《A Siren's Call》Chapter 2 - I am not insignificant


Chapter 2 – I am not insignificant

Welcome to R&R for all Rebirths and Reincarnations!

It was determined that you have lived an unfulfilled life. Therefore, you will be given two choices upon your return. Choose wisely.

New Life


“Ahaha,” I laughed at the absurd thing, “I am dead! I don’t want to live again! I don’t care for another life! YOU HEAR ME?!”

I screamed but there is no response. I am tired. I want to rest. I stayed in that darkness with the screen floating in front of me. I don’t care. I want to rest. So I rested within that darkness, only the screen as my company. Days went by, then months, and then years; I couldn’t rest. Every time I tried those memories would worm their way into my thoughts. I remembered begging. I remembered being isolated. I remembered being used. I remembered all their revolting smiles. Then I remembered my friend; my best friends.

“Mimi works for us. To save herself she sacrificed you.” The voice echoed in the darkness.

“To save herself she sacrificed you.”

“She sacrificed you.”

Anger, sadness, hatred, amusement, and pain: my emotions flooded out like a dam that broke loose. Slowly, they disappeared one by one until all that were left was amusement and hatred. Why must I suffer? Why was I abandoned? Why was I betrayed? Was my life that insignificant? WHY?

I stared at the screen. I want to see it. I want to see them all suffer like I did. I want to see humanity suffer as I have. They abandoned me. They destroyed me. I want to see. See their destruction.

‘Revenge’ rebirth path selected.

Congratulations! You have met the requirements for a rebirth as an extinct species, The Siren! As a bonus, you have been given the option to start anew or to retain your memories. Choose wisely.

New Life (memories lost)

Revenge (memories kept)

You have selected to retain your memories. You will be reborn as a Siren, please await your rebirth.

How could I possibly miss the chance to witness their demise? The darkness hasn’t changed; however, I felt very warm and comfortable. I wonder how long ago since I felt this at ease? I could feel a soft current around me. I could hear the wind-like sounds. I could feel the soft push against my skin.

After a few days, I felt my instinct telling me I could leave. I stretched out my arms and pushed through a jelly-like substance. After I was out, I realized that I was in a cave. I looked back and saw a broken down large gooey egg; similar to a large fish egg. I inspected myself. I had a human upper body that was very well proportioned for a little girl. Despite the slender built, I felt power within every muscle fiber throughout my body. I had a fish tail with shiny scales.


‘Like a mermaid,’ I thought with a small smile.

However, one thing that was different was on my back was a small pair of transparent angelic wings. Aren’t I a mermaid? Why do I have wings? I suddenly realized, ‘that’s right. I am a Siren.’

I observed my surroundings and swam out towards the cave entrance. I gasped as I saw the beautiful scenery before me. Reefs full of life and colors. I looked towards the sky and it was bright. It wasn’t a sunny bright but more like the sky was when it was snowing. I realized that I was deep underwater. It was most likely the ocean. I found out that I was able to see, not due to my eyes but my voice. As I swam and explored the colorful reef, I somehow could see with my voice, with my light golden blonde hair flowing behind me I encountered some of the mutated marine animals.

They were rearing their young and were very large in size. However, they didn’t seem to care for me that much. I lived my days in the cave and reef eating clams, oysters, and fishes. None of the other beasts bothered me. Sometimes I’d see the beasts fighting each other for territory. They never bothered me though. I grew up slowly, after a year or two.

My voice had the power to control. I manipulated the animals in the area and made my territory. This was why the other beasts never attacked me. I unconsciously let out waves of sound that would relax these animals.

I now look like a grown human adult, besides the fish tail of course. My body had fully developed with perfect proportions. I wrapped my transparent wings around my body making a makeshift bra and since I’ve been doing that since I was young it didn’t feel uncomfortable anymore.

“We are going to go out to explore today.” I said to a group of aquatic mutants I’ve tamed.

I swam outside of my comfort zone for a few miles in one random direction. ‘I should find out where I am.’

I swam upwards towards the surface. Deep underwater, you cannot tell which way was up or down but the pressure difference informed me. The pressure did not bother me in the slightest. As I swam upwards the sharks, killer whales, large dragon snakes, and other beasts followed. I broke through the surface of the water and, for the first time, I used my eyes to see. All I saw was ocean, even extremely far away where the sky meets the sea.


“Haha, what did I expect?” I was surprised at my own voice. It was sickeningly sweet, like the voice of an angel. Even though I’ve never seen an angel before in my life.


I heard a loud cry of a beast echo in the skies. I swam quickly towards the sound, knowing no fear. Before I knew it the beasts that followed me disappeared as if scared by something more powerful than my hypnotism.

I saw an island in the distance covered by mists. I stopped. I don’t like mists. I don’t like fog. I wrapped my arms around myself to stop myself from shaking as the memories once more haunted me. My nails dug into my skin to distract me from the horror.


Another beast cry sounded. It sounds like a fight between two powerful beasts. I gathered myself together as I went forwards and hid behind a large rock. This island was surrounded by a lot of rocks, both large and small.

I saw fire lit up the trees on the island and a shadow of a giant dragon appeared. Another large and bright shadow appeared in a flash and blew out the fire. The water was extremely turbulent due to the winds. The bird and the dragon fought. It was too fast that I couldn’t see any of their movements. In the end, both parties fell to each other. I waited for a day before I approached any closer to that island. The fire from the trees died down as smoke rose adding on to the misty air.

I swam and made it onto the shoreline. The forest was burnt down and I could see the vague outline of the two creatures dead body upon the island. I don’t have feet; however, I had wings. I spread out my transparent small wings. I don’t know how I could fly with these. My instinct helped me out here again. I felt that I could stretch my wings more so I put more effort into stretching them out. I felt my bones growing out in my wings. It was a weird and painful feeling, but pain was something I was used to.

I looked back at my wings, which were now several times larger as well as pure white in color. I wonder if Siren’s were related to angels at some point in their past. I flapped my wings, which made a very loud beating sound similar to a heartbeat as I rose up into the air. Naturally, I fell a couple of times before I decided to not fly to high until I got used to my wings.

The dragon was dark in color. On its hide there were large wounds caused by the talons of the bird beast. Though, what killed this powerful dragon was exhaustion. I landed onto the island nearby the dragon corpse to inspect it further; suddenly, an all to familiar screen popped up before my eyes.

The Lost Island of Mist is discovered!

In the past, a mythical creature, the Dragon, Valuzaar, owned this island. However, due to an attack by an unknown creature both had perished leaving this island ownerless. As the first to discover this island after the death of the previous owner you have the right to rename this island and claim it.

Please say the name you have decided for this island or choose to leave it as default:



I want people to know of the name Sarah. I want people to realize that ‘Sarah’ isn’t insignificant. ‘Sarah’ is important and ‘Sarah’ will be etched deeply into then minds of everyone.

The Island of Mist has been renamed to the Island of Sarah.

I left the dragon corpse forgetting about it. My mind was filled with the thoughts of having my existence known. I flew up high above the island. I was now used to my wings and sang. My song gathered the oceanic animals from all over to help form a new territory. This place is now ‘Sarah’s’.

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