《The Overlord》[Chapter 2] - [Mirror Sky Pond]
Silence covered the entire room when Drake spoke. He fired all these questions what after another. This left Xander and Erwin completely in an awkward mood. Which question were they going to answer? Who would talk? Rather how would you even answer those questions? They began to plan a conversation inside their head. But Valeria was not even awkward. She ran up and held his hands without a moment's hesitation.
"Aeron, you woke up! You made me so worried that something would happen to you. But so long as you are alright it is okay..." said Valeria and cried tears of relief. Drake noted that his name in this body was Aeron. But well, he saw these people one minute ago and woke up a minute ago. Only thing he knew about this world was that he knew nothing about this world. He was playing amnesiac to boot so he should have some doubts. Drake asked:"Aeron? Is that my name?"
"Yes you are Aeron. My Aeron, my son, my little Aeron..."said Valeria initially a bit shaken, at this moment she teared up even more while caressing his cheek lovingly. Her smile was drenched in tears. Drake felt in his heart that he was simply a bastard. The son she loved so much was already gone, to somewhere she cannot follow. Is this what a guilty conman feels?
Biologically speaking, yes he was her son. But what made Aeron who he was was his memories and those memories were long gone. Aeron was dead, he was a usurper who had took his body. But even if he said he was not Aeron and was reincarnated or something, they would think he hit his head too hard.
He was a man who did not like lying or fooling someone, especially toying with sincere emotions like love. That was why he never entered a relationship. He was also a virgin because he did not wish to sleep with someone he was not attracted to, very idea made him puke. He also never formed friendships with people because he knew even though he liked them, he would not care a single bit if one of them died.
He knew he could not connect to someone and that would only cause someone pain if he had close relationship with that person. Emotional wounds were much more painful than physical ones and often more long lasting. He was never afraid to kill anyone. But he disliked dealing pain to people who did not deserve it, be it physical or emotional.
To him a being that exists was not physical manifestation, which is body, but spirit. Get a beautiful girl and an ugly girl, then cut them up, their blood flows red their flesh is same, their bones are same white. But if you looked at the spirit that was unique. He was more attracted by beauty of spirit then beauty of flesh.
For him flesh and blood meant nothing. that was also why he did not even notice her scars. For him appearance was least important of all things a person can be judged for. Appearance does not really make a person who he is. That was why even though he was in a different body he could still say he was Drake.
He looked at the sincere emotions of a mother and felt it was wrong to deceive her like this. But he was now in a world he did not know. In this situation he needed knowledge, a way to protect himself, a way to get necessities like food and water and luckily he had such a way. His bed was soft, every piece of furniture looked expensive and beautiful to the point of making him feel irritated. He was a man who liked simple things and disliked all these stuff. But from this one would understand that this family was rich and influential, thus could easily get his needs.
Drake then though it would be okay so long as he became their son? He was physically their flesh and blood anyway. It was their duty to take care of him when he could not and he would take care of them when they could not. It was simple when said like this. But he never called his relatives as family because he thought family was something spiritual, not something like merely blood related people.
My cheek feels warm... It is as if emotions are flowing into me. Worry, sadness, relief, but mostly joy and an overwhelming feeling. It is indescribable. Makes me want to hug her and get spoiled by her. I feel like a child... So this is how a parents love feels? It is boundless... It makes me sad somehow. For I am not her son. But I will be from now on... This feeling and this connection will belong solely to me!
He accepted her as his mother in his heart that instant. He was quick to act. Good things come for those who act. What would one accomplish by waiting and hesitating? Only result would be regret and wasted time. He acted quickly based on his feelings and instincts, just like a young bird first learning to fly. He felt he could trust this woman with his life and believed himself to be a fairly good judge of people.
When he finally returned from his mind Drake really was awkward. He did not know how to continue. Valeria moved his heart but he did not know how to answer to that love. It was like a person who stayed in a cave for fifty years suddenly was thrown outside, forced to look at sun. It was just too much for him.
Erwin saw that Drake was awkward and he held Valeria's shoulders. When Valeria looked up he shook his head. He clearly was confused and sudden outburst of emotion from Valeria made him awkward. He would take over this conversation.
