《Gods of Tartarus: Melody of Wrath》Chapter 17: Melody’s Home, Recrooting Now!
Melody awoke the following morning just as the sun was rising. She sat up and stretched.
"Melody?" Bell woke up sleepily, rubbing her eyes.
"Good morning Bell."
Bell smiled sleepily. "Morning."
Before flopping back down asleep, Melody giggled and lightly poked Bell's cheek playfully.
"Yawn. Morning Melody!" Maple woke up and flitted into the air.
"Good morning, Maple. Ready to do some work today?" Melody asked.
"Yup! I'm ready to help." Maple showed how ready she was on her happy, determined face.
"Then help me wake Bell up." Maple saluted Melody jokingly, and the two began to tickle Bell.
"Gyahahahahahah!" Bell began laughing, begging them to stop, that she was awake.
They stopped, and the three laughed happily together. Pappy appeared on the window sill.
"Good morning all. Hungry?" They all nodded. "Alright, I'll get to cooking breakfast. Oh, and Melody, I finished my list of things I would like to do for the kitchen expansion." Melody thanked him and said she would look at it later.
After getting changed, the three headed out into the forest with Aroo. Their goal was to find a few nice trees to make their new furniture and pay a visit to Okan. On their three-hour trip straight to Okan's grove, Melody stopped them just short of him coming into sight.
"Melody?" "Danger?" Melody vanished from sight and quietly moved forward while the other three held their position.
A few minutes later, Okan's grove came into sight. Melody could feel a cold chill run through her body at what she saw. Sleeping at the base of Okan was a giant wolf that was twice as big as the Shadow Liger she killed.
Fenrir: Name: Shani. Age: 687. Level: 112. Danger Level: Death.
Fenrir is a legendary wolf that is capable of destroying kingdoms. This Fenrir is a familiar of the Ancient Treant Okan. Extreme Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.
The Fenrir's eyes shot open at Melody's unintentional use of Identify skill. Oh no! Melody held her breath as the Fenrir lifted its head and looked straight at where she was hiding.
Calm down, heart! Calm down! She was doing everything she could to not panic and run away.
"Melody, is that you?" Okan's slow voice called out to her.
"You know this giant Okan?" The wolf asked.
"Yes. She is my granddaughter. She is adorable." Okan smiled.
Melody calmed down after hearing Okan's voice and came out of hiding. "Um, I'm sorry about using my skill on you. I, I panicked the moment I saw you." Melody bowed her head to the Fenrir in apology.
"It is fine. I felt no ill will from you. I just thought humans may have approached Okan, is all. I am Shani."
"Melody. Wait, oh my goodness, I am stupid." Melody smacked her forehead while Okan and Shani were confused.
"Oh, sorry, I saw your name a moment ago, but I was so scared that I forgot that mother told me about you, Miss Shani."
"I see. Also, Shani is fine. No need for formality with family."
She's so lovely! And… Fluffy… Melody kept glancing at Shani's fur.
"I do not mind if you wish to feel my fur."
"She takes great pride in it." Okan laughed.
Melody brightened up happily and called out for Maple and the others to come before hugging onto Shani. Ahhhhhhhh… Sooooo floofy… Melody could feel herself wanting to nap.
A minute later, Maple, Bell, and Aroo arrived.
"Rooo." Aroo got jealous and started pulling at Melody's pants.
"Wah! Aroo! Stop!" Melody panicked and managed to keep Aroo from stripping her bottom.
"Hahaha. Seems your friend is a bit jealous. Though I must admit, her wool does look quite soft. How did you do it?" Shani asked.
"Oh, I comb her every day that I can. She loves being combed, don't you, Aroo?" Melody answered while trying to comfort the jealous bison.
"Roooo!" Aroo mooed happily.
Shani asked if Melody had the comb on her.
"I do! One second." She pulled off her magic pack and pulled out the large comb. Will she let me comb her?! Please! Please! Please! Shani noticed Melody getting a bit antsy, holding the brush while looking at her.
"Hmm… Very well. Aroo was it. Please allow your master to do this just this once."
Aroo mooed a bit annoyed, but she seemed to agree with Shani's request.
"Thanks, Aroo. I'll get you some nice treats later." Melody smiled and approached Shani, and began brushing her fur.
"Mmm. That feels quite nice… Almost feel like scratching that hard-to-get itches…." Shani was enjoying being brushed, wagging her tail back and forth.
