《Gods Game》Chapter Twelve : Sword Play
After Alex and Xavier left, they headed to the room they shared with Drew and Kenneth. There were three rooms upstairs. There was the one the four guys shared, with four twin beds each set up against one of the four walls of the room. The room Anna was in, as neither dared look inside, neither could really say how big the room or the bed was.
Then there was the one where Elise and Mal were. Elise was already fast asleep on the twin bed. On the wall opposite of it, was the full bed where Mal was fixing to lay down on when they left. Hexia was still in the room with Anna. The sounds from the two could still be heard. Still, the two pushed that from their minds as they laid down and fell asleep. It had been a long day, and if anything was clear, it was the fact they were going to have a lot more long days ahead of them.
* * *
Mal curled up on the bed that was available. Elise was currently passed out on the other. She said she fell asleep on her side, but when she was asleep, she rolled to her back, and there was no telling which way her body would land, where her limbs would be, or what they would do. So she thought it would be safer for Mal if she slept on the twin. Both beds were pushed against a wall, allowing a small walkway in between them, and a single nightstand.
Mal turned down the fur and curled in. She wondered about the creature that made this fur. Astra had said raptor fur. Did that mean it was the same kind of raptor Mal was thinking of? Oh, she looked forward to finding out. Moving so her back was practically touching the wall, with a long yawn, she laid back. Slowly she started to drift off to sleep. She was at its threshold when someone crawled into bed with her.
* * *
Hexia snuck out of the room after Anna had fallen asleep. The room wasn’t very big, but the bed had more than enough room for three or four people. Anna was currently spread out, snoring softly. She covered Anna up so she wouldn’t be cold, and left the door open for heat to come in as well. If nothing else, so Anna wouldn’t wake up and come after her screaming like a harpy.
She slowly climbed down the stairs before running out the door. It was terribly cold, and she wasn’t really taking care to cover up, but as her body heaved and expelled all of the contents she had consumed since dinner, heat radiated through her, and the cold didn’t really affect her much in that moment because of it. Her lack of coverings turned out to be a blessing.
She never drank wine before, or any alcohol for that matter. She knew that much about herself at the very least. She really couldn’t handle her liquor, and bedding Anna wasn’t something she would’ve considered unless she was severely inebriated. She couldn’t even fathom why she thought it would be a good idea now. At least, that’s what she hoped. Having no memories of her past life was turning out to be more of a curse than a blessing.
When she was sure she could move without falling face first into the puddle of sick on the ground, she stood, looking over the area. Fields were as far as the eye could see. Thunder echoed overhead, and lightning could be seen dancing across the horizon. It was a beautiful sight. She cautiously sniffed the air and knew the rain was imminent so she turned and went back inside. Sure enough, as soon as she was inside the door, the rain began pouring down. She watched it for a few minutes before closing the door.
“Be sure to latch the door there missy,” Astra said softly from by the fire. “Wind’s so strong it might blow open upon us.”
Hexia winced but did as told. She turned to the woman and fought back tears. “I’m sorry.”
“For what miss?”
“For breaking your rule.” Hexia sobbed. “I’m so sorry.”
“Ah, there now child,” Astra said coming closer to pet Hexia’s hair. “It not is totally ya fault. The Champions of Love have usually been a seductive love, and ya’d be young, younger than what the Gods made ya I’d reckon. Spirits make the mind fade and the flesh weak. I’d know, it’s how I found meself married and in this hovel. Not that I’m one for frivolous things, and don’t get me wrong, I love me man. Still, wouldn’t have happened the way it did if I’d been sober.”
Hexia couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Here.” Astra handed her a vial. “It’s a simple physic. Somethin’ for the headache ya carrin’, which I’d know from me own experience, will just be worst at first light.”
Hexia took it and drank it down like she would any medicine. And as all medicines tasted vile.
“I didn’t say it’d be pleasant.” Astra chuckled at the face Hexia made. “Off to bed with ya missy. I’d steer clear of the room ya were in. The room with the ladyship Mal still has room for another body, and I’d dare say, she wouldn’t turn you out.”
