《Re: Corruption》Chapter 5: Changes
Firstly I wanted to thank you all again for reading, you are awesome. Also I deleted the post with the poll because I didnt want to spoil anything for anyone who only started reading my ff.
ANNOUNCEMENT: CONTIDIONS FOR EVOLUTION HAVE BEEN CLEARED! AVAILABLE EVOLUTIONS WILL NOW BE LISTED Requirements cleared: Level 100; Butchers Butcher; Otherworldly; Back from the dead; Prodigy; Defier of fate; catched a gods interest Available Evolution Paths will now be shown.
Hobgoblin: A being bigger (height about 1.70 meters) and stronger than a Goblin and slightly exceeds one in intelligence. Its looks partly resemble humans. No magic affinities Gremlin (variant): A being which is slightly weaker and smaller (height 1.60 meters) than a Hobgoblin, but exceeds one in speed and intelligence. Has magic affinities for Darkness guaranteed. Pan: A being which looks a human, except its goat legs, hooves and ears. It is slightly stronger than a Goblin and often shows light magic affinity.
Make your decision
Hmm now this is interesting. I won’t even consider being a Pan, seeing as it is half a goat this choice seems more like a downgrade.
The Hobgoblin path is very interesting. I certainly want to be more like a human, also it seems to be the physically strongest.
But the Gremlin seems altogether the most fitting choice for me. I get a guarantee to be able to use magic and even learn some sneaking skills, also the increase in speed looks rather convincing. What use it is to be able to hurt an enemy a bit more if I can’t evade its attacks?
So I guess I will be going with that
Choice: Gremlin. Are you sure?
Then the darkness befell me as I fell asleep, already feeling the changes my body was going through.
I had another dream of my former life; I was convincing my brother that I was in the condition to drive. The dream ended shortly before the accident. The last thing I heard was my brother screaming.
Evolution process complete. Acquired: Blessing of the Goddess of Darkness
I awakened when I heard a surprised gasp. Upon looking around I found out it was 16, or should I call her 89 now?
GoblinName?(not named yet)TitleNo TitleLevel89
Hmm she didn’t do that much in the fight, so it wasn’t too surprising that she didn’t reach level 100 to evolve. But she certainly grew stronger and more feminine. She now looks like a ugly 12 year old.
21… now 5 stood behind her.
HobgoblinName?(not named yet)TitleNo TitleLevel5
He evolved into a something that looked like a mix between a goblin and a human. He had a dark green skin and grew short hair.
I got to admit he’s kind of handsome now, for a Goblin of course. After I asked 16(yes I will continue calling her that till she gets a real name, same with 21) she said that I look way better. I’m kind of happy about that.
To check what she said I tried to use my cleaver as a wannabe mirror. I had dark brown skin, sharp short claws and a Tail which ended in a long spike, I had good control over it and it felt like an additional limp.
On my torso were strange black lines, looking like a tattoo. My face looked strangely familiar, as if I’ve seen it hundreds of times.
Why can’t I remember who this face resembles? The last second of my dream came back to me, my brother screaming. I look almost exactly like him, maybe a little bit more handsome.
Like 21 I had hair, but mine reached my shoulders and was black, his a mix of brown and blonde.
When I finished checking my looks, I realized that 21 was standing next to me, he looked like a child that just broke something. Turning around I saw that his pants ripped when he evolved. I immediately turned around again, I really don’t want to see that.
I quickly made my leftover pants bigger by using all of the hide scraps that were left over.
The pants quality went lower because of that. I’m really dissatisfied, soon I will make us new, proper clothes.
One of the other 3 Goblins also evolved into a Hobgoblin. He looked pretty similar to 21, except that he almost had no hair and a was little bit smaller.
To test if their strength also varied I let them spar, 21 easily won after a quick fight.
I spend the rest of the day sparring with 21 and let 16 spar with the other goblins that didn’t evolve.
By the time we all grew tired she managed to reach level 96. We called it a day at this point.
