face. He knew something is amiss by the way things are going. Naruto warned him of potential skirmish or being found and he was prepared to fight when he came in with Naruto.
It is odd when anyone didn't sense them even when they are not using magic to hide. Naruto thought of pranking that cat girl by suddenly coming out like a ghost and scare her. But he felt as if they were pranked here.
'What is it, Papa. I got this feeling that something is wrong'
'You are not wrong, Siri. I am also getting the same feeling. It was like seeing a movie back in my world, where everyone act according to a script in which is detailed and explained' Naruto said it in a disturbingly calm tone that scared Sirius.
'What do you mean scripted. Are you telling me that they all staged this for us to come and see?' asked a confused Sirius. He is getting a good grasp on Humans and their behaviours now, but it seems he is just seeing the tip of an Ice Burg.
'Yes, I'm of that opinion. Ok, I got an idea. Use hiding like a mole and submerge into the ground, I'll use my Sharingan to scan the area and we'll proceed further after that' said Naruto and Sirius sank into the earth floor.
Naruto activated his Sharingan and scanned the area. He can sense the tense movement of muscles in the people in the throne room. This only adds to his suspicion. They somehow got a tip of his arrival and investigation. 'But how. This is an unofficial mission. Only the Council and Legal Guild Masters know about this Job request. If they somehow knew it, then there might a spy in any of the Guilds or The Council itself. It seems the reason to keep an eye on the Council became even bigger priority now' thought Naruto. He wanted to test his theory and sank to the ground, completely erasing his signature.
He can feel everything happening even merged with the floor. He heard speaking and heard carefully.
"Oof. He is gone" said Simon and Naruto heard a sigh of relief from other members.
"I thought our act is not going to cut it," said Sho as Naruto can vaguely imagine the person speaking.
"I left my kitties alone for long. See ya" said Millianna and left the room running to her room. Simon sighed.
"That girl should know better than playing with cats now"
"Come on, Simon. You know her love for cats" said Willy.
"I think the mage left us. Secure the perimeter and increase the speed of construction. After this, the Council will definitely keep an eye on us" said Jellal.
"Jellal, don't you think this is going too far" asked Simon, the only person who can at least keep his mind in any kind of serious situation is Simon. He is a man who thinks logically than impulsively.
"I don't want to take risk, Simon. You know how the Council look at us. They think we are dark mages just because we don't listen to them" said Jellal in a sad tone.
"Ya, I know. But to deceive a person just so we are not found is not common" argued Simon. Naruto felt a small magic spike and Jellal's magic became even more chaotic in him. But he somehow suppressed it.
"You may think that, Simon. But you should know that those Magic Council people are even more dangerous than we could ever perceive them to be. It pains me to deceive someone, but it is necessary for our well being" said Jellal, tears slowly starting to form at the edges of his eyes.
"I think he is right, Simon. You heard about all the stories of the Magic Council from our 'caretakers' when we are forced to be slaves in this same tower. I think what Jellal did is correct" said Willy, supporting the blue-haired mage.
"He is right, I guess" agreed Simon, giving in.
"Well, I think you have work to do, gentlemen," said Jellal, wiping the tears from his eyes and Simon and Willy left giving a nod to Jellal after that.
Jellal is the only one left in the room. Naruto could sense the deceit and acting of Jellal even if he is underground. He also knew that someone is pulling all these strings from behind. After all, a single person has no benefit in constructing a big tower like this and reviving the Legendary Black Mage, Zeref, whoever it is.
'Someone is playing all this. I don't know if Jellal is the key player or not. He is a strong mage to look out for. They are doing something big here. Even though he didn't want to share this information with the Magic Council, he is now compelled to do so. A matter like this can't be kept a secret forever. If he disclosed it now, they may have a chance to avoid a big problem in the future' thought Naruto. He merged into the earth and travelled into the water with Sirius. Before going into the water fully, Naruto turned to the Job request flyer and smiled.