* * *
Mal opened her eyes to see Hexia climbing into bed with her. “Everything alright?”
Hexia shook her head as she laid down. Mal heard her sniffing. “I slept with Anna.”
“So I heard.”
Hexia cringed and curled into a smaller ball. “I didn’t even want to. Not really.”
“You were drunk, and people tend to do stupid things when drunk,” Mal reassured her.
“Yeah, but this was, I don’t know, different.” Hexia sighed curling into a smaller ball. “It was like an urge, one that was a fiery heat between my legs, and I couldn’t control myself. Once Anna kissed me that was it, I wanted to see it through to the end.”
Mal reached up and stroked the girl's hair. “Elements told me about how Demon and Love got really really drunk one night, and they had sex, then got sick. I’m assuming once they’d realized what they’d done. And then the fluids that got left behind gained a life force of their own, and became the little gray aliens we hear about today.”
Hexia laughed, making Mal smile a bit. “I always thought they were green.”
“Elements said they learned to change their skin color when they got to Earth and saw the color green,” Mal explained. “They loved the color so much their skin reflected that.”
Hexia laughed till her tears were ones from laughter and not the sorrow Mal had seen before. Mal stopped stroking her hair and sighed.
“Look at this way Hexia, we’re the God’s champions, and they’ve made some mistakes, or feel so strongly about some things that they’re more than likely going to be reflected by us.”
“How do you mean?” Hexia asked concerned.
“Well, I only know about the situation with Love and Demon, and then with what you just did with Anna, similar circumstances.” Mal shrugged. “Seems much too similar to just be a coincidence.”
“You think, some of the things that they did -”
“- or some strongly felt bonds, -”
“- will be acted out by us?” Hexia asked.
Mal nodded. “Seems likely to me. Though whether that is my power talking or something else I couldn’t say.” She yawned, long and deep at the end.
Hexia curled up. “I’m sorry for keeping you awake.”
“It’s fine,” Mal said as she began to drift off again. “You needed a friend.”
Mal didn’t see it, but she felt Hexia smile. Comforted by the fact she had a friend in Mal.
“May I promise you something?” Hexia asked tentatively.
“I won’t ever do anything like that with Anna again.”
Mal grinned. “Pretty sure your God had the exact same thoughts on the matter.”
Hexia whimpered, and Mal took her hand. If nothing else, so the girl would have something positive to cling to. Hexia reminded her of the baby sisters she had back on Earth. Anna had been her half-sister through their mother when her father remarried, Mal got a few more siblings from her stepmother. One of them was just as clingy was Hexia was.
The situation Hexia described earlier, was very familiar. A story, or scenario, that Mal heard a number of times over. She didn’t know what was in Hexia’s past, but perhaps not remembering was a good thing. If the events Mal were thinking of were in fact woven into the girls past.
Hand in hand with the girl, Mal drifted off to sleep.
* * *
Demon looked over the pool at Elements who was whistling casually, avoiding his gaze. “We swore we would never speak of that night. EVER.”
She shrugged as she smiled down at Hexia and Mal. “I thought it was funny.”
“That’s not the point and you know it.” Demon hissed.
“Then how about this point,” Elements said rolling her eyes, “your champion has been abused in the past. Her body reflects that, but her mind doesn’t have the defenses she once did to combat it. She was suffering, and my champion helped her. That story was clearly needed to keep your champion from thinking far too much about her past.” She fixed Demon with a glare. “Or do you disagree?”
He frowned but said nothing else on the matter.
King chuckled and rubbed Elements’ neck fondly before they went back to watching the champions.
* * *
Mal was swallowed by dreams. She landed in a forest where she was running around with a smile on her face. With her was a boy not much older than her. They played together for a long time, eventually, they walked slowly to a wall, where he disappeared through it.
Her arm was being crushed and began to hurt, causing Mal to wake up. It was still dark out, so she took it as a sign she could sleep some more. She rolled over, facing the wall and fell back asleep.
