《Gods Game》Chapter Eleven : Secrets in the Night
The Champions followed the man out of the clearing, to the road, and one by one climbed into the cart. Anna sulking the whole time.
She wasn't sure how to activate her powers, and not having people fawn all over her was really beginning to upset her. Yes, the Champions couldn't, as she had been "warned", but that didn't mean the others would be immune to the powers that Love gave her. Still, that idiot farmer who talked worse than a redneck hick back at home dared to spurn her advances. It wasn't like she was offering to give him a blowjob during the ride. Not that she wasn't thinking it, but she didn't offer it. Certainly, that earned some points in the eyes of the Gods. Judging by the lack of windows popping up, she could safely assume that it didn't.
So she sat in the back, away from the others, sulking. Grinding her teeth together in frustration. Trying to think of a way to find out from Love what was happening. Anna began to wonder if Love chose her to save Love from the Gods brutality.
Alex kept staring ahead unseeing. Mal scooted closer, getting the sense he was on the verge of a major breakthrough. There was also a trusting air about him, similar to Kenneth’s. She had a feeling the first person who was going to believe the truth about Anna, would be Alex. He was scrolling through the system when he noticed her.
“You see all of our screens?”
“I’m the Champion of Wisdom.” He said readjusting himself. “It’s part of my job is to know all, and chronicle it.” He glanced at Anna. “Seems your friend there wasn’t supposed to be here.”
“Sister actually.”
He looked at her in surprise. “Really?”
She nodded, “More on that later, forgive me, but now’s not the time.” She gave him a meaningful look. “And that’s certainly not what has you so confused.”
He shook his head. “What Anna said, calling him a man," gesturing toward the driver, "and then his reaction, it got me thinking.”
“About?” She prompted.
“What if he wasn’t a man?” Alex asked softly. “I mean, we aren’t on Earth, could it be possible? That he’s something else, and we’re just not seeing it?”
:: BING::
ACHIEVEMENT Champion of Wisdom has discovered the spell BLINDSIGHTED
Bestowed by the Gods onto the Champions before arrival on Taimin, it keeps the Champions from seeing the exact appearances of things and the occupants of Taimin as long as they are afflicted by it. Do you wish to remove the spell at this time YES or NO
Alex went to click yes, but Mal stopped him.
“Think about it,” she whispered, “The Gods put that over our eyes for a reason. Some of us,” She glanced over at Anna, “Are certainly not ready to see the truth in front of us.” She looked over the others. “And I don’t know the others well enough to yet to say with certainty how they will react.” She looked back at Alex. “You may not like not seeing the truth, but even you have to agree that pulling the veil up too soon could be catastrophic.”
He looked over the others as well and nodded. “You’re right. I was being too hasty.”
“You’re just eager.”
“That your power talking, or are you just that good at reading people?”
She bobbed her head. “Bit of both I think.”
“Why do I get the feeling there is more you’re not telling me?” He gave her a suspicious look.
“Because there is.” She said looking away, “But as I said before. Now’s not the time.”
The ride was a bumpy and slow one. Mal ended up drifting off to sleep for a little while. Alex’s cheeks went red when her head fell onto his shoulder, but he made no move to wake her. If she was that tired an uncomfortable trip like this couldn’t keep her awake, then he wasn’t about to wake her.
As Mal had predicted, the clouds covered them within an hour, and the temperature began to fall drastically. The only one who wasn’t shivering against the cold was Mal. Xavier covered himself and Elise, with Kenneth at least covering his top half. Back to back with Xavier, allowing Elise to be the most covered by it. Drew, Hexia, and Anna, had no coverings. Drew denied when Xavier offered, there was no room for Anna after Elise. Hexia, while she was cold, did not give off the impression that she was. Anna was curled into a small ball at the corner, shivering. Anytime she moved closer to Drew, he moved away. Alex was quite comfortable. He looked down at Mal and wondered if she was to thank for that.
When he noticed Hexia's lips turning blue, and that was saying something because her lips were colored pink, he realized he had to do something.
"Sir?" He called to the driver, "Do you have any blankets?"
"Oh, I do!" He chortled, as he tossed back a couple. "Der, dat 'ill keep ya warm."
“Hexia,” He called softly, “Come sit on the other side of Mal, you’ll be warmer." He pulled a blanket out, covering himself and Mal, with enough excess to cover Hexia, "Drew,” He looked at the man and tossed him the other blanket. “Might as well keep Anna warm, we don’t want to have anyone getting sick.”