Maple and Bell played around, trying to dodge her tail.
After about an hour, she finished brushing Shani and put the brush away.
Shani sighed contentedly. "That was truly exquisite. Thank you, Melody. I may need to trade you for one of those later."
"You are welcome to come to my home. Oh, I need to show you where it is."
"Not to worry, you may be more difficult to track, but since I know you are east of here, I should be able to find you."
"Okay." Melody smiled.
"Melody. Did you need to ask for something? Or just visiting?" Okan asked.
"Mostly visiting. We were looking around for some wood to make some new furniture at my home. Turns out I might grow to be eighteen feet tall. So I wanted to make a big enough bed to last me until then."
Okan closed his eyes for a bit in thought, then re-opened them. "How about you grow it?"
Melody blinked a few times at him. "We can do that?"
Okan smiled and laughed. "Yes, Melody. Just as you have requested nature to assist you before, why would it not be possible?"
What would be best then? Hmm… I know!
"Grandpa! Are there smaller versions of trees like the Rampart ones?"
Okan smiled. "Yes. Shani, can you take her there?"
"Of course. It's the spot down in the southern forest, correct?" Okan nodded.
The southern forest… I haven't been there in a long time. I hope Elder is doing okay…
"Climb on. I will get us there in a few minutes and be back here just as quickly." Shani told Melody.
Aroo thought to protest, but Okan bought her off by dropping a few sweet fruits for her, Maple, and Bell. Melody climbed up on Shani's back, and the Fenrir stood. Wah! This is way higher than Aroo.
"Hang on tight, Melody." Melody lowered her body against Shani's, and then they took off faster than the wind.
A group of adventurers was traveling down the main road. "So, Miss Violet, there still has been no news of Melody?" A young girl asked.
"Yeah," Violet said sadly.
"The signs didn't work, the searches in the North Gaian forest has turned up nothing, the searches in the south forest had nothing… I'm beginning to think the only way to get in contact with her is for her to approach us. I'm sorry, Annabel." The raven-haired girl apologized.
The young priestess, Annabel, shook her head with a smile. "I have faith Violet, that one of us will make contact with her someday. It may take years, but I believe that we will."
The kids of the party cheered up, then a large gust of wind blew past them.
"Whoa. That was some crazy wind, big sis." The boy said.
"Isn't there a myth about sudden strong gusts of wind Miss Violet?" Another girl asked.
"There is. I think it was something about is meaning that a Fenrir just ran past. But it has never been proven before, nor has anyone seen a Fenrir in five hundred years." The party continued their chat until they returned to the city.
AHHHHH! THIS IS TOO FAST! WAY TOO FAST! AHHHHHH! Melody was holding on as tight as she could as Shani continued to jet through the forest.
AH! WE ALMOST HIT SOMEBODY! AHHHH! What felt like the longest ten minutes of her life, Shani slowed down and came to a stop.
"We are here."
Shakily, Melody fell off Shani to the ground.
"Are you alright?" Shani asked, sniffing at Melody.
"Y-Yeah, I'll be okay. Just... just give me a minute, please…." Shani sat down while Melody took a few minutes to recover from their trip and fix her hair that was all over the place.
I feel like this was the equivalent of riding a bullet train… On the roof… Melody recovered enough and sat up, looking around.
"I've never been here before. Where are we?" Melody asked Shani where they were.
"Near the western end of the southern forest. One of my daughters lives in this area, ah, here she comes." A dark brown wolf arrived along with six others of varying colors. Melody could feel that Shani was conversing with the wolves but could not understand what they were saying.
"Alright, we have a short distance to go. Climb… Never mind, let's walk there." Shani changed her mind about having Melody ride atop her since she seemed a bit shaky still. Melody thanked Shani and followed along.
Shani's daughter led them to a small hut in the middle of the forest, where a human woman stepped out. "Oh ho! Visitors! Hello, hello! Welcome! Lady Shani, it has been so long!"
Who is this strange old lady? Why is she out in the middle of the forest?
"Hmm? Oh! A giant! How unusual! Hmm… You smell of nature. Welcome, sister!"
"Haelga, enough. You are confusing the poor girl." Shani commented.
