《Chronicles of Zach》Chapter 1-Big changes


Welcome to the end! Yup it’s the end. We are going to transfer you some information of why this has happened. In 3 seconds.

The info dump that happened precisely after 3 seconds was ridiculous. Lucky for me i also got a little bonus from it. Well everyone did but I like to think I’m special, after all this is my story I’m telling.

Due to your avid book reading, some of which i find questionable. I mean seriously? Playman? Anyways….. You are allowed a special perk of narrating your own story. Have fun with that. Also I want you to know that I’m not mad… just disappointed. (Your friendly goddess Gaia)

I was in the middle of a lecture when the first window had appeared. We were doing women’s studies I think. Doesn’t really matter much now that life as we knew it was ending. I quickly wrote or well i thought about writing, since that’s how my narration perk worked, the whole history in a more condensed version so you have already read it. Now that we are up to speed let’s get to it.

I’ve always been a calm guy when shit hits the fan so i was totally not screaming like a fangirl seeing belieber for the first time. I got up and left the room. I knew that something bad would happen in there and i had no intention of being a part of it. I’ve read apocalyptic books before and I know that colleges get hit hard as hell.

The campus was large so it took me about 15 min to get out of the building. I was on a flight attitude right now. The information also told everyone that the world be increased by ten times so I knew some major earthquakes were coming our way. Tectonic shifts were no joke after all. Not only that but we would be fully integrated into the “system”. The system was just a way for sentient life forms to cope with magic and it also allowed them to go past their mortal limits. Long story short, the universe we were supposed to be in was a giant rpg.

Pretty much everything we had made up in books and games was all true. It was like a instinctual bit of information that surfaced inside of everyone so we would be able to cope when the god that did this to us died. Honestly i was super excited. I’m a super nerd and D&D is my shit.

Sadly this also meant that a lot of people would die. The total would be roughly 75% of the population. On the other hand a lot of terrible people would be gone, so I’m not too upset.

Why am I so pessimistic? Well I’m an orphan that never got adopted and I’m still a virgin. Never had a girlfriend or any friend for that matter. So if ya think about it it really does make sense that i would be this way. Oh yea forgot to tell ya that i was raped by a pastor that followed that dead god, so i can only hope that more people like him die a horrible death.

Also there was a very rational reason as to why so many people had to die. You see when that god went on his rampage and killed all those life forms their soul didn’t have enough time to enter the reincarnation cycle of the universe. So they were trapped on earth. Lucky for them earth had its own reincarnation cycle.

Sadly they need to die to go back to their original form. After all where are the souls for all the monsters and other things going to come from? Yup you guessed it, your friends, family and all others that house a non human soul. Apparently souls differ in race as well. Who knew right.


I kept running as I left the campus. I needed to get to my jeep and drive the fuck outa here. I just had a really bad feeling about everything right now.

Oh did i mention I’m a bit of a hypochondriac? No? Well I am.

Attention! You have 10 minutes to get to a safe place during the shift and expansion of earth. After the expansion you will be fully integrated into the system. Be sure to check your status page! Have a fun apocalypse.

Shit. Ok i gotta get out of town. I have a feeling that the towns will get hit the worst. Makes sense. If you’re taking 75% of the population then you go for the most concentrated areas, aka the cities.

I get to my jeep and hop in. I had the top off since it’s a nice sunny day down in wonderful Oregon. Yea Oregon, the home of weed and hippies. If you don’t agree with that then you are probably from Oregon as well.

As I put the key in and turned it to start my jeep nothing happened. Yup not a thing. Now it wasn’t like I didn’t fill the tank or something simple like that. Nope it was because we had already started the transformation process so the laws that governed our world were different now. So my jeep was now just a hunk of metal. Soon enough it would dissolve but that isn’t really important, something to do with it being made by science as well.

This all passed through my head in a matter of seconds so i was immediately searching my jeep for my survival gear. Sure it would dissolve soon but, according to the information i was given, it should last a week. I had a pack under the passenger seat that was filled with water purifying pills, fire starters and a large bowie knife.

With pack in had i ran as far and fast as I could. Lucky for me the college was on the outskirts of the town, Salem i was in salem, so i was able to get about halfway to the trees before the world started to shake.

“BOOOOOOOM”The earth shook and rocked in what had to be a 20 on the richter scale earthquake. The shaking was so disorienting that my legs gave out and i fell face first into a rock. Complete darkness took over and i faintly remember my pack of supplies flying out of my hand.