Hexia happily curled into Mal to keep warm, visibly shivering as she began to warm up. Soon, she was snuggled into Mal so contentedly that she too fell asleep. Drew, reluctantly, shared a blanket with Anna.
"You snuggle into me, I'll go cold." He threatened her.
"Please!" She whined. "Alex said we need to stay warm, and these blankets aren't doing a damn thing to keep me warm. You know how sensitive I am to the cold!"
Drew rolled his eyes. "I meant what I said, Anna. You stay where you are."
They had no idea how to tell time in this world, so they had no accurate way of seeing how much had gone by while they were in the cart. But when they arrived at the cluster of buildings Mal said was near, the temperature had gotten so low they could see their breath, and it was getting dark. Mal woke when they stopped, and gracefully left the cart without any help.
“De tavern is fur travelers.” The man who offered them a ride grinned. “Go on in now, get warm. Me brother and his misses run de place. Dey treat ya right.”
Anna burst through the doors and practically sobbed in relief when she saw a fire. She rushed toward it and curled up on the floor by it.
“Oh, my graciousness!” A portly woman said coming out of the kitchen wiping her hands. “What are ya'll dressed so silly for!?”
“Silly!?” Anna snarled pushing herself slightly. “My Goddess gave me this dress! How dare you insult it!”
“Alright, alright, I meant no disrespect lady.” The woman frowned. She looked over the rest of them, and a look of realization passed over her face. “Ya’d be the new Champions we all felt arrive, ain’t ch’ya?”
“We are.” Drew said with a soft smile. “And we would be most grateful for whatever beds you have to offer.”
“We can pay.” Alex said stepping forward. “We’ve been given some money.” he strolled through the system till he found the item listed as CURRENCY. When he clicked it, a bag appeared in his hand. “How much for the night?”
“Save ya coins laddy.” She said firmly. “Ya’d be needin’ it more than I.” She looked them over and shook her head. “Ya’ll be needin’ cloaks, decent ones, for when ya leave tomorrow. And new clothes. Don't know where ya where came from, but them clothes ya lot are wearing ain't gonna cut it. Weather’s only goin’ to get colder from here.”
She took a breath and her face went firm. “The beds are stuffed with lambswool, it’d be comfortable enough. Blankets are made with raptor fur, it’ll keep ya warm. There are no fireplaces in the upstairs, just the one down here, we keep it goin', ya won’t need concern ya selves with that.” She pointed a finger at them. “That also means if ya want to keep warm and not wake up in an ice box, ya keep them doors open now, ya hear? And I don’t want to no funny business happenin’. I don’t run no brothel.”
“We’re far too exhausted to even consider that.” Alex assured her.
“The last batch said that too.” She glared at him, nodding her head at Anna, “Then the harlot this one replaced nearly got herself kicked out.”
"What!?" Anna reared up. "Love is not a harlot!"
"I said nothin' about the Goddess of Love miss." The woman put her hands on her hips and glared down at Anna. "I was referrin' to the last Champion ya replaced."
Anna scowled. "Why is everyone so against Love and her Champions, surely they can't be as bad as you're making them out to be?"
The woman waved her hand. "That's neither here nor there, now. Just, shut ya mouth and get warm. Ya look bluer than the sky on a spring afternoon. There'd be a blanket around there somewhere."
While Anna looked for the blanket, the woman looked back at the others with a friendly smile. “Make ya selves comfy, I’m needin’ to cook dinner. Gunna have to be a lot more than I planned. Never fear though, it'll be done.”
“I can help.” Mal said stepping forward. “The more hands, the faster it will get done, and we can all eat. I don’t want to keep you up longer than we have to.”
The woman smiled at her. “The helps appreciated ya ladyship.”
Mal followed her into the kitchen. The group, minus Anna who went back to curling up by the fire under the blanket, watched as Mal tied her hair back, and help the woman make dinner. While the woman, Astra, as she was called when Mal asked for her name, proceeded to skin and chop up the largest chicken they’d ever seen, at least three times bigger than the largest chicken on earth, Mal set about kneading the bread. When the bird was stripped, and the meat cut away from the bones, Mal set the bread to rise and began helping cook the actual meal. Astra made homemade pasta, while Mal worked on the sauce. Astra cooked the pasta, keeping an eye on the sauce while Mal began to pull apart the bread to make bread bowls.
“Ya’re good at this.” Astra grinned. “Don’t even need to tell ya what to do.”
“How could you let that go?” Xavier asked Drew quietly with a soft smile.
“I’m a very stupid man.” Drew answered back with his own soft smile.