The old woman laughed. "Gahahaha! Hello Miss Giant, I am Haelga. I can tell from your face that you are wondering what a crazy old woman like myself is doing in the middle of a deadly forest! Well, to put it short, I am a witch. No, I do not curse or sacrifice people or work with demons. I specialized in anti-curses, and to do it properly, I needed to study how the spells work. It's the same thing with poisons and various potions that people looked poorly on. I never hurt anyone, but one of the heads of the Arcana Talil did not like me and made me out to be evil. Oh right, the Arcana Talil is a magic organization that does many things related to magic. Anyway, nice to meet you!" Haelga smiled at Melody.
This lady is a bit all over the place, but she seems… nice. "Hello Miss Haelga, my name is Melody."
"Nice to meet you, Melody. Anyway, what brings you all here?" Haelga looked to Shani.
"Okan sent us to see you so that Melody can learn how to grow furniture."
"Oh. Oh! I see! That is fun! One moment!" Haelga ran back into her home, faster than most women her age would be moving. A few minutes later, Haelga came out with a small bag.
"Here you go! These are Luk Tree seeds. Once you plant them, you add nature magic to them while adding your will to shape them the way you want! Be careful though, once you cut off the magic, they will remain in that shape until you add more nature magic again. Go ahead and try one out!" Haelga explained excitedly.
I guess she was lonely and is happy to have some company she could talk to. "Okay, Haelga, thank you for your lesson."
Haelga smiled and laughed.
Melody pulled out one of the seeds. It looked like a black seed with a yellow stripe running up the middle.
She put it onto the ground and closed her eyes.
"Now remember, imagine what you want and will that into the Luk Tree," Haelga added.
Let's see... what to make… Since this is her place, maybe something for her? Perhaps she would like a gazebo? Yeah, let's go with that. Melody pushed her nature magic into the seed.
First, it established its roots, traveling underground to form the base frame, branches extending upward, and spreading limbs outward to establish more form. As it grew more of the arches, it set more roots in the ground and created more posts.
"Wow! Wow! This looks interesting!" Haelga commented.
The Luk tree finished forming the posts and upper ring connecting them, then spun clockwise to form the dome on top. After fifteen minutes, a simple gazebo stood before them.
"There, what do you think, Miss Haelga?"
"Wow! Wow! Wow! This is very nice! Well done, Melody! Well done!" Haelga praised her.
"Great, I'm glad you like it. I made it because I thought you would like it." Melody smiled.
"I do! I do, I do! Thank you, Melody!"
"Now then. Shall we return?" Shani asked.
"Oh, you have things to do? Very well. I hope you come to visit me, Melody! It is nice to speak to someone who is, well, not an animal. Gahahahahah!" Haelga laughed.
Melody thanked her and gave Haelga some of her smoked meat.
"Ah! Smoked meat! I love smoked meat! Thank you, Melody! Gahahahah!"
Melody apprehensively climbed up on Shani's back.
"Wind barrier."
Melody felt covered in a layer of wind. "Um. Shani?"
"It has been so long since I let anyone ride atop me, I forgot that I can ease the force of air by using this spell. The ride back should be much better." Melody smiled and thanked her. They said their goodbyes to Haelga and Shani's daughter, and they jetted off to the north.
Fifteen minutes later, they arrived at Okan's grove. "Welcome back. Did you get what you needed?" Okan asked.
"Woo! Yes, we did! That was so much more fun with the wind barrier! Thank you, Shani!" Melody's hair was messy, but she seemed a lot better than on the last trip.
Melody hopped off Shani. Maple and Bell asked what she got, which Melody took a few minutes to show them and explain how the Luk Trees worked.
"That is really neat, Melody! That will make making furniture easy!"
"Yup! You'll be able to make furniture your size too, Maple, Bell." The two girls cheered happily.
"Grandpa Okan. Thank you for the help. Thank you, Shani." Shani nodded her head as she lay back down around Okan's trunk.
"You are very welcome, Melody. Safe trip home." Melody hugged and kissed Okan's cheek before climbing on Aroo and riding home.
After a few hours, near sundown, they arrived home, where Pappy welcomed them. "Welcome home. Did you find what you need?"
Melody told him about the Luk Tree seeds.
"I see. I think I heard of those before. They usually have to be made, from what I've heard. Anyway, I am cooking up some food, come on inside. I prepared a few meals from the bison parts, I wanted to test some things, so I hope you're hungry. Also, Fenny is okay, but you will want to check his status after dinner."