I came to in a damp and dark place. Screens obscured my vision once I opened my eyes.

Welcome humans to the New Earth! If you are reading this then you survived! Ha well of course you did. You go you! You little survivor. Now it’s time to give you a little tutorial in how this universe works. Look forward to seeing you there. Peace!

Well that was a ride. Seems like whichever god that was is definitely a character.

Congrats! You are the first of your kind to enter a dungeon! Upon completion, If you can complete it, you will be awarded huge awards!

No. No no no no no. This can’t be happening. This is literally the worst situation i could be in at the moment.

Notice! You have entered the dungeon of the damned! Suggested level is 150 with a total of 10 floors. Good luck and try not to die until you have reached a safe point!

Wait what? Try? Does that mean I can die and be resurrected if i do reach the safe point?


“Who said that.” That freaked me the fuck out. Someone just answered my thought.


‘Your helper duh.’

“When did i get a helper?” I have a feeling I have no idea about my helper because i never went through the tutorial.

‘Wait. I’m seeing that your statuses show that you never went through the indoc.’

No shit sherlock.

‘Oh no this is bad. This is sooooo bad! What the hell!’

The voice went silent for a moment. I must say that the voice was pleasant to listen to. It was in between a sultry australian and southern drawl. Odd to say the least but I did like it.

‘Pleas Zach. Please tell me how in the actual fuck you managed to get into a level 150 dungeon?’

“Well i kinda woke up here.”

‘I need more than that please. Like if you were hiding in a cave. Cuz honestly that would be totally understandable.’

I scratched my head awkwardly. “Ahhhhh no. You see what had happened was i was running after my jeep wouldn’t work and once the earth started shaking I fell and hit my head. Then i woke up and started talking with you. Which might I add has been a wonderful experience. So please don’t hate me and get me the fuck outta dodge!”

‘Hahahahaha! Oh that’s good. Great even! You think that I, a voice in your head, can save ya? Oh boy let me tell you how fucked you are. Wait no, on second thought I’m contacting Gaia.’

Noooooo she’s mad at me… well disappointed but still that’s way worse. I heave a heavy sigh as a new window pops up.

Really?!? Oh boy. You either are extremely lucky or you are gonna get screwed soooo bad. Well good news is that if you survive you will be the strongest human so far. Bad news is that I can’t save you. The only thing I can do is give you my blessing and hope for the best. Look up your status and go from there. You were a nerd so you should understand how it works. Also try to get a race change if you can. Straight up humans are wayyyy too squishy. Good luck. You need it.

Well I can only do what she asked. Wait how so I pull up my status do I think… ah yep that did it.














100/.5 min


100/.5 min

















Ok so pretty basic stats. Wait no. Don’t tell me my luck is like that typical cliche type that you only get in story’s. Yup it is. Well at least it should help me in this dungeon.

‘Actually it only helps in you getting good items after you kill a monster. By the way we need to move soon. We are literally at the beginning of this dungeon and you can’t leave until it is finished.’

Well that sucks. I still need to look up and skills so I think skills and guess what. If you guessed that my skills, both active and passive pulled up, then you’d be right! Good job!

Active Skills

Passive skills


Gaia’s Blessing

Oh that’s nice… not. Ok lets try and look up the blessing.

Gaia’s Blessing- a blessing given to a poor boy in the wrong place at the wrong time. Grants the owner of this skill double defence at all times.(This could be a huge cheat in the future, if you live that is.)

Well that’s nice. Ok no that is a freaking awesome skill! I wish I would have had that in the games i used to play.

‘Ok Zach. Focus time. We need to get moving to the first safe point.’

Right. I need to live. With a deep breath I ran forward and killed everything my path and beat the shit outa the boss like I was some sort of super soldier god. I got out of the dungeon and had a harem of beauties awaiting me. Yea I’m like amazing.

Yea… that didn’t happen. If anything i was hiding like a little bitch trying to find my way around. At least my sneaky skills were noticed by the game.

Congrats! You learned sneak! As a passive skill that activates on its own and results in you having a 75% chance of not being detected by those of your level or lower.(Huge hint. Don’t try it here. It will not work.)

Ok well I’m still gonna sneak around and try to find the safe zone. The only downside to sneak being a passive skill is that it has no option to level up. Well for now at least.

As I’m tiptoeing along I survey my surroundings. To my surprise I had wandered into the first level, ok that’s not surprising, and it was a giant rain forest! I had thought that we were in a cave but this just blows my mind!

