《Magnus of Theta》Chapter 6


... This, of course, was when they were already mounted on the carriage of the caravan. Leya did not let her eyes off of him for a while. Yet, with a single nod, she was forced to acknowledge her brother.

"Minions," confirmed Andrew with a glint in his eyes.

"You bastard," growled Leya as she looked towards the caravan guard.

Suddenly a wash of ideas appeared and she began to coerce several of the caravan guards and merchants to join her side. Their numbers were similar to Andrew's; however, as luck would have it, he nearly always found the bandit locations and started to subjugate the bandits.

In total, each had roughly fifty people loyal - well, not so much in Andrew's case - to their cause. This varied immensely, but under Andrew's guidance, the bandit leaders began to locate one another. If nothing else to bolster their ranks, they would be able to do much larger jobs in the future.

'Hidden bandit city,' mused Andrew. 'All I have to do is to keep them safe and grow the city. Most requests have a bandit subjugation note involved so I can double my future profits. It will be my first domain in this world!'

Leya held similar thoughts of expanding her influence, but it stemmed from a desire to shut down tyrants and corruption, much like her previous life - effectively Andrew's dream. Likewise, Andrew needed to grow his influence and be able to combat the outside forces. Leya had the common, righteous people on her side with her cutesy conversations that made men and women alike want to help her out. All it would take is a simple scouting mission to track down the encampments.

'Hopefully, the fat man listened. Four hidden cities. Revolve erratically, break into small camps, reform, plunder, raze, and spread fear far and wide! Muahahah!'


Yet, his new attempts began to falter as soon as he neared the capital, Asponth. There were no major bandit omarauderer powers, but he was sure he could recruit disgruntled farmers in the future.

"Nobility is always harsh so all I have to offer them is a safe place for their family, power, and a, semi-believable, cause," muttered Andrew as he descended off the back of the carriage.

"Andrew," spoke Rae seriously. "What have you been doing all this time? You and your sister are acting strange."

"Ah, mother," laughed Andrew. "Nothing. We promised we wouldn't fight... well, there was one time, but that was over a deer I shot down. Nevertheless, we did not do anything bad, did we?"

Leya smiled innocently and gracefully jumped off as well. "Yes, mom, nothing happened. We just decided to go separate ways while we were travelling. It made more sense than stirring up trouble together."

A concession of caravan guards glanced at her protectively; even, in actuality, from her own mother.

Rae extended her hand towards their sides and fished out two purses. They had long since been coverted to straight gold and even by feeling it, Rae softly glared at Leya and Andrew.

"Hmmm, Andrew has more, I believe. Anyways, where did you suddenly get this?"

Andrew coughed gently and looked at Leya for back-up.

She smiled and said, "I was just helping around the caravan. You have to have seen that, right?"

Rae sent a gaze towards Andrew who slouched defeatedly. "I was just subjegating bandits who might be an issue to these people. What's the point of power if you don't make use of it?"

"Says the future Demon Lord-"

"King," smiled Andrew innocently. "Demon King."

"Raised your ambitions a little, I see. Nevermind. Do not, under any circumstance, do anything that will harm yourself, the commoners, or this country. Seriously, why do I need to say this to you two?"


Leya sent a glance to Andrew and wordlessly shifted blame.

He scowled in response and let out a cold harumph. "I'm a noble person. Leya, you just will never understand."

She snorted and burst into laughter. "You're noble? As noble as a -"

"Rules," reminded Andrew. "We agreed to them."

Nothing incriminating to their parents. It was a golden rule that would no doubt affect each person adversely. Even just being a party to it would prompt swift punishment from their mother and father.

Leya frowned and nodded. She herself had not broken many of the rules on the simple basis that she would have too much to lose. Reputation, especially positive, to her was what she was trying to build so any damage or link towards Andrew would be catastrophic.

They were both young, but they deemed it important to start early.

"Honor amoung thieves," offered Keryzn with a bitter laugh. "Temporary and ever-changing, Rae. I know you won't get it out of them for a least a while."

"Father!" Andrew jumped into his grasp and hid himself from Rae's inquisitive eyes. "Under mutual agreement between us two, we had offered to provide two gold to each of you."

Andrew handed two gold towards his father who he tried to turn on his side and Leya sighed and pulled out two gold to give to her mother. Both parents were confused, but they accepted it nonetheless.

"Buying silence? Where did you learn such things?"

Andrew looked aghast. "I would never. We simply wanted to give you some room to work with so you wouldn't be too hard-pressed to find work."

Rae muttered, "that 'innocent child' routine is really doing a number on those theives, hey?"

"Yes. It is good way to make some money, right? Well, admittedly dangerous, but better me being there than some clueless, defenseless child."

Keryzn ruffled his hair, "you are so lying. Nevertheless, those bandits had learned a thing or two anyways."

'More than that - hopefully,' grinned Andrew inwardly.

"You're fascade is breaking," whispered Leya before clearing her voice. "How much longer mom, dad?"

"Few hours, I'd imagine," shrugged Keryzn. "Does honor and resonsibility really mean that much to you two," asked their father rheotorically.

Andrew was about to respond before he let out a small shrug at the same time as his sister. Their indistinct actions caused the man to laugh and their mother to earn a new worrying wrinkle.

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