The two other unevolved Goblins reached level 78 and 83. Until we have to fight again I will manage to get them to level 100.
As I was about to go to sleep, I heard steps coming from outside our cell. My hearing also improved a lot since I evolved.
A person who looked like a scholar of some sort whispered something to the guards who then opened the door for him.
Strangely he started talking in our language, Goblin language.
“I’m here on behalf of the King. As he promised I am here to bring you a present which he personally chose for you. What are your names?”(Scholar)
An awkward silence erupted as we all looked at each other.
“You do understand me right?” The Scholar now looked troubled.
“The thing is… We don’t have any names.” I answered in human language, much to his surprise.
“Oh right, you were supposed to die in the fight yesterday. It’s obvious that you don’t have names yet. Sorry about that. So how about you choose names for yourself?”[Scholar]
In the few days since I reincarnated I never thought about naming myself. I always considered my old name to be my new one too.
“My name will be…” Wait what was my old name again? I can’t remember.
“What will your name be?”(Scholar)
Thank you old Ogre.
“I will be Tral.”(Tral)
As I said these words 21 looked at me with wide open eyes “like old Tralgur?” I nodded.
I shouldn’t have agreed with him. He immediately had a excited look on his face.
“Then me be Gur. Me soon strong as Tralgur. Aaaand big.”(Gur)
Of course he had to do that, too late to change anything now so I got to live with that.
By the way didn’t the Hobgoblin evolution description contain something about being cleverer than Goblins? I can’t see that at 21, I mean at Gur.
16 asked me to choose a name for her, I immediately had a name in mind, I don’t know why. Probably also someone from my former life.
Anyway, her name will be Tris.
The other three Goblins also had no naming sense at all. They are now Grat, Alex and Merd.
The Scholar then took a small satchel out of his robe, placed it on the ground and started taking items out.
No, not only some small rings or something but weapons and weird looking staff.
So even something like magic which manipulates area to create huge storing space inside a satchel is possible in this world? I want that.
As he finished taking out items he said “Each of you is allowed to choose one, choose with care.”(Scholar)
In front of us lied 2 swords, one war axe, a spear, a few daggers, various different rings and two staffs.
After looking through all the Items I chose one of the rings.
Ring of Life and DeathType:RingDurability:150/165Quality:Rare magicalAlthough the items name exaggerates this item is high quality and pretty rare. It enhanced the user’s ability for dark magic but makes him prone to any kind of light magic.Magical propertiesDarkness affinity +25%; damage/heal from light magic +25%
I don’t plan on fighting any kind of sage or saint that can use powerful light magic, but if I somehow get a healer that will greatly upgrade my chances of survival. Also the darkness affinity is pretty neat.
Gur chose the war axe for himself, he was able to wield it with two hands, if he gets strong enough to one hand it I will try to get him some sort of tower shield.
War AxeType:AxeDurability:250/250Quality:normal-enhancedA normal war axe which was enchanted and enhanced by novice mages.Magical propertiesFeels lighter than it is, making it possible to be swung faster while inflicting the same damage.
Tris chose one of the swords. It was a shortsword which was decorated with various gems. My ability told me that about half of them were magic stones that inflict element damage. The rest of the stones were fake gems.
Ice mages swordType:Short SwordDurability:200/200Quality:Rare-enhancedA well made short sword in which magic stones were implanted, giving it coldness attributes. If a foe is struck he will suffer from hypothermia, in addition to that the wound will freeze.Magical propertiesPossibility to inflict hypothermia: 12%; freezes everything it touches, except for the wielder
Of the other three two chose short swords, one had fire gemstone implanted, the other one was a plain normal short sword. The Hobgoblin took a ring for himself which heightened his agility. Clever choice.
The scholar, who looked surprised by our choice, took the rest of the items back into his satchel and went back without saying a word.
I would have stolen the satchel on his way out, but I don’t want to anger the King. For now.
It was already getting very late, I realized that my minds clock works perfectly accurate after asking a guard about the time. Maybe that’s some kind of characteristic of Goblins?