“Hey! Helper thing.”

‘Yes? You do know you can give me a name right?’

“First off, no, no i didn’t. Now how the hell is this happening? We are in a cave dungeon thing and there’s a damned rain forest here! How does this work?” I am completely baffled by all this. My mind can’t even right now.

‘Did you just go valley white girl on me?’

“Shit, forgot your in my head. Yea I did.”

‘OOOOOOk. Well to answer your question… Magic. That is all.’

Really the magic excuse. Ah so lame. Oh well back to sneaking around.

I came around a boulder tree thing, it was odd, shape of a boulder with leaves coming out of it and 20 feet tall. All around this boulder tree thing was more of them. They were really quite interesting actually. I studied them as much as I could.

They seemed to have no bark yet the outside was as tough if not tougher than rock. The leaves themselves felt like leather. They gave off a pleasant scent that was a mix of pine and mint. More on the pine side though.

Congrats! Due to your deep concentration at observing things you have earned the skill Identify. Identify is at level one. Use it often to level up the skill. Note: using it to peer at women in the bath house will not level this skill up, it will actually lose levels.

Are half of the descriptions really necessary? Oh well.

As I was reading the new notification a large wooden man had came out of the the tree I was looking at. Of course as soon as I moved the notification window away and noticed him and jumped and screamed.

“Who the hell are you?” I was terrified as i looked at him. He was a solid 8 feet tall and probably weighed 350 pounds.

“What are you?” He responded in a very deadpan tone. Also I know he is a he because his junk is just flopping around as he walks up to me.

I tilted my head back to look at him. “I’m Zach. A human and i kinda came here by accident.”

“Why you no try to kill us?”

“Huh?” I had a very confused look on my face for a moment. “Oh! Cuz we’re in a dungeon and you are one of the dungeon monsters right?”

“I’m not a monster.”

“OK… um minion? Also I didn’t try to kill you because I’m weak as hell .”

“That works. Listen you really are low level and confusing. Dungeon master wants you train. Ok?”

By the gods I think I love him. “Yes! Yes yes yes! A million times yes!”

Wait is there a catch here? “Hey what’s the catch?” Sounded too good to be true after all.

“No catch. Asmodeus is bored of life. Wants death and new beginning. Can only rebirth if die.”

“Wow. Never woulda thought about it like that.” I mumbled. “OK so how do we do this?”

“Follow. We go to safe area. I no go in there but you do. Then we fight and I die. If you kill me good, if you die…” He smiled in a very evil way. “You go again.”

Well this is gonna suck. I mean I know I won’t die die but I imagine it will hurt a lot. “Hey what’s your name anyways?” I need to call him something.

“Used identify you dumb dumb.”





Branch Demon





“Um it doesn’t say your level or HP amount.”

“That cuz you weak. Level up identify and it work better.”

“Ok then Grook let’s go.”

He led me through the forest of trees, that’s all that came up when I identified it and I don’t want to elaborate as to what it sad. Someone really needs to fix that. We walked for at least an hour before he stopped abruptly.

“What’s wrong?” I wanted to make sure I wasn’t going to get attacked by some random beast.

“We here.”

I had been following him this entire time so I didn’t see anything. Coming around him I saw a small area that was about 5 feet in diameter and surrounded by dark grey stones. In the centre was a dim circle of what seemed like archaic runes that glowed blue.

Rather than waiting to be told to go into the safe zone I walked into the circle. As soon as I had entered my world went black.

Welcome to your first safe Zone. Since the system has been updated to your situation we are giving you a quick rundown of what happens when you find a safe zone. Every safe zone that is found for the first time by anyone will reward that individual with EXP (experience) in accordance with the level of the surrounding Minions or monsters. This safe zone is surrounded by Minions at level 150 so you are being rewarded with 200,000 EXP. Also as some more information the amount of EXP needed to level up increases by 1.5 x for all levels. Good luck Zach. You’re gonna need it.

The rest of the world is black still so I have no idea what’s going on other than the notification windows.

Congrats! You have leveled up. Level up x5. For every level you gain 7 stat points. 1 for every stat. You humans sure are lucky for your extreme growth racial factor. Most species get 4.

You have reached level 5 so please chose your basic class and start down your new life of conquering the universe!


Strength based class that evolves into more strength based classes depending on your stat distribution and skill list.


Mana based class that evolves the same as the strength based class.


Dexterity based class that evolves the same way the strength based class does.

