《The Overlord》[Chapter 1] - [Drake Awakens]
"Valeria please step aside! I just must beat this dumb son of mine or I will explode! Even dogs and wild beasts get smarter when they are beaten, so no doubt this stupid fool will get his act straight, he is human after all!" said a man. Words he spoke was cruel, but they were really not spoken with the intent. It was just his concern for his son was manifesting. He was about 220 centimeters tall and had a muscular body. With his square jaw and sharp features, he looked like the very image of masculinity. His light brown hair was cut short and he had emerald eyes that was filled with vitality.
"Erwin, please calm yourself. I know you are worried but now is not the time. He still needs res and he still needs a doctor to see him." said Valeria. She was about 210 centimeters tall with an athletic build that could still be seen through her everyday clothes. She had sharp features and three scars - two scars on her cheek, one small scar on her lip - on her face. Her black hair that would fall on her face was gathered into a pony tail and she had icy blue eyes. All in all, she looked just as intimidating as her husband.
"I know, I know. I will call a doctor." Erwin said and sighed with concern. He had an expression of helplessness and anguish as he spoke to his wife:"Valeria what should I do with this son of ours? When he was fifteen he made a lot of bad friends, who taught him how to drink and how to play around. From then on he - in three years no less - became the most famous debauchee in the entire Empire of Sun! He has a lot of talent, but instead of practicing he plays around in "flower" shops with those bad "friends" of his! I swear upon graves of my ancestors, he gravitates away from texts larger than a sentence, when he sees a book he gets dizzy, when he hears the words "practice", "working" or "lesson" he disappears faster than a falling star! Now this has happened! What should I do?"
"Erwin, you go and bring a doctor, while I take care of him. First a doctor should diagnose his injuries, I think they are light but it is better for a doctor to examine him. After he recovers we should have a talk with him then beat this debauchery out of him! Who knows, maybe with this disaster he might turn a new leaf, have a change of heart." she said. While they were sensible words, she was more worried than her husband. It seemed like she said that last sentence to console her husband and herself. Erwin just took a deep breath and sighed in exasperation. Then he quickly turned over and went to call a royal doctor. He was a Prince Consort so he was royalty as well as his son.
Now that Erwin was gone Valeria entered her son's house. It had been about ten minutes since her son had an accident while he was drunk and fell down into the river. It looked like he hit his head so even the slightest injury must be examined or she would not be able to rest. To her astonishment she discovered her son was already up! But his face looked terrible. She immediately ran over him and said:"Aeron, are you okay? Where does it hurt? Aeron you made me so worried today. I was scared to death!"
After she opened her mouth all of these words were spoken without breath. Aeron - who was actually Drake - looked at her left and asked:"Who... are you? Where... am I?" These words was spoken so hard and were so low in voice one might not be able to hear it. But to Valeria's ears this was like sound of thunder. She simply froze and Aeron fainted again.
"...His highness the prince does not have any serious injuries, it seems he hurt his head however. I have done all I can, from now on he needs to rest and please do not move his head, it might make the situation worse. Do not worry please, he probably was muddle headed. But if his memories are lost, this can happen after a hit to head or maybe experience of death shocked him... I am sorry your highness, but this old fool cannot tell. If he lost his memories, he might get his memories back in days, weeks, months, maybe even years or perhaps he might not regain his memories his entire life. I apologize that this old incompetent man cannot do anything else." said an old doctor as he bowed and walked out.
"Erwin what shall we do? What if our son has lost his memories? What if our son never regains his memories?" said Valeria in a worried voice as she caressed the head and back of the cat on her lap. Erwin sighed, he knew Valeria looked intimidating but was actually a soft person, with an even softer spot for cute things. So she was a doting mother who often indulged her children.
"What can we do? If his memory is lost, it is lost. If he forgot then think of the bright side. If he forgets, he can change and turn over a new leaf. Besides, didn't you hear the doctor? He might be muddleheaded. Even if he lost his memories he might get his memories back. Whether he has his memories or not he is still our son. We will treat him like we always have. Even if he never gets back his memories we can always make new ones." said Erwin in an optimistic voice. What can they do? Even the royal doctor said that there was nothing he could do, so how could he do anything? If you cannot change something try to look on the bright side of things. If he lost his memories perhaps he can make this debauchee a honest, hardworking person.
