《A Siren's Call》Chapter 1 - Life flashes by before death


Chapter 1 – Life flashes by before death

It was a small house in the city of Lloyd. We were a family of four: my mom, dad, little brother, and I. I was turning sixteen the next day and my brother was turning five. It was weird to have my brother’s birthday party on the same day as me, but since his birthday was only three days after mine we decided to celebrate it together.

“Sarah, be sure to get groceries when you come back from school okay?”

“Yes, mom!”

My mom was making a lunchbox for my little brother and I for school that morning. My life was normal. I had a group of girl friends that I’d hung out with and got average marks on my exams. I was annoyed of my little brother like all sisters would even though I love him deep inside. I’d never let that show though.

“David, I’ll take you to school in a little bit so after you finish your breakfast go play with your toys in the living room.”

“Yesh, mama.”

I had just remembered so I asked mom, “Mom, is dad going to be back later tonight?”

She smiled sweetly, “Yes. He gave me a call earlier today and said that he wouldn’t be missing out on the double birthday party.”

Dad usually stays overnight at his workplace. He works as a doctor for the military force of ONE, which stands for Oceanic Navigation and Exploration. Unlike in the past, the entire world is dangerous. Some kind of radiation broke out one day hundreds of years ago and affected humans and animals alike. Even those from the ocean didn’t escape. Mutation of animals, beasts, insects, humans, and many more occurred. This was what I had learned from school and sometimes the mutants launch an attack on human cities to obtain more territories for their rising population.

My parents and I were involved in one such case. This was the reason why my brother was 11 years younger than me. We had to escape our old city and seek refuge in Lloyd. I didn’t remember much, since I was too young. However, I feel that I didn’t want to remember anyway so no harm done.

I headed out for school that morning. Met up with a few friends and went on the bus. The schooling was mandatory for ages 5 to 18. It didn’t change much from hundreds of years ago although the subjects were a bit different. There were debates on cancelling the mandatory schooling period earlier because of the need for more people to join the workforce.

I stopped by the supermarket on my way home and bought some vegetables, meat, and a birthday cake. It was still light out so I took my time to return home.

“Breaking news! Mutated beasts were seen about 20 miles outside the city walls. The MBCF are on their way to clear it. Confirmed 2 people dead with 13 injured.”

The holographic video showed a well-dressed lady announcing the battle. I didn’t know during that time, but the beasts were becoming more aggressive towards humans and the city of Lloyd did not last long afterwards.

“I’m home!”

“Welcome back, sweetie,” mother answered from the living room.

She was cleaning the room that my brother messed up as he was napping on the couch. I placed the grocery items where they belonged and headed up to my room. I booted up my computer and entered the chat room my friends and I made on one of the new social site, WMW. No one knows that those letters stands for but it looked cool and everyone had an account on it. When I said ‘everyone’ I meant everyone: students, teachers, construction workers, businessmen, doctors, heck even the homeless and government officials has one. It works like an identification of sorts.


MimiLOVE: HEEEEEY~~~ girl. What took u so long to come online?

Lucy≧◠◡◠≦: SARAH! Welcome back!

Sarahshi: Hey all~ I had to do some shopping for mum.

Dan007: Shopping again?! Urrgh girls… **rolls eyes**

MimiLOVE: Shut up Dan! So Sarah whatcha buy? Were there any cute cloths on sale! OMG girl you gotta tell me if there were! Else you are my enemy for life! D:

Sarahshi: Nono, I had to go get some grocery. Didn’t you read that I went to get some for my ‘mom’?

MimiLOVE: Eehhhhhhhh?!!! Boooooring.

Lucy≧◠◡◠≦: OH! Isn’t it your birthday tomorrow?! We should celebrate!

MimiLOVE: OMG yas totally! I know of a good karaoke place! Dan’ll pay!

Dan007: WTF?! Oii, I ain’t paying nothing!

MimiLOVE: Dan, you’re a wussy. Gonna push the payment to us girls? Shame on you! You aren’t a man! Wonder if you got any balls! Dickless~ Dickless~ Dickless~

Sarahshi: LOL

Lucy≧◠◡◠≦: XD

Dan007: STOP THAT! Why don’t you push the payment to Kev? I’m not the only guy in this group damnit!

