《A Siren's Call》Chapter 5 - A sailor's worry


Chapter 5 – A sailor’s worry

Maybe it would have been a better idea to forget my memories and to forget that agony. However, I mustn’t forget. If I forget how can I make them suffer ten-fold the amount I have. Next thing on my list to do is to meet my best friend. I smiled in that dark cabin room.


I couldn’t help but to give out a long depressed sigh.

“What’re you sighing about, Jacob?” Captain asked me during dinner.

I smiled weakly, “It’s nothing captain.”

However, as captain knows, he moved closer to me and he whispered, “If it’s about that girl, it’s okay. We will figure out where she comes from and return her home.”

“Captain, knowing those rebels who acts similar to pirates, they might have massacred her entire village. Even if we return her ‘home’ it won’t be the same ever again.”

The captain was silent for a while before bringing up something that caused me pain, “Are you still worried about your little sister’s situation?”


“You did your best during that time. It’s been 8 years since then, you have to move on.”

My eyes grew red as I remembered that scene, “I won’t, captain. You don’t know what I have seen. I can’t even imagine all the terrible things that had happened there!”

I laughed weakly, “and the worse part is, I still can’t do anything to those people. Therefore, captain, I cannot die here. Yet at the same time I need to bring high contributions in order to rise up in ranking. Unlike you, I am not related to those who holds status.”

I glared at the captain. I know he means well and isn’t like the other high status people, but still. We live in separate worlds. I lost my appetite and left the dining room. I went up to the deck breathing in the clear air. I looked up towards the sky seeing the dimly shining stars. Being at sea gives me peace and quiet. Because it is dangerous, it is noiseless. The air was clear of pollution as well and the sea creatures weren’t that many to begin with.


I remembered her fearful face. It reminded me of my little sisters face when we came to rescue her. In that cramped room with many others. I was so happy to see her but in her eyes the only emotion that showed was extreme fear. I had thought that as long as she was still alive that everything was going to be all right again.

“How naïve I was.” I self-ridiculed.

“Naïve in what?” A soft angelic voice asked me. I turned around to see a beautiful woman before me.

No, she had a woman’s body but her aura showed youth. I couldn’t tell her age as it could be anywhere from 15 to 25. She was wearing a clean set of clothing we provided her with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. Her silky golden hair blew softly in the wind as her glowing lavender eyes stared at me in wonder.

“Ah…it’s nothing. I was just thinking to myself.” I looked away in a hurry. People who were traumatized by that sort of experience would dislike being looked at closely by men; similarly to my sister who would recoil in fear whenever I smiled at her.

However, she was different. She walked up next to me still leaving a few feet apart and looked up at the night’s sky. I couldn’t tell what she was thinking. I couldn’t form any words. I didn’t know what to say to her. So we just enjoyed the scenery in silence.

“I do not want to return home.” Her voice broke the silence.

I looked at her, shocked.

She laughed softly and looked straight into my eyes, “Even if I do, it won’t be the same. A place where I had to see a bloodbath will only bring me nightmares.”

She paused, “I wish to remember that place as a safe haven instead of returning to see.”

This person is strong. She had captured me with her strong will. If it were her maybe, just maybe, would she be able to save my sister from her nightmares?


I nodded cautiously as she looked at me, “If you would like, I can provide housing for you with my mother and little sister.”

She smiled at me, “That would be helpful.”

Her smile seemed simple but I felt sadness within them. Perhaps it is from my point of view it is so, but perhaps not. I do not know. Any feeling of suspicion I had from her disappeared ever since I realized that she was a victim of those damned rebels. That night gave me a peaceful feeling I haven’t had in a long time. If she was able to overcome her trauma, surely my little sister would be able to soon as well.

A few days have gone by and she was able to leave her room more often and talk to the others. Our ship doesn’t have any other females so she had to interact with men more often than not. She keeps surprising me with her strong will after her trauma that sometimes I’d feel like she has forgotten about them. That is a good sign. I don’t know why but I have been very overprotective of her lately. Perhaps it’s because of the similarity she has with my sister? I have been confused for a while, but at least now I feel more at peace. However, I still will not let those bastards get away with this, neither the rebels nor those that abused their power.

“Jacob! Jacob! Is that the city dock?!” Her excited voice rung out as the other guys on the ship whistled and made fun of me.

“Yes, that’s the Capital City of William.” I answered.

“Capital City?” She questioned. Was it because she lived her life in a village?

“Can you tell me all of the cities that exists? I am a bit clueless on city-life.” She asked shyly.

“Of course! The Capital City of William holds the strongest military power out of all the other cities, then there’s the City of Isantel to the west that specializes in manufacturing substances, the City of Justin to the Northeast that specializes in trade and exotic goods from foreign countries, and the City of Beyer to the North that specializes in arts and entertainments for tourists. Of course all of these cities have their own police force with considerable power, it’s just not comparable to the Capital’s.”

“What about the City of Lloyd to the south?” She asked. It sounded as if she was a bit desperate. Perhaps she knew someone from there?

“The City of Lloyd fell 8 years ago from the attack of mutated beasts.” I answered slowly. It brought about a bad memory. Due to the fact that the mutated beast overran the city were we able to discover the corruption in the higher ups and found out that prostitution ring that was ran by them. I gripped my hands tightly in anger.

“I see.” She answered softly, “How many escaped?”

I looked up at her to see her worried looks. She still showed care towards people she barely knew. She is such a nice girl. Why does fate play such cruel ploys for people who don’t deserve them?

“Most of the people that lived in the inner city were able to escape due to the MBCF sacrificing themselves to buy extra time.”

She looked towards the city and started to sing. Her voice was so beautiful and heavenly it shook everyone’s soul. She was seen as an angel reincarnated by some people on board but I knew she was just a very strong person. For whom is she being strong for, I do not know. However, I wished that she could show her sadness deep within her and lean on me for support.

After her song ended she whispered softly as we docked, “For those who lost their lives to defend the people in the City of Lloyd.”


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