Oof, I hope he didn't make too much… But what is going on with Fenny?
Melody took Aroo to her corner and fed her some long dried grass along with tossing some leaves of a Honeysuckle Oak. "These will sweeten up your dinner. Enjoy Aroo."
"Roo!" She mooed happily, and Melody headed inside.
Maple and Bell were helping Pappy set the table, bringing out two dishes to Melody's seat.
"Alright, Melody, the one on your left has two hearts and a liver. The other has two brains and one liver. Please use your skill on them." Melody nodded. Identify.
Wooly Bison Brain and Onion Soup: This soup is made with milk and beef stock. It had diced onions, sliced wooly bison brains, and liver. Small Chance to learn a new skill. Must consume the entire dish.
Wooly Bison Hearty Rice: This rice dish contains garlic, chopped wooly bison hearts with liver slices. A moderate increase in Strength. Must consume the entire dish.
"Ahh. It was much better with all three parts mixed together. These are less potent. The skill chance is small instead of moderate, and the stat increase is only strength with no effect on skills." Melody said, taking a bite of the rice dish.
"Mmm! But the flavor is on point!" She tried the soup giving it high praise as well.
"Ah well, at least we know now. Next time I will try adding an extra liver to a heart and brain." Pappy was a little disappointed but happy to see Melody enjoying her meal.
After thirty minutes, she finished both plates. "Oof. That was a bit much for me, Pappy." Melody said, rubbing her slightly expanded stomach.
"Hehehe. I will be more careful then. Next time will be one plate, I promise." Pappy smiled.
"So, did you learn a new skill?" Maple asked.
"Hmm. Nope. Didn't work this time. My strength increased some, though."
"Oh right. Melody, Bell, and I should finish your winter gear tomorrow. Just in the nick of time too. Winter should be upon us soon." Pappy informed her.
Oh yeah, I have been here for over twelve months, and I have not seen anything of winter. How is a year made up here? Also seasons?
Melody asked Pappy her questions.
Pappy explained that a year is made up of twenty months, each month being thirty days. Months did not have names like her past world but were just represented by their number. Seasons in the area they were in was split into four segments like in her past world.
"So right now, we are on day twenty-two of month seventeen. Winter usually starts toward the mid of month eighteen. You should start feeling the cold chill through nature magic when it begins." Pappy finished his explanation.
"Thanks, Pappy. How long does winter last?" Melody asked.
"Hmm, it usually lasts about four to six months. This last winter was a short one. Normally when we have a short winter, it is followed by a long one. We are good on food and water thanks to all your hunting and the spring. Which by the way, since it is a magic spring, it will not freeze. In fact, I remember hearing once from Gaia that magic springs tend to heat up during winters to keep themselves from freezing. We will get to find out soon, I guess."
It gets warm? Hot spring?! Oh, I hope so!
They cleaned up their tableware and planned out their adjustments to their home for winter before Melody went over to the corner where she set the hibernating Fenny, who was now a red egg.
"What the?! Fenny?" She carefully picked up the egg and visually inspected it. "It's warm. Identify."
Blood Phoenix Egg: Egg of the Blood Phoenix named Fenny. Master: The giant Melody. Unable to determine time left to hatching.
"Holy crap!" Melody exclaimed, drawing the others over.
"What is it, Melody?" Bell asked, looking at Fenny's egg.
"Fenny! He is evolving into a Blood Phoenix! I'll have to ask mother about this next time we are at the grove." They admired Fenny's egg a bit longer before they turned in for the night.
They woke up the following morning, got ready for their day, and sat down for breakfast. This morning Pappy made a new dish using what he mentioned the night before.
Wooly Bison Power Meatloaf: Meatloaf made with a ground-up brain, heart, and two livers. Included are diced onions, garlic, carrots, and green peppers. Significant Increase in Strength. Minor increase to Charge Skill. High Chance to learn a new skill. Must consume the entire dish.
"Wow! It worked, Pappy! The skill increase stayed the same, but the strength increase is bigger, and the chance to learn a skill is high instead of medium!" Melody showered Pappy with praise as well as hugging him.
"I am glad it worked, Melody. Now dig in while it's hot."
Melody used her wooden fork to take a bite of the meatloaf. "OH, MY NOVA! Pappy! The flavor is heavenly! Ahhhhh, it just melts in your mouth!"
