《Gods of Tartarus: Melody of Wrath》Chapter 18: Growing Family
The following morning, Melody's group was waiting for her by the entrance to the grove when she came up with Gaia, looking a bit tired.
"Melody, are you okay?" Maple asked, touching her friend's cheek.
"Yeah. I'll be alright. It has been a while since I have been lectured by a… my mother." Melody lightly laughed.
"Just be more careful, Melody. I find myself worrying more about you now..." Gaia said, looking away, slightly embarrassed.
"I will be. I promise." Melody gave Gaia a hug.
They said their goodbyes, and the new group headed back south.
Their trip took them a few hours. Of the new brownies, only Max and Rini had fun during the fast trek. Poor Miss Poppy could not handle riding in the transport pack and switched to riding Aroo with Pappy and a lazy feeling Maple.
Melody stepped into the Rampart Tree surrounded home, followed by Aroo.
"Welcome to your new home!" Melody called out after they arrived.
"This looks to be a fine home. Well protected as well. Though I would recommend making a gate." Poppy said.
The three brownies teleported down off of Aroo and Melody to the center of the compound.
"Mother, look! She has a couple Honeysuckle Oaks!" Rini pointed.
"That she does." Poppy smiled at her children's excitement.
Melody showed them around.
The entrance was on the south side of the Rampart Trees surrounding the area. Melody's compound was pretty sparse, but she and Pappy had made several plans to add new buildings and components.
Some of the planned items for outside were: Firewood storage, a drying shack for herbs, a charcoal furnace, a barn for Aroo, a kiln to make bricks, and a smelter. Though with the addition of Max, Melody planned on adding a walled-off area at the spring so she and the other ladies could bath without overheating the boy's young mind.
Melody still had the raw copper and the goal to replace her stone hatchet with a shiny one. She also checked on Aroo's potential height using Identify. She found that Aroo will grow between ten to fourteen feet tall when fully grown.
Plans for the inside were: Oven, grill, shelving, updating furniture sizes, building rooms for new residents, and lastly, a cold store.
Pappy was making due by using a hole Melody dug and packed for him. He would freeze the meats using magic and maintain them in the hole underground.
Melody led them inside the Homely Tree that was at the north end of the compound.
"So, this is the main room. Sorry, it is so open. I originally made it just for me, since well, it was just me before." Melody apologized.
"That is quite alright, Lady Melody. This is the expansion you made?" Poppy was standing at the opening to the new area.
"Yes. Our plan was to have this be the kitchen and food storage room. Pappy said he knew some magic that could be used to create a cold room for preserving food. I will be adjusting the back, closing off five feet to make the coolers. The rest of the room will be made into a 'giant' sized kitchen." Melody explained, making a bit of a pun at the end.
"Impressive. So, where will we sleep?" Poppy's question had Melody sweating a bit.
"Um. That is still in progress..." Melody fidgeted guiltily.
Pappy chuckled. "It's fine. We can get started on that right away."
They headed over to the core pillar of the Homely Tree, and Melody pulled out a couple Luk Tree seeds.
The other night, Melody and her family worked on clearing out the remaining amount of sapwood, all the way to the ceiling.
Melody formed a ladder around the core pillar using one Luk Tree seed, going as high as thirty feet. Melody had estimated the height before as being between forty to sixty feet, but, thanks to Pappy, they knew it was forty-eight.
"We said two floors, right?" Melody asked Pappy.
"Yup. One at thirty, then the other at thirty-nine." Pappy confirmed.
Melody wrapped her arm around the back of the core pillar and began growing the next Luk Tree seed. The wood grew around the core pillar and extended out in three directions, but they ran into an issue as the branches drooped down due to weight. Thankfully, Pappy, Bell, and Poppy used their telekinesis to help the branches until they connected and merged to the Homely Tree walls.
"Don't forget the struts and hangers, Melody!" Pappy called.
Nodding, Melody added more magic to the ladder, extending it up to the ceiling, and it split in eight directions.
Once the new lines were secured across the ceiling, they formed hanging branches latched onto the beginning of the first floor.
