
Hello! I've finally got over 40 followers! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!! ONE DAY I'LL BAND TOGETHER ALL OF MY FOLLOWERS AND FAVORITERS TO CONQUER ROYAL ROAD!!!!!!! Of course, nobody shall know of this plot... Hue, Hue, Hue, Hue... Crap! Uh, you didn't see that did you?! Ummmmm... nothing suspicious here! Go along now! What? Waddya mean my left eye's twitching? Ahaha... My eye twitches when I tell the truth! Thats right! Don't discriminate against eye-truth-twitchers!!! Huh? I'm suspiciously sweating?! Preposterous! These are... uh-these are.... SKIN TEARS! That's right! SKIN TEARS! I have very sad skin! Ummmm... shall I do a random rant? Wait I already did one.... WHATEVER HERE'S YOUR CHAPTER!!!!

Hello. It's Kris here. Welcome to my inner monologues again. And.... (sigh) I... have abandoned my humanity... but... I don't regret my choice... I made my own decisions...




"Ahem, uh, calm down boy. Humu, uhhhhhhh first.... uhhhhh be glad you didn't die?"

"Oh. Okay. Yeah, I should really take on a more positive outlook on th-"


I pop a vein on my forehead.

"Aw, damn, I slipped up in front of the brat"

"Humu. Ah... Boy, this old grampy's head isn't as good as it used to be, I confused you with someone else..."

This. really. pisses. me. off.


*BA-KING* (sound of dramatic lightning flashing)


The annoying gramps puts both his hands up in a protective manner,

"I was... seen through... so, quickly..."

It almost seems as if lightining is flashing in his background, and why are you putting on that so surprised face gramps? It's really, really ticking me off.


-A few minutes later-

"Okay boy, plz spare this poor old grampy"

Said Gramps, as he felt the new bruise on his forehead.

"Cut the crap. Now, explain"

"Hmph... fine. Look kid, remember when you got all those stat boosts after I fused your mana stream when I shoved the red mana sphere into your eye?"


I reflect on that scene and feel really pissed off again

"Well, first, guess my identity."

Whaaaaaaaat? Th-the gramps's face..... It's....serious?

Not a trace of joking could be sensed. Even Colby and the beauty stopped fooling around and payed attention. Well, It was more like Colby was interested and the beauty was amused.

"Ummm... some old rich geezer living a life of solitude in a dark forbidding castle?"


" (sigh)... boy... I'm the demon king and ruler of all the demon continent"

"And I'm a hero that will save hundred of people lives on a magical unicorn that shoots rainbows, eats rainbows, and shits rainbows"



"Um, boy, actually you are a hero already, and I will see to it that you will save hundreds of people. Minus the Unicorn."

"Oh- thank goodness I never really wanted a unicorn-"





If this guy is telling the truth... And If I think this is what I think it is...

"Boy, I ask for your help in protecting the demon continent from those greedy human bastards"


I had this same conversation several times in a row till the truth set in.

I was summoned to another world. After that, I was kicked off of a tower, almost died, Summoned along with Colby to the Demon lords castle, and now we're being asked to do the exact same thing we were asked to do in the human kingdom, backwards.


Why can't I be in some cliche storyline to conquer the demon king? But noooooo. I have to be the evil villain! If my life was written in words (which of course it's not) then Kevin would be the villain!


After taking some deeeeep breaths.... I calm down.

"Gramps Explain"

"Finally boy, first, the situation. This world has 3 Main Races. The Human Race, The Demon Race, And the Fairy Race. Now, the fairy race don't really care about what happens to the rest of the races. And there are some rumors that they even live in a separate dimension. Normally, fairies are the only one to have the [light] attribute, but not in the case of the [Hero Summoning]. That specific summoning actually utilized the remnants of a fairy artifact. Humu. Now, there is also the rare race of Elves, and beastmen.

Colby all of a sudden gets that strange sparkle in his glasses at the sound of Elves and Beastmen.

"First, the Elf Race. They are an eccentric race that loves nature, they first originated when some fairies and humans had an affair. Now, the Beastmen. Most humans refer to them as "demi-humans" Because "demi" means part demon. Originally demons were animalistic because of the environments but became more and more humanoid. Finally, after a demon and a human had a forbidden affair, the subspecies of "beastmen, or demi-humans" were made. Now, most demi-humans were discriminated against, and there is a current war with the demons fighting for demi-human rights, and the humans fighting for the rise of demi-human and even demon slavery."