Melody continued to eat the meatloaf with the happiest of smiles on her face.
After twenty minutes, Melody finished eating the meatloaf. "Haaaah. That was delicious. Oh! I learned a new skill!"
Stampede: This skill significantly increases speed, defense, and melee attack. Cannot use stealth skills when in use. This skill combines Charge and Ram into it, increasing its proficiency. The skill uses Stamina to activate and actively consumes Stamina while in use.
"Whoa! It combines my Charge and Ram skills into it, bringing proficiency up. Let me check my full status with a strength increase." Melody said excitedly.
High Giant (Daughter of Gaia): Name: Melody. Age: 15 (17months). Level: 58. Danger Level: Extremely High.
A High Giant, an evolved form of a giant. High giants age at a slower rate than giants increasing their life span. High giants also grow larger than normal giants. This giant is highly intelligent. Expertise in survival, hunting, trapping, stealth, and archery. Can use high-level nature magic. Has received the blessing of a Daughter of Lyuten (Gaia), gives a large boost to magic and nature abilities.
Health: 6420. Stamina: 7910. Magic: 14150. Strength: 820. Endurance: 740. Dexterity: 630. Intelligence: 430. Wisdom: 610. Charisma: 460. Skills: Abnormal Condition Immunity (10). Physical Boost (10). Nature Magic (10+). Magic Boost (10). Stealth (10). Survival (9). Identify (9). Archery (8). Dismantle (7). Cooking (7). Consume (7). Forester (6). Stampede (6). Construction (5). House Work (5). Magic Manipulation (5). Tracking (5). Dig (5). Magic Sense (4). Acrobatics (4). Animal Handling (3). Terror Howl (3). Taming (2). Shadow Pounce (1).
"This is so neat! Skills can combine together if you have the right combinations! I have to try out this Stampede skill before we upgrade the house. It'll also burn off some of this food." They quickly cleaned up, wanting to see Melody's new skill.
They were a short distance away from their home, with Melody facing a primarily open path. Melody took a deep breath and let it out. "Okay. Here I go! Stampede!"
Melody felt a massive rush of strength flow through her whole body, and she took off running faster than she had ever before. Her steps were loud, sounding like a stampede of wooly bison charging through the forest.
This skill is fantastic! Oh crap! TREE! Melody was too excited over the skill that she was not paying enough attention and crashed through a tree that was almost as wide as her.
"Melody!" Maple and the others came to check on her.
"Melody?" Bell asked.
"Woo! That was crazy!" Melody said, sitting up, leaves and splintered wood stuck in her hair.
"Are you okay, Melody?" Pappy asked.
"Yeah! Surprisingly. Yeah!" She stood up, completely unharmed.
Melody looked back at the path she ran. Anything that was in her wake was crushed or broken beneath her feet.
"That is a mighty skill, Melody." Maple commented.
"Yeah, I am going to need to be careful when using it around the main road. Anyway, let's head back to the house and get to the building! Or would it be growing?" Melody wondered.
"Expanding?" Bell added which the others agreed happily.
Melody was standing outside the western wall of their homely tree. "Okay, Pappy, we agreed on a twenty by thirty by twenty, right?"
"That's right, Melody. Can we really do it with these Luk Tree seeds?" Pappy asked.
"Yeah, though I think I will use four here. One per fifteen feet." Melody moved about, burying the seeds.
Once she was ready, she stood at the western edge of the area she had planned out. Placing both her hands on the ground, she flowed her nature magic into the ground, directing it to the seeds.
"Okay, the connection made. Channeling magic." Melody sent her magic to the seeds, causing them to sprout and grow. The wood grew straight up, widening and branching out with each source.
The ones at the corners branched out at ninety degrees, while the ones midway between the corners and wall of the Homely Tree grew straight.
"This is really amazing to watch, Melody." Maple commented.
"Ngh. Don't distract me, please. This is harder than it looks. Doing it with four at once is… challenging." Melody struggled.
Fifteen minutes went by, and the trees joined together to form walls and windows. The branches also joined the side of the homely tree, merging to it. Five more minutes and the walls were complete. Ten more minutes, the branches grew from the top of the walls up and toward each other at an angle. They merged together to form a solid roof. Once the roof was complete, leaves sprouted across the top. A little over thirty minutes, and the expansion was done growing.
"Amazing!" Bell cried out.
