《Chronicles of Zach》Chapter 9- The end.


After the story I headed back to the inn only to come back the next day. My training and relationship with Cas have been steadily progressing. Now I have not sealed the deal with Cas but we are getting close, also her dad terrifies me.

A total of three months passed before I finally finished forging that sword. The reason it took me so long was because I let the metal guide my hands rather than force it. The moment I finished I got a popup about me learning the Smithing skill. All my skills had changed for the most part.

Here they are and the descriptions.

Active Skills

Passive skills

Identify-Level 22 59/100

Gaia’s Blessing

One with the Blade-Level 4 78/100


Heavy Armor-Level 4 20/100

Survivor Dude

Unarmed Combatant -Level 2 15/100

Dual Wield-Level 6 0/100

Titan Grip-Level 6 0/100

Hide Worker- Level 2 7/100

Food Maniac- Level 8 19/100

Craft Maniac- Level 6 8/100

Burning Body- Level 3 0/100

Weapon Enchantment- Level 4 88/100

Armor Enchantment- Level 2 70/100

Smithing- Level 16 99/100

Identify-Level 22 59/100- You can now see more information about anything you view. Identify has become an integral part of you life and is constantly used. Identify can no longer be detected.

One with the Blade-Level 4 78/100- By becoming one with your blade your attack now resists the winds and laws of the universe as you fight.

Heavy Armor-Level 4 20/100- By having a large amount of strength you are able to wear and specialize in heavy armor. Defense is multiplied by the level of the skill.

Unarmed Combatant -Level 2 15/100- By finding a teacher for your unarmed abilities your attack is now multiplied by the level of the skill then doubled.

Dual Wielder-Level 6 0/100- Allows for the use of a weapon in both hands. Attack is determined by the base damage of the weapons multiplied by the base attack of the user. Current multiplier 6

Titantanic Hands-Level 6 0/100- The strength of your hands prevent you from dropping a weapon. Each level increases the weight of the item that you can hold. Current weight 350 pounds.

Hide Worker- Level 2 7/100- By being taught how to utilize the skins of animals you can use and make leather type items much easier. Each Level increases the chance of making a higher quality item. Current percentage 2%

Food Maniac- Level 8 19/100- By being taught how to cook animals you can use and make food type items much easier. Each Level increases the chance of making a higher quality item. Current percentage 8%

Craft Maniac- Level 6 8/100- By being taught how to craft you can make items much easier. Each Level increases the chance of making a higher quality item. Current percentage 6%

Burning Body- Level 3 0/100- By being shown the true way to burn with passion you now can heat up your body to a staggering 2000 degrees! Skill is a constant buff when used. Skill level determines the amount of mana needed for constant use. Current Mana Cost 850 min

Weapon Enchantment- Level 4 88/100- By being shown the way of fusing the elements into your weapons you can now do extra attack in the form of elemental damage when fighting. Level of skill determines bonus damage of element and Mana cost to sustain. Current Mana Cost 800 min, Current Bonus attack 400

Armor Enchantment- Level 2 70/100- By being shown the way of fusing the elements into your armor you can now block elemental damage when fighting. Level of skill determines bonus defense of element and Mana cost to sustain. Current Mana Cost 900 min, Current Bonus defense 200


This changed everything for me. On one hand I was going to get strong as possible yet on the other I was much weaker now. I know my stats have changed but I really don’t want to look at it until my training is complete. Three months isn’t that long after all.

I look at the sword I created. It was a decent sword, plain but still useable. When I Identified it I noticed that the description screen had changed as well.

Titan sword




Crafted by an up and coming smith.

Weight-550 Pounds

It wasn’t bad but I did feel pretty good about my first blade. I can’t use it right now but that will change in the future, both fighting with heavy weapons and smithing make the skill increase.

I go back to Rob and start a new day of training.

One Year later.

I haven’t fought anything in ages. A year has passed and I’m starting to get antsy about getting out of this dungeon. Cas and I have become lovers but not in the traditional sense. She told me that she want’s an open relationship for me, when I asked her why she just laughed and said I would know once we got out of the dungeon.

Rob had accepted me as his own son at this point and pushed my training to the max. Today was my last day of training. I was honestly way too excited. So excited that I couldn’t put it into words.

I arrived at his house early in the morning to see him waiting for me with swords ready. As I raised my hand to say high he attacked me without hesitation.

He attacked with an overhand swing that was as elegant as it was brutal. I countered with a sidestep and thrust my sword into his side.

I had finally gotten used to my body after all the enhancements from leveling up. My speed and reaction time was now through the roof.