This time, she was beside a vast lake, with white sand and beautiful crystal clear water. The full moon was overhead, and she was sitting a swing staring out. Blue roses with an intoxicating scent suddenly appeared all around her, and the boy from her first dream, now a man, smiled at her as he appeared behind her. His hair was the color of ebony, and his eyes the same color. He grinned down at her and her knees went weak. He leaned in for a kiss, and she let him. As his hands roamed her body she was powerless to stop him.
Unable to deny him anything, she succumbed to desire, and that night, he took her body. Surrounded by roses, beside the beautiful lake.
* * *
When the sun began to crack the sky, Elise was wide awake. She sat on the floor in front of the window. As the sun slowly rose, so did her power. She let the sun bathe her in its light as it rose up. As she sat in it’s rising rays and it soaked into her skin like water, she felt something within her consuming the magic of the sun and storing it within herself.
She felt like it was a well, deep within herself, and she could only use a bucket or a handful at a time, but the well could be stored for later uses. Whether she used up all of her power in one day and needed to call upon more, or if it could only be used during the night when she was at her weakest, she didn’t know. What she did know, was that well filled very slowly, as if someone left the kitchen faucet on and that was supposed to fill a deep sixty foot well. Not very productive. She wondered if it would fill faster the more powerful she became.
She felt more than heard, the stirring behind her. When she looked, it wasn’t Mal who was rousing and sitting up in bed, but Hexia. Rubbing her tired eyes, and looking a little pale that morning. Her usual dark pink skin looked magenta in color. Her golden eyes looked slightly tarnished that morning. Having seen her father hungover many a times when she was growing up, she recognized the state Hexia was in.
“There’s fresh water there on the table,” Elise said softly, knowing sounds were heightened in this state. “You can move to the smaller bed so if you have to run to the bathroom so you won’t disturb Mal. I’m up, and I won’t be going back to bed.”
Hexia nodded slowly. Elise went back to her soaking up the rays as Hexia left the bed, then the room. Elise was sure she was headed to what passed as the bathroom in this world. It wasn’t indoor plumbing, but it was adequate enough. It worked, that’s what mattered. Hexia, despite her state, did manage to go from room to room, and curl up in the bed Elise once occupied with a surprising amount of grace. Elise had seen her father stumble a number of times. Her mother, when her father managed to drag her out of the house, still fumbled a bit the morning after.
Having soaked as much as she had the patience for, Elise got up and left the two women to sleep some more. She was rather surprised Mal was still sound asleep. Then again, she had no idea what time Mal finally went to sleep. Elise went to bed almost immediately after dinner. She barely remembered it. But after the emotional roller coaster, she’d endured earlier in the day, then being brought to Taimin, and everything that followed. She was exhausted by the time dinner was served. She remembered having half a cup of wine, then it was in a haze after that. She did know, however, it was Xavier who kept her from having too much wine, and put her to bed.
Astra was in the kitchen, humming a song, readying the pots and pans for breakfast.
“Mind if I help with breakfast?”
“Could ya do somethin’ with the eggs?”
“Okay,” Elise said stepping up to the counter, “What did you have in mind?”
“Make’em how ya like.”
The eggs were huge! Though given how large the chicken was the night before, she really wasn’t that surprised. She could hold one egg in both hands.
She had four skillets for eggs, while Astra was messing with some meat. Elise didn’t feel comfortable looking over that way. She was afraid she might go vegetarian if she did. So she carefully cracked some eggs into a couple of bowls, then she cracked the rest into the skillets.
In one skillet she scrambled them. One was sunny side up. In the two bowls, she mixed in spices, in one she tossed various vegetables Astra already had chopped up. In the second, she just whisked it until it was smooth and thick. As one omelet cooked, she took some bacon and sausage, chopping them up and put them into the omelet with a few peppers, at least that’s what she hoped they were and cooked it up.
After Elise helped set it all on the table, the guys were semi-awake and stumbling down the stairs. When they smelled the food, they began to look alter, by the time they finished with some of their meal, they were all awake. Elise was happy she was able to help.