MimiLOVE: WHAT?!! Make Kevin pay?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Kev’s like the looks for this group. We are lucky to not have to pay him to see his fucking hotness smexy self close up everyday as other girls can drool from afar. (´・` )♡

Sarahshi: Oh no. Someone stop her!

Dan007: Besides I can’t make it tomorrow. Didya forget? Its Saturday I have a game.

Sarahshi: ah

Lucy≧◠◡◠≦: ah

MimiLOVE: oh, right ya did

Dan007: **sigh** What kind of friends are you guys anyway.

Sarahshi: I gtg guys. My dad came back!

Lucy≧◠◡◠≦: Ohh have fun with your dad!

MimiLOVE: See ya Sarah! MEET TOMORROW @ 4pm in front of the maple tree!

Dan007: Bye Sarah. Happy Birthday!

Sarahshi: Thanks Dan and Lucy. Got it Mimi, see you tomorrow.

I closed out of the WMW chatting app as I head downstairs to see dad. We ate dinner together as a family for once. Dad hasn’t come home for a few days while mom somehow found the time to go and bring him change of clothes.

The next day I met up with Mimi and Lucy. We headed towards a newly opened karaoke shop.

“Heya,” Mimi said as she leaned over the countertop showing off her deep cleavage, “I’d like a room for the next 4 hours. How much’ll it be?”

I could hear a loud gulping noise from the man operating the cashier but he quickly pulled himself together and replied with a smile, “That’ll be $250, miss.”

“Ehhh~” Mimi pouted seductively, “That’s too expensive. Can you make it $150?”

‘Wow, cutting the price directly in half.’

He looked a bit shocked before he gave a business smile, “I’m assuming you want some alcoholic drinks as well?”

Mimi blushed as her sex appeal didn’t work but she tried again, “We can skip the alcohol.”

The man smiled and said, “How about $180 then?” He then caresses Mimi’s soft and tender face.

Mimi retreated coyly, “That sounds like a good deal.”

The karaoke room was definitely very high class and a little while later the man we met brought in some alcoholic drinks. Of course we were still minors and weren’t supposed to be drinking, but it seems that he took a liking to Mimi.

Well, Mimi was very pretty. Despite only being 16 years of age she was scouted to be a model for a famous company. She not only has the height but also a voluptuous figure making her extremely popular amongst the males. Though due to her flirty personality there were bad rumors surrounding her. For example, she lost her virginity at the age of 12. Both Lucy and I know that it wasn’t true because she was in love with Kevin since elementary school. Though she becomes weirdly quiet around him so they don’t talk all that much.


After a while of singing, laughing, drinking, Mimi suddenly felt sick.

“Urrgh. I think I drank too much,” Mimi said with her face pale, “I need to puke. Urrgh.”

“I’ll take you to the bathroom,” Lucy said as she supported Mimi.

I was left in the room alone. The music was still blasting loudly as the special effects lit up the room. The room was always hazy as they blew out water vapor to create a stage-like effect. It was then that I suddenly felt sleepy. Before I knew what was happening I fell asleep.

I was stuck in a half-awake, half-asleep state. I heard voices near me.

‘Mimi? Lucy?’ I thought.

I feel light.

“Damn it! Why is there only one?” A man’s voice complained.

“I don’t know. The other one wasn’t in the room!”

“No matter. Take her away. We’d get something at least.”


I couldn’t move. No matter how much I try to wake up from this half-asleep state I can’t. I was scared. I was terrified. Someone! Anyone! Save me! I was so naïve.

I woke up. Hands and feet were bound tightly. I struggled but to no use. All I felt was the pain on my wrists and ankles. I was in a room that was brightly lit and highly decorated. I struggled. My heart raced. I realized I was tied up on a bed. My hands and feet were bound to the four corners of the bed. I was scared. Extremely.

I heard footsteps from the door. They came in, a group of well dressed men.

“W-who are you? Wh-where am I?” My voice shook. I wanted to scream but barely a whisper escaped my lips.