I’ve always been a warrior in my old games that i loved to play so i figured i would go that route. Warrior it is.

You have chosen Warrior! The path is alway fraught with peril and you like to be in the thick of it. Good luck on your adventure.














100/.5 min


100/.5 min

















Unused Stat points




I needed to know what each stat does. Besides luck of course, my helper did already tell me about it. On second thought let’s look at it

Strength- Increases your attack by 1 for every point added.

Dexterity- Increases movement, stamina and stamina regeneration. Stamina is increased by 10 for every point and stamina regeneration increased by .5 with added bonuses after every 10 points.

Vitality- Increases body size, Hp and Hp regeneration. HP increased by 10 for every point and regeneration increased by .5 with added bonuses after every 10 points.

Charisma- Increases the way people treat you as well as how good you look.(You’re gonna really need this one radio face.)

Wisdom- Increases Mana regeneration as well as makes one seem more sagelike. Mana regeneration increased by .5 for every point with added bonuses every 10 points. (Locked for classes that are not based on or use mana.)

Intelligence- Makes you smarter and increases Mana pool also has the added bonus of improving the amount of experience you gain(incalculable). Mana pool increased by 10 for every point with bonuses every 10 points

Luck- Every point increases your chance of a critical strike by 1%. Every critical strike does 200% damage.

Well that makes a lot of sense actually. Pretty simple way of doing it all. Wait I have a 99% chance of a critical hit! Yes!

Time to distribute my stat points. I think i want to go for getting everything to at least 10 first. I like having a balanced character.

I received notifications once I hit 10 in Strength, Vitality and Dexterity.

Congrats! You have passed the threshold of your human body and brought your strength up to 10. Each point in strength now adds 2 to your attack from now on.

Congrats! You have passed the threshold of your human body and brought your Vitality up to 10. Each point in strength now adds 15 to your health and increases your regeneration by an additional .1 from now on.

Congrats! You have passed the threshold of your human body and brought your Dexterity up to 10. Each point in strength now adds 15 to your Stamina and increases your regeneration by an additional .1 from now on.














150/3.0 min



















Unused Stat Points




Not too bad really. Still black though so I’m guessing I’m not done yet.

Congrats! You leveled up x13! Keep it up!

Oh boy! I might actually have a chance here… no not really. I’m totally screwed.














150/3.0 min



















Unused Stat Points




Time to keep it even again. Oh boy more notifications! I think i'll keep them on if i can. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Congrats! You have passed the threshold of your human body and brought your strength up to 20. Each point in strength now adds 3 to your attack from now on.

Congrats! You have passed the threshold of your human body and brought your Vitality up to 20. Each point in strength now adds 20 to your health and increases your regeneration by an additional .1 from now on.

Congrats! You have passed the threshold of your human body and brought your Dexterity up to 20. Each point in strength now adds 20 to your Stamina and increases your regeneration by an additional .1 from now on.














400/12.5 min



















Unused Stat Points




Active Skills

Passive skills

Identify-Level 1 25/100

Gaia’s Blessing

Blades-Level 1 0/100


Armor-Level 1 0/100

Unarmed Combat-Level 1 0/100

Oooo new skills. Let’s see what they do.

Blades- Increases the competency in using any bladed weapon. Also allows the use of any and all bladed weapons. Bonuses every 10 levels

Armor- Increases the use of all types or armor. Gives no bonuses but specific armor skills will give bonuses.

Unarmed Combat- Increases the competency of fighting unarmed. Multiplies the base attack of the user by 2 for every level with bonuses every 10 levels.

Well this will help out. I guess I’m done now.

My vision slowly returned after I closed all the notifications that i had.

“Welcome back Zach. Now we fight.”

“Wait Grook. I’m way too low leveled for this! You’ll kill me with a little fart!”

“Yes, if you not lucky. Now come. We need to go to arena.”

Can i seriously get a break here? That level up episode lasted for a couple minutes at most. Not only that but I’ve literally been in this dungeon for a half an hour. To top it off my world has been completely changed for only an hour for me.

I literally have no idea where I am or what I am doing and i am being led by a fucking branch demon. What the hell is that? “Hey Grook. What the hell is going on? Why is the dungeon master wanting to die? This is just all way too convenient for me. I don’t like it.”

He stopped and looked at me. “Just come. When you fight him he tell all.” He seemed sad for some reason.

With reluctance I followed him back through the forest of trees. I’ll just go through with this for now. Not like I can die for real in this dungeon.

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