“Wonder when the other women are going to wake up,” Kenneth commented as he ate.
Alex fixed him with a firm glare. “Mal was up talking with me pretty late. As for Hexia, I don’t think we should punish her, considering she’s back in the room where Mal and Elise slept last night. She looked pretty sick when I saw her earlier.”
“And Anna?” Kenneth asked glaring back at Alex. Both of them noticing that Drew shuddered and turned a pale color at the mention of her.
Alex shrugged. “Go ahead and think what you want of her. To be honest, from what I’ve seen and heard, she’s as terrible as they come.”
“Why would the Goddess of Love deliberately choose such a horrible person as her champion?” Xavier asked as he munched on toast.
“I have a feeling once we find our missing champion, we’ll get our answers,” Elise said softly sipping on her juice.
“Oh that note, I think I should tell you guys something,” Alex said opening his screen and letting them all read it's contents. “Our missing champion got a hold of me last night.”
Each of them read silently. Alex watched as each of them processed what they read as he closed the screen.
“The former champion of Love destroyed the last ring?” Kenneth asked looking confused. “How?”
“Given how Anna reacted when she learned she didn’t any power over us, I’d wager a guess it was because she controlled them,” Alex said with a sigh.
“When you talked with Mal, did she tell you about, what happened? Back on Earth?” Drew asked not looking at Alex.
Alex took a deep breath and nodded slowly. “She did.”
Drew got up and rubbed a hand vigorously over his face. “Come on Kenneth, why don’t we go outside and examine our swords. I have a feeling there’s more to them than meets the eye.”
“I agree,” Kenneth said getting up. “Far too early for emotional and revelational bull shit.”
“At least someone understands,” Drew commented softly as they walked out.
Xavier shook his head at the pair of them. “Emotions and revelations will come at all hours, best to deal with them when they arrive, and not when it’s convenient for you.”
“You sound like one who would know,” Elise said moving beside him.
Xavier looked grim. “Another story for another time.”
Elise took his hand and just held it as the three of them watched Kenneth and Drew go outside.
“Think I’ll go watch,” Alex said standing up, then stopped in his tracks. “That sounded a lot less sexual in my head.”
Elise and Xavier erupted with laughter and Alex smiled as he walked out. Crow was right, bonds form quickly when it came to the champions. Alex didn’t like seeing Xavier look so grim, or Elise looking so worried. He said the first thing that came to mind, and they laughed. At least he could do that for them. He took a seat on the chair against the house and watched as he scrolled through the system.
* * *
Outside, Drew and Kenneth were taking their swords out of their inventory, where they had learned the night before, they could place their weapons when not in use to keep them from being stolen. Which they found a little weird but handy. When they removed their swords from the inventory and held them in their hands once more, they looked like simple swords.
“They look to be your typical short swords to me,” Kenneth said with a sigh. “You’d think the Gods would have better swords.”
“That’s what I was thinking. Or at the very least, you and I would have different swords.” Drew said pacing around. “I think we have to pull them out of the, what are these, scabbards?”
“That or sheath, yeah.” Kenneth said looking down at his sword, then nervously back up at Drew, “So you think we should pull them out?”
“Ignoring the sexual pun and the innate desire to comment on it,” Drew said with a grin, “yeah, I mean, we have them, we’re obviously going to need them, might as well find out how to use these things. I don’t think we’re going to start off at a high level with these.”
Kenneth nodded. “You have a point there, so, on three?”
Drew nodded, “One.”
“Two,” Kenneth said swallowing the lump in his throat.
“Three!” both practically yelled as they unsheathed their swords.
A bright flashing light blinded them for a moment, causing them to squint and look away. When they looked back, it was quite clear their swords were different. Both stared dumbfounded at their swords. Even Alex was too stunned to form a coherent thought for a moment.
“You have a broadsword,” Kenneth said stepping, forward to look over Drew’s sword. “Which will allow you to dual wield.”
