《Not Yet》The Secret Mission Part-1
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"Dragons/Demon” Dragons or Demons Speaking.
‘Dragon/Demon thought’ Dragons thinking.
"Jutsu/ Magic” is being used.
Not Yet
Chapter 9
The Secret Mission Part-1
As his consciousness started to fade, he remembered the secret S-class mission he went on and the promise he made to himself on that day.
The Secret Mission
Naruto gave his Mission report on the Mis-ranked S-class job, Makarov sat pondering on what to do with this situation at hand. He needs to get a good grasp on the blonde boy as he can't let things out of hand if another mission like this might happen.
He got an idea and went through the current S-class requests which are on the dangerous end of things. He wanted to test Naruto one last time before pulling out the big guns and making it official. 'Hmm, A Dark Guild Extermination mission. It would be tough considering the number of mages they must deal with to exterminate them. From the reports, they are not that strong. No, I want to test his intellect and skill more than his fighting power. Well, this would be interesting' thought the Old Guild Master and took a flyer out. There was a big Unofficial stamp on the flyer with No Symbol.
The Magic Council is made up of 10 members who do shady things. They take down what they deem 'a threat' with no qualms and does whatever they seem fit. They give all the jobs to the Guilds and it consists of both Official and Unofficial jobs.
The current Job Makarov had is one such Unofficial Job that the Magic Council will deny they ever gave it. The job is an Espionage mission into the base of possible 'threats' perceived by the Magic Council. They don't know what was happening there but knew this much that is nothing good, at least that was mentioned on the face of it.
'This is a dangerous mission and need more intellect than power to come unharmed. Let's test him with this' thought Makarov and called Naruto to give the mission. What is left unsaid is that he is going to watch the boy to make sure everything goes according to plan and to avoid any harm to Naruto.
"Naruto, please meet me in my office," said Makarov and left to his office. Naruto followed the old Master to find out what all this was about. As he entered the spacious office, Makarov closed the door and sealed the room with some runes. Naruto rose an eyebrow and Sirius stood neutrally beside his father.
"I didn't expect you to know Rune Magic, Gramps," said Naruto with a smile.
"Yes, I don't use it often. But I know at least the basics. If you are interested, you can read the books in our archives in the Guild Library" said Makarov and Naruto nodded.
"Now for the matter, I called you here for," said Makarov, his expression changing to a serious one. Naruto paid attention to what the old man is going to say.
"I want you to take this job. This is a dangerous job I must warn you. It is an unofficial S-Class job the Council wants to deal with" said Makarov giving Naruto the flyer. The first thing Naruto also observed is the big Unofficial stamp on it. It read Espionage mission.
'The Magic Council has observed something peculiar in the shores of Fiore. We can't understand what, but there is some construction going on a small island deep into the sea from Akane Beach. It has a rather low Ethernano concentration, but the Magic Council is not willing to take any risks. We want you to conduct an Espionage mission in it. This Flyer will burn as soon as you reach the objected area.
Reward: If successful, then it will be at least 500,000 Jewels and may increase based on the quality of information you provide.
Given to Team N.U, Fairy Tail'
Naruto turned to Makarov with a raised eyebrow.
"You already stamped my name on it," he asked and Makarov smiled at him.
"Of course, I'm confident that you will take it and by the looks of it, I'm right"
"Ya, you are. I'm gonna take it. You see, stealth and espionage are like second nature to me" he said with a megawatt smile. His smile is contagious and Makarov smiled as well.
"Be it as it may be. I want you to stay on your toes. You can't underestimate your enemy" said Makarov and Naruto nodded.
"Will you take Sirius?"
"Of course, I want him to learn with me. It's not like I can't deal with a few mages of it comes to that" said Naruto confidently.
"Ok, but be careful" said Makarov and Naruto nodded.
"Ok, Gramps. See ya" he said and went out of Master's office, Sirius following behind. He started walking towards the door when he felt eyes on him and saw a pair of eyes looking at him from the second-floor balcony.
He looked straight into those Grey eyes without flinching and there is a moment of a cold war between them. Naruto didn't budge nor did the blonde guy on the second floor. After a second, he turned away with 'Hn'. Naruto smirked and made his way to the railway station.