He smiled and embraced his wife who cried her heart out. Women are more emotional then men, especially a mother. Valeria would be concerned over slightest injuries and would always be afraid of worst. Women also were quick to cry as a result of being emotional. Women were like full moon, which filled humans with emotion, filled scholars and artists with inspiration and that was why Luna was referred to as a she. Valeria could not stop, her tears contained so many different overflowing emotions.
The reason he was so composed was that his father had always said most useful skill for a person is to know when to admit defeat. He also said that to admit defeat was fine, but this defeat should be admitted for victory. Battle might end in defeat but if war is won who cares about battle? Otherwise admitting defeat would be a shame. There was always a way to win. It was the job of generals to find it. It was their job to bring this victory! This was the reason why his father was bestowed surname of "Victor" by the emperor himself! He was a victor because he never let his defeats stay as defeats! Ironically it was being a sore loser that made him a victor.
He was son of such a general! How can he give up? They were family after all, even if he did not love them at all, they would love him! Where on earth was a parent who did not love their children? A person's heart is much like a mirror, what you show is reflected back to you. Even if he lost his memories and those memories never come back, one day they could repair their relationship.
They both looked upon the face of sleeping young man. They did not know what would happen when he woke up. That was what scared them most. To look upon face of your son and have him not recognize you at all... It was a nightmare like scenario. But it had happened to them. What made them most sad was that their son had forgotten them, but they were also hopeful. He might have been muddleheaded. Even if he lost his memories he could regain them. Erwin smiled when he looked to him. He was almost as tall as him now. He had his mother's hair and had grey eyes. He had his sharp features but his skin was white enough to put beauties to shame. He remembered an old memory.
"What is this skin of yours! The girls in the shops you go should feel embarrassed! If you just had a wig and some women's clothes you would make a fine beauty so long as we hide your Adam's apple! Perhaps they would even call you "Jewel of Sun Empire"! To think I would have a grandson like this! Heavens what have I done so wrong!" cried an old man, veins bulging in his forehead and his face flushed red with anger. He was about 220 centimeters tall and had greying brown hair with green eyes. His muscular figure had never diminished even with years it endured. His skin was rough had many scars. He looked about thirty years of age not counting his hair.
"Today I simply must beat you in your parents place! You like flowers huh? I will make your butt "blossom" today! You will now learn why flowers are red!" he said then picked up a broom following running Aeron to courtyard. Waving the broom in his two hands and striking at his butt!
"Grandfather, I have done wrong! I have done wrong!" cried out Aeron and ran like a rabbit. Xander wanted to hit more but, Erwin intercepted him trying to talk him down:"Father stop if you hit him maybe he will run away and might even be more stubborn. If you let him go and lecture him eventually one day he might get his act straight. I have faith in my son! If not I will personally appoint him to Aryas to duty! When he comes back he will not even think of debauchery!"
"I don't care! I must catch this brat today! I must! Look at his skin! It is whiter, smoother and even softer than a baby's skin! It shows that he does not even practice as much as a child! How will he amount to anything? I must just smack him once or twice or how will I contain this fury!" Xander cried tears in his eyes. To think there would be a debauchee like this in his lineage! From whom did he inherit this debauchery?! All of his ancestors were heroes, mighty warriors, all of them were man of steel, forged in fire of hundred battles! Nowhere in his family tree there was a debauchee like this!
Of his two sons he lost youngest on the field of battle. He never cried because his son died with valor as a hero, crying would shame him! His wife later died of grief, he finally let his tears go. He could be considered young for his peers but his hair had became grey from grief! He cried only three times! One time was when his son and wife died. Other two times was because of this grandson of his! Not out of sorrow but out of anger! What he was wasting was the most important years of his life! Right now was the time his growth was fast, best times to cultivate his mana and body. But he skipped on the practice and would even snark back to him until he turned mad with anger!