Melody quickly checked on her magic, finding that she had burned through a third of her magic so far.
"Pappy, I will have to take a break once this floor is done. I hope I will have enough to finish it." Melody informed the gnome.
"Alright. Take your time. I will cook up a snack in the meantime." Pappy headed to the temporary kitchen he had been using.
Taking a deep breath and focusing her tiring mind, Melody pushed her magic into the first-floor seed. The wood floor grew outward, latticing between sections and merging with hangers. Angular struts formed from the walls and core pillar to add a bit more support.
"You can do it, Melody!" Maple and the others cheered her on.
In the final part of the project, Melody thickened the hangers and added to their roots to strengthen them.
It took nearly an hour, but the new floor was complete.
Hugging onto the core pillar, Melody let out a huff and checked her stats.
High Giant (Daughter of Gaia): Name: Melody. Age: 15 (17months). Level: 58. Danger Level: Extremely High.
A High Giant, an evolved form of a giant. High giants age at a slower rate than giants increasing their life span. High giants also grow larger than normal giants. This giant is highly intelligent. Expertise in survival, hunting, trapping, stealth, and archery. Can use high-level nature magic. Has received the blessing of a Daughter of Lyuten (Gaia), gives a large boost to magic and nature abilities.
Health: 6420. Stamina: 5650/7910. Magic: 1040/14150. Strength: 820. Endurance: 740. Dexterity: 630. Intelligence: 430. Wisdom: 610. Charisma: 460. Skills: Abnormal Condition Immunity (10). Physical Boost (10). Nature Magic (10+). Magic Boost (10). Stealth (10). Survival (9). Identify (9). Archery (8). Dismantle (7). Cooking (7). Consume (7). Magic Manipulation (7). Construction (7). Forester (6). Stampede (6). House Work (5).Tracking (5). Dig (5). Magic Sense (4). Acrobatics (4). Animal Handling (3). Terror Howl (3). Taming (2). Shadow Pounce (1).
"Ooof. I was cutting close." Melody turned her attention to the new floor.
It looked to be sturdy with enough support for people to live on.
"I'm going to take a break," Melody said as she returned to the ground and headed out to the spring.
Stripping down to her underwear, Melody waded into the pond, getting enveloped by the warm tingly sensation.
"Lady Melody," Poppy called out to her.
"Yes?" Melody smiled at the brownie.
"Could I use a few of the Luk Tree seeds, please? We will help in the projects so while you recover." Poppy asked.
"Sure," Melody picked out the pouch and handed it to the brownie, "Which ones are you guys going to work on?" She asked.
"I plan to have Max work on furniture while Rini helps me grow the drying shack and wood storage. Miss Maple will help form some walls on the first floor since she has the most magic, second to you." Poppy explained.
Melody thanked her and asked them to not push themselves too hard.
Poppy laughed, "I think you would be the last person to ask that!"
The two ladies shared a laugh, and Poppy teleported back inside to divvy up the seeds.
With Melody handling the heaviest lifting on magic, the others quickly filled in on the other projects.
Max used one seed to form several gnome-sized beds, a fairy-sized, and one Melody-sized. After he finished the giant bed, he had to take a break.
Poppy and Rini set the drying shack near the western wall, on the other side of the garden area, where Pappy grew several vegetables, herbs, and spices. The wood storage was set up to the left of the Homely Tree entrance. By the time the two of them were done making the large structures, they took their break.
Maple filled the walls, making them nine feet tall and splitting the first floor into eight sections. She also assisted in making various adjustments to the structure to ensure its stability.
Pappy looped in glow bells for each of the sections. He also added some in the common platform area that acted as a walkway between rooms.
The opening in the center for Melody to climb up and down was made six feet wide. Each room was fifteen feet deep, and the walkway was six feet wide.
Once Melody had recovered enough of her magic, she climbed back up and formed the top floor that would act as an attic and storage space.
Melody flopped down on her new bed and sighed. "Ahh... What a good day."
The brownies and Pappy went to sleep in their new rooms while Bell and Maple joined the giant like usual.