"I would normally reserve judgment till I knew you better," Alex said with a shake of his head, "but yeah. You're an idiot for letting that go."
“Anything I can do?” Elise asked walking into the kitchen.
Mal gestured her closer. “Keep forming these into bowls then put them into that oven there. I’m going to start the chicken.”
They worked in sync. Never having to tell the other what to do, or got in each other's way. When Elise accidentally knocked something over, Mal's air was there to prevent it and her from hitting the floor. Astra laughed heartily and joked she needed Mal around more often.
Stunned as he was by Mal's efficiency with people as well as the kitchen, Alex still dared a quick glance over at Anna, who was also scrolling through the system. From what he understood when he checked on his own, she was trying to communicate with her Goddess Love, but there was no answer on the other end. The notification just kept reading: ERROR, UNABLE TO CONNECT TO THIS PARTY AT THIS TIME.
When it was all said and done, Astra went upstairs to make sure the rooms were in shape while the group sat down to dinner. The bread bowls had the pasta dish inside with cheese melted all over it, while the chicken had been cooked over an open fire before being baked with sauce and cheese on it as well. The very smell even made Anna’s mouth water.
“May I just say, this looks, and smells incredible.” Alex said having to wipe drool off his face.
“Anyone want to say grace?” Elise asked.
“GRACE!” they all shouted before digging into the meal.
Elise and Hexia laughing as they ate hardy, even the guys were grinning ear to ear as they stuffed their mouths full of the meal.
“And here I was worried it wouldn’t taste the same.” Kenneth chuckled. “Being in a new world and all. But this tastes amazing! Way better than my moms cooking.” He grinned at Mal. "I know you had help, but holy shit this is good! You're a great cook!"
Mal smiled at him. "Thank you very much. It's always nice to hear praise."
“Kenneth's right." Drew laughed. "But, I think we may yet run into things that are different. This is just day one.”
“That is true.” Alex said with a mouthful of the meal. “But we can talk about that in the morning. Let’s just eat, and drink,” He poured them all drinks from the canister in the center of the table, “And deal with the rest tomorrow.”
Everyone agreed, and just relaxed. Anna and Hexia drank most of the contents of the canister, which turned out to be wine. Elise’s cheeks went red and she became rather giggly after one cup, Xavier hid hers when she fell against him in a fit of hysterics and asked Astra to make sure she had water available.
After the food was consumed, Anna and Hexia disappeared into a bedroom and closed the door, despite Astra’s warning. The others filed upstairs and found a bed to occupy.
Soon, it was only Alex and Xavier left awake. Alex was sitting by the fire, scrolling through the system when he got a message. His eyes bulged when he saw who it was from. He had an interesting conversation before Xavier appeared in front of him.
"Hey, Alex," Xavier asked softly. "You slipped something into everyone else's drinks didn't you?"
"I did." He said matching Xavier's tone. "You're very observant aren't you?"
"You did it in the shadows, that's kind of my area."
"Huh." Alex said. "And here I thought I was being crafty."
"Why'd you do it on the first night?" Xavier asked. "Do you distrust us all already?"
"Hardly," Alex said sitting up. "I need to go talk with Mal. Unhindered, and I can't risk the others waking up and overhearing what she has to say. Something about the curse being in effect right off the bat bothers me, not to mention what happened between her, Anna, and Drew, in the clearing. Before we go any further, I need to talk with her."
Xavier sat up and pulled out his cloak. "You feel like going all 'Harry Potter's Invisibility Cloak' with me?"
Alex grinned. "Oh, I've always wanted to try that."
Xavier laughed. "Yeah, me too. I think that pervy God knew what he was doing after all."
They slipped under the cloak that covered them perfectly despite them being two full-grown men. They headed up the stairs, and down the dark hallway to the room where Elise and Mal were staying. Mal was sitting in the rocking chair by the window as Elise snored softly in her bed. When they removed the cloak, Mal didn't look surprised, and Elise remained fast asleep. Xavier tore his eyes away from her and looked at Mal with Alex.
Alex had walked forward and crouched down in front of her. The floor its self rose up providing a stool for him. He shot her a grin. “Handy.”
"What brings you here at this hour?" She asked them.
“You know why.” Alex said softly. “We left things unfinished. We can talk now, and I have questions.”
“Then ask.”
"Why were you cursed?" Alex asked.
"Because I was broken when Elements found me." She answered honestly without hesitation.
"Why?" Alex asked concerned.
Xavier stood guard, though he was certain with Alex's potion it wasn't really needed and listened eagerly.
