《A Siren's Call》Chapter 6 - The whereabout of my 'best friend'


Chapter 6 – The whereabouts of my ‘best friend’

This city is beautiful! Of course there were skyscraper buildings and café shops. Not to mention the bustling streets filled with people of all ages. Living alone for who knows how many years can definitely affect ones’ mind. I lost myself in all of the new things that was developed in my days gone.

Jacob accompanied me as soon as we docked and showed me around the city. He seemed to have gotten special permission from his captain to escort me.

“And this is one of the most popular shops for women’s cloth—”

I rushed forward into one of my favorite stores in the past. My mouth formed an ‘O’ shape when I saw all of the new products. It’s so cute!! I started to grab the dresses and skirts and held them up as I looked into the mirror.

‘Ah.’ The person staring back at me wasn’t ‘me’. It was no longer the average dark brown haired girl with brown eyes that was not noticeable wherever she went. Instead it was a beautiful and eye-catching young girl. Was it a girl? Or was it a woman?

“Are you alright?” Jacob asked from a short distance away. He is keeping his distance as if afraid of scaring me.

“Ah…umm. Yes, I’m fine.” I had forgotten. Forgotten that I was no longer ‘me’. I had momentarily forgotten what ‘I’ was here for. I looked at the screen that only I could see.

Duration: 113d; 05h; 38m; 21s

That’s right, how could I forget? I was no longer a human. The thing I hated so much.

“If you like it I could buy it for you.” Jacob said. He’s probably thinking that I didn’t have any money on me. How right he is though.

I smiled the sweetest smile I could muster, “Thank you. I shall pay you back when I find a job.”

“Ah, that’s not a problem. You can just help me take care of my mother and little sister. My mother cares too much for Nico that she neglect her own health sometimes and that worries me.”

I just smiled. I found out that his younger sister is sick, but I don’t know what type of sickness it was. His family only consists of his mother and his sister since the attack on Lloyd. It seemed that his father had died during that attack leaving him to care for his family.

I also found out that I had died long before the attack on the city. Therefore, I don’t really know how long it had been since the day I had died. Are my enemies still alive? I really hope they are. Apparently, there were a few attacks on the city walls before they were breached. This gave time for people to prepare an evacuation from the higher ups first to the inner city people.

We headed out to the register as he paid for some pieces of clothing I chose. The excitement left me when I realized that now was not the same. Sometimes I could feel his worried glance at me. I wonder why.

Beep Beep

Jacob took out his phone and answered a call. He turned away from me but I could still hear, “Hey, I’m a bit busy right now though.

“Yeah I got out a bit early today.

“Ehh? No, I had something to do!

“What? Oh come on. You know me.


“Fine. Fine! I got it! I need to ask first though.”

As he was talking the cashier lady gave me the bag with the clothes. Jacob covered his phone and looked over to me, “Uhh…one of my buddies from training invited me to join him for lunch. He seems to be a bit depressed about something so…”

“It is fine.” I answered with a smile.

He turned around and continued his conversation with his friend, “Alright, asshole. We will meet you there.”

I wonder how my best friend is doing if she is still alive. Jacob turned towards me and smiled softly, “Sorry about that. He’s a bit pushy.”

I shook my head, “It’s fine. I’m a bit hungry anyway.”

‘I am a bit worried,’ I thought as I stood in front of a popular café. People were all staring at me as I walked through the streets, but of course I ignored them all. It was a bit difficult at first but I pride myself in adaptability. I wonder if I’d be able to eat normal human food since I haven’t tried it. Even on the ship I mainly ‘ate’ in my room and somehow made them believed I had eaten. Those foods don’t really look that appetizing to me. Maybe I could order seafood or maybe sashimi. Though I don’t think a café would sell them.

I followed Jacob into the café as his friend sat near a window table waved to get his attention. My eyes widen for a moment due to shock. I know this person. He might have aged quite a bit, but I know him. He was someone my ‘best friend’ had a crush on. It was Kevin.

“Hey, Jacob,” he cheerfully greeted Jacob and glanced at me, “aren’t you going to introduce me to your girlfriend here?”

“Hah?! Sh-she’s not my girlfriend! She’s…uhh.” Jacob looked at me stupidly trying to figure out how to explain my status without offending or hurting me.

I smiled as I reached out my hand for a handshake while introducing myself, “Hello, my name is Sarah. Jacob is my savior. Nice to meet you…” I dragged it out to question for his name.

“Ah, my bad. How rude of me, miss.” He took my hand and shook it, “My name is Kevin. Kevin Bennett. Nice you meet you, Sarah.”

Was it just me or did he looked a bit shaken up when I said my name. We all sat down and started to order food. As I didn’t know what was good here I had Jacob ordered for me. Kevin observed me closely.

“What did you call me out here for?” Jacob asked as he noticed Kevin looking at me.

“Huh? Oh that. Ehh, well the thing is there’s going to be a large attack planned on the mutated beast nearby. The government determined that the ONE and the MBCF are going to join forces for this one.”

“What? Why are we attacking them? Have they moved closer to the capital this time?”

“How right you are. However, this will only be announced a few months later due to circumstances.” He glanced at me.

“Is the Mutated Beasts Control Force not strong enough?” Jacob questioned.

“Basically. The beasts have gathered more power and seem to be determined to run down the Capital City. Once William falls all the others can’t hold them back.”


