《A Siren's Call》Chapter 8 - My Plans?


Chapter 8 - My Plans?

I spent my days watching television. Yes yes, I know it doesn't sound productive. Trust me, I have a plan. It might sound stupid but it's the first step at the very least.

There is an audition today in one of the entertainment buildings today. I have decided to join the entertainment circle. What is the best way to interact and meet Mimi other than to join in her career. I will steal everything from her.

Humming an old tune I put on a classy summer dress that showed off my shoulders a little bit. The dress hugged my small waistline perfectly as it spreads out. The top half was a gentle white color while from the waistline to below it was floral pattern.


I closed the door behind me as I left the house quietly. I am still currently living in Jacob’s home with his mother and sister. Jacob had been out for a few months already with Kevin perhaps to deal with that beast trouble. Nothing to do with me though!

As I walked happily down the street I noticed many stares from people around me. I was just an average girl in the past but after a while I got used to these stares. Why? Because I know it’s because I am beautiful. I am just like any other females who like to be beautiful!

As I walked through the city I heard a chorus of small children singing. There was a small crowd of people watching with soft smiles.

I looked over and saw a sign next to the chorus of children. “Angel’s Voices Orphanage”.

“Excuse me,” I whispered to a person nearby, “are these children all orphans?”

The casually dressed couple looked over and replied, “Yes. Even though they lost everything they can still sing with such hope!”

Afterwards they walked over to a box and placed a card over it to transfer some money.

A little girl around the age of 4 walked up to the couple and gave them a white and pink flower, “Thank you mister and miss!”

After the chorus was done the conductor took off the outer coat revealing a punk rock style of clothing. She then turned around and tied up her hair. Her face was filled with piercings all over.

‘Ehh? Why is someone like this here doing this? So not suitable’ I thought.

A gentle looking lady wearing glasses came out from somewhere and talked to that punk girl showing a smile. She seems to be thanking that crazily dressed girl.


Once the show was over I continued on to my destination and didn't notice a different gaze that fell upon me then.

There was a large skyscraper building in front of me and a huge crowd entering and exiting. As expected of WMW Entertainment though. In those years I was gone WMW have developed from only a chatting app to entertainment. I squinted my eyes as I recalled the information on WMW from the past.

After I finished my registration, writing down my information, I was directed into waiting room number 18. Seems like there are few tens of large rooms used for waiting room during recruitment day with each room consisting about 20 people.

“Is this seat taken?” A husky voice awoke me from my recollection.

I looked up and was surprised to see a familiar face.

“No, it is not.”

She nodded and sat down. I felt eyes of the other applicants moving over towards us. Not surprising considering that we both stand out in a way.

I looked over to the girl next to me. She was the girl I saw conducting for those children of the orphanage a while ago. That crazily dressed girl.

As if she noticed my stare she looked over to me with a glint in her eyes, “What is it?”

“Ehh? Uhh. I'm sorry if I was rude.”



She is weird. The wait was long. I don't know how long we'd have to wait and I never noticed anyone getting called out to test. Perhaps they are still testing the other waiting rooms?


I heard the sound of a bubble gum popping from beside me. From when did she start chewing gum I wonder.

The room grew noisy as people shuffled about. Then I noticed the door opening as a man and women who wore nice clothing step in.

“Hello applicants,” the man said loudly, “form a line as we will determine whether you pass the audition or not.”

That was a bit abrupt. No introduction or anything and just straight to business. Hmm, I already like this WMW.

Quickly though everyone shuffled to get into a line. Good thing the waiting room was somewhat large and with 20 people standing side by side facing that man and woman there was still space left on the sides. I was situated somewhere near the left side of the room while that girl who was sitting next to me was around the center.

“You fail.” The man said pointing at a tall skinny male at the far right of the room.


“What? Why? I haven’t even done anything yet!”

The man stared at the male and said unemotionally, “You don’t have the aura to become a star. This industry isn’t for you. No matter how good your looks are or how talented you are at something if you don’t have the aura of a star you won’t make it.”

The man then looked over towards the rest of the group, “That goes for the rest of you as well. You think just having a pretty face and somewhat of a talent you can become a sensation? WMW Entertainment has no extra fees to waste on you. If I tell you to leave, you leave.”

He then moved onto the next person after. I can feel the anxiety of the others around me. I think they might have made me nervous as well.

Very quickly the man and the women who followed silently behind made their way down the group. None of the applicants seems to have passed this “first” selection so far. Most didn’t even have the chance to do anything while some had a chance to show off their entertainment skills whether it be singing or acting or dancing they were “failed” after a few seconds.

The man paused in front of the crazily dressed girl. The girl had her dark black hair tied up in a ponytail with a few strands drifting out, which surprisingly did not give her a disheveled look. On her face she had dark smoky eyed makeup on with black lipstick that made her skin look paler. She had three earring piercings on one ear and a lip ring. She wore black skinny jeans and a half top that showed off her slender waist, which also showed off her belly button ring.

“Your name?” The man questioned then hushed whispered bursted out with the remaining people. No one was asked to name themselves before.

The girl smiled, “Hydee.”

The man nodded and wrote something down on his board and moved to the next person.

“Wait a minute, why isn’t she asked to do anything?” The person standing next to me yelled out.

“You, out.” The man replied coldly without even looking at that person.

“I demand some sort of reason! WMW Entertainment was known for their fairness! How come it’s like this inside?! Did that bitch sleep with you or something?” That woman’s mouth continue to spout of profanities.

Urrgh, why is this person standing beside me.

I can sense that man getting annoyed and the guards came to drag out that woman. However, before the guard arrived I saw another person arriving right in front of that girl. I looked at that person a bit shocked because she arrived too fast. It was Hydee.

Hydee gave a condescending look towards that women and gave a cold smile, “If you are calling me a bitch that makes you one as well. It takes one to know one after all.”

Hydee leans in close with her hands crossed in front of her to that woman’s face and gave a loud sniff, “Tch tch, I do smell a slutty bitch after all.”

“YOU!” The woman’s face went beat red with anger as she raises her hand to give a slap but before that a loud smack sound was heard.


Hydee backslapped that woman before I noticed anything. I am suspicious of Hydee now. It wasn’t something humanly possible for normal humans at the very least; the speeds she moved at.

Hydee looked over to the man, “Since I passed the first test I can go out right?”

“Yes, please follow my assistant to another room with a few others.” The man gestured to the lady behind him.

Hydee nodded towards him and as she walked passed me, “I know you’re not human.”

My eyes widen in shock as I saw her teasing eyes and smile as she quickly disappeared from my sight.

What? What did she mean by that? Did she know I was a siren? How? I’ve been lurking in this human society carefully planning and limiting the amount of times I leave the house. How could she have known?

Unless, like me she felt something was off? However, she seems to have purposely showed inhumane movements while I’ve been careful.

While I was thinking it was soon my turn to audition. The man looked at me for a while.

“Perform something.” He said.

I was still distracted from Hydee. However, to learn more I need to pass this audition as well. I need to pass in order to learn of Mimi’s whereabouts as well as how Hydee knows my secret. If Hydee knows just by passing by me then perhaps others might have known too. And if they do, I need to know how so I can either eliminate them or…

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