"What is it all about," asked Sirius, confused. he didn't have much interaction with Humans other than his father. He doesn't know all their behaviour much yet.
"Nothing, it is just an assessment. He is assessing me and so I showed him my resolve" said Naruto and Sirius sighed. If you ask him, in his honest opinion about Humans, he is going to say they are Crazy.
He saw the paper in Naruto's hand and turned to him.
"Where are we going this time"
"I say, we go to a beach"
"Like Hargeon?" asked the Jaguar.
"Nope, it's like this big resort you see, I think it is about time we take a break there for some time and continue the job," said Naruto and Sirius nodded in unison.
It is not like they are tired or anything. Naruto decided to enjoy as he know Sirius is going to kill him if he didn't stop at Akane beach. From what he heard, it is one-stop entertainment which has everything and it has good beaches as well. So as they decided, they are going to rest for a day or two and continue then.
Makarov heard everything from a small communication lacrima he placed into the Job request paper and sighed. It seems Naruto is not taking this job seriously. He also installed a spying lacrima to see all the action and make his decision. He is going to wait. After all, this isn't the first time he waited for something to happen.
Meanwhile, In Akane Beach
Naruto reached Akane beach without much problem. Akane Beach is the most popular tourist spot in Fiore. Among its many attractions are the giant amusement park, the five-star hotel and the huge sandy beach adjacent to the sea. The hotel houses a casino in its basement where visitors can enjoy themselves. It is located in the southern part of Fiore.
Generally, people come to enjoy here and Naruto is no different but he also had a job to do, so the enjoyment is going to be limited. But he is going to do his best to give Sirius a good experience.
"This is it, Siri," said Naruto gesturing to the large crowd who were doing different things while they were walking to the reception area to book a room and enjoy after that.
"It is large and it has many things," said Sirius with stars in his eyes. Ever since he was vocal about his frustrations that his blonde idiot of a father is not showing anything new, Naruto started to take Sirius to new places where he finds something new and enjoys like now.
"Yes, it is a famous holiday destination for the country folk, so you see more civilians than mages around" said Naruto and Sirius nodded as he can sense that.
"So, how many days are we going to stay here," asked Sirius with a happy smile.
"2 or 3 days I guess. I have decided to make the casino bankrupt" said Naruto with a cruel smile. They got their room and it was on the luxurious side.
"You didn't tell me that story about some blonde-haired old women, and how you won against her" said Sirius offhandedly as he was walking behind Naruto to their room.
"Well, hehehehe. It was a long and fun story. You see, I have this perverted sensei and he took me to..." Naruto started to explain his mission to find Tsunade with Jiraiya.
He explained about his luck which he tested during that trip and how he found a scroll explaining the legendary luck of the Uzumaki Clan. His Clan was so legendary for their luck that they are banned from most casinos when his Great grandfather made top Casinos go bankrupt. That amassed wealth ran Uzushio for half a decade before its destruction during the second Great Shinobi War. It was a sad ending to such a glorious and peaceful village and Clan.
Naruto had a sad smile at the end of the story. Sirius was beside him patting on Naruto's shoulder in comfort.
"I'm sorry for the loss, Papa," said Sirius in a sad tone.
"Don't be, Siri. I never knew my Clan and then I was sucked into this world without any last words. But I met my parents, which made my heart happy and then I got you and that Caterpillar. What else do I want, Siri. I'm happy with you, right?" Asked Naruto and Sirius gave a small nod.
"Yes, but didn't that lizart say to find someone who can fill the gap which we couldn't fill?" Asked Sirius innocently. He is not yet made aware of any thing other than Ramen and his interaction with Humans is limited.
"Well, then let's get this job completed and find the one," said Naruto.
"Why only one, why not many"
"Ah, Uhm. Yea, why not. Yes, we'll find many to fill whatever gap that caterpillar told about" said Naruto with a smile.
"Right," said Sirius and they had a fist bump.
They enjoyed themselves for the next 2 days while Naruto also taught Sirius 2 small Earth Style jutsu.
"Ok, Siri, this is easy. I know you didn't learn Earth Style yet, but these are easy to use but may cost you more magic than normal as you didn't start your Earth Style training yet, ok?" Asked Naruto and Sirius nodded.