I asked Gur about it but he didn’t even understand what a clock is supposed to be. Also he said that he doesn’t have any feeling of time. I guess it’s some kind of unique trait of mine or something.
The next morning I stood up before the others. It’s time to test out my promised darkness abilities.
After experimenting a bit I found out that I acquired some kind of sixth sense which tells me if people realize that I’m there or not. This will be pretty useful when I want to go somewhere where I’m not allowed to be, or to get away from something.
I even managed to use some darkness magic. Sadly I don’t know any kind of spell, so all I could do was the very basics, or at least what I think are the basics. So I was able to gather dark energy in my hands and throw, I was even able to manipulate the path it flew.
Otherwise I was able to slightly manipulate the looks of shadows, to test that I made my own shadow wave at me.
Even though I don’t see any use in moving shadows it’s at least a fun ability and better than nothing.
What was that again when I just woke up? I was too distracted to pay much attention.
Blessing of the Goddess of Darkness, right?
The Blessing of the Goddess of Darkness is only bestowed upon individuals with the potential to fully become creatures of the dark. The Goddess herself choses those fortunate being. Whoever has this blessing will learn and master darkness magic and sneaking skills easier than normally. These chosen ones are often sold as slaves to fanatic groups when captured.
This is the first time I got info about a skill or trait of mine. Let’s try it with some other skills.
No effect.
Well that’s unfortunate, it doesn’t work with the other blessings I received either.
Looks like only abilities or blessings which are influenced or based on a god show me a description.
Let’s think about this blessing. It says that I was chosen by a Goddess herself, I sure am special.
It seems that this blessing also influenced my evolution, maybe the tattoo on my chest was made because of it.
Learning dark magic faster seems pretty good, but fanatics that may want to buy me? Now I’m creeped out…
If I, as a holder of this blessing, am supposed to be able to master dark magic, maybe it’s even possible for me to create my own spells? I’m getting excited.
Over the next hours I tried various things with my mana.
When I gave it a specific form it kept that while I held it, the moment I released it or threw it, it went back to being a formless cloud of mana.
After a while I managed to keep it in place and form while I myself moved away, so it’s not completely impossible. Sadly my manapool is almost empty after several hours of tests. So enough of that for today.
After a few hours of sparring I managed to talk one of the guards, the one that gave Gur the potions before, into having a mock battle (like sparring but with weapons) with me.
He used his short sword and shield while I borrowed the normal short sword from one of the Goblins.
He couldn’t do much against me, we fought for about half a minute then I managed to snatch his sword away, and then the fight was decided. Normal Humans are not strong at all, even as a Goblin I would have won.
Of course I gave him his weapon back. He gave us important info and I don’t plan on already making enemies.
Later that day I started talking to same guard and acquired some good information.
I found out that not only Goblins but several other weak monster species are held captive and bred here. We are only one of many groups. The others are Lizardlings, Gnomes, Kobolds, a few Orcs and they even managed to catch some Imps.
Lizardlings are, like their name says, lizards. They are about as big as a Goblin and considered slightly stronger due to their spitting abilities.
Gnomes are smaller than Goblins, slightly stronger but way slower. They look like very small, ugly humans.
Kobolds are humanoid fox creatures. They are known for their speed and intelligence. They mostly use ranged weapons because most creatures overpower them in strength.
Orcs are basically Pigs that walk on two legs. They are gluttonous and weak. Some nobles have actual Orc farms because of their meat. It is said to taste like very high quality pork.
Imps are descendants of demons. They are about as big as a Goblin, but have red skin and are able to use minor fire magic. They are considered very rare.
He also said that in our next fight we will have to fight one of these groups. The only reason for that not to happen would be if the King or some rich noble brought a strong creature for the battle.
(little spoiler) I just wanted to say (because some people asked) that our mc, Tral, will get overpowered. BUT he won’t be Rou like overpowered and he will definitely NOT reach a godlike level of power. (Btw that’s what I plan right now, it’s possible that I change my thoughts about that, probably won’t happen though.)
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