"This looks great, Melody. Now, all we need to do is open it up inside." Pappy said.
Melody checked her magic and saw that the expansion cost her nearly half of her magic.
"Wow… That took a lot to build something that big. Oh, my magic manipulation went up two levels! Magic Sense and Construction went up one each too. Alright! Let's get the area opened up!" They headed inside.
"Hmm. So how to open this up?" Melody wondered.
"Using a hatchet will take a while," Pappy commented.
Maple was trying to think of something but was drawing up a blank.
That was when Bell offered an idea. "Why not Stampede?"
They all blinked at Bell for a moment.
"Why not?" They said in unison.
They cleared out the path, and Melody stood at the center of the room.
"Okay, here goes. Short burst, Stampede!" Charging forward, Melody burst through the wall, opening a 'Melody' sized hole.
"Oh yeah!" Melody shouted as she busted through.
"Oh yeah!" Bell and Maple parroted.
"Well, that is certainly one useful ability." Pappy laughed while shaking his head.
Afterward, Melody used her hatchet to clean up and widen the door while Pappy, Bell, and Maple cleaned up the chips. She then used her knife to shave and clean the edges.
After forty minutes, they had a ten-foot-wide, sixteen-foot tall opening into the new expansion.
"Yay!" They all cried out.
"Ack! I forgot to do the floor!" Melody cried.
"Can't complete?" Bell asked.
"Nah. I got this!" Melody said, tossing a couple of the Luk Tree seeds onto the floor of the new room.
Melody focused her magic through the ground, into the seeds. The seeds sprouted and grew like a clockwise whirlpool, intertwining with one another and connecting to the walls. Branches also grew downward to add support struts. Within a few minutes, the floor was complete.
"That was swift, Melody!" Maple commented.
"Yeah, two levels into Magic Manipulation and an extra one in Construction helped a lot. Speaking of the latter, Construction went up another level." They walked into the completed room and looked around.
"This looks great, Melody. With this, we will have a mighty fine kitchen and storage area. Which brings up a request from me."
"Sure!" Melody smiled brightly, happy about the new space.
"I wanted to ask if we could get some new residents," Pappy said.
"Hmm? You want to invite some more Brownies?" Melody asked.
"Correct. I would like a couple of assistants for the kitchen and one more to help with housework."
"Sure! There is still a lot of time in the day. We can make a trip to the grove and back." Pappy agreed, and their party gathered up with Aroo and made their way to the grove.
A few hours later, they arrived and were warmly welcomed by Gaia.
"Hello, mother!" Melody and Gaia hugged.
"Welcome little fern. What brings you here today? Visiting?" Gaia asked.
"We came by to recruit housemates. We used some Luk Tree seeds to add a large expansion onto the home and could use some extra help." Melody explained.
"Ah, I see. I am guessing you are looking for some volunteers amongst the Brownies?" Melody nodded at Gaia's question. Gaia led them over to the residential area of the grove where the Brownies and Pixies stayed.
"Everyone! Please gather around! Melody has a request of you all!" Gaia called out.
Multiple Brownies and several pixies gathered around them.
"Alright, go ahead, Melody." Gaia motioned her upfront.
Uh oh… This makes me a little nervous… "U-Um, hello." She awkwardly waved and smiled.
She looked to her friends for help, but they just smiled at her saying nothing.
After taking a few breaths and seeing the many eyes looking at her curiously, Melody began.
"Hello, all. Many of you likely know me. I am Melody, Gaia's daughter. I live south of here by a magic spring. My home is safe and very warm. I am looking for a few of you to join us at my home. We are looking for two who could work with Pappy in the kitchen and another to help Bell, Maple, and I clean around our home. Would anyone like to join us?"
The Brownies began chattering amongst themselves for twenty minutes before three walked forward. It was a woman who looked older than Bell, along with her twin boy and girl. The three bowed before them.
"Greetings, Lady Melody. We have finished discussing who would come to your home. My children and I would be happy to join you." Melody heard the woman speak through nature.
It had taken Melody some time, learning from Pappy and Gaia, to understand spirits who spoke through nature. She was still working on her own speaking.
"Oh, I don't want you guys to feel like you have to come with us." Melody felt like the Brownies might be forcing themselves to fulfill her request, but the Brownie cleared up the misunderstanding.
"Please, Lady Melody, we are not forcing ourselves into this.