He could not even hit him appropriately! Whenever he raised his stick he would remember the cute baby he was, then his heart and hand would become soft like jelly. Being a grandfather was different than being a father. He could do nothing but cry out his frustration as his grandson became more and more of a debauchee. Erwin knew this. His father was soft on his grandchildren and wherever he tried to raise his hand he could not hit seriously. Though he was a slave driver when it came to his own children...
Erwin now looked sad. If he truly lost his memories then he would not remember these. For him those times never happened. If memories made experience and experience defined a person, then when he woke up wouldn't he be a completely different person than his Aeron? How could he not understand what his wife was upset about? The child they knew would be gone. He would change. It was not knowing how he would change that made them most anxious.
Then he thought of Aeron himself. He realized he would wake up in a place he did not know with people whom he did not know claiming to be his family. His struggle would be even bigger than his. When he thought about that his heart sunk once more. He would have more troubles than them. For him role of a father was like being a mighty tree. Even if his children flew out of their nest they could always have a place safe they could come back to. He would be like an enduring mountain shouldering the skies for them if he has to!
"Valeria, think about this from his point of view too. He will wake up in a place he does not know, surrounded by people he does not know. Perhaps he will feel lonely and will lose his place in the world. Perhaps he will have doubts about his self. Remember he could have drowned in the river, he could have died. Who knows the way of heaven? Perhaps this will be a good thing. But if he wakes up wouldn't he be lost? Isn't it our duty to provide him with a place he can feel at home?" said Erwin wiping his wife's tears with his hand. Valeria stopped crying and tenderly looked to her son. Erwin was right. She could not let herself go now. It was true that he could have drowned, he could have died. This was far better. Even if he did not remember he was alive. He was alright. She calmed herself with deep breaths.
"Mama! Dada! Why is bro sleeping?" said a little girl about four or three years old. She had a bell on her bracelet, which she liked and it also allowed them to find her when this mischievous devil ran off. She had brown hair with cute blue eyes. Unlike them she had soft features. She was a little bundle of cuteness. Valeria thought she must have ran off to her brother. Zara would often annoy Aeron until he finally got annoyed and tickled this little devil until she cried she would not do it again.
"Shh. Your brother needs rest, he cannot play with you today." said Valeria. Upon hearing these words little imp ran away again bells jingling as she ran away. Valeria could hear the screams of maids and servants. She giggled. Zara was much like her when she was a child. She had lightened her mood. Children were like cute, little, fragile bundles of joy. It was because they were fragile that she was worried about them so much.
"So that is what happened. Hmph! I told him he would end up like this! So what happened? Is it anything serious? He only needs rest? How long? Should I get him a potion? It would fasten his recovery." said Xander appearing tough and stoic, but soft inside. When Erwin saw this he would remember his slave driving father - who was like a demonic drill sergeant with training methods from hell - and would wonder how can this person change like this? Did old age mellowed this old man? He was not particularly old though, he was not even about halfway there. What would they call it? He was not really middle aged but not a young man too.
Whenever he spoke of remarriage he would refuse him. Perhaps his memory of his mother was still there, but he should not spend his life alone. His mother had long been dead. Dead people were dead, life moved on. It was sad but, it was beautiful too. A person dies and from his remains there grows a tree and blossoms. That was the beauty of nature. Old lives fueled new, more beautiful ones. In the Empire of Sun utmost show of filial piety was to surpass your parents. This practice would drive each generation to be stronger than the last.
He was rather shamed that he could not still surpass his father in any way. This old fox was so cunning that he could sell a merchant, merchant's own wares! He practiced often and gave lessons to promising young blood in the Blazing Sun Academy. There were many academies in the empire but strongest was Blazing Sun. It was also the most rich in resources granted to their students.
Blazing Sun Academy was the dream of every youth. Be it lowliest, poorest of peasants or highest of nobles it did not care. So long as one had talent they were welcomed with open hands and were granted best possible resources, as well as teachers. Sun Empire long had been known for their love of talent. Talented youths from lower positions in other country's society would often travel here to show their skills and be accepted in government.