“Makes sense, considering I’m supposed to be able to duplicate this thing as many times as I want, or need,” Drew said examining the weapon. “Course that’s supposed to depend on my power level.” Then he looked over Kenneth’s sword, “Do you know what that one is?”
“It’s a Claymore.” Kenneth said looking over his. “It was made popular by the Highlanders. It’s a two-handed sword.”
ANNOUNCEMENT Champions of War and Heroes have discovered the secrets about their swords. ANNOUNCEMENT The type and size of the sword is based on the wielder and will change accordingly. Type and size of the sword will be based on the wielders endowment.
Alex burst out laughing. Kenneth and Drew looked at him confused. “You two get what it’s saying right?”
Kenneth and Drew shared a confused look. Alex’s hysterical laughing had them looking back at him. “It’s saying that your swords are based on the sizes of your dicks.”
Kenneth and Drew stared at him shocked. “Seriously?”
“Apparently, the bigger you are,” Alex said wagging his eyes brows, “the bigger your sword is.”
Kenneth looked down at his sword. “But I was fairly average before coming here. Or smaller than average.”
“Maybe it’s changed since we got here,” Drew suggested. “I mean,” He looked over himself. “I’ve changed physically since arriving here.”
Alex looked at Kenneth incredulously. “How do you not notice your dick getting bigger?”
“I don’t know!” Kenneth shouted. “I don’t make it habit out of examining my dick every day!”
“Just how bad was your medical condition?” Drew asked softly.
Kenneth sighed, looking away. “If I was lucky, maybe once or twice a month I could masturbate. Between my own limitations and my mother’s hovering, there wasn’t much of a chance. It was also more pain than it was worth.”
There was a moment of silence between the three. Drew and Alex realized just how much Kenneth had missed out on.
Drew broke the silence with a cough. “Come on then, let’s see what we can do with these things. Might as well get used to swinging them around during the quiet time. Otherwise, when we’re in battle, it will be difficult to look confident when we lose our grip on our own swords.”
“Ignoring the sexual pun and the innate desire to comment on it.” Kenneth chuckled quoting Drew’s earlier statement.
Drew grinned at him. “Appreciated.”
The two took a few minutes just handling their swords to get a feel of them. Alex shook his head. Yup, that whole situation was a bunch of sexual innuendos, and Alex thought it best if he just try to figure out how to get the map function to work.
Drew hefted his sword, “You ready?”
“Might as well,” Kenneth said raising his own sword and gripping it tightly in two hands.
“You want attack or defense?”
“Defense for now,” Kenneth said falling back into his strategic mode. He always went on the defensive first. So he could gauge his opponent and their fighting style.
Drew swung his sword about it, clasped it in both hands, imitating the way Kenneth was with his sword. He took a deep breath and launched himself at Kenneth. Each hit Drew aimed at Kenneth, he was able to block and parry with ease. It was over as quickly it began. For five minutes, Drew attacked Kenneth, then for five minutes, Kenneth attacked Drew.
At the end, the two were collapsed onto the ground breathless.
“That’s definitely going to take some getting used to.” Drew heaved.
ANNOUNCEMENT Kenneth's sword skills has ascended 5% Drew's sword skills has ascended 5%
“Well, that’s nice.” Kenneth said looking at the screen. “Looks like the more we practice the better we become.”
“I think that 5% was a courtesy, Kenneth.” Drew chuckled. “I think from here on, it’s going to be difficult to raise its stats. That or it resets with each ascension level we gain. Re-gauging itself to accommodate our increase in power, and we have to work on our sword skills to match it.”
Kenneth sighed leaning his head back. “Why do I get the feeling you’re probably the one who’s right?”
“Because you’re not an idiot.”
“You two should know, your swords have message windows,” Alex called from his seat. Still not having found the map he was getting frustrated and his tone reflected it. He’d found a number of things. The Crafting tables and who could use what, stats on his fellow champions, even Crows. Even the messages the swords were giving off. Everything else except the bloody map!
Kenneth opened the message he could now see blinking near his sword.