"Here are the 2 Jutsu. First is the Earth Style: Hiding like a Mole Jutsu and next is Earth Style: Hiding in Rock Jutsu. Translate the chakra part into Magic" said Naruto and gave Sirius a paper which had both of them in detail.
"Earth Style: Hiding like a Mole Jutsu"
'This jutsu is a C-Rank Earth Style supplementary Jutsu which changes earth into fine sand by channelling chakra into it, allowing the user to dig through it like a mole. This effect goes around the body, making it just large enough for a person to move through. The user can pinpoint where they are, despite being underground, by sensing the magnetic forces. They can also sense what is happening on the surface and use that information to launch a surprise attack on the enemy. One can also hide deep in the ground, escaping to a depth where the enemy can't reach. It was found that after digging, the ground can be returned to its original state, leaving no trace of where the user entered the earth'
Naruto found this Jutsu in the Jutsu stored by his Father and learned it. Naruto also combined this technique with his clones and it was just the perfect recipe for disaster. No one can find him and with the added bonus of his Earth Dragon Slayer Magic, it became very natural to him to hide in the earth without using the technique. But Sirius need it to come with him into the whatever place they are doing their espionage at, Naruto can take him along, but he want to make his son a fine warrior who can fight even without his help.
"Earth Style: Hiding in Rock Jutsu"
'This is also a C-Rank supplementary Jutsu with various applications. This technique allows the user to camouflage themselves with the earth around and move freely through earth surfaces undetected'
Sirius read them with interest. He knew his father could do all this kind of Jutsu, but being taught to do such Jutsu is a different story.
"Why should we use these" asked Sirius in interest.
"I can sense a large tower building deep into the water. I want to use the building to move across undetected. We don't know what awaits us and these 2 are basic techniques that allows you to move with me. Don't worry, if it comes to a point that you can't use them, I'll take you, but take this as a lesson" said Naruto sternly and Sirius nodded.
Naruto used his water sensing ability gained from his Water Dragon Slayer Magic to see through the water. He sensed a small concentration of mages on a small island far from the coast he was in.
'It is no wonder the Magic Council is in a pinch. They are strong and the Council don't know what their motives and building a large tower are suspicious. I should check it out thoroughly' thought Naruto. After completing Sirius training in the 2 Jutsu, Naruto gave his son a day to master them. They may not be high ranking Earth Jutsu, but if used correctly, they can scout the building silently without any ruckus. Espionage is a speciality of a Shinobi and his Shinobi instincts are going crazy by the rush of energy from this Job.
After being satisfied with Sirius's performance and perfection of the Jutsus, Naruto packed everything. He can't point it, but he knew someone was watching him all the time and he assumed it to be either some spy or they are calculating his every move and he doesn't want to give them more than necessary information about his abilities. He went through all his options on how to reach the tower.
'Hmm, I can simply fly, but that can easily be noticed or sensed from the tower. I can make Sirius carry me on the surface of the water, but that can be noticed as well. Well, I guess Siri is going to swim with me' he made up his mind with a smile and turned to see Sirius.
"I guess we don't have any option but to swim there"
"You want me to swim. I don't want to get wet" whined the cute Jaguar.
"I know, I know. I'm going make you dry as soon as we reach land, ok?"
"Fine. I'll do it" agreed a grumpy Sirius.
They checked out and walked slowly towards the faraway beach where there is no one.
"Water Style: Native Life Jutsu," said Naruto and put his hand on Sirius's head. Sirius felt as if he can't breathe and jumped into the water. Naruto smiled as his son started to scold him for his unannounced 'attack'.
"This Jutsu helps you breathe and be like a water creature in the water. So you should enjoy there" said Naruto and jumped into the sea to start their journey.
"Ok, Siri. We'll swim towards the southwest and when I see the tower, we are going to enter from the water underneath the tower. I want you to be silent or turn on your stealth seal which will make your steps silent and we're going to talk telepathically" said Naruto as his legs turned into water.
"Hai," said Sirius which made Naruto smile. They rarely talk in their mother tongue anymore and Sirius's attempt to make him happy warms Naruto's heart so much.