"We got a lot done today. What's on for tomorrow?" Maple asked, snuggling up to Melody.
"Making the kiln for bricks so we can get the new kitchen together. I really wanted to make a smelter so I could make a copper hatchet, but there is too much left to be done..." Melody really wanted her shiny tool.
"Okey dokey." Maple giggled as she said the phrase Melody taught her.
"Okey dokey!" Bell parroted, half-asleep.
The three smiled brightly and cuddled up for the night. They had another long day ahead of them.
The following morning was nice and exciting. Poppy, Rini, and Max had all finished their evolutions and were now forest gnomes.
Poppy was a little over three feet tall and looked a bit younger than the night before. She looked a bit more slender and womanly. Her light brown hair was up in two buns on the back of her head.
Rini looked similar to Bell but had her black hair in two braids hanging down her back.
Max looked like he went through a growth spurt and was three and a half feet tall like Pappy. Poppy was sure that he would be around four feet once he finished growing.
Forest Gnome: Name: Poppy. Age: 38. Level: 1. Danger Level: Low.
Health: 630. Stamina: 1200. Magic: 2680. Strength: 150. Endurance: 390. Dexterity: 280. Intelligence: 460. Wisdom: 670. Charisma: 500.
Forest Gnome: Name: Rini. Age: 16. Level: 1. Danger Level: Low.
Health: 450. Stamina: 790. Magic: 1520. Strength: 110. Endurance: 320. Dexterity: 220. Intelligence: 300. Wisdom: 480. Charisma: 390.
Forest Gnome: Name: Max. Age: 17. Level: 1. Danger Level: Low.
Health: 430. Stamina: 800. Magic: 1110. Strength: 260. Endurance: 410. Dexterity: 350. Intelligence: 240. Wisdom: 280. Charisma: 180.
The description of their new forms was the same as Bell, except for loving Melody. Still, she had the sneaking suspicion that it might pop up eventually.
After eating breakfast, they began on their next projects, the kiln, Aroo's barn, an outhouse, cold storage, and Melody hoped she would have enough time for a smelter.
Melody headed into the new area where they were going to make the coolers. Using four Luk Tree seeds, she used one to make the main wall, splitting it into three sections.
She continued using the one seed to add several shelves in each area while leaving three openings for doors. The remaining three seeds she used to create the doors. The whole project took around twenty minutes to finish because she had to figure out how to make the doors movable. She settled on forming a circular indentation in the flooring and above, then growing the doors to fit into said indentations.
"There! I got it, Pappy! The doors are done." Melody called out to him.
He came over and checked them over. "Mm. This will work nicely. Thank you, Melody. Could you start on the kiln then? That way, we can bake the bricks for the oven and stove. Bell should have the clay in her pack."
"Sure. Maple! I need your help with the Dry spell! Bell! You come too!"
"Kay!" Maple and the two girls headed outside.
Melody used her Dig skill to form a kiln with the giant pile of clay Bell poured out onto the ground in the southwest of the compound.
The clay took on a form of an upside-down basin that was three inches thick. The top of the structure had several holes in the center for heat to rise.
"Dry." Maple cast her spell, removing all of the water from the base of the kiln.
Melody used Dig to pull a bit more dirt from below the firebox and loaded it with wood Bell brought over. Bell got the fire going with a Tinder spell, and Melody began adding more clay to the kiln.
Cycling through their skills, the three girls finished the clay kiln in an hour.
"Alright, now for bricks!" Melody happily said.
She used Dig to form the bricks, Maple dried them, and Bell handled moving the bricks in and out of the kiln using telekinesis.
Max would come and gather the bricks and transport them inside the home where Poppy was working on building the kitchen.
Pappy appeared next to Melody, "Melody when you have a moment, the outhouse is ready. It just needs the pit below."
"Okay! Let me finish these bricks, and I will be over." Melody formed the last twenty bricks and left Maple and Bell to finish.
"Rooo!" Aroo welcomed Melody by licking her face.
Melody hugged the bison, "Thanks, Aroo. Don't worry. Your barn is next."