I'm shocked and intrigued... I guess... everything depends on perspective... I know what he said was the truth because of the notifications that popped up for me in the middle of the story.


Arcane Demonic Eyes: You can see through lies in one eye like a fairy, and you can sense danger with the other one like a demon.


Your'e new body has successfully completely adapted without any internal damage and minimal external changes! Yay! Be thankful you didn't die!

That reminds me... I'll hide my curiosity and start off with a threatening tone.

"Graaaamps... That's fine and all... but... what's this about me having a chance of dying? Plus, you didn't explain my race changes yeeeeet."

"Humu, kids can't be patient these days.... Yes. Ahem. First, your current race status. Remember when I jabbed that red ball of mana into you? As the Demon lord, my power is hereditary so, I guess you gained some of my.... (DNA). And....."

Gramps sees my expression and hurries on quickly before I have a chance to retort.

"And you did indeed have a chance of death. You were summoned with your friend here because #1. Your friend and you have good war potential, and #2. Your attributes"

"My attributes?"

"Yes, previously you had the [light] and [darkness] attributes, correct? "

"Hmmm... yeah."

"Well, in order to be able to handle my power, one would need an affinity with the [darkness] attribute of the demon race, and the [light] attribute to be able to completely endure my power"

"Ugh... Seems my luck is bad..."

"Actually, no, you and your friend here, had very bad conditions for both of your mana streams. But that's cured now, I stabilized your friends condition with some hand-stitched enchanted gloves from my daughter Violet."


Colby grinned and pointed to the beaut- Violet. He held up his hands. Nice huh? They were... one Fiery Red and the other Icy blue.

"I remember now... I recall Colby telling me his special condition before the tower fight."

Abnormal Status:

Attribute Unstability:

Your attributes are very unstable. They could either mix very will or reject each-other. Your attributes are very dangerous, to either your enemies, or yourself.

I take a look at Colby's status with my [Analyze] Ability.

Status WindowName:ColbyAttribute:FrostfireLevel:1Class:noneAge&Race:13 yr old humanGender:maleTitles:

Otaku, Hero

Unique Abilites: Gamers MindHealth:300/300Mana:1000/1000Health Regen. +1 every 10 seconds || Mana Regen. +1 every 5 secondsStrength40Intelligence80Agility50Wisdom80Endurance50Dexterity80Abnormal status(s): Attribute Harmony

Huh? I read his abnormal status... It wasn't [attribute unstability] anymore?

Abnormal Status: Attribute Harmony

Your'e normally unstable attibutes have been harmonized by an outside force, this converts your previous attributes into: [Frostfire], a new attribute.

Wh-Whaaaaaaaat! A-a harmonized skill?! I-it's a good thing that Colby's mana power won't just randomly explode now, but this, this is pretty coooool!

"I'm soooo Jealousssss"

"Whaaaaa! No, that's unfair Kris, you already got a new [Arcane] attribute! It's only fair that I get some cool equips!"

After a while, we were done gaping at the amazing things that our unlucky situations brought us. And then finally, the demon lord (gramps) held out a paper with blood red ink on it. Me and Colby got the same window.

Do you agree to help the demon race in the current war?


Me and Colby gave the same answer while pressing the button.


It was time for war.

That day, some strange agitated voices, a strange silence, and an exclamation of "HELL YEAH" was heard by the castle guard.

Head guard: "(sigh...) That baka king... I bet he's partying and drinking.... again.

Hi guys~ So, um... My random rants will happen.....at ....... random. Yups. Next chap, I'll probably do some training, and then some Kevin/princess POV. You can only guess what happened while Kris wasn't at the chapter... Huehuehue...

Goodnight, I'm going to bed at an insanely early today so I had to rush edit this chap. Bye! See-ya nxttime. If you don't like it then go away, don't read it, and Bomb yourself.lol Advertisement Previous

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Chapter RSS About the author 2 Fictions 0 Posts 0 Threads KRIS Follow Author Tuesday, September 8, 2015 12:37:23 AM Tuesday, September 22, 2015 10:04:21 PM BOMB LAND BOMB FLINGER


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