They swam as planned and after an hour, they reached a small island which was deep into the sea. Naruto saw a large building that is vaguely in the shape of a tower and people working hard to construct it. It was highly secured with Guards at every entrance.
The Tower itself was located on a small island on the south coast of Fiore. It was a little deep into the sea and can be reached with a boat in an hour or two based on the tide.
Naruto took out a piece of document that was given to him by the magic council as a part of the Job. He was told to not read until he reach the tower in question. He took it and started reading it making a protective layer to protect it from water.
'We appreciate your acceptance of this Job, Mage. Here are some more details about the job you were sent on. For protection purposes, the construction of the tower has been forbidden by the Magic Council since ancient times. However, a cult of Dark Mages wishing to revive Zeref, the Black Mage, began working on it again, a few years ago. The cult kidnapped children and adults alike and forced them into slavery so that they could construct the tower for them. The Magic Council didn't see it as a threat until recently it's construction speed sky-rocketed and we need you to find out who is responsible for this.
We have a small hunch on who it is from one of our assistants, but we need a solid confirmation. You are required to confirm who is in charge of everything there and if possible, find any of their future plans. We don't want you to confront them and make a scene. Be stealthy and find as much as you can.
This is an Unofficial job and if you are found, any accusations on the Magic Council will be denied and the responsibility will be charged against your Guild Master for sending you on an Unofficial job' it read and Naruto's anger spiked at that.
'How dare they? How dare they blame his master if anything was to happen to him? I'm gonna make them pay for their casual abuse of power' he vowed in his mind. Though his magic spike can be sensed, due to the activation of the stealth seal which Naruto carved into his clothes, it was suppressed immediately.
He took a look at the working people and guards one more time and made his mind. He is going to find what is all this about but he isn't going to tell the Council shit. They are going to feel his wrath soon.
Magic Council Headquarters, Era
In the Magical Council branch of Fiore headquarters in Era, Siegrain, a blue-haired young man was happily doing his work in his office when he felt a cold shiver down his spine. He jumped from his seat to check his surroundings, nothing. There were no one.
'What is this, I just felt as if I woke up a beast that I couldn't handle and am going to incur the wrath of' thought the blue-haired man. He is happy that the old fools in the Council took his bait and sent for an unofficial S-Class job to all the legal guilds. Now the only thing left to do is the mage who was sent coming back and confirming what he told them and voila, he is going to be a council member soon as his reputation will grow and he will be offered a seat after one of them retired.
As per the plan, the mage should be on the island searching for any clues as he mentioned and to make things interesting, he used the Council language and added a small threat at the end of the job request to compel the mage, whoever it may be, they act as per his plan unknowingly.
'Am I in danger?' Thought Siegrain as he pondered the possibility. 'Nah, they can't even touch me as my Heavenly Body Magic is powerful' he thought confidently and continued his work.
On a remote Island, South to shores of Fiore
Naruto decided to do his job, but not for the Council, but for his gain. Knowledge is power and he is not going to give an opportunity like this to get a good idea of the Tower they are building. He saw Sirius preparing himself to do the hiding like a Mole Jutsu and dispelled the water jutsu on him. He did it and merged with the stone underneath the water.
Naruto also merged with the stone and started their journey inside the tower slowly. Though there are guards, they can't sense him or Sirius as the Jutsu makes them one with the earth they were travelling in.
They passed through some hallways which had so many guards and people working around while the guards are forcing people to work and people are working without complaint. He thought of freeing them, but he can't bring attention to himself right now. So he continued. He reached a room that appeared to be a bedroom of someone. He saw a lone finger enter the room.
She is a teenage girl of average height with a developing body. She has a cat-like appearance: possessing cat-like eyes, nose and mouth. Her brown hair is stylized into cat ears at her crown and tied into two ponytails at the base. Her face has four red whisker-like tattoos much like Naruto's. She wears a yellow jacket with white stripes and black trimmings with a pink dress and a white bow tie on it and light-pinkish ruffles on the lower portion, a choker with a bell on it, and white leggings.
Naruto looked around to see her room was filled with different cat plushies and pink. Everywhere it is the same. Naruto felt a shiver run down Sirius's spine.
'I'm telling you, if I ever got found by this girl, I'll kill myself' he said through the telepathic connection between them.