In Fairy Tail Guild Hall
Makarov sighed after the turn of events. Even though he can't catch the thoughts of the blonde boy, from the expression he made when he heard Jellal and the way all of them acted, he knew that Naruto was up to something.
And as he thought, the blonde boy merged into the ground and heard their conversation further which only solidified his actions. The enemy somehow knew what was going to happen and prepared ahead of time.
'Hmm, seems like it was even bigger mess than before. Having a spy in the Council is not good for both the Council and the Legal Guilds. I must think about this more' he thought and observed Naruto.
Overall, Naruto impressed him. Though for the most part, he was goofing off, he showed his intellect and deduction skills when he caught up to the fact that everything was too convenient. He is fit to be an S-Class mage for sure' thought Makarov.
Before completely submerging into water, Naruto turned his head mechanically towards the spy Lacrima that was on the Flyer.
Makarov felt a shiver run down his spine. 'How is this possible, how did Naruto know he is being watched or did he just assume that he was being watched from the beginning?' thought Makarov. From the smile he sent to the spying Lacrima, he might have assumed that someone is spying on him and have malicious intentions.
'Maybe he thought the Council has planted a spy Lacrima to see what happens. Whatever it may be, I can't find anything to stop him from proving himself in the Trials anymore. It is like Gildarts said. It would be a waste of talent to hold him back. I guess I should send the report of the mission with the Mage who did it and his name as an S-Class candidate this year' thought Makarov and started doing the necessary paperwork for it.
With Naruto
Naruto was perturbed by the fact that someone was spying on him. He doesn't want to ponder possibilities as it might be anyone from the council or the mastermind who planned all this.
'Why do they need to have Council's attention now. If I report what I saw, the council will take them seriously and may intervene to stop them any further. Everything was planned as if they want him to give a good report saying that the work is going and they are trying to revive Zeref. What do they gain from this?' Are few of the thoughts running through his mind.
Whatever the case may be, one thing is confirmed. The Magic Council has a spy in them who might be the mastermind who will benefit from this job. He should know who requested the job first and dig deep from there. 'Well, I think the Magic Council is in for a big surprise soon'.
"What happened, Papa?"
"It seems there are some Masterminds behind all this escapade," said Naruto in a disturbed tone.
"Do you mean about all this staged drama"
"Yes, it is. I'm sure"
"Who do you think will benefit from this and what benefit will they get?"
"I don't know. But I'm willing to find out" said Naruto in a determined tone.
"Tell me how," asked Sirius.
"Awww, where is the fun in it, Siri. You'll see and when you find out, don't say to anyone, ok?," asked Naruto ruffling the gold fur of the Jaguar. Sirius pouted but nodded in the end in agreement.
A few days Later
Magic Council Fiore branch Headquarters, Era
"What is the meaning of this" asked Org, the 2nd ranking member of the Magic Council.
He is a tall, grey-haired man appearing to be in his late 50s with a considerably long beard, as well as a moustache. He has pointy ears and has a habit of keeping only one of his dark-coloured eyes open at a time. He also wears multiple layers of robes, much like the other members of the Magic Council, and on top of his head, he wears a small bat-shaped ornament.
"Now, now, Master Org, it is not a way to address a letter from a Guild Master," said Crawford Seam, the current Chairman of Magic Council. He is a very broad, tall man with a large bushy beard; the beard is knotted into a bun on either side. He features a snub nose moderately sized droopy eyes, high eyebrows and relatively small ears. He also sports a small bun atop his nearly balding head; for attire, He wears a black undershirt and a robe that he keeps tied tightly shut. Atop this robe, he wore a dark-cuffed coat that has diamond patterns decorating the outer edges. Over this coat, the Chairman drapes a dark cape of sorts over his shoulders that has the symbol of Magic Council decorating both shoulders; around his right wrist, Crawford wears a small beaded wristband. The large man also wears dark pants and light-coloured slippers.