Many of us would love to join you. The three of us just happen to be the best choice this time around. If you are ever in need of more help… Hey everyone! Raise your hand if you had wanted to join Lady Melody!" A little over half of them raised their hands. A few men got smacked upside their heads, though.
"I see. Thank you. Do the three of you have names? Please tell me." She smiled, causing many of the Brownies to flush in awe at Melody's smile.
"We do not have names, Lady Melody."
"Would you like me to name you?"
The two twins' face's brightened up. "If you wish to name us, we would be forever grateful to you." The three of them bowed to her.
"Okay. Let's see, for the boy, I give you the name, Max. The girl, Rini. Then you, hmm… Poppy! Miss Poppy!" Melody's magic was drained, naming all three of them. But Melody felt a bit woozy.
Let's see… Magic: 190/14150. Uwah! That was close! I forgot I used a bunch making the addition! Too close, too close…
Gaia noticed Melody's reaction. "You forgot to check how much magic you had, didn't you?"
Melody stood up straight at Gaia's words. "Um, maybe."
She's mad! The thought ran through Melody's head. Though Gaia's words were still gentle and motherly, Melody could feel a prickly feeling from Gaia's gaze.
"Y-Yes. Mother dearest?"
"You're staying for the night, correct?" Gaia said with a smile.
"Well, um, there is plenty of time left in the day, we could-."
"You. Are. Staying. Correct?" Gaia cut Melody off while her smiling face closed in on Melody.
"Y-yes ma'am…" Melody replied, defeated.
Pappy stepped up before their new friends. "Uh, well um, ahem, let's let the mother and daughter spend some time together. Maple, Bell, and I will get you three up to date on the home, and we can decide your duties." Pappy said, feeling sorry for Melody, but he knew there was nothing he could do for her.
"Um, bye, Melody. See you in the morning." Maple said, avoiding eye contact.
"Lady Gaia, please don't be too hard on Melody," Bell asked.
"Roo." Aroo huffed.
AHH! Someone save me! Melody spent the rest of the day and night in Gaia's home getting a stern lecture of being more mindful of her own condition at all times for her safety.
- In Serial377 Chapters
The Novel’s Extra
Waking up, Kim Hajin finds himself in a familiar world but an unfamiliar body. A world he created himself and a story he wrote, yet never finished. He had become his novel’s extra, a filler character with no importance to the story. The only clue to escaping is to stay close to the main storyline. However, he soon finds out the world isn’t exactly identical to his creation.
8 1968 - In Serial174 Chapters
Psycho X Psychic
Teren Hark – Quiet and ordinary at school. Passive and nothing noteworthy about him. However, one of his classmates thinks otherwise.Iesa Hun – Quiet but extraordinary. Aggressive when provoked. On to...
8 182 - In Serial9 Chapters
Consummatum Est
When newcomer Richard Papen comes to Hempden and meets Julian Morrow's grecophiles and when Richard finds out happened on the faithful night of their bacchanal, everything goes downhill from there.‼️I do not own any of the characters in this book except Angelina. All rights of the secret history and characters belong to the very talented author Donna Tartt.‼️
8 80 - In Serial83 Chapters
His Meihua Swan | 他的大天鵝 (BL)
Feng Xi, who was just an ordinary guy loves to read Cultivation Novels and there was his recent Favorite novel entitled "The Black Book". When he was about to reach the ending of the novel, he fell asleep and woke up as the First Cannon fodder of the novel, Liu Xiao. What will he do to gain the favor of the Protagonist? (Note: This is a BL story. So feel free to leave if you don't like this type of story. I understand and accept your personal preferences- R u n n o x.)
8 225 - In Serial38 Chapters
In Debt (MyungJin) [EDITING]
"You are now mine, my baby, I waited so long for you to be mine""I'm not yours, and will never be, I'm just the pay for my brother's debt to you"Main Ship: MyungJinSide Ships:YoonJinVMin2JaeYugBamJungHopeSanHyukBinWooMarkJinHighest Ranking: #1 in 'MYUNGJIN' (03-14/15-19) (01-12/16-20)DATE STARTED: JANUARY-18-2018DATE ENDED: OCTOBER-18-2019
8 215 - In Serial3 Chapters
To all the people reading this book thank you guy for the support, if you can relate to my story just know you are not alone, in time to come someone or something will always be there for you like my phone who is always here for me.
8 145