The outhouses were varied in size, one the gnomes could use, the other Melody-sized. Looking at the buildings, each had a water tank connected that gave them a flushing function when you pulled on the rope.
"Masterful, Pappy." Melody smiled at the old gnome's skillful work.
Putting her hand to the ground, Melody began her work. She kept the angle steep and packed the hole's walls until they were hard and smooth as stone. Melody repeated the process with the smaller outhouse and connected the two drains. Once connected, she created a larger pipe that eventually fed into an underground cave she formed. The position of the collection tank was halfway in the compound and halfway out. Melody developed a vent that would let gases escape outside the rampart walls.
"I wonder if there is a plant that would take care of the waste...?" Melody thought aloud.
"You could ask Gaia." Poppy answered.
"She would know, but I feel that I won't be able to come home if I go there." Melody giggled.
Poppy laughed, "Haha, contact her through nature. I am sure she would answer."
"I'm not very good at it yet, though..." Melody's face turned a bit red.
"Haha! If you don't try, you won't get better." Poppy replied with a motherly smile.
Melody thanked her and headed over to the magic spring.
Melody sat with her legs crossed and positioned herself in a meditative state. She connected with nature and extended her will. "Mudder."
Her message echoed out into the trees, land, air, and life. It took but a few moments before Melody heard an amused titter through nature.
"You really must work on your pronunciations, little fern," Gaia answered.
"Sowry. I am... pwacticing." Melody could feel her face getting hot.
"It is fine, little fern. What do you need?" Melody could feel the loving warmth of Gaia.
"I made a... seppitecka tank for outhouses. Are there any plants... could help?" Melody struggled.
"Ah, you made a septic tank at your home. Yes, but I used up what I had left a few weeks ago. Autumn should be able to get you some. It is called a Bogga Lily. If you form a fairy ring at your home, I will link it. That way, you could travel to Autumn's grove right away." Gaia informed.
"Tank you... Mom."
Melody stood and headed to the western side of the pond closest to the Homely Tree entrance. Kneeling down and using her knowledge of the ring, she quickly formed the magic circle.
Maple flitted over to her, "What's going on?" She asked curiously.
"Hey Maple," Melody smiled, "I have to head to auntie's grove to get some Bogga Lillies."
"Ooooh. Well, I am going to help Miss Poppy with the kitchen. Try to come back soon!" Maple flew inside the home.
Bell appeared and joined Melody for the trip. Before long, the fairy ring began to glow, showing it was now a part of the network. Smiling, Melody and Bell activated the ring heading to Autumn's grove.
Melody appeared in the ring to find Gaia and Autumn waiting for her.
"Oh, I wasn't expecting you too, mother!" Melody gave Gaia a hug.
"I figured it would be good to restock on the Bogga Lillies. They help to prevent disease." Gaia replied.
Melody, of course, had to hug Autumn as well.
"Yes, yes, it is good to see you too, Melody..." Autumn gave her usual business-like hug. Gaia stifled a laugh.
Bell stepped forward, "Could we request some clay, please?"
"Did we run short?" Melody asked.
"No, just good to have a bit extra." Bell smiled.
The trip of the two girls was not long. After twenty minutes, they gave their farewell hugs and were heading back home, a pouch of Bogga Lily seeds in hand.
They appeared back home and took a lunch break. Bell and Maple continued working with the kiln, having Melody form different clay dishes, pots, and pans.
Melody headed back to the outhouses and pulled out a handful of seeds.
"Charge a little bit of magic into them and flush them down into the pit," Melody repeated the instructions given to her. After completing her task, she headed to the zoned area for Aroo's barn.
The bison happily welcomed Melody. Using two Luk tree seeds, Melody began to grow the simple barn. The tree ran along the ground and grew upward, creating the framework. Once the frame was complete, she built the walls while leaving a few half-height. The entrance was tall and wide to account for Aroo's possible growth. Melody finished off the roof, and the basic barn was complete.
Melody felt pretty worked out magically, so she headed over to the pond with Aroo and enjoyed a bath and relaxation.
