《Chronicles of Zach》Prologue/History lesson


A long time ago, back when gods and monsters roamed the world. Humanity was barely beginning. In that day magic and science were one and the same.

Humans had just evolved into what we know them as today, weak yet full of potential. The planet they lived on, Earth, was full of mystery and mayhem. Gods roamed and created followings as they pleased. There were a couple main groups that you might have heard about. The egyptians, the greek pantheon and the nordic were just a few groups.

These three groups reigned supreme among earth. Well as all types of ideas and ideologies do, they began to clash. The war devastated earth, entire species went extinct. Dragons, elves, dwarves and every other “mythical” creature you have ever heard about, all of them were real and they all died a horrible death at the hands of one another.

The only species that was left alone was humanity. They were too young, a lone god was in charge of showing them the truth of the universe and bringing them together. Sadly this god was a jealous god and he created a belief that put him as the only god out there.

Now what that god did wouldn’t have been that bad if he had accepted the other gods to live alone and he made them swear an oath to never bother humanity. Actually that would have been fine. Sadly that was the opposite of what he did.

If you look back through history you will see all the deaths and murders of those that were not of the faith of that god. This was really a strategic attack against the other gods. By killing the followers of the god that god would weaken. After an almost global purge, well you understand. The gods thrive on belief, if you believe in it then it is there. No more belief and it, well it isn’t gone but it is extremely weak.


After the wars the god went and attacked his fellow gods. He slaughtered many and exiled most. A few, 4 to be exact, hid away to try and make a come back at some point. These gods and goddesses were Gaia, Odin, Zeus and Cronos. They hid because they knew something that the tyrant god did not. They knew that there was a punishment for gods that did what he did.

This punishment is an exile from the universe until that god dies. Not only will the god be exiled but the whole world they reign over will as well. Now they knew all about this so they decided to hide in 4 of the 6 super volcanoes around the world. They had hid almost as soon as the god started killing and fighting the other gods. They were too weak and knew they had no chance.

After the last god, or goddess, no one knows, left and or died earth and everything with it vanished into another universe. Calling it a parallel universe wouldn’t be that far off. Actually you would be completely correct! Although it was a parallel universe it was 1/10 the size of the universe it was in.

Because of this earth had to shrink to 1/10 the size. This led to things disappearing such as continents and oceans. The only piece of land that was remembered was Atlantis. Of course the god that caused this had no idea what had happened other than he no longer had the power he used to have.

The only thing this god retained was his long lifespan, about 2500 years. Yes he was a young god. Yes he had been around for at least a little bit so in reality he only had 1900 years left and this was at 200 ad on earth’s time frame. If he would have waited he could have expanded his life span by quite a considerable amount. Obviously he didn’t so no need to go into detail.


Now at the end of it all brings us to his death. He deserved it really. So much bloodshed for no reason at all other than he was jealous. Nothing special happened on his death. It was a normal day and everyone was doing what they normally do. Well until everything stopped working.

Now I should backtrack here a second and yes you will get to know me soon but please be patient. As you should know about our world, it runs on laws. These laws are based on science, since there is no magic in this universe. So it stands to reason that everything that was made by the process of science would be stopped and ended, abruptly. Well we at least had a little forewarning thanks to the gods that had hid away. They pooled their energy together to give us the system.

Well that’s it for the history lesson. Time for the main course right? My name is Zach and this is how my life got flipped, turned upside down. Hahaha it was funny in my head.

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