《Magnus of Theta》Chapter 7


As the time dragged on, they set off again and soon approached the capital, Asponth. The towering pearlescent walls looked imposing along the plains. However, countless farm dotted the surrounding area giving off a green and golden glow. The scent of wildflowers, wheat, and earth covered the area as they approached the gates.

Overall, there was no issue with the bandit problem in the caravan. It was due, in part, to the fact Andrew stopped most incursions of scouting parties. However, it served to bolster Leya's reputation as an idol amoungst the troop.

"Good luck charm, my ass," cursed Andrew as he sent a glare to Leya.

"You worked so hard, but it only helped me in the end," laughed Leya haughtily. "How does that feel?"

Andrew rolled his eyes and murmured, "just wait until I can thresh the crops. Then all will be well."

"Thresh the... damn it. I knew something like that was going on! I wonder if anomymous information will do the trick?"

Andrew chuckled and shrugged. "From a seven year old girl? Not a chance. Even from the blubbering idiots who go on their hands and knees for you won't be a big deal, Princess."

"Stop calling me that," growled Leya. "I don't need titles. They just made it up and I didn't have the heart to reject it."

"Yeah, yeah. Princess, calm down. You'll be forced into a noble marriage sooner or later."

She went pale and began to utter every single curse she knew against him. However, he simply laughed and shrugged. "Don't worry I'll make sure you have a... suitable husband."

She glared at Andrew whose eyes showed no malice, but countless plots raging around in his mind. Nevertheless, she began to concoct her own as she looked at the open doors. A large church was formed in the middle of the town which towered over all but the most luxerious, and upraised manors.

"Priestesses can't get married, right? I believe they take this religion to be especially important," grinned Leya who poked Andrew's shoulder lightly. "Just have to initiate myself as a true believer and then I'll have first dibs to celestial magic."

Andrew frowned and exhaled sharply. "Good luck being a warrior priestess, Princess. Don't think they are too high on the female-male equality thing right now."

She shrugged and poked him again, "I'll just make it happen. Hell, who do you think I am?"

"A vicious, cold-blooded, mentally distrubed, murderous bastard?"

"True on all counts - if you are refering to yourself. This maidenly body of mine will reject all but the most valiant of men."

Andrew snorted loudly, "disgusting. Oh, add that to the mix."

Rae called out from the front seat and beckoned them forward. As they approached, they noticed the refreshing scent of nature being replaced with an irritating smell of a large city. It was impossible to describe by itself as it was formed with many, many things. However, the scent was not at all pleasent.

Holding his nose gently, Andrew looked towards the road. Citizens seemed indifferent to the sudden influx of people and cargo. They merely stood to the side and let them pass as they made it to a large bizarre.

Andrew and Leya exchanged a glance and smiled. They turned away from one another and jumped behind their parents.

"Mom, can we go and check out the market? I want to see if they have anything interesting!"

"Father! Please? We will only be gone for a couple minutes. I just need a few iron daggers, black cloaks, and maybe a new spell-book!"


Leya scowled and whispered, "turning assasin, are we?"

Andrew snorted and shook his head. Whilst motioning to the vibrant blue cloak, tattered and wore, on his shoulders, he said, "the great Demon King can not be seen in such bright colors."

"Like that inconspicious golden hair of yours?"

"Don't remind me! I need to grow horns or something then the appearance will be set - even with the hair!"

"Oh, Father, demonic spell-book if possible!"

"Son - Andrew, just please stop. We're in public, you know? They may not be wholey bad, but they do have a bad reputation."

Andrew smirked and spoke out happily, "then I'll change it! Evil Archangels and Beloved Demon Lords!"

"I really, really want to smack some sense in you," muttered Keryzn as he tried to hide his face with his palm.

Leya took the liberty of smacking Andrew atop the head, but he refused to acknowledge it as he thought of the possibilities.

Their parents finally relented and Rae guided them both through the bizarre after Keryzn stayed to take care of the luggage.

"We will take turns, okay?" Spoke Rae admantly as she looked each in the eye. "Firstly, we'll manage the household items, then Leya's, then we can find yours, okay?"