“Excuse me.” A waitress came and delivered our food.

I just quietly ate and pretended not to listen to this. Do I seem that trustworthy? Though it’s not like I know anyone here in the city or was this secret a top secret. The food wasn’t that bad but it wasn't delicious either.

Kevin kept glancing at me. I wonder why. He’s not the type to be captivated by beauty or else he would have hooked up with Mimi long ago. However, I can’t let him escape. With him I can meet my ‘best friend’. Is this fate?

“Mr. Bennett, I apologize if I may sound rude but may I question why you keep glancing at me?” I decided to be straightforward. He looked a bit shocked then embarrassed. Was I too straightforward? I tilted my head.

Jacob scowled at Kevin with his eyes saying, ‘You were rude!’

“Ehh, uhh,” Kevin stammered as he turned a bit pink.

After steadying himself he looked straight into my eyes and answered, “I am sorry, Miss Sarah. It was just that you were somewhat similar to my old friend.”


Kevin looked away sadly, “I had an old friend named ‘Sarah’ as well.”

He remembered me?

“May I ask what happened to her?” I questioned. I must be careful to not show that I know more than what a stranger should. Kevin is sharp. I look nothing like my old self but he noticed? Since he looked sad does that mean he knows something?

Kevin smiled gloomily, “She had died.”

“Oh, I apologize for bringing up an unpleasant memory.” I bowed my head a little.

“It isn’t your fault Miss Sarah.”

“Surely, it hasn’t been that long since she died for you to still remember so?” I questioned carefully.

“That’s not the case Sarah,” Jacob interjected, “Kevin here is quite dedicated. His friend had died 13 years ago yet he still couldn’t forget her.”

“Jacob, that is enough.” Kevin said listlessly.

I was shocked. I was gone for 13 years? I died 5 years before they found out that place? That means my ‘friends’ were all 29 and reaching 30 soon. No matter, hopefully ‘she’ is still alive and living well.

“Sir Bennett is surely a dedicated friend then.” I said. I can’t figure out how to ask about his other friends without suspicion. This is hard.

“I’ll say,” Jacob once more, added, “it’s more like he looked at that friend of his as more than a ‘friend’.”

I tilted my head, “What do you mean by that?”

“Kevin had liked that ‘Sarah’ for the longest time or so he told me. He was devastated when she suddenly disappeared.”

Kevin was still silent. As if he wasn’t listening to anything right now.

“Jacob, are you sure you should be telling me this?” I looked at Kevin with a worried face. I wonder how was my acting. I was quite shocked that Kevin used to like me. However, if this was true then there is a high chance that he was one of the factors that got me killed. My eyes gleamed with hatred for a split second, but no one noticed.

Jacob hesitated but continued, “Well, long story short. Kevin and I met during the raiding of a particular place and became friends cause we experienced a similar thing. Kevin’s father is a high official so he helped out with gathering information. It took 5 years after her disappearance before we were able to gather any clues. When those beasts attacked was when the information network became unstable, which allowed us to get some clues. However, what we found out wasn’t a good thing for him since she had died a few months after her kidnapping. From there on Kevin hasn’t been able to forget about her despite his parents pressuring him to get married and have a family of his own.”

I had learned a lot but still, “Did no one notice that she was kidnapped?”

Jacob looked at Kevin and then back at me before answering slowly, “She was with her two best friends then but they were too drunk to notice her kidnapping. One of them stated that they remembered her heading home and the security cameras showed that as well.”

“Her two friends? What happened to them?” It’s so close.

“One of them felt guilty for not realizing anything sooner and killed herself out of guilt after realizing what had happened to her friend. The other one…”

The one who killed herself because she didn’t know anything must have been Lucy. Then…

“The other one?” I questioned. I hope I didn’t come out as desperate.

“The other one left that city and went to the capital before the beasts attacked.” Kevin answered with a little bit of anger mixed in.

I smiled inwardly. That means that Mimi is here in this city. She’s so close. I can’t let myself get known.

“At least one of them got through the tragedy, right?” I questioned positively.

“Tragedy my ass! I don’t know what happened but she gotten a large contract to head into the acting industry soon after Sarah’s disappearance. She even had the nerve to come to me asking me to be her secret boyfriend! Disgusting!” Kevin yelled and slammed the table.

I jumped in shock. So he seems to know she was related? Haha, oh Mimi. You didn’t cover your tracks well enough.

“I-I see, but why are you guys telling me this story?” Surely they didn’t notice anything strange. My heart starts to beat faster.

Jacob looked at me, “Well, Kevin wanted this tragedy to be known by the people to show the world that the city wasn’t safe. The city might seem like a safe haven to unknowing people, which might then cause this type of tragedy to happen. However, the higher up pushed out a ‘hush hush’ notice so we weren’t able to publicize it.”

“Basically, if you want to live in the city you must be careful of all these beasts in human disguise nearby. That includes both Jacob and me too.” Kevin threatened, “Don’t trust people blindly.”

“Hey, Kevin! I’m trustworthy.” Jacob countered.

I nodded outwardly but smiled inwardly. They knew what the real dangers are huh? I’ve gotten a good present today.

“I understand, thank you, Kevin.” I bowed to thank Kevin. His eyes widen as he started to get flustered. This was what I had used to do whenever he had helped me in the past. The tone and the action were all the same. If I used him, perhaps I can meet my ‘best friend’. I smiled sweetly.

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