One of the men smiled and walked up towards me. His smile sent shivers down my back. I didn’t like it. It was a bad sign.

He abruptly tore my buttoned up long sleeves white shirt. “Kyaaa!!” I screamed. However, again only a whisper came out. Tears filled my eyes. I started crying.

“W-what are you doing?!! Please. Please stop!” I begged.

He said nothing as he motioned the other men to bring in the equipment. A video recorder was set up. I started to shake. I was scared. I had hoped that someone would come to save me. Mimi and Lucy should have known about my disappearance. However, as if he knew what I was thinking about he spoke for the first time.

“No one will come save you. You belong to us now. Your so-called ‘friend’ sold you out to us.” He smirked.

I was shocked. How? Why? WHY?

He leaned in towards my face and stared directly at my freighted eyes, “Mimi works for us. To save herself she sacrificed you.”

He started to knead my left breast and licked my face. “N-no!”

I shook my head and struggled. The chains rattled as the shackles bit into my skin drawing blood. As if it was a sign, I heard the breathing of the men in the room grew heavy.

‘N-No! No, no!’

The unknown man licked me all over as he undressed me. I was bare. I felt disgusted.

‘NO! NO!!!!’

“AHHHH!!!!” I yelled.

‘It hurts. It hurts so much.’

Once was not enough for them. Throughout that night I yelled till my voice was hoarse. I yelled and scream and shouted until only blood came out. After they were done, they left the room with the video equipment. I had no more energy left. All I felt was pain. All I saw was their disgusting smiles. All I smelt was the blood, the sweat, and the sex. I couldn’t move. A slight movement sent an extreme pain throughout my body, as if I was being torn from the inside. I fell asleep. I never wanted to wake up. However, life always plays cruel jokes.

I was suddenly yanked out of bed. Searing pain coursed through my body. I had no more voice to yell. I had no more tears to shed. I was dragged and I followed blindly. Before I knew it I was thrown into a bathtub and washed. I wasn’t even in the right mind to recognize who was cleaning me. After being washed and dressed I was once again dragged and thrown into another room. I later realized that I was thrown into a room filled with other girls who where in the same type of situation I was in.

I thought I had gone through hell already. However, I was wrong. The hell only had just begun. I had it worse compared to the other girls. I could no longer speak. My throat was damaged beyond repair from that first night. Therefore, I couldn’t engage in any ‘pillow talk’ with the customers. My value slowly became cheaper and cheaper as I got infected with many diseases. The other girls stayed away from me. Days past by and no one came to find me. Was I forgotten? Was I never needed?

I didn’t know how long I stayed in that hell. Whenever bought, I was dragged to bathe and then into a bedroom. After the deed was done I was then dragged again to bathe and thrown back into that crowded room. I had less and less customers as they realized how diseased I was. They started to give me less and less food.

Then one day, I was finally set free from this hellhole.

“Gosh, I’m still hungry!” One of the most popular sluts said aloud.

“Why don’t you take some from the diseased bitch?” Another high pitch voice chimed in.

“Heh, good idea!” She pointed at one of her ass kissers, “You, take her food for me.”


That girl approached and tried to take my food. I was already on the verge of starving to death. I fought back. I can’t lose this food. I didn’t want to die. No matter the pain, death was still a scary thing to me. We struggled, but I was only skin and bones now so I lost. I was pushed hard and my head hit the corner of the bed. I was bleeding nonstop but I was used to pain. That was nothing. I collapse as the girl became scared and scattered back to the rest of the group. They watched as I bled out and die.

I realized. At that moment I realized that death actually wasn’t a scary thing. It was the humans, the selfish humans who only think for themselves. Not the beasts or the mutated animals, but the humans. They, who lie, trick, steal, rape, and kill their own species. It was the humans. After realizing that fact I couldn’t stop laughing. I laughed and laughed until all I saw was darkness.

I don’t know how long I have been in this darkness. My life played across my eyes in this film like state. After I witness my own death a screen suddenly popped up in front of my eyes.

Welcome to R&R for all Rebirths and Reincarnations!

It was determined that you have lived an unfulfilled life. Therefore, you will be given two choices upon your return. Choose wisely.

New Life


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