The Berserk Sword of War This sword is bound to the wielder, it cannot be used or stolen by another. It would simply reappear in the hands of the wielder.
Sword will only hurt those the wielder targets for harm or has deemed an enemy.
Will remain dull when around the other champions. So when sparring, the blade will not harm the wielders comrades.
“Hey, Drew, we can spar without holding back.” Kenneth grinned at him. “Apparently mine won’t harm the other Champions. Does yours have that option?”
“Hold on, let me check.” Drew opened his message window and read the contents.
The Sword of Heroes Bound to the wielder alone, this sword acts as defense and offense and will offer counsel when asked.
“Offer council, what?”
Exactly that.
Drew’s eyes widened and he looked around frantically “Who said that I know that wasn’t Kenneth or Alex.”
T’was me, sir.
“Who!?” Drew demanded.
In your hand you daft lummox! By the Gods, how many more times must I go through this!?
Drew looked at the sword in his hand. “What?”
Yes, I speak.
Drew shrieked and dropped his sword. Kenneth looked at him confused. “What’s wrong?”
Drew pointed a shaky finger at the sword, “I-I-it talks!”
“Oh cool!” Kenneth exclaimed picking it up. “What do you have to say?”
This pile of meat and bones does realize I cannot speak to him, right?
“Apparently it can only talk to me.”
Kenneth smiled and handed it back to him. “Ask it if we can spar without it chopping off a limb.”
Drew took the sword again. “You heard him, is it possible?”
You’re the first to ever request this. As it so happens, I do have the choice to be dull to all those the master has deemed allies. Harming only those the master deems as enemies, but whereas your comrade and my counterpart are limited to not harming anyone in your party, I am not. Should you deem one of them an enemy, I shall be able to harm them.
“Why are you unlimited and his isn't?”
T’was the sword of War that slaughtered the previous ring of Champions.
“What did it say?” Kenneth asked stepping forward.
“Apparently, your sword, or a variant thereof, killed the last ring.”
“Not all of them,” Alex said from where he sat. “Some of them survived.”
“Regardless, the damage was done.” Drew heaved a sigh. “That’s why yours is so limited.”
“But yours isn’t.” Kenneth sighed. “So much for sparring, no holds bars.”
“Oh we can still do that,” Drew smiled. “My sword has the option to not harm.”
Kenneth grinned. “Sweet! Let’s have at it!”
“So, what do I call you?” Drew asked the sword. “I kind of feel weird calling something who thinks for itself “it” all the time.”
I’ve no name to speak of. The sword said. Most of the other champions told me to shut up and let them do their thing.
“Didn’t Hero give you a name? You are his sword right?”
Hardly, I was made for the Champions. I do not serve the God who created me, but rather the wielder who has been deemed worthy of me.
“Okay, let me ask this, do you identify as female or male?”
I’ve been around meatbags for many years. Far longer than you can imagine master, but, given the way the two genders think, I find myself more aligned with the male aspect.
“I can work with that if you could choose your own name, what would it be?”
Hmmmmm, the sword hummed. I don’t know. Would allow me to think on this matter?
“Sure, mind if Kenneth I spar in the meantime?”
Oh no, not at all. Have at it, sir. I shall remain silent for some time as I think. Is that permittable?
Drew shrugged. “I mean, I guess.”
Kenneth grinned. “We get approval to do this or what?”
“We got it!”
Alex rolled his eyes as the pair grinned and went back to sparring. This time with more force than they had been at it before. Elise and Xavier came out eventually. Xavier sipping something that smelled akin to coffee sitting on the ground to watch the display while Elise stood leaning against the Inn.
“Do you want to sit?” Alex asked her. “I can move inside if you want to stay and watch.”
She shook her head. “I’m good.”
Alex shrugged and went back to the blue screen in front of him.
“Should we wake up the rest of the women?” Xavier asked looking over at Alex.
Alex shook his head. “Mal will get up here soon, I’m sure of it. I’m almost positive Hexia will follow suit shortly after that.”
“I don’t know, Mal and Hexia looked pretty darn out of it when I checked them a few minutes ago,” Elise commented lightly.
