
Hello! It's your favorite bombflinging author here! This chapter took a long time because I had to help my friend make tables. We found out that it sucks to make them with that program thingy, so I just spent my time editing the code to make my own. ANyways..... ENjoy the Chapter~!


Where am I? Huh? I remember, my name is Kris... I think? Whoa! My life flashes before my eyes. Hmmmm I hope Colby is Ok...... Did I die?! No...It's dark...but IT HURTS LIKE HELL!!!


I wake up. Yelling the last 4 words of my dream.


Argh....It really hurts, especially my right eye. It must have been on Kevin's last punch.It's like being burned into nothingness... The pain was so intense that I didn't even take the time to observe my surroundings, what? Another blue notification?! I don't care... It hurts, ugh.......

After the burning pain subsided, I was lying in a puddle of sweat breathing intensely. Ouch...I'm so sore... I finally take note of my surroundings. Huh? I... am in a room that looks a bit like the throne room earlier? I turn my head. There are... huge black markings spreading across the floor... OH. GOD. It's... a huge magic circle.

"Hello sonny"


It's the same voice I heard from when I was falling?! Ok.... First step in a RPG: get info. I need to know where this voice came from. But it's like it's everywhere, or.... in my head?

"Ummm if I may ask...do you know where my friend is?"

"Oh....Hmmmmm... Yes, yes... the weak looking one donning spectacles I presume?

"Uh, yes"

"Now, let's get down to business. You've been summoned here because you fulfill my requirements. That magic circle under you summoned you to here and it was keeping you in a state of suspended animation until you woke up. Now, the effects of the magic circle are wearing off. So you have to accept my offer or........ hmmm....what was it again? Oh. Yes, you. will. die."

Oh. Shit.

Nononononononononoooooo I'm NOT going to die before I see some fantasy women nonono! I think I can see Colby saying that right now, am I hallucinating? Whatever. I want to have some fun in this world though. ALSO, I"M NOT DYING IN THIS WORLD UNTIL I GO UP TO THAT KEVIN AND GIVE HIM A PUNCH TO THE FACE!!!

Of course none of this is outloud, but shit, I think the old gramp's voice can read minds..... I'm scared.

"Ok, I will take you up on your offer but you have to explain everything to me"

"Oho, smart boy. You sure? You'll survive, but it'll be a universe of pain, and there'll be small changes in your body. You're to skinny"

"I'm sure"

Finally I hear him coming

*step, step, step, step*

Wow, he's different from what I imagined.Tall. He's like a young man in his 30's, totally the opposite of what I got from his elderly voice . White hair, not silvery, not dyed, It looked like... a natural color?

He steps up,

"Well sonny, you ready?"

I nod

"Good I'll count"

He manifests a...red ball? It looks like it's made of mana, but it gives off a crimson red demonic glow....


And he jabs the ball into my right eye.




b-but noooooo Arghhhhhhh!!! I can handle all of the pain here! B-but down there, I can't handle the pain down there!!!!


Oh my God!!! It's tearing me a part, putting me back together and repeating, Ugh my eye is hurting like hell.... but down there... I feel like it's snapped off. Can I still call myself a man from now on?!



~A smyall amyount of tyime laytere~ (A.N: Translate from spongebob narrators accent:~A small amount of time later~)

*Huff, Huff, Huff, Huff*

Again I lay in a pool of my sweat. Another one of those blue window things appeared at the end of the torture, but I was to stressed out to care and waved it away. It all happened in a minute, but it felt like hours. Buuuuuuuut! There is one thing I'm rrrrrealllllly pissed about."

You can see one of those anime veins on my forehead


"He puts on a smirk to rival Kevins"

"One thing that you'll learn from me boy, is that in life, all a man needs is to be number one! 2nd and 3rd are worthless!"

Th-This guy! He's really pissing me off!

But from what I know, I'm alive because I had a red demonic ball of mana jabbed into my right eye and I'm curious as to what's inside me right now.

"All right gramps, can I see my friend and then wash up, then please explain everything to us"

"Yes, yes, boy, follow me"

I'm led, and for some reason, my eyesight is sharper than before, I suddenly notice lot's of things, including I'm in a castle that rivals the majesty of the previous castle I was summoned into, except it has a darker look to it.

Now that I think about it... I'm actually feeling really great right now, not powerful or any surges of energy. Just... I've been walking for what shouldn't be possible for the me before I fell, and I feel still really... relaxed. Finally, I'm led to a door with the sign, RL.

For some reason the stuff I read is automatically translated, and I have started talking in a different language unconsciously altogether without me noticing it.

The door opens, what does RL mean? What's inside? What happened to KRIS?



I go in.

And Colby's playing ping~pong with a beautiful girl. She's on the bigger side of a C cup...Beautiful face... Long silky violet hair going over her shoulders and Curvy everywhere. But only Colby could have noticed all that. As for me, I. don't. really. care.

And I slowly stare at his perverted joyful face. What the heck?! He even has a nosebleed. And what is that pink sparkly aura surrounding this room? He hits the ping pong again, still unaware that I'm there. Why is it in slow motion? This is really pissing me off!




"Oh, Hi Kris, I was wondering where you w-"

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!"

I do a magnificent tsukkomi spinning drop drill kick into his face.


He flies through the room and fortunately for him, lands on a couch. Wait, couch? Where exactly is this?

"Hey gramps, where is this?"

He snorts

"Boy can't you read? This is the R.ecreational L.ounge"





"Colby suddenly reappears,

"Why did you only tsukkomi hit me!?"

"Cause that's your character in this webnovel" *

That sounded suspiciously like a bomb flinging person...

"What? What webnovel?"

"I don't know, I didn't say anything yet?"