"Pardon my interruption, Chairman Seam" apologised Org. He might be stubborn, but he is a man who follows rules and interrupting the Chairman is against the rules of the Council.
"Please continue," said Seam to a frog-like assistant. Magic Council is made up of lawmakers, enforces and assistants. While the Rune Knights maintain peace in the continent, the Headquarters is run by a species of strange, humanoid creatures, reminiscent of anthropomorphous amphibians, partially covered in spots, who are perfectly capable of talking and fulfil various roles, such as envoys guards and Magical technicians. Where do they come from or what race they belong to is as of yet unknown, even to the current Magic Council members. They just use them as workers.
They have a separate uniform from Rune Knights which consists of a wide-collared dark jacket, with wide sleeves and edges and cuffs adorned by a series of light stripes, over a light shirt, held closed on the front by a multitude of laces ending in a bow knot in the upper part, and a long, light skirt-like cloth covering the legs. The outfit is completed by a small, elongated dark hat matching the jacket, which gets larger near its top, and has a flat, round object on the front, reminiscent of a medal. These have the Magic Council symbol on them, signifying them as a member of the Council.
"Yes, sir. Makarov Dreyar, the 3rd Guild Master of Fairy Tail explains his concerns about the Tower which was being built on a small island, south of Fiore. He explains the progression of the Tower. Here I quote
"I urge the Council to take action as it is constructed fastly and at this speed, it might complete its construction in 3-4 years based on the size of it. It may cause an even bigger problem if it is left unprecedented like this" and quote" read the assistant.
"Hmm, did he mention any details about who is leading this Tower," asked Yuri, Yuri is a short, elderly man bearing some wrinkles and spotted moles over his face? He has bushy, unkempt eyebrows and hair growing from the outer rims of his head. His attire consists of a shawl and a decorated scarf draping over his shoulders, covering a set of robes tied together by a black belt around his hips. He also wears dark-coloured socks and ankle-high footwear.
"Um, yes. He says someone named Jellal is leading it managing all the people there. He also explained his appearance. A blue-haired man with a red tattoo on his right eye, sir" said the assistant.
"Blue hair and a red tattoo on his right eye, huh. Sounds familiar" said a councilwoman, Belno. Belno is a tall middle-aged woman. She wears a cloak like other council members and has on a purple turtle-neck. Her most noticeable trait is her long nose, which gives her more of a witch-like appearance. She has sandy blonde hair, which she tied up into a large ponytail that seems to fan out into a series of spiky tear-dropped shaped tufts of hair.
"Allow me to explain that councilwoman, Belno," said a young man with blue hair and a red tattoo on his face.
"Ah, Siegrain. Yes, we are going to call you. Can you explain who is this look-alike?" asked Seam.
"I don't know who this person is. But I'll do my best to find his relation to me. But I have a question. What if the Fairy Tail mage is fabricating things" said Siegrain. Sowing the seed of doubt in the Magic Council on Fairy Tail.
"Hmm, not far fetched. Did you come into contact with any one of their members recently?" asked Org, thinking.
"No, sir. The last time I came into contact with any one of them is when Erza Scarlet is here" said Siegrain in a calm tone.
"Well I can't confirm it, but we hold judgement on this person for now," said the chairman.
"Of course, Chairman" chorused the Council.
"Now, it seems Fairy Tail is at it again. What else does Makarov have to report"
"Sir, he explained about the mage who was sent on the Job and sent another letter with it," said the frog-like person and gave the chairman the letter.
"Hmm, what is this, S-class candidate list and Naruto Uzumaki is one of them" read the chairman aloud, to let the other members hear.
"Naruto, I heard of him from one of our captains," said Org. As he saw no one object, he continued.
"Apparently the brat is strong and is seen as once in a generation member of that rambunctious guild. He didn't damage much even when he went on a mis-ranked S-class job" recollected Org.