It was now late in the day, and Melody's stomach was beginning to growl. Poppy appeared and informed Melody that the kitchen was completed. Pappy was cooking up dinner using the new clayware Maple and Bell finished.
Melody entered the home, barely fitting through the old hole. She made a note to open it up using a Stampede tomorrow.
"Your chest is starting to cause you trouble, Melody." Maple teased and giggled.
"Give yourself some time. Who knows what your next evolution might bring." Melody replied, putting up her equipment and sitting at the new table.
"Hmph! I will stay slender! I don't need that useless fat!" Maple replied defiantly. Melody giggled.
Melody headed to the kitchen to see what it looked like and was in awe.
The kitchen was built with two sections. The first was Melody-sized, where Pappy and Miss Poppy were working. The second was around the size for gnomes. Pappy had explained that he would use the smaller size when it was just a few of them around and Melody was absent.
Each set had one brick oven and grill. It looked like the grill was a metal mesh that the clay pans and pots sat on.
"Oh, hello, Melody." Pappy welcomed her.
A sweet smell filled the area.
"Mmm. What is that smell?" Melody asked, gravitating toward the oven.
Pappy chuckled, "I used some of the sugar, fruit, and dough made from seed flour to make a blueberry pie."
Melody looked forward to tasting something she was familiar with from her past world. She asked if they needed any help, but they said they were good.
Melody headed to the main room and changed her mind on the door. After calling out a warning to everyone, Melody 'Kool-Aid Man'ed through the wall and worked on cleaning up the edges. She finished getting the worst of shattered walls and noted to finish in the morning.
Melody sat at the main table to craft some arrows.
Ten minutes into crafting, Maple asked the question that was plaguing her. "Why make arrows? Don't you mostly use the nature energy arrows?"
"I do. But I felt that it would be good to have some tipped with poisons. The nature arrows are great for doing damage, not so much for status effects. Having a few paralysis arrows would be useful." Melody explained, which Maple accepted and helped out.
By the time they finished, it was dinner time. They cleared and helped set the table and dinner began. Just before they started eating, Pappy turned to Melody.
"So, any change in the benefits, Melody?" Pappy asked about the dish before her. She identified it and gave her response.
"Hmm. You said you did two brains, a heart, and two livers, right? The benefits went down. I feel like it will be the same if you added a heart instead. The benefits went way up by adding an extra liver, so let's do a third one next time." Melody commented on the Bison Patties with Sweet Mushroom Onion sauce and steamed carrots.
"Haaah. Well, now we know. I will do that next time. Any dish requests?" Pappy asked as she took a bite. Her eyes lit up, and she wriggled happily.
"Ahhhhhh, it has to be this… This tastes like happiness! The sauce compliments the meat so well!"
Rini smiled brightly, which Pappy let Melody know that Rini was the one who made the sauce. Melody complimented and gave Rini a kiss on her cheek. They spent the remaining dinner enjoying the company of their new friends.
The following morning, Melody used the last of her Luk Tree seeds to create a door to their home and a gate that operated on nature magic at the compound entrance.
"Aww. That was the last seed… I guess I will need to make a trip down to see Haelga for some more. Miss Poppy! Do we still have a bit of the blueberry pie left from last night?" Melody called inside.
Poppy appeared with a couple of slices of pie. "I have two left. I will try making those cookies you told me about last night." Poppy handed them over.
Melody put the slices into the magic pack and thanked her.
"Heading out Melody?" Maple asked.
"Yup. I am going to visit Haelga the witch to get some more Luk Tree seeds. We still have things to grow around here." Melody replied, which Maple said she would join her on her trip. Aroo was taking a nap, so Melody decided to let her sleep, and the two friends headed south.
Melody and Maple arrived at the edge of the forest at the main road. "Those signs are still there. I really wonder what they say." Melody commented.
"Sorry, I can't read them, Melody." Maple said sadly.
Melody smiled and opened the pack so Maple could climb inside.
"Here we go. Stampede!" Like a rolling storm, Melody dashed across the way and disappeared into the southern forest.
After a few more hours, she arrived at the familiar hut with a wooden gazebo on the west side of the southern forest. Haelga was relaxing in the pavilion, drinking something.