(A.N*:fufufu.... that was me...)


Colby's carefree attitude surprisingly diminishes,

"Um, Kris, you know that there's no halloween in this world, right, and you look...different."

"What? Whaddya mean?"

"Huh? You didn't notice?"

Colby leads me to a door that connects the the R.L room, It reads, washroom.


"Ah, Kris, since your, all sweaty, why don't you use the shower, don't do anything dirty while I'm gone~"

"Only you would do that, perv"

I say as Colby leaves with a disturbing grin.


-After the shower-

"Hah.... that was really refreshing-"

"What the crap?!"

My Hair! It's all...White? It's not dyed... or aged...It's like a natural hair-color... Oh. God. What did that old gramps put into me?! And, my body...It's not super muscled, but... no longer... skinny... I'm... lean? It's kind-of like that guy from tokyo ghost ™... I'm glad that my body still looks normal....Gah! My eyes?!! Oh god, It's Red...and Blue? I have a crimson red right eye, and a super light blue left eye?



-One Panic session later-

"Ok, boy, no need to panic"

Said gramps (yeah, I'll just refer to that guy as gramps from now on) Colby was there snickering with the violet haired beauty on the couch. While Gramps and I just sat down and here we are now.

"Alright. What I did was stabilize you, or so to speak, fuse your mana stream, boy. Everybody has a mana stream, it is a network of power inside your blood, so if you lose enough mana, you will feel dizzy or dis-oriented. Your mana attributes are of totally contradicting elements, and thus, cannot be manifested"

"So, how was this solved?"

"Boy, It's simple, think of your mana attributes as 2 lumps of metal, they won't stick together and are separate, so basically, I used my demonic power to 'melt' the 2 lumps of metal and have them become liquid metal so that they can fuse. The [Darkness] and [light] attributes inside you have essentially been combined. Since your body was always so weak, it went under many loads of unexpected stress in a short span of time, it would obviously effect you. Your hair and dissappointingly small muscles were produced from this. Your eye's are the effects of your attributes fusing and them emerging on the external of your body."


That... was... a lot to digest. But, I guess the old man did do a good job of describing everything.

Now, you should have one [Unique Attribute], check your status, boy.

I was going to do that anyways... Whatever, time to see what's going on with me.


Status WindowName:KRISAttribute:ARCANELevel:1Class:noneAge&Race:13 yr old Human/DemonGender:maleTitles:

Otaku, Hero,

Unique Abilites:noneHealth:500/500Mana:1000/1000Health Regen. +1 every 10 seconds || Mana Regen. +1 every 5 secondsStrength50Intelligence50Agility80Wisdom50Endurance80Dexterity80Abnormal status(s): none




OH MY GOD! Th-These Stats! THEY'RE AMAZING! My [Attribute Confliction] Is totally gone! And these... aren't these better than that jerk Kevin's stats?!

Gramps smirks at me,

"You were summoned from the [Hero summoning], right? We, [Hero summon] ed you again, from the human kingdom's royal palace, to our royal palace, while on top of that, I fused and stablized your mana streams. Check your recent [status notifications] the one from before you fell. And the one from after your summoning."

Duh! Of course I'll do that! First, let's take a look at the one I got while fighting Kevin.


You have gained a new skill: [Mana Manipulation]!

[Mana Manipulation], let's you freely and efficiently manipulate your mana around your body to strengthen it for Attacking or Defending, this is the basic foundation on a warrior or even sometimes a mage.

Wow! This'll be really useful in the future! Even if it is just a basic skill, It's better to have it than to not have it!

I quickly scroll down to the next ones eagerly. Hmmm... I got this one after being summoned to this castle...

You've Been Summoned!

You have been summoned twice now! Bad luck, huh? L-O-L. Due to being summoned twice, you've gained +10 in all stats!

What the hell is this!? Is this world mocking me or something?!!!!!


Your Attributes have been combined to form a completely new attribute: [ARCANE]

Your [Attribute Confliction] has been dispersed due to there being no opposing attributes in your mana stream.

Merits: +10 to all stats.

New Skill!

You have gained the unique skill: [ARCANE MANA WIELDING]

Your skill: [Mana Manipulation] has been absorbed by your new skill because of the change in attribute.

Merits: +10 to all stats.

Th- This is incredible!!!!!! I g-got a unique skill! This is what I've been waiting for!!!!!! I'm so lucky!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I really want to try out so many new things with this awesomeness!!!!!

After a while, I just reveled in the power until...



Status WindowName:KRISAttribute:ARCANELevel:1Class:noneAge&Race:13 yr old Human/DemonGender:maleTitles:

Otaku, Hero,

Unique Abilites:noneHealth:500/500Mana:1000/1000Health Regen. +1 every 10 seconds || Mana Regen. +1 every 5 secondsStrength50Intelligence50Agility80Wisdom50Endurance80Dexterity80Abnormal status(s): none


Status WindowName:KRISAttribute:ARCANELevel:1Class:noneAge&Race:13 yr old Human/DemonGender:male

Age&Race:13 yr old Human/Demon


13 yr old Human/Demon?



On the day after the [Heroes Summoning], the human kingdom's advanced B rank magicians and above, managed to sense a huge and powerful magic aura in the direction of the [Demon Continent] and human troops stationed at the border of the continents reported a sighting of a huge black summoning circle and an energy blast of unknown color explode through the clouds.


~Chapter end~

Phew! This chapter was pretty hard for me to write mostly because of a certain author *cough* Kelvie *cough* that started writing a web-novel after I decided to try writing one. That book is very classified info and I won't give you any hints! *Cough* Void *Cough*

Don't you dare search any of those *cough* key words *cough* up! You hear!? Otherwise..... you might get bombed....


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