"Aeron, you had an accident and hit your head to a rock in river, almost drowned. We took you here immediately and called a doctor. You are in no danger now, but you lost your memories." said Erwin making a solemn face. He tried to use a matter-of-fact tone but could not hide strain in his voice. It was his son who almost died after all. Though he was in control of his emotions it did not mean he was without them.
"I am Erwin Victor, your father. This is Valeria Victor, your mother and the old man who sits over there is Xander Victor, your grandfather." said Erwin smiling in an attempt to dispel the odd, heavy mood in the room that weighed heavy on his heart. Drake noted these names and looked to old man. Who was standing there like an immovable mountain not even a muscle moved.
At that moment an adorable, laughing little girl came in with the voice of a bell jingling, a childish bracelet on her wrist and ran to Xander, jumped and hugged him like a koala saying:"Grandpa! Play horsey with me!" while pulling on his clothes and looking with upturned eyes.
Xander lifted the mischievous little devil up with his both hands and said:"If you give grandpa a kiss, grandpa will play with you!" and laughed heartily. Little girl kissed Xander on his both cheeks and then he put the giggling little girl on his shoulders and walked out of the room feeling relieved. He felt like a third wheel the whole time and took the opportunity to run away.
"That was Zara, your little sister. She is a little mischievous and too active..." said Valeria with a tired smile and then that smile was replaced by worry as she held his hands tightly again: "But Aeron you did not eat anything. Do you need some food? Some drinks maybe? Whatever you want, just tell your mother or call your maid, Sinah. Do you need rest more? Should we leave?"
"I still did not finish talking! You are spoiling him too much! He should-!" said Erwin before he looked at Valeria's face. Then Valeria looked up to Erwin with the aura like that of an angry dragon. Then Valeria sent Erwin out of the room - despite his protests - saying:"Aeron needs rest! Now leave!" and literally kicked him out and shut the the door to his face. Drake shuddered.
Whoa! Does this mean this woman is stronger than him? She should be around the level of "True Master". I wonder where does she rank in terms of power. It would give me an idea about general power levels in this place.
Drake nodded and said:"I need some time alone. I need to think." with a guilty and solemn face lost in thoughts. Valeria looked him unsure of what to feel. Her son was right here, yet also far away...
Drake then he lifted his head and reluctantly said:"Thank you... mother. Good night."
Seeing his reluctant look Valeria felt he was cute. In her eyes her son was still a boy, he never grew up. She bowed down slightly, caressing his hair and kissing his forehead. Then she looked into his eyes and said:"Rest well, Aeron. Your mother loves you... Don't worry about your father, his only saving grace is that he is tough! Sweet dreams." she started to walk to the door. When she was about halfway there she turned back and sent a glance again. Then she continued, got out of the house and shut the door while taking one more peek.
Drake then put his head on his pillow and began to think about what has happened. He then decided to abandon his name, Drake. From now on he would be Aeron, Aeron Victor. First step was to accept the situation. Second was to adjust to it. From now on he would call himself Aeron and this reincarnation would be a secret. He would never tell anyone.
From now on...my name is Aeron! Aeron Victor, son of Erwin and Valeria Victor. Grandson to Xander Victor and elder brother of Zara Victor! This is my identity and this is my new... family and Drake is dead... I wonder why that sounds so lonely..
Erwin walked to main house. He had made Valeria upset. Normally Valeria was rather soft, amiable woman. But when it came to her children she turned into a demon. He shuddered when he remembered the angry Valeria.
Nowadays only when she stood for her children it was clear that this woman was a heroine, filled with martial valor and fighting spirit. When she married him and had children she more or less was retired taking care of them. But this woman was once known as the Bloody Queen, as an expert she was more powerful than him.
Zara was riding on Xander. Number one among his generation, Xander, was tamed by this mischievous little girl and was letting her ride him. Erwin smiled when he saw this picture. He then imagined Valeria and himself on the chairs looking at them and Aeron who teased his sister. It was this picture that he wanted to build. He failed once, he would not fail again!
Earlier he tried to lecture Aeron. In truth he felt responsible. He trusted Aeron would eventually find the correct way. He thought of it as something that came with puberty, once he grew older it would go away. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe something had happened to him. Whatever it was, he felt that Aeron losing his memories was a blessing. He would like him stay in ignorance forever. Especially if ignorance allowed him to move on with his life.