His ancestors were warriors who did not really rose high in military, because there were so many people with their talent. If there were many talented people rising high would be hard. People who were at the top of their craft was always shown greatest respect. Be it a general, a scholar, an artist, an artisan...
His father had entered the Blazing Sun Academy. Seeing he was highly talented in strategy and had possessed talent as a martial artist. He was given the most valuable books, potions and most accomplished teachers. It was because of this that Sun Empire was still flourishing without an end. They valued and cultivated their geniuses.
He had graduated from there as a hundred man commander and rise rank after rank until he became a highly respected general. He still had no equal in this kingdom as he possessed great military knowledge and martial valor! He himself was still a young general who barely could even count as a general. How could he ever surpass this amazingly talented father? Heavens gave him a task that seemed impossible to achieve!
Xander looked at Erwin. He was going to appoint Aeron to Aryas mountains just this night, so military would tame this debauchee. Sun Empire valued talent like a thirsty person valued water. It was also because of this they had worried about him so much. Aeron was born as a prince. But Xander had a higher status then him. In Sun Empire results determined a person's life. Especially royalty. He might soon be removed from the imperial city of Ebonguard, the jewel among barren lands and deserts.
Ebonguard was the homeland of their race called either high humans or tall humans. Barren wastelands, sands, struggles of survival with great predators had forged a mighty people. Each and every one of them was almost two meters in height and would carry heavy armor and weapons with ease.
After following Founder-Emperor Sol they built Ebonguard and founded the Sun State. They were proud warrior people and they valued strength and talent above all. Everything depended on this, so women's status was not low either. What men could do women could do as well. But nature had given women gift of wisdom, while to men it granted gift of strength. That is why among scholars and magi women numbered more than men. Among warriors men numbered more then women. Some of the most successful ruler's were Empresses who ruled kingdom wisely. Previous Emperor before retiring or dying would choose a heir whom he thought could rule best.
As for matter of marriage, it was up to individual. Nobody would give any thought to someone's private affairs. They were a lot open minded, but homosexual relationships were frowned upon. Because such unions would not produce children, so such unions were seen as wasteful. But it was not illegal.
Because of this this debauchee's future was bleak. Who would give their precious children to this debauchee? Who would take care of him? Even if they were successful, their influence had a limit. Those from nobles or royalty that shamed their household would be appointed to some backwater town as a magistrate, only in name to boot. It basically meant they could live as they wanted. But they could not do anything with their lives that people would respect them for. Who wanted such a future for their children?
Xander looked at his grandson again. He had not always been the debauchee he was now known as. He had strayed off the path when he was fifteen because of heart issues. He had never told anyone, but he had learned it a few weeks ago. He was going to talk to him about this matter. But this grandson of his avoided him like a plaque.
Xander sighed in his heart. What he had hidden so deeply even he did not know. But he could only function by drinking his sorrows day and night. He would go to flower shops and would drown himself in debauchery. He even suspected this was no mere accident. His grandson might have tried to commit suicide! If he lost his memories then that might actually have been a blessing in disguise.
"There is something I should tell you. I suspect that Aeron has tried to commit suicide!" said Xander with a very solemn face. Expressions of shock and disbelief filled both Erwin's and Valeria's faces. Their son tried to commit suicide? Why would he try to kill himself? They tried their best for him.
"How can that be father-in-law? Why would my son kill himself? Why would he do this to himself?" said Valeria with a face filled with wanting to disbelieve but not being able to. She was his mother. She had long known there was something in his heart that made him this way. She thought he would get over it himself or would tell them one day. She never thought he would actually try to kill himself!
"I do not know why. But you should know that this is true Valeria. Maybe this matter of him losing his memories is a blessing in disguise." said Xander. Erwin had looked down. He was never this ashamed of himself in his entire life! He had tried to be a good father. He tried to be a good son to his father too. But he had never noticed Aeron's heartbreak. His face was filled with self loathing. What manner of father was he? He had failed his son when he needed his help most! So they stood there silently in the evening. Each lost in their own thoughts.