'Naruto Uzumaki. I should be careful with him. I think he is the reason for all of this' thought Siegrain. Fairy Tail is known for their familial bonds as well, aside from its destructive tendencies of course.
"If I may leave," said Siegrain and was allowed to leave. He went straight to his office. Because of this new character, he was close be revealed to the Council.
"What happened," asked a female voice, Siegrain turned to see a young woman she is a pale-skinned woman with dark purple hair and brown eyes. Her hair was in a free flow that reached her waist. She has a well-developed figure for her age, and she wears a long revealing white dress like a priestess, sporting a striped pattern at the edges and red pants.
"Ultear. Nothing which is to be concerned about. The plan went well" said Siegrain.
"Come on, tell me. It's not like I'm going to tell anyone else" said Ultear in a sweet tone. Siegrain sighed.
"Well, as we planned, the mage who was sent, was from Fairy Tail and saw everything at the Tower and confirmed its construction for the council" he tried to continue but was interrupted by Ultear.
"Isn't that good?"
"It would have been only if the idiot didn't see Jellal's face. He reported that as well and the old fools caught up to that. Though I expertly re-directed it as Fairy Tail's scheme" said Siegrain with a smug smirk.
"That's great. Don't you think we should careful with this mage?" she asked as she sat in the chair in front of him.
"Yes, but for now we should proceed as planned. I can't change all my plans because of one person"
"Yes, meanwhile, I'll deal with this person. Who is it and what's the name?"
"He is a fairy tail mage called Naruto Uzumaki. He got recommend in the upcoming S-class trials of Fairy Tail" he said and Ultear nodded and stood from her chair.
"Naruto I see, I'll be on my way then," she said and started to walk out of the room only to be stopped by Siegrain's voice.
"Be careful with him, Ultear. I don't know why, but I have this uncertain feeling about him" he said and Ultear smirked confidently.
"I'll" is the only response she gave before vanishing into the hallways. Siegrain sat there and continued on his work.
In the Council Room
"Are you telling a new mage went on an S-class job?" asked Belno in surprise.
"No, I'm telling you he went on a normal job which ended up being an S-class job as the village can't afford it," said Org. Most of the council members were surprised by this revelation.
"Be it as it may be, what do you suppose our action on Fairy Tail should be" asked, Yuri.
"What are talking about, they didn't do any mistake or destroy anything this time" argued Yajima. Yajima is a short, old man with thick light-brown eyebrows and a small toothbrush moustache that reaches halfway to his mouth. He wore a brown long sleeve shirt with black vertical stripes and a black three-spiked hat. His eyes were always closed except for extraordinary circumstances. He is an Ex-Fairy Tail mage who is against the actions of the Council towards his former guild.
"That Naruto wantedly accused Siegrain don't you think. As a member of the Magic Council, I can't tolerate such rude behaviour" said Org.
"We didn't see the person in that Tower in person or Naruto might have mistaken the person or it might be a disguise all along. We can't judge things based on what we don't know" argued Yajima.
"Calm down, everyone. I think what Mr Yajima says has merit. As we don't know who the culprit behind this Tower is, we can't take action. I want to keep an eye on this tower. As for Naruto Uzumaki, I am going to talk to Makarov in person and decide about him. We can't take accusing an employee of the Council lightly" said the chairman and everyone agreed. The Council was dismissed after that session and Everything went as normal except for the name Naruto Uzumaki coming into the notice of the council.
After that mission, Seam, the Chairman of the Magic Council met Makarov Dreyar and raised his concerns about the person described in the report sent to the Magic Council. Makarov confirmed that is the same person and Naruto saw him in person.
While the council chairman looks disturbed by the news, they concluded on investigating in private to confirm this fact. After that, Naruto went on his normal mission and unknown to anyone a new player entered into the arena to play a game of cat and mouse with the Council.