My side step had gotten me so close I could give him a hug if I wanted to. I thought about doing that just for fun but decided to stick with the simple thrust.

The thrust was straight and true as it lightly tapped the inside of his armor. We normally just stop at the first touch but I decided to make it a sure end and spun to the outside as he jerked back to defend himself. My spin brought my blade out and up to his neck as I rested it there and waited for him to stop.

He came to a stop immediately with a smile on his face. “Good job Zach. You have turned into a fine swordsman and I have nothing further to teach you. Actually I don’t think anyone could teach you much more. You merely need to learn on your own now.” He said with a bow.

I was ecstatic with my win. It had been a long journey and i was finally done. Fluffy had seemed to be excited as well. He was now 6 feet tall at the shoulders and 10 feet long. He was by far the biggest cat I have ever seen and i was glad he was mine.

“That’s all thanks to your teachings Rob.” I replied.

“I told you to call me dad.” He admonished. I sigh inwardly because I was only going to

do that when Cas and I finally tie the knot.

“It’ll happen when it’s time Rob. For now I just need to finish this dungeon and see what my world has turned into.” I sadly reply.


“I know boy. I know. Don’t forget though that you have more responsibilities now.”

He’s right of course. I now was in charge of taking care of Fluffy and Cas which were both huge commitments! First was a giant cat that was still growing and demanded a lot of food to sustain it and the next was probably the most wonderful woman i have ever had the pleasure to know. She was also very high maintenance in both material needs as well as emotional needs.

I liked it though. Having responsibilities always made me happy at the end of the day. Now though one of my main responsibilities was to defeat this dungeon. I Checked my status just to make sure I was ready.




Dual Blade Magician




Human/Ascended Demon King






57,128/813.6 min


57,128/813.6 min


57,128/813.6 min















Unused Stat Points


Base Attack/Useable Attack





860 gold, 12 silver, 50 copper


Fluffy- White liger(Evolve path enabled)

Soul bound items

Boat of the never ending branch

Equipped Items

Britches of the birches-Defense + 50, Type- light armor

Leafy tank- Defense + 40, Type- light armor

Solid Shoes- Defense + 10, Type- light armor

Butterfly Bastard Swords- Attack + 200, Type- Dual Swords

Active Skills

Passive skills

Identify-Level 56 49/100

Gaia’s Blessing

One with the Blade-Level 45 79/100


Heavy Armor-Level 35 72/100

Survivor Dude

Unarmed Combatant -Level 15 14/100

Dual Wield-Level 50 79/100

Titan Grip-Level 60 90/100

Hide Worker- Level 22 14/100

Food Maniac- Level 72 19/100

Craft Maniac- Level 44 8/100

Burning Body- Level 46 0/100

Weapon Enchantment- Level 49 99/100

Armor Enchantment- Level 48 79/100

Smithing- Level 75 99/100

Those stats were amazing. It was obvious that having a teacher push you farther made you way stronger in the long run. I could only shake my head and sigh at my earlier stupidity.

Rob had gone inside for a minute and had finally come back with a large bundle in his arms.

“I made these for you throughout the year. It is by far my greatest work. Use it well bud.” I start to tear up a little as he said this.

Rob is a master smith. Now master is only obtained by reaching Skill Level 100 and in order to do that you must make a godly weapon so needless to say his best work was going to be amazing!

I accepted the gift as gracefully as i could and what I pulled out was more valuable than I could ever describe. Actually it really was invaluable but that is for another day. I unwrapped the bundle and took out six items.

Twin Destroyers(Twin Giant swords)




Crafted by a legendary smith.

Weight-2000 Pounds

Cosmic Breastplate(Heavy Armor)




Crafted by a legendary smith.

Weight-100 Pounds

Cosmic Greaves(Heavy Armor)




Crafted by a legendary smith.

Weight-75 Pounds

Cosmic Boots(Heavy Armor)




Crafted by a legendary smith.

Weight-40 Pounds

Cosmic gloves(Heavy Armor)




Crafted by a legendary smith.

Weight-400 Pounds

I couldn’t put into words how grateful I was for everything. “Thank you.” Was all I could muster at the time.

“Don’t worry about it kid. Just use it well.” He waived his hand at me.

I will Rob. I will. I Equiped everything and headed back to the town to talk to Cas. I just wanted to see her one last time before I went after Asmodeus. I kinda felt like I should talk to Rob a little more but he and I are a lot alike so I know he would rather me just head out and do my thing.