"Because I'm weak. So many things happened, and it broke me. I think, if I had been here, it would have been SOUL BREAK."
"What happened? Specifically." Alex asked. "I know it’s personal, but I don’t care. I need to know. Whatever happened has put you under a curse, and that could put us all at risk."
So she told them. Bluntly, no stalling. All about her loneliness as she waited for her husband, but understanding because he had to work and was exhausted. The blatant stalking her sister did to Drew, despite their being married. Her in-laws flat out telling Drew to leave her for Anna. Her fears that someday he might. The love she had for her son, and the daughter she had been growing in her body. The illness their son was battling. The day she learned their son was getting better was the day a woman appeared out of the blue claiming she'd had an affair with Drew, demanding money for an abortion so she could be a porn star. The accident that claimed her son's life. The loss of the baby because of the stress and grief. Almost killing her husband, but hurting herself instead so she didn't. Her first stay at the asylum. Her only attempt to leave, and what had happened. After finishing, she looked back out the window, as the two men stared at her in shock.
"I can't believe it." Xavier said harshly under his breath. "There that man was, and he didn't show an ounce of guilt!"
"We don't know his side." Alex cautioned his new found friend. "But I'll admit, hearing Mal's side of the story, it doesn't paint a pretty picture of Drew."
“Don’t hate Drew.” Mal said softly. “He has his own demons, issues, and things he’s going through.” She regarded them seriously. “He came here so he could deal with them and start anew. I believe, emotions or no, that he deserves that chance.”
Xavier shook his head. “Whatever you say.”
“You’re very kind-hearted.” Alex regarded her remorsefully. “Even with this curse on you.”
“Makes you wonder what kind of person she’d be with emotions.” Xavier said softly, seeming to be a lot calmer.
“A woman none of us deserve to call ours.” Alex whispered.
Mal shook her head with a sad smile. “I highly doubt either of you are interested in me.”
Xavier glanced at Elise but said nothing. Alex grinned. “You’re right, I see you more like a sister, and I barely know you.”
“Think you’ll ever take Drew back?” Xavier asked bluntly.
Mal shook her head again. “My time with Drew has come and gone. There is no future for us as a couple, and he knows that. At least, he should.”
"My God has a gay lover," Xavier laughed. "I'm going to laugh my ass off, if it's Drew's God, more so, if Drew is affected by it and turns gay."
"It would be amusing," Alex agreed with a grin.
Mal giggled. “Oh, his parents would just love that!”
“What about the Champion Kings?” Xavier asked. “What do you know about him?”
“Nothing.” Mal said with a shake of her head looking back out the window.
Alex stood and looked out the window with her. “And your sister?”
“Half sister.” She corrected. “She’s the product of an affair my mother had.”
“What more can you tell us about her?”
Mal looked up at Alex. “How much time do you have?”
“The full story can wait for another day I guess.” He said honestly. “I just need to know, is she going to be a problem.”
“Yes.” Mal nodded.
* * *
In his mansion, the Champion of Kings was sitting up in bed, but feeling exhausted. Walking on his own had proved impossible. Eating on his own was about all he could do. So, he should be able to do this. He opened the system and scrolled down to the message options. He felt the exhaustion on coming, but he had enough time to do this.
Message Board You have chosen to open a Message Board with Alex
Do you wish to continue? YES or NO YES Am I speaking with the Champion of Wisdom?
Crow Yes.
I take it you’re the Champion of Kings?
Alex Call me Crow, as that is my name.
Crow Okay, guess you already know that I’m Alex.
Alex The beauty of the system, we have access to each others names, Ascension levels, and the like.
Tell me, how are the others doing?
What are they like?
What do you know of their history?
What have the Gods told you about why you are all here?
Where exactly are you all at?
Crow Okay, slow down. We only just arrived today man.
Alex Time is short.
I’m assuming you know of my affliction?
Crow Yeah, we were notified when we arrived. Along with Mal’s CAGED HEART curse. Apparently, only you two can cure each other. Has this ever happened before?
Alex To the Champions? Not within my knowledge no. But it is not uncommon for soul mates to be the only ones who can cure each other.
Crow Soul Mates!?
Alex Yes, surely such a thing existed back your world?
Crow If it did it was so rare and none of us really believed any of it.
Alex What a sad world you come from.
Crow You said something about there being little time?
Alex I've been in a coma since the last ring fell. I am still afflicted by the curse Alex. I cannot walk on my own, at all if truth be told. I can barely stay awake.