Drake woke up. He was in a realm of black with a shimmering ever shifting road. With every step he took way shifted like auroras. Countless colors changed when he blinked. An ever-shifting road. He looked around ad could not see anything. He looked behind and saw with every step he took the piece of road he left behind would disappear. He would panic, but what was the use of panicking now. He simply walked forward.
After a walk he did not know how long, he reached the journey's end. He did not know how much time passed. He honestly could not tell. It might have been a second, might have been an eternity. He stood near an ever shifting darkness behind a glass. He felt like he was beckoned there. Was he meant to enter? He cautiously touched it. A sound - akin to metal breaking glass - rose and ever shifting darkness expanded breaking though the glass.
He was floating now in the darkness. But he could see everything clearly and there was light coming behind his back. He turned back and a light blinded him. A seven colored and seven floored pagoda with a huge snake climbing it. This should be what he ate. What was it doing here?
"Welcome master!" said a floating, pink... jellyfish?! He stared, a little dumbfounded. But to his credit Drake adapted quickly. This was clearly a dream, stuff that happened here was not real. He was sleeping. Yup, he would wake up and would see everything was a dream. Why was his dream so weird? There was a floating, tentacled, talking, pink jellyfish with a girls voice...
"How rude master! I am real! I am Sophia!" said the jellyfish. Drake still stared and pinched his cheek. Yup, it hurt. So this jellyfish is real? What is it doing in my spirit? But somehow he felt a familiarity to this jellyfish. It was instinctual, he knew her. He felt he knew pagoda too... No the thing inside the pagoda. Why was this pagoda that important enough for all those masters?
"You mean that Heaven-Ascending Pagoda master? It contains an Imugi. A snake who failed to ascend to heaven and turn to a dragon. A miserable existence. Imugi is now undergoing the process of becoming a dragon. When it is finished you will have a dragon soul beast! As for why they wanted this imugi. This imugi was very brilliant master. It made himself a pagoda from the heart of a star and coiled around it. Star heart will allow someone to cultivate much faster. While they cultivate however this imugi would drain some mana for itself. When he had enough mana he could solve what was wrong with it's body and ascend to heaven to become a dragon. Now this imugi is your soul beast. It will obey your words and cannot betray you or harm you in anyway." said the jellyfish that named itself Sophia
As for me I was made by previous master to help you! I am S.O.P.H.I.A.! Series Omega Personal Helper and Ideal Advisor! I suspect previous master just wanted to name me Sophia but thought it would be more cool this way." said Sophia. Drake said nothing. He just could not find the words to say. Rather did those words even exist?
"We are bound together for all our lives! I will help you achieve any goal of yours and in exchange I will be able to see the world through your eyes!" said jellyfish excitedly. Drake just accepted it and did not think about it. In this world everything was possible. When you just walk home from school a car might fly to you, you might get arrested because a serial rapist looks like you, you might be involved a plane crash - because plane crashed into your tent - or you might barely escape fate of getting hit by a meteor... He had first hand experience in this matter.
"So Sophia. What do you do here then? Who is this previous master? Also did you just read my mind?" said Drake. Since she was a personal helper and advisor, he more or less understood her role, but it would be better to ask. She would also reply to his thoughts. He actually could not believe himself. He was just naturally talking to a floating, pink, speaking jellyfish. His adaptability surprised even himself, he actually began to call a jellyfish she....
"I help master! I give master advice! I handle everything! Previous master was named Chalfon. I can read your thoughts to serve you better master! Of course you can close me off if you want to, but please don't! It is boring in here!" said Sophia in a begging voice. Drake did not really care. He was just curious. But he noted the ability to close her off.
He thought back to the moment he was dying all alone... Now that he thought about it, with Sophia he would never be alone. He had found a companion who could understand him. He smiled when he thought like that. He was determined to obtain many such people. For him they were as precious as air was to drowning men.
"So Sophia. I think I am alive. Am I alive? I should be. But what is a true god? Explain it all to me. Explain everything." said Drake this was what troubled him most. He died in a very bizarre manner. But he was saved. He felt confused. He was saved right?