I got back to the inn right as it was time for the dinner service and Cas was waiting for me at the bar. “Hey gorgeous.” I said.

“You already got laid this morning and you want another go?” She said while laughing.

Seriously I was just saying hi. “No but now that you mention it I could go for a round.”

“Well that depends on if you are done with your training or not. If you are done you need to go to the mayor.” She replied.

Ugh I did not want to go see that guy. In the year and couple months I had been here all I heard everyday was how wonderful it was to have me here. I swear he was trying to butter me up and get in my pants.

“Yea I’m done. Do I really have to talk to him though?” I asked.

“Yes you do. He protects the stairs that lead down to Asmodeus. You have to get passage through him first. Now go. It’s best that you do this now. Then you can really start your journey.” She practically pushed me out of the door.

I sigh and head towards the mayor’s house. It was the largest building in the city. Well it was the castle actually. I arrive in about twenty minutes and was greeted by every person along the way.

The mayor was outside doing some gardening in the front courtyard when I walked up. “Good evening mayor. I need to go now.” I said. I figure it’s best to just get straight to the point.

“Zach! My friend. It’s great to see you. You’re ready to go and fight Asmodeus now?”

“Yup.” I am going to keep it short and sweet.

“Ok. Follow me. I know who trained you so I’m not too worried about it.” He said.

He dusted his hands off on his pants and led me inside to the throne room. As we neared the throne he stepped down hard on a tile in front of the throne which caused the throne to shift to the left. Under the throne was a set of stairs that led straight down.

“This is the stairway to him. I wish you a great victory.” He left after that. I guess he really was ready for this all to be over.

I head down the stairs and once again find myself in a pitch black stairway. I was really excited to get back to humanity again. I had no thoughts in my head that i would fail.

“You sure did take your time!” A voice thundered out. Yea now i have second thoughts.

“Hurry up and get down here boy!” The voice said again.

I picked up the pace a little bit to try and make the voice happy. It was scary! Probably the deepest most disturbing thing I have ever heard.

I got to the bottom of the stairs and found myself in a very large room. Now by large I don’t mean a couple hundred feet by another couple hundred feet. No this place had no end as far as I could tell but it did have a ceiling that was about a mile up. Directly in front of me was a man standing alone in all of this space.

“Asmodeus I presume?” I ask.

“About time Zach. I have watched you from the very beginning and listed to all you have said. I must say that your tale is rather depressing. Do you have any idea as to what has happened out on earth?” He asked me.

“I have no idea but I am excited to find out.” I reply.

“Don’t be so excited boy.” Boy? Can you not be such an ass? “About seventy five percent of the population are gone and most of them were men. So now not only do you have to contend with monsters but you also have a solid seven women to every one man ratio out there.” He chuckled at the end.

That explains why Cas wants an open relationship. “Ok well I guess I’ll just deal with it once I’m out of here.” I shrug my shoulders as I reply.

“Well I wish you good luck Zach and may you always survive.” With that he pulls out a large sword and proceeds to stab himself in the stomach.

“Hey what the hell?” I shout. I ran to him as fast as I could but there was no saving him. His Hp was at 12 as he tells me one last thing.

“I know you don’t understand but just know that this is for the best. You still cleared the dungeon but you will just not get any EXP from killing me. Do good for the people for they are the only ones that will not die from this.” With that he died. His body turned to dust and flew away on a nonexistent breeze.

“Why! Why did you do that? I needed that experience. I needed it.” I half cried and half laughed as I broke down. But before I could really get down in my sorrows Notifications began to pop up.

Congrats! You have completed this dungeon and defeated the master. Due to you not actually killing the master you will get no awards for this. You will get the normal options that others get when fully defeating a dungeon. After you are finished you will be transported to the area of your decision.

You have two options for completing the dungeon. You can become the new dungeon master and start a dungeon of your own! You will never die but you can never leave. All the citizens in the dungeon will become your slaves and they will also never leave nor will they die.

Option two will be to take all of the citizens out of the dungeon and will be taken to a relatively safe area on earth, your home planet, to establish yourself. The citizens will not be your slaves but they will probably follow you. You will get no other benefits from this other than the fact that you will not be trapped. You will also never have a choice when completing a dungeon again.

My choice was easy and I chose the second option. A wave of light washes over me and in a split second I find myself in a field on earth. More flashes of light went off as all the citizens in that city arrive around me. Everyone looks around awkwardly as we all survey our surroundings.

Out in the distance I see something large flying my way. I ready my swords and let my rage at not being able to fight Asmodeus flow through me as I get ready for a fight.

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