Maybe he should have sent him to Aryas, but he could not. He was indulging in debauchery and did not train, so could not put much of a fight, it was just dangerous to risk his own son like this. If he sent an expert to protect him or allowed him to use his badge, how could military train him?
He could not send his son also because he had faith that he would one day get better. Isn't Erwin sending him to Aryas meant he did not have any trust in his son? Maybe all he needed was time, he had thought at the time. Erwin smiled bitterly. What ifs filled his mind but none of them seemed correct.
He sat on a chair watching his father and daughter while massaging his temples. This matter with Aeron was like a bolt out the blue for him. He had never expected such an outcome. Maybe he should have been more strict. He failed at being a proper father for him. He failed to do his duty as a father and had allowed Aeron to come to harm for so long...
Main house was where Erwin, Valeria and Zara lived. Xander made himself another, little house consisting of only one room saying this house too extravagant and he was not used to this much1 luxury. Aeron moved out during his debauchery to avoid seeing them. All of the rooms were wide, all furniture were crafted by masters, statues as well as calligraphy and paintings decorated the house. All in all it was an extravagant manor. After all Valeria was precious daughter of the emperor himself.
"Dada!" said Zara, jumped off her "horse" and ran to him, hugging his leg. Erwin grabbed the girl with his two hands and holding her up and then he talked a little with her. But this girl could not stay in one place too long and jumped down from his lap and ran off to play with her tops.
After a while Valeria arrived. When she sat near Erwin she made an irritated sound and pouted. Erwin got the message:"Okay, I was wrong, I was wrong... Alright, I am sorry." and bowed in apology. He was aware that right now arguing more would just make her angrier.
"Of course you were wrong! Doctor said he needed rest and you tried lecture him! You blockhead!" said Valeria, venting her anger. She then just breathed and calmed down. Turning to Xander, she said:"Aeron said he wanted some time alone, to think. What should we do now father-in-law?"
"We should leave him alone for now. He should have some time to think his thoughts, But tomorrow on we should monitor him closely. Also act like you normally do. Then when he makes a full recovery I will whip him to shape and make him a worthy heir of Victor name! When I am done with him he will never think of returning to his debauchee ways!" said Xander now grinning.
"Yes grandpa let's beat him! Hit him 'pa! pa! pa! pa! pa!' with your broom until his butt is swollen! Then make him play with me for the entire day! I want to go to market! Then bro will buy me all the stuff I want!" said Zara while running around with a pinwheel in her hand. Even though Aeron and other household members had grown estranged, Zara and Aeron was close. For her he was her kind elder brother, who doted on her all the time and would buy her sweets and pretty dresses, new toys. Naturally Zara liked his brother most. But was not above seeing him being beaten for her own amusement.
Sun was already setting so it was this little imp's sleeping time. Valeria got her not even listening to her protests and calls for help to Xander and Erwin. She would scream like this to her father and grandfather, asking for help. Then screaming "save me please, someone ,anyone!" while crying. If outsiders heard this they would think her mother was beating her or torturing her.
Valeria tucked the little girl in her bed and sang a lullaby until she was asleep, looking like an angel. But when she woke up this girl was like a devil.
Aeron stood in front of a golden pot. He had a forced smile on his face, His room was lit by something like a wooden hand-like object holding a glowing stone. He did not know what exactly these were. He made a mental note to ask about it. A servant brought this when he demanded some light.
Of all the things to miss in this world, I am missing a toilet! That's a first I guess... Well, I miss my virtual dive too. I really miss my games! Damn it! I am bored to death...
Aeron sighed and looked at his arms. He was taller than he remembered. It was like he was in middle of puberty all over again. He thought his step would be shorter his arm would be shorter. He was used to act in his old body. he was not really tall but not really short. This body was more than thirty centimeters taller than his old one.
When he took a step he unexpectedly would take a longer step than what he was used to, hitting his toes everywhere. When he moved his hands he would not be able to grab something without paying attention for same reason. He needed to get used to his body or he would have trouble doing everything. As long as he did practice he could be used to it in a day or so.
Then he would go to get some information. A library would be ideal, as rare as books were in ancient times this family seemed rich, they should have some books. If not there should be a library somewhere. Books kept knowledge and experience so it could be taught to young more easily. One book could educate thousands of students, while a teacher could educate some. Books were precious resource for any country or organization. This world should be no different.