Andrew sighed and nodded. His own purse was heavier than Leya's but he refused to show her how much was inside. Theoretically, it should be quite enough for all but the more advanced spell-books. However, he likely could obtain one inside the school. Even then, he was still thinking about continuing with the the manipulation training.

They browsed around for an hour or so and eventually picked up several pieces of furniture, pots and pans, and other household items that could be shipped to their pre-arranged house for a little extra. Then they began shopping for clothes, jewelery and other such accessaries.

"Hey, Andrew, try this on," spoke Leya happily as she pulled out a few silver earings.

Andrew shrugged and placed two on a single ear. Each of the silver ear-rings wrapped around the earlob, punctured it automatically, and she picked out two for herself. It wasn't until he tried to remove them that he panicked.

"What are these?" Demanded Andrew as he looked at the squirely looking shop-keeper.

He smiled innocently, "binding ear-rings. Each of them has a matching pair and can only be removed with mutual consent. Or... by the Master pair! They allow you sense where the other person is from afar. Anyways, it is offically bound with the owners so that'll be one gold."

Leya smiled and pulled out a gold coin. "Gotta keep tabs on you, you know?"

Andrew glared at her venomously. "You think such triffling items could stop me? Never! I will - wait, did that clasp melt into my ear!?"

"Yes, it is part of the function. Additionally, you can also use long-ranged communication if you supply a little mana into it. However, it is predominately designed for tracking one's location."

"Conniving little..." cursed Andrew when he saw the impish smile. "How will you ever find a valiant hero if you are perpectually bound to me now?"

"You're my brother - blood and all," laughed Leya. "Hardly worthy of suspicion, right old man?"

"Of course, Princess," smiled the man.

"One of your admirers," groaned Andrew. "Already putting it to the test, you bastard."

He stormed off back to his mother who was smirking from a few meters away. She did not say anything, rather, she chose to guide them to a place that sold robes. Using his left-over coin, he picked up four robes. Two were black, and two were gray. However, one of each was a definingly obvious jump in quality. So much so that they would be hard to recongnise being in a single individual's wardrobe.


Leya used her 'donation' to Rae to purchase four brightly coloured robes. Blue, green, red, and yellow. However, each rested in a similiar, above-average quality between the two types Andrew chose. Nevertheless, he picked up several small daggers and even a steel sword.

When Leya noticed the blade, she imemdiately begged Rae to buy her one as well. It seemed odd at first, but after the blade entered Leya's hands, she performed several sword strokes. It was clumsy at first, due to the weight, but she soon got better and better.

"Show-off," muttered Andrew as he practised with the daggers. "Much easier than than those bulky blades, but it I do need to practise with them."

His own movements with the sword were juvenile at best, but his slashs with the two long daggers were rather adept.

"Now if I can only use magic to guide them."

Leya snorted, "like that will ever beat me."

Andrew snorted, "you have two hands to block, but if I control ten daggers? You think you'll win then?"

"And I have a body to move too, don't foget about that, amateur."

Rae sighed and stepped between the two. "Don't fight in the middle of a market - with real weapons at that. Seriously, just don't."

The on-lookers were staring at the two curiously.

"They're obviously related, but why are they waving around weapons like that?"

"Not too shabby, but they're too small."

"They have room to grow. Might be decent mercenaries when they get older."

Andrew grinned and sheathed the two blades on a newly aquired belt. In total, there were five weapons that dangled from his hip. While heavy, it did not impede his movements directly too much. It, in-and-of-itself, was training in his mind.

Leya, however, gracefully moved past him and returned to Rae's side.

"No spell-books or other real magic items," commented Rae quietly. "They'll be in the real shops, but it isn't too expensive. Anyways, we should go back. There will be plenty of time later."

Andrew grinned and looked at Rae. "Mother, can I join the mercs after I get a little older?"

Leya half-shouted, "no! Don't let him!"

Rae shook her head and slouched. "I don't know what I'll do with you two... And no. Not anytime soon."

Andrew hugged her tightly and murmured, "I love you, mother, you know that right?"