If you thought by my messaging you I was cured you are mistaken. I am only awake because you all arrived.
Crow How long?
Alex A decade, according to my servants. And I can assure you, their accuracy of time is spot on.
Crow What happened?
Alex A story best told when we are all together. But I will say this, the Champion of Love ended us.
Crow Tell me, how are the others doing?
They seem to be doing fine. It's an adjustment, but it's only the first day, so I can't really answer that one in depth at this time.
Though the Champion of Love, Anna, as she's called, is upset because she was promised control over all of us and we were made immune.
Alex As I was, perhaps the Gods have gotten some sense after all.
Crow What are they like?
Well, again, I don't really know them, so I can't accurately give you an opinion. I can say that Kenneth is smart, Drew's okay, Hexia is difficult to read, Xavier is a cool guy, Elise is nice, and Mal (her full name is Mallory, but she goes by Mal) is different, and Anna's a bitch. Worse one I've ever met.
Alex Different how?
Crow Even cursed, she has an air of calm around her. Like you know you can trust her. She’s quick to help, a pure goddess in the kitchen. She helped cooked dinner tonight and it was the best thing I've ever had. She doesn’t jump to conclusions, is very prescriptive, and the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.
Alex How is Mal?
Do you know why she was cured?
Crow Other than being cursed, alright.
As for why she was cursed, I have no idea. I think if I ask she'll tell me. Especially considering the revelations.
Crow Revelations?
Crow What do you know of their history?
Can’t speak about Elise, Xavier, Kenneth, or Hexia.
But Mal was apparently married to Drew. They got a divorce before coming here. Before you ask, no I don’t know the reason why, or if it's related to why she was cursed.
Drew seemed disappointed when he was reminded of that fact, so I think there may still some feelings there. But again, I can't be sure.
Anna is apparently Mal’s sister, and whatever history is there, I can say with certainty it’s not good. Anna was talking about Drew having sex with her, and Drew said only to run away from her. I don't understand how that would work, but I wasn't in their lives before, so I can't say.
Like I said, whatever history is there, it’s not good.
Alex Just monitor Anna for now. If their history was that complicated before coming here, I have a feeling it will play a key role in how Anna behaves in the future.
I don’t think anything serious will happen right off the bat, but just be cautious. The Champions of Love are always strange and fickle creatures.
Crow You’re not going to ask me to keep an eye on Mal?
Alex She is the Champion of Elements, she can take care of herself. I must believe that
You've already assured me that despite being cursed, she's an exceptional woman, capable of a great deal.
Even so . . .
Crow I’ll do my best to make sure she’s okay. Considering she's your soul mate and all.
Alex Thank you, brother. That means a great deal to me.
Crow We just met, or rather, just started talking
Alex You will learn just as I did, you grab at the bonds when presented and you forge them fast.
Crow I’ll take that into consideration.
Alex Do you think you can answer the last of my questions, I can feel myself slipping back into the coma, and I have no idea when I will wake again.
Crow What have the Gods told you about why you are all here?
Nothing, they haven’t told us anything. Other than a few quests, one of them being to find you so we can learn the truth. And about the Ascension levels.
Where exactly are you all at?
No clue man.
Alex A map should present its self soon enough. Though I’m sure you’re not too far from here. Doesn’t seem like the Gods to put you so far away when we need to be together.
Crow And when we are you’ll explain everything?
Alex Yes, till then, just stay together, do your best, be cautious, but also try to hurry. We are vulnerable apart.
Crow I figured as much.
Oh! Before I lose you, I received a notice that we are all BLINDSIGHTED. Mal said to leave it in place for now, that the others might not take the truth too well. I agree with her, but since you're technically our leader, I'm going to safely assume that anyway, what do you think?
Alex Elements is the Queen of the Gods, and there was a reason she chose Mal. Follow her lead since I’m not there.
Mal is right, you can’t predict how the others will react. Somethings you will be able to see, some creatures cannot be hidden by BLINDSIGHT. That should give you an idea of how the others will react, and if it’s not well, then it’s best to wait till you arrive here.
Crow You also want to see Anna’s horrified face when she realizes what kind of creatures she’s been hitting on don’t you?
Alex Watching the Champion of Love fall ill because of their own choices and ignorance is always amusing.
Crow So I’ve gathered.
Alex I feel the exhaustion. I must go.
Crow Sleep well. Hopefully, we’ll see you soon.
But Crow could not answer. He’d already fallen back into the coma. Dreaming of his new family, and the one, he knew, would one day be his wife.
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