Aeron began to practice, throwing punches, kicks, elbows and knees. In any martial art these were used. They were the most basic of basics and that is why people saw them as not really as good as other, more complex moves along the way. But these moves were the most basic of basics not because they were easy to learn. They were the strongest. All of those complex moves were built upon a simple move. It was the foundation, stronger the foundation, the stronger those complex moves would be.
In his past life he was an expert who was a master in all kinds of weapons. But it did not mean he could take it easy. His body had changed, he only now barely began to properly walk. He was not used to his body and he needed to adjust himself to this body to become better. Otherwise he could not really do much, even if he knew how to fight.
He just came to this world this day, why was he so hardworking? Right now he felt anxious. Compared to his past body this body was much more powerful. Yet in earth there was heavy restriction on supernatural. So according to Sophia if he was in his previous body, here he would be a great expert. He could not tell how strong he would be, because he had no way to judge, but he would at least be at level of that old man, nah he just might even surpass that.
So he felt weak. Who could blame him for being anxious? The nature was a dog eat dog world. He was an ant, only protection he had was that a lion would not even notice or make an effort to eat an ant and his backing seemed powerful. But that backing was not his own power. His own power could not be removed but his backing could be.
Considering all what ifs was his nature. He would plan for the worst while hoping for the best. So even if the worst scenario happens he would be able to deal with it. He should, at the very least, be able to hold his ground against opponents whose power was slightly higher or equal to his own for him to live in this world.
Skill of an expert was like skill of a chef. A chef, no matter how skillful, could not make a bread without flour. In same way an expert no matter what his skill was needed power. Skill was merely applying the strength in most efficient way possible.
When cutting someone you would want your sword to be perfectly straight. Because if it is straight all the power in your swing will go to the sharp edge allowing you to slash with greatest efficiency. Force of your swing is entirely on the edge. Even a deviation of 1 degree counts. After training for a very long time you will be able to perform it. Because even though it seems easy, it is hard.
That one degree deviation would allow 1-5% of the blow to turn into blunt force and spread. This spread would reduce force on area and this in turn would not allow sword to cut as good as it could have cut. Be it a sword, a gun, a fist or a kick they all had their own ideal ways of using them. It was ideal because this way less energy would spread and most of energy would stay behind the blow allowing sword to cut cleanly.
There were three reasons he was doing this training. First was that he was bored to death and could not sleep as a result of apparently sleeping all day. Second was that he felt ill at ease thanks to his own weakness. Now that he accepted this family - or at least Valeria as his mother - he also accepted them as one of his people, He had a duty to at least make an effort to protect them. But the current him could not even protect his own life, how can he protect others?
Third was that his own mind was in turmoil. His own nature was not that of a normal human being that much was true. Who know if because he was - apparently, according to a jellyfish inside his mind, which just sounded ridiculous - a death god or something more mundane like the life he led, he was just filled with a strange emotion.
The urge to just walk away. To run away from this place.. Hatred and anger, urge to kill the woman who smiled at him with tears. Why he felt this, he did not know. Before he would accept this urge. But he tried not to give in now that he had died. He died a lonely death, all alone in the world. He had changed nothing and had just ran away his entire life. He saw nothing wrong with running away. His world was that unpleasant for him. But now the situation changed.
He still hesitated when he tried to take this head on. He would rather fight those masters again rather than to deal with this. But he did not want to live alone, so he had to face this somewhere along the line. He must throw himself into the water to see if he would swim or would drown. He might as well start from here on. His first task would be to accept this family as his own.
But even if he did, a side of him would always be afraid of their feelings changing. He knew change was inevitable. But he never had came to terms with it. He had just ran away from that too. He had feared change but he never stopped to consider that change can be for the better. If he tries hard enough there is nothing in this world that can not be done! He did not want to die alone again.
He realized these as he lied dying and found out that he had only been a child. When it came to emotions he did not grow at all. He just suppressed them to never feel hurt again. From his childhood he had only experienced bitter disappointment. But this was a new world, a new life! Like a new character in a new server! This was a second chance!