"Master, you are alive. But not in the way you understand it. You were reincarnated. It is a really long story to explain. Shall I explain it?" said Sophia and Drake made a nod.
"Master it is actually rather simple. Chalfon was a true god that symbolized change." said Sophia with her tentacles showing him a picture. A dragon that instead of scales has human-like shadows. Suddenly picture came to life. Drake looked with interest. A true god. Everywhere on dragon eyes opened. Myriad eyes, myriad mouths and myriad hands. As drake looked he felt a sense of... longing and familiarity?
"Change includes everything. Let us say that master Chalfon separated himself to many parts and was reborn. Because he himself was change so he did not change in any form. Just imagine you are standing still in a constantly moving creation. He said that he was bored and split himself then took path of reincarnation. He then made us to serve his young selves. You are a part of him. A god of death. Because of this you are also essentially immortal. You are not affected by the river of souls who washes memories of all souls. Also you on earth had became a heavenly being. Earth exists in a material universe with heavy restrictions on supernatural. You just became immortal thus the world itself killed you by causing backlash during your ascension. Did you not think about how many times you almost died and found it odd? The world you were living on WAS trying to kill you." said Sophia.
"Sophia, I shall be honest with you. I am not going to believe you just because a jellyfish said that I am part of a fucking god..." said Drake. He usually would not swear. He would act gentlemanly in every action. That is why swearing signified him being angry. Only when he was angry - but not enough to go into a murdering rage - he would talk rude. He finally felt that he was obviously going crazy. But he was considered crazy compared to other people so he did not really care..
"Master you are not going crazy. Remember your past actions. When you killed someone you felt at peace, did you not? You said presence of death was like embrace of a mother. That is what a god of death feels. Also with every person you kill you absorb their lingering thoughts allowing you to get more and more stronger. The more lingering thoughts there are the better. Hatred is a powerful grievance, you should use it. Kill people who hate you most and you gain most benefits. Also if that person is stronger you get more power." said Sophia. Drake sighed. He had heard enough. If it was real, then it was real. If it was not, then it was not. He simply should enjoy the moment without caring about anything. If cared too much you would only go mad. Besides, reality depended on the person. If he believed everything could be real. Belief was such a powerful force...
"That's the spirit master!" said Sophia making a do your best gesture with her... tentacles. Drake bid her goodbye for now. He closed his eyes and slowly tried to rise.
Drake rose from his slumber. Now feeling more comfortable but not enough to jump from his bed. He slowly rose still feeling a bit sleepy and tired. His head was not really good either. He looked at his body. He was taller than what he remembered. Clearly he was reincarnated. He tried to touch his temples but found that they were bandaged.
He turned and looked at the people sitting in chairs all in their own worlds. A burly man whose head was greying and an exact copy of him with brown hair was sitting on right side. Black haired intimidating woman was sitting on left. He gathered his courage and decided in his heart he would play amnesiac. Drake said:"Who are you? Where am I? Who am I?"
I wrote the last parts of chapter when I was fairly high from staying up all night, university... [th_096_K.gif] *sighs*
It seemed more interesting this way so I decided to go like this. I am also going to go with a gamer-like MC who advances in power as he kills stuff, including people. I read the gamer and liked it except for the MC. So I am trying to write something unique from combining all the I genres that I like.
Please write and allow me to know what you think about this. :boworpushups:
Xianxia+Game-like+Some light hearted stuff=>*something happens*=>Profit???
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8 372 - In Serial11 Chapters
Of Sheep & Sisters (Tales of the Axe Book 2)
The indominatable Fraker the Axe returns! This time in the company of his older sister, this collection of short stories set in the fantasy Six Worlds of Shtar is a tongue in cheek look at what a great hero gets up to in between the times of legends and when prophecy isn't really telling him what to do. From a kitten and a rosebush, to a civil war, Fraker stumbles from one "adventure" to the next, never quite comfortable with the world outside the battlefield he was bred for. (This work is currently unfinished and will updated infrequently)
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