'Ah, come on. She is not that bad Siri, if you want, you can go and play with her now, I can wait' teased Naruto.
'I'm gonna scream loudly if you are that interested to fight people' warned Sirius.
'Ok, ok. I won't talk about it-' before they could banter more, they heard a knock on the door, the girl permitted to enter and came in a Guard.
"Ma'am, Lord-Jellal has ordered all members to gather for a meeting in the Throne room on the top floor," he said with a respectful bow.
"Now?" She asked the guard nodded.
"Ok, I'll be there" she replied and the Guard left. As soon as the door shut, she turned to the cat she was holding as apologised to leave early from him. Naruto and Sirius could have sworn that the cat had a sweat drop on its face. She hurriedly left the room and the duo followed.
They reached the top floor where it is still open and the construction is yet to start. There are more as only ground part was completed building. Few people are waiting for the girl in the room while standing while a lone finger was sitting in a 'throne' in the room.
"We're waiting for you, Millianna," said a man who looked like blocks than a person. He is a man of average height and a regular-toned body. His most distinctive feature is his whole body form, which consists of geometrical shapes and resembles that of blocks. He has black hair, an oddly-shaped chin, and has thick lips. He wears a light blue suit with a white collared shirt and a red necktie. He also wears black, oval-shaped sunglasses, a boater hat, and a white scarf that can be seen hanging loosely around his neck.
"Sorry," apologised the girl.
Naruto looked around to see 3 more people standing beside the girl. The first is that block face man and the other one is a young boy. He has blond hair, arranged in a wavy style with fringes hanging above his forehead, and tanned skin. He has somewhat dark beady green eyes and a small 5-shaped tattoo can be located below his lower lip. He also has an earring with diamond ornaments attached to his left ear. He wore a waistcoat with yellow buttons. He seems the youngest of all people in the room based on his appearance. Next to him was a large man.
He was a very massive, tall and muscular young man, with his overly large arms and hands appearing even larger compared to his extremely thin legs. His mildly long dark hair possessed two prominent bangs curving outwards on the front, framing and partially covering the upper part of his face. He had dark eyes and a wide, rectangular face, with a flat nose and a noticeably prominent jaw. His left eye was covered in a simple, dark eyepatch, held up by an extremely slim rope, with a thin scar emerging from under it and going down diagonally on his cheek. His massive jaw was obscured by an armoured metal plate, bearing lines of studs on its upper edges and two side protrusions jutting upwards, plus a set of teeth-like ornaments, overall resembling a skeletal jaw. The top of his head was covered in a light cloth wrapped around it, tied on the back, where a pair of long wrappings were left hanging over his neck, with another one hanging on the right of his face; such headgear bore a great resemblance to a turban. He has the second largest magic container in the room after the figure sitting on the throne.
"Calm down, everyone let's get on topic. Why did you call us here, Jellal?" asked the large man.
"It is nice to see you again, Millianna, Willy, Sho and Simon. I just want to ask you about the progress of the works you were delegated" said 'Jellal'. Naruto observed the look in everyone's eyes as 'Jellal' started speaking. They were looking at him as a deity with devotion in their eyes. On the other hand, this Jellal has a fluctuating magic presence that Naruto can't put his finger on him. He observed Jellal carefully.
Jellal is a young man whose most prominent features are his blue hair and a red tattoo above and under his right eye.
He is wearing darker clothing, with his attire consisting of a white shirt with a blue tint under a hooded dark blue coat with light blue edges, two strings with shield-shaped pendants hanging down from the hood and a prominent golden symbol on the left part of the chest of the shirt, reminiscent of Fairy Tail's mark, plus simple, loose, dark pants tucked inside laced boots.
His Magical Capacity rivals or even exceeds that blonde guy Naruto saw before coming to this mission, but it divided. Like it is not completely here. 'How strange, he is strong and his magic is calm yet has this dark and malice feeling to it. What is wrong with this guy' he thought and listened to the proceedings of the meeting. Sirius observing everything beside him.
And Cut
Don't forget to suggest to me the techniques of Mangekyou Sharingan you like Naruto to have and if they are good, they might be given to Naruto.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Black Infinity 1289,
Ja Ne.
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