Present Day, Tenrou Island
After remembering the reason why he decided to become an S-Class mage, Naruto's resolve hardened and pushed through the unconsciousness that came over him. He observed the fact his body felt weak and he felt restricted.
'What is happening to me. I can't move my body' thought Naruto and started to absorb the surrounding earth and trees. Fortunately for him, because of the abundant magic available on the Island, he managed to quickly gain his motor functions and started to roll around. The sight he saw amazed him. The large tree he saw from the coast was in front of him, vibrating with magic.
Naruto opened his mouth and sucked all the wood, leaves, branches and a good chunk on the large stem of the tree. He tasted the potent magic and rich nutrients in them and started to absorb more from the tree.
After eating what can only be described as a buffet, Naruto turned to see the place where the young man sat. What he saw shocked him.
All the black magic that was released by that man was covered in a white mist like layer. The area the black magic hit before the most stopped all seemed dead with all life sapped out of it. The layer was holding all that magic in place and it shrank in size as soon as Naruto turned. It shrank into a small ball at the size of his eye. It zoomed towards him and as he braced for impact, there is none.
He looked around to see where the ball went to see a glow around his neck. He looked down to see the necklace given to him by Tsunade glow. When he observed closely, the black ball was inside it and glowing in a golden yellow colour light as if purified.
Naruto git confused by it. 'What is going on. What is that black energy and what happened?' thought the blonde boy in confusion.
From a distance, a small figure is seen watching the blonde boy in wonder. She has very long, wavy, pastel yellow-blonde hair that reaches down to her feet with a small ahoge, large green eyes with no pupils, peachy skin and a slight child-like build. She is a young girl, looking at Naruto with amazement and winder. She wore a frilly, pink layered robe with a red ribbon tied in a bow around her neck. Around the chest are three blue diamond patterns with two blue triangles above. Each series of these is outlined in hot pink. She wears wing-like adornments around her ears and small hoop earrings. She is currently standing barefoot behind a small rock and watching Naruto.
She felt something different about this young mage. She could sense enormous power from him and can see he can use light magic from his attacks. But what surprised her the most is the event that just occurred.
Naruto survived something which can only be described as a gods judgement. She knew Zeref would come here often and relax. It's because of his magic which she also shares.
She can understand the black mage and his concern for humanity. But what just happened was an anomaly. As the black magic came out and sapped the life of everything surrounding the black mage, this young mage just got knocked out for a few hours at best.
That is not what impressed her, the magic in him reacted and encased the black magic in a mist. As the blonde woke up just now, it came towards him and merged into something. The thing that blew her mind was his hunger.
He woke up and ate everything from earth to wood. He also ate a good chunk of the Tenrou tree stem, a sacred tree that protects all Fairy Tail mages from harm. She can feel his power increase from here. It is filled with warmth, love and kindness. She can see the potential of this mage.
She was about to go and meet him when she sensed someone coming and vanished into the forest. She can't reveal herself to the Guild like this right now. It is not time yet.
In a Cave in Guiltina
Meanwhile, in a cave that was sealed by Naruto, the sapling grew into a small bush at a steady pace. It managed to gain some leaves and started to grow few roots underground. But suddenly there was a light engulfing the sapling. The light engulfed the whole cave and the bush changed.
It is now at a height of 10 feet when compared to its previous height of 3 feet with few large branches. Its structure also changed from its normal appearance.
It has a large trunk with a large black mark in the middle of it. It is the symbol of Fairy Tail Guild in Black colour and green outline while its roots went deeper into the ground.
However, the most prominent change was that the entire root system was strengthened. It has this one large root, that doesn't belong to this tree. This was a large bushy root that is coming from southwest to the tree. Where it came from, no one knows, but this is the reason for the dramatic change to the small tree.
What this change does is yet to be seen.
And Cut
Don't forget to suggest to me the techniques of Mangekyou Sharingan you like Naruto to have and if they are good, they might be given to Naruto.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Black Infinity 1289,
Ja Ne.
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