“You didn’t check on Anna?” Alex chuckled.
“I wouldn’t let her,” Xavier said from his mug.
“Is that coffee?”
“It’s what passes for coffee in this world, it’s alright.” Xavier glanced at Alex. “You want a mug?”
Alex closed his strained eyes and nodded. “Please.”
“I’ll get it,” Elise said turning and heading back inside.
“You’re right to keep Elise from Anna,” Alex said.
“After what we’ve seen, and what we’ve learned, I think it’s best we all keep our distance in that regard. I know she’s another champion and cohabitation and collaboration is inevitable, but during the downtime, I think it’s best we keep up this space that’s developed.”
“You’ve got a thing for that little sunshine don’t you?” Alex grinned.
“That’s entirely besides the point,” Xavier said taking another sip.
Alex was laughing when Elise came back with a mug for him. “Thanks, Elise. In any case, I think it’s best we let them wake up on their own. I mean, this is only our second day here. It’s an adjustment to be sure. We should probably let our bodies acclimate before we force more on ourselves.”
Elise raised an eyebrow at the two men who were alternating between wrestling and swinging swords. “Should we inform those two of the decision?”
Knowing she was talking about his previous statement and not the women upstairs, Alex looked at her up with an amused grin. “You want to get between that?”
Xavier glared at Alex while Elise raised her hands. “No thank you, I choose life.”
Alex finally took a sip of his coffee and about had his eyes roll to the back of his head in bliss. “Alright!? Xavier this is amazing coffee!”
“You clearly never tried the stuff I drank.”
Alex look at Xavier, “What did you drink?”
“A mix of Black Silk and Gourmet.”
Alex shook his head. “Never mind, clearly your taste pallet is defective.”
Elise smacked Alex upside the head. “Leave him alone!”
Xavier grinned into his mug and Alex went back to the screen.
Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at Alex slightly shocked. He grinned at them. “I’ve got the map working!”
“Well let’s see it,” Drew said rushing forward.
“Inside! Inside!” Alex said running into the Inn. He laid the screen flat on the table and opened the map function. Immediately it came to life, but they were even more confused than they were before. “Well, this is about as helpful as a toothache.”
“Maybe not,” Kenneth said coming beside him and leaned over the map.
“What is this icon?” Drew asked touching the one hovering over the image of the Inn on the screen. It changed and revealed the quest line to find shelter before nightfall. “Didn’t we complete that already?”
“Maybe we need to get supplies and head out before it will officially clear as we’ve completed it?” Elise speculated. “But where do we go? There are a whole manner of paths! All of them different colors! How do we know which one we’re supposed to take?”
“Might be easier than you think,” Kenneth said looking up at her, then back down at the map. “Look here, this is the clearing we arrived in, and the road we took to get here is red. The rest are various purples and blues. If I were in a game, the red would obviously be the main quest line, whereas the purple were various quests. Some obviously connected to the main quest line, but the rest not so much. Probably just lore on the world it’s self.”
“What about the blue?” Drew asked.
Kenneth shook his head. “Either unimportant quest lines, something we’re not high enough level to be able to see yet, or nothing. Just alternate paths we could take.”
“So other than the main quest line, we’ve got nothing to tell us what’s important and what’s not?” Xavier said with a shake of his head. “You’d think the Gods would have explained this just a bit more before throwing us into this mess.”
“Don’t think they were supposed to,” Kenneth said with a huff sitting down. He looked at Xavier grimly. “Remember the notice about Mal and the Champion of Kings?”
“Crow.” Alex corrected.
“Whatever.” Kenneth said, “We’re supposed to be marching after him and rescuing him from his state. You read the messages as well as I did. We’re vulnerable apart.”
“More than that, there’s stuff only he can explain.” Drew sighed. “What a mess.”
“I agree.” Kenneth shared a look with Drew.
Alex looked at Elise grimly. “I think it’s time we wake up the others. At the very least Mal. She should see this.”