She returned the hug and chuckled. "I do. I just want you to have a better life than that. If you want, later you can try to accompany Lupis on the expedition. Not many people are able to push past the first and second wall, but it is reasonably safe."

Andrew nodded eagerly, "okay, then when I'm older. I don't know how much pure theory I can take."

Rae tusseled his hair, speaking gently. "You'll have plenty of time. Anyways, it shouldn't be too bad. Just don't irritate some Lord while you are there."

Andrew snorted and raised his head proudly, "like they could do anything to me. Hell, even Leya should be enough to beat any one of them in a fight."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Hissed Leya as she gripped the hilt of her newly acquired blade.

"Exactly what I said," laughed Andrew. "You spend too much time-"

"Enough. Now let's be off."

Rae kept each of them at bay by standing between the two and guided the two armed-and-dangerous children through the town. They met up with Keryzn who rested by the pile of luggage while smoking his pipe.

"Father, where is it?" Spoke Andrew as he looked around.

The area was dilapated and over-grown with vagabonds, unpleasent elements, and rough, unorderly cobblestones. However, the people who seemed to look through the window seemed well-enough dressed.

"Just waiting for you all," laughed Keryzn. "Forgot to get the key from her."

Beyond that, there was nothing too special about the back-alley residence. It seemed larger than their first location and even held a small courtyard in front. While the stone was loose and weeds grew in the front lawn, it was clear these buildings used to be quite nice. The seedier element of the town was slowly pushed into the area.

"Dear, so did I," laughed Rae as she tossed a key towards the man. "Shall we?"

Keryzn nodded and pulled out of the key ring. The first unlocked the steel gate and the second unlocked the cracked wooden door.

Leya pulled Andrew back and let their parents enter firstly.

"Hey, we can probably make quite a bit of money. I plan on improving the house. Are you in?"

Andrew nodded quietly, "I don't see why not. But I think I might be able to reform some of the stone itself later on. You think you can scorch the grass completely to add nutrients so it can be a proper garden?"

"Water won't be an issue," spoke Leya thoughtfully. "Well, real seeds might, but we'll have to wait and see."

They soon entered into the building. It was wide and surprisingly spacious. However, the building itself had seen better days. They cast illumination spells using fire magic and noticed the building itself.

Cracked wood, stone, and dust littered it all, but it was relatively big. There was a full-sized kitchen, four bedrooms, including the master, and even a living room.

Keryzn looked at the Leya and Andrew who were whispering amongst themselves and chuckled. "It was a good enough deal. Straight trade from the other house. However, taxes will be higher. Nevertheless, we should still have more than enough to compensate."

"Yeah, I plan on finding a part-time job," spoke Rae. "However, it won't be anything too demanding. You two are independant enough to function for a while without me."

Keryzn smiled and kissed his wife, "well, you might not be working for too long."

Rae blushed and nodded. Leya's ears perked up but Andrew simply looked around the house as he began to order the jobs he had in mind.

'Thousand and some gold, I imagine. However, it value was damaged because of the condition. Exterior is important to keep tax collectors away, but I can make it look rough and be safe at the same time,' mused Andrew.

Even as Leya and his parents spoke, Andrew began to unload the luggage.

"You dirty scamp!" Shouted Andrew as he saw a young boy bolt with his suitcase.

He fired three blunted rock pellets towards the child who fell flat on his face. After reclaiming the suitcase, he turned back and cautiously bring the rest inside. There was not much, but he was still vigilant of the boy returning with friends. Therefore, he kept his sights dialed in on the opposite alley and craddled three rocks in his hands.

Seeing a head perk from the corner of the alley, Andrew growled, "don't do that again! I refuse to think you're that stupid."

The young boy frowned and turned to leave. However, a silver coin was shot towards his feet. Andrew kept a hardened glare as he attracted the others' attention. However, the young boy made an indistinct bow before he scampered off.

"Awe, so you not all bad," laughed Leya. "Soft spot for them?"

Andrew shrugged. "Might as well get someone on my pay-roll."

He felt a light shove of his shoulder, but she objected to saying anything else.

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