"Hmm? Oh. Oh! Welcome back, Melody! How are you? Thirsty? I finished making a honey mead this morning and was enjoying a cup." Haelga offered, but Melody turned down her offer.
I'm still underage, you know… Melody thought.
"So! What brings you fine young ladies to see good ol'Haelga? Gyahahahaha!" Haelga asked them with a laugh.
"I came to see if you have some more Luk tree seeds I could trade you for. I ran out already." Melody replied with a smile.
"Oh. That won't do. Not at all. Not at all! Yes, yes, one moment." Haelga went inside her home for a few minutes before coming out with a pouch.
"These are my last six. I won't have any more until spring, sadly. Will this be enough?" Haelga asked.
"I should only need three." Melody felt guilty about taking all of them.
"Bah. Take them. You never know what you might need." Haelga said with a smile.
"Haelga, would you like to live with us in the northern forest?" Melody asked, catching Haelga off guard.
"What? I, I don't know. Ahh, don't misunderstand. I just… I really appreciate your offer, Melody. I don't know if I would want to move, but I will think about your offer." Haelga replied.
"Then how about staying during the winter? Think it over then?" Melody offered.
Haelga took a minute, deep in thought. "Hmm. I may take you up on that. Give me a day or two to think about that and come back." Haelga said.
Melody thanked her and had Maple bring the pie slices out for Haelga, who was overjoyed.
Melody watched as Haelga went inside her home to enjoy her pie, saying her farewells.
I wonder how Elder is doing? Melody thought sadly.
"Maple, I am making a small detour before we head back home. Come on." Melody headed off to the east, followed by Maple flying behind her.
Melody arrived at the location where the Whirly shrooms grew. She was happy to see Elder there, picking some of the mushrooms.
"Elder!" She cheerily called out.
The old giant startled. "Melody!?"
Melody hopped down to her and hugged her. "It's been so long, Elder. I'm sorry I have not come by."
"No, no. No worries. Look at you. So big and strong now. You beautiful, just like Alui." Elder smiled.
Melody reached into her pouch and pulled out a few pieces of smoked bison jerky for Elder, who got happy to accept it.
"Thank you, Melody. You doing well?" Elder asked.
"Yup! I am quite happy now. I have many friends in the northern forest. One is with me today, Maple."
The small fairy appeared and sat down on Melody's shoulder.
"A bug?" "Fairy!" Maple shouted in response to Elder's question.
Melody then spent two hours telling Elder of her life, the grove, Gaia, Bell, Pappy, Autumn, Okan, Shani, Aroo and Fenny, and so much more.
Elder listened to it all with a calm but warm smile on her face.
Melody finished her long story. "I am happy to hear this, Melody. I sure Alui be happy to know that her daughter is well and happy."
Mom… Melody looked into Elder's eyes.
"Come with me, Elder."
"You know I can't."
"Elder, I am much stronger! I can use magic. My skills and equipment are so much better now! I could-."
"NO!" Elder stood up and stepped away.
"You not return. You stay away! Never come back here. That is Elder, and Alui wish. Live free!" Elder finished what she wanted to say and began walking away quickly.
Melody wanted to call out to her to stop but the words caught in her throat. Melody stood in place sadly after Elder left.
"Elder…" Forcing away her tears, she ran off to the north, unaware of the wicked and cruel eyes that saw her.
Several hours later, Melody arrived home feeling sullen.
"Melody, are you sad?" Bell hugged Melody's leg, looking up at her worried.
"I will be okay, Bell. I just want to rest for a bit." Melody laid down on her bed.
"Bell will join!" "Me too!" Bell and Maple joined Melody on her bed, cuddling up to her.
"Melody, would you like Miss Poppy to make something warm and sweet for you?" Pappy asked.
Melody thanked him, and he teleported to the kitchen. Aroo poked her head through the window.
"Roooo!" The three girls giggled and patted the bison's head.
So warm. My home is so warm. Melody smiled as she closed her eyes, the sweet smell of Poppy's baked goods wafting through the air twenty minutes later.
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