“No need.” Everyone looked up to see Mal at the foot of the stairs, yawning and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. “What’s up?”
- In Serial18 Chapters
Journey Into The Abyss: A Progression Fantasy
Sagil Yuudai's life was a living hell. Whether it was grinding bottom-tier quests and never ranking up or being belittled by those around him, it was far from easy. So, when his Uncle-Figure invited him to escape from that cycle, he was never going to say no. Especially when that escape came with the quest of saving the world from the abyss. There's just one problem. They're not even in the world they're supposed to save anymore. *** I'll try to post daily during the writathon. I've really been enjoying writing recently so hopefully I can make it work. Oh, any hopefully you guys like it! If you like stuff like mushoku tensei you should like this as well! [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] Thanks to Asviloka for the cool cover!
8 122 - In Serial18 Chapters
The House Husband's Multiverse Fueled Journey From Mediocrity
"What existed before the Big Bang?", "Why are 7/11 taquitos so good?", and "What lies at the boundaries of our universe?" are all questions that have forever haunted the best and greatest minds humanity could offer. Questions which we may never hope to understand. At least, not until the ever expanding Multiverse beyond rips apart the boundaries we once had and absorbs our own little slice of Greater Space. In our return to relative civilization, how will humanity fare against the innumerable denizens of the countless stars beyond our own? Will we even survive our home planet, now refurbished with the mystical energy of the cosmos? John Mermous, house-husband-cum-author-cum-father, has absolutely no idea. But, if sci-fi space magic and annoying fairies can keep his daughter safe and reunite his family, he'll take whatever he can get. [Participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] As such, expect some major edits after we pass the two milestones! I'll let your know if anything important changes, or if we're just cleaning up :) Watch the numbers go up in r e a l t i m e on NaNoWriMo under the same title!
8 73 - In Serial8 Chapters
Blood Rising
Among the last of a dying race. A heart full of nothing but pain and vengeance, how will the heroine proceed? How will she become strong enough when the entire world is her enemy?
8 89 - In Serial6 Chapters
Never heard of that god? Well, wanna convert?
I died and reincarnated like any other good little protagonist, let's just hope I don't have their troubles. What do you mean I'm your god? No, no, no that sounds too troublesome. Go worship someone else. Hey, what are you guys doing down there? What! Promoting my religion?! No, no, no. No thanks. Don't expect too much of me! and constructive criticism is always good!
8 271 - In Serial59 Chapters
Sometimes I wonder why the world isn't decorated with something as cool as magic... Why can't we manipulate the laws of the world? Why does the story about God sound too fake to be believed? Why the hope for this world to be saved from the bottom of everyone's heart can never be fulfilled... Then I landed on each conclusion from each of those questions... That humans are the most cunning, meanest and stupidest creatures who are most desperately expected to not have any power including magic itself. That it is not God that we should believe in, because they themselves do not believe in how disgusting human nature really is. That everyone's hope is not for the world to be saved, but for the world to be destroyed in order to save their own selves. That the world from the beginning, was not meant to be saved... (I frequently revise and update the use of sentences in the previous chapters without disturbing the original storyline. so sometimes it takes me a little longer to publish a new chapter.) I have the same novel posted on another website (Webnovel.com , creativenovels.com) with the same name (RELINQUISH)
8 214 - In Serial63 Chapters
The Pentagon
⚠️WARNING⚠️ This is a dark bully romance. Five best friends turn to enemies when one of them commits the ultimate betrayal in the criminal underworld, affecting more than them, and the burden of the betrayal descends on the children. Journey on this story of the dark world of four mafia princes who have bonds that go deeper than blood as they navigate power, deceit and love. When the daughter of the shunned betrayer joins them in their senior year, can all be forgiven? Or will old scores be settled? A bit about the story: - This story is a reverse harem. Don't read if you are not into poly relationships.- It's a DARK high-school romance and there is BULLYING.- There is graphic violence and mention of it. It's a mafia book, someone has to get stabbed 🤷🤌🤣- Strong language throughout.- Sexual content.
8 167