He just took a very deep breath and slowly breathed it out. He would only think more about this if he stayed here. The room was displeasing to his eye. He turned to the door and slowly walked out. He slowly walked through pavement in the garden. It was a bright night, moon and starlight rained down from skies.
He slowly walked to the pavilion overlooking a pond. The pond did not have any architectural beauty and was just a mass of water. He was expecting a water garden but he did not see it no matter how he looked at it it was just a pond. There were no flowers, no fish or animal.
"Aeron so you came out for a walk! You are up early, or should I say late? Did you had enough rest? If so, come join me!" said the old man with grey hair and a large body with scars. Aeron recognized the man as Xander. He was sitting in the pavilion Pavilion had a large table and many seats. Xander was eating some fish and drinking wine. From the looks of it he was a bit tipsy.
"Hello... grandfather." Aeron said awkwardly. His grandfather was the one he loved above anyone else in his life as Drake, so he found some difficulty saying it. But now that he was reincarnated he found himself in middle of a family he had to acknowledge. He felt he rather liked Valeria. Zara was a child who was just naughty and energetic. But as for Erwin and Xander he had no idea who they were.
Xander seeing his grandson's awkwardness he understood what troubled him. He had no idea whom they were and he had to act close to not hurt them. He then said:"You can drop the grandfather if that makes you awkward. Call me old man instead!" and laughed.
"No grandfather. It was that... I do not know anything about anyone here. What if my memories does not come back? What will I do then? I do not know anything about you or mother, father or anyone for that matter." said Aeron and made a solemn face. Needless to say he was just putting on an act.
"Is there anyone who can know each other without spending time together? If your memories do not return solution is simple, just make new ones. Now come and join me for a drink. What do you think of my pavilion and pond?" said Xander as he filled both glasses with wine and gave one of them to him.
It is just a pond? But if I say that he would be displeased. I should praise it somehow. But what is there to even praise! It is just a big mass of water. There is no flowers or animals inside. The pavilion is rather simple too. What is the point of this pavilion and pond? They are so plain that you cannot even praise them somehow. I mean, I would be blatantly lying.
Then Aeron suddenly was enlightened! This old man was a genius, as well as someone with artistic taste! He was impressed thoroughly. He never expected such a big fellow to have such a refined taste. He even drunk wine correctly! His respect for this old man had grown to new heights.
"Pavilion is rather plain but that is not really important. What is important is this pond. You actually made a pond to display the night sky, the moon and stars! Other ponds display beauty of fishes or flowers. But you display beauty of the night! This is just... genius! I definitely am impressed by it and by you grandfather!" said Aeron as he sighed with emotion.
Xander was stunned. He expected that he would say it was either plain or praise it without meaning a word of that praise. But unexpectedly he actually understood why he had made this pond! He looked at him again. This grandson of his somehow had gotten smarter since he hit his head!
He was his only grandchild who did not have any future. His eldest grandchild Laila was his deceased son's daughter. Her mother was the principal of Pale Moon Academy. Her father had died when she was five. She was not close to them and she was training hard, so they would see each other once in a year. She would come every year during anniversary of his death to pay respects to her father. She had talent and would definitely be successful. Zara was still a child but he had high hopes for her.
On the other hand Aeron was a downright debauchee. When he was born seeing he had genius level high talent that had surpassed his own he was extremely jubilant. He had high hopes for him and would brag about him. But afterwards it made it much harder for him to tolerate his debauchery. He actually had talent, if he had tried, even half-heartedly, he would be someone important and would be successful in future. But he did not even try! If he tried and failed he could at least respect that...
Just who knew he was a man of so many talents! He had picked up gambling, visiting flower shops, wine and all kinds of thuggish activities and became the most detestable debauchee in country in three years! Three years! Even if someone tried to do this they would fail, country was far and wide and talk did not really spread so much. But he had succeeded in three years! That in itself was an absolute talent. Absolute genius!
That grandson actually said these words. He felt like checking his fever. Did he drink too much wine? Those words came out from the mouth of this debauchee? He felt extremely happy! There was still hope! It seemed like miracles really did exist. He then began to talk with Aeron agreeably while drinking wine.
It is the final days in my university and I barely have any time to write this now. I feel like I should have posted this later. When I actually had time. Here is a chapter I wrote, writing some sentences everyday.
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