《Gods of Tartarus: Melody of Wrath》Chapter 1: I Wish to File a Complaint!
A baby's cries filled the air, echoing about the dimly lit room.
Ah! I think I just got reborn!
"Hmm. Baby girl." An old woman with a grimace looked disappointedly into Mal's face.
What the heck is up with the caveman speaking? Didn't Nova say I should understand languages here? Mal looked about the room. What is this place? Stone, more stone… Is this a cave?! I was reborn in a cave?!
"Please, give child." A sweet, kind, and tired voice called out.
"Girl weak! Toss girl out! No need for girl!"
Mal was able to move her eyes enough to see the angry masculine voice. What the hell is that!? He's so dirty and ugly! His clothes look like they are made from hides. Nova! Did you make me into a cave person!?
"Please. Let Alui keep child." The sweet voice called out again.
"Bah! Fine. Keep weak girl. Me no like!" The angry man stomped away.
Those are some seriously heavy steps… How can someone make steps that heavy?
The old woman tossed Mal away from her, and she cried out in terror.
What the heck!? Who tosses a baby?!
Mal then felt herself be gently caught.
Who caught me? Mal looked up into the face of a woman whose face was lit up by the nearby fire.
She's so beautiful… Who is she?
"Hello. My little girl. I am mama. I will name girl Melody." Mal felt something warm, deep within her.
What was that feeling? My name is Melody? Wait, I know the pretty lady just said she named me that, but my name is Malody. Huh? My name is Melary… What is going on!? Nova! Help! Hold on, he said I would be under another god. God whose name I don't know, help!
The woman pulled up her fur top and pulled Mal's face up to her breast.
What?! No! I don't need to be breastfed! I am… Oh yeah, I am a baby now… This feels so awkward… Is this my mother? If so, I hope I look a lot like her, she is beautiful… and has quite the um, form… Mel let herself be nursed by her mother before falling asleep once she was full.
OUCH! Who the hell hit me?! Mal tried to say, but it came out as crying.
She looked over and saw a couple of children.
"Stupid girl. Weak. Cries easy." A nearly naked boy said.
He smacks her again, causing her to cry once more.
OW! That hurts! What is your name?! I will get you back for this! AH! NO! DON'T HIT ME AGAIN!
The boy's arm swung down at her but was blocked by a larger hand.
"Enough! No hit, Melody! Leave now!"
Mom to the rescue! Spank him good for me! Melody began clapping her hands, doing her best to cheer her mother on.
"What? Girl weak. No need girl." The boy said defiantly.
"Please, leave now. No hit, Melody."
The boy harrumphed and walked out, followed by a couple smaller boys.
"Melody." Her mother picked her up and inspected her.
Mom? What's going on? He hit me! Shouldn't you at least scold him?
Her mother hugged her. "I am sorry. Melody. I am sorry I not make you boy."
WHAT?! But I am a girl! That is what I was and am! Wait… Oh no… These are cave people. They must value strength. Crap, males have all the authority here, don't they? As soon as I am big enough, I will take mom and leave this place.
"Ma!" Melody's mother looked at her, confused.
Yes! I did it! I said a word!
"Ma! Ma!" Wow, it is hard to chain syllables as a baby.
"Melody? Say Alui?" Her mother asked, looking at her with an expectant smile.
"A. Rui." Her mother began stomping out of the room while carrying her somewhere.
Sheesh, how is everybody so heavy-footed here?
"Elder! Elder!"
Geh, it's the tossing old lady.
"What want Alui? If girl sick. Me no care." The unhappy old woman said.
"Elder! Melody smart! Say my name! Melody, say mama name!" Alui asked her excitedly.
"A. Rui!" Dang, it! It's hard to do an 'L' without teeth!
"See! She say her mama name!"
The old woman turned away unimpressed. "Giant need no smart. Giant need only strong!"
W-What was that? Giant?
"She smart!" Her mother tried to argue.
"No care. Leave now."
Defeated, her mother carried her back to where they were before. Sitting down, she began to breastfeed Mel again.
"Sorry, Melody. Drink and become strong. But also, become smart. You be better than mama." She spoke sadly.
Hmm. So I was reborn as a giant? That explains a lot… I know I wished to be big and strong, but why a giant? I could have been a human too! Humans probably would have been way less abusive! It seems my only ally is mom. My name is Melody, nooooo, it is Melody… It seems I can no longer claim my original name. My old name was Mallory. I can say it like that. I don't know what happened when mom named me, but whatever it was, I guess I am Melody now. Not that it is terrible or anything, I like it, it is a cute name! Maybe too cute for a giant, though… After eating her fill, Melody fell asleep.
Time would pass, but Melody had no idea how much had passed with no sunlight or clocks. Melody would wake up, be fed by her mother, and then go back to sleep. When she was alone, she would practice speaking quietly to herself while wiggling her limbs about to build strength and range of motion.
The first time she practiced out loud, the abusive boy returned and started smacking her again. She was thankful that the old woman was walking by and stopped him, but she mostly told him to stop wasting his precious time on her.
Hmm, I don't know how time has passed. It doesn't feel like much, but… I am pretty big now. Do giants grow faster? Thanks to her training of moving her limbs around, she was able to sit herself up from the fur bedding her mother put together, just as her mother entered the cave.
"Mama!" Melody said, immediately drawing her attention.
"Melody? You speak! So early! You sit up too!" Alui picked her up and hugged her happily, and carried her back to the old woman's cave.
"Elder! Melody speak well! Even sit up on own!"
"Bah. Me no care. Girl weak." The cranky old woman said.
"Please, Elder! Watch! Melody, sit up on own!" Alui said, laying Melody down on the stone table.
Sit up? I will do more than that! Time to try standing!
Melody rolled onto her stomach.
"Hah! See. Girl no goo-." The old woman paused as Melody put her hands on the ground and walked her feet up, raising her mostly bare rump.
Okay, come on, core muscles! Do some work!
"Melody?" Alui asked in wonder while watching her daughter.
She succeeded in lifting her upper body up but quickly lost balance falling back onto her butt.
Ow! I think I sat on a stone!
"Get girl out! Leave now! Speak none this!" The old woman commanded.
What the heck!? I was about to blow your mind, you mean old lady!
Alui picked up Melody, defeated, and left the room.
"Sorry, Melody. Alui see you smart and strong. Sorry mama not make you boy."
Dang it, mom! Stop saying that! Things might not be great with the males, but I am happy you are my mom in this world!
"Tank. You. Mama. Bring. Me. Life." Melody had a hard time forming the sentence, but she could now speak many words clearly.
"Melody." Her mother teared up and hugged her. After quietly crying for a bit, she lifted up her top.
Aaaaaand here we are again… After eating her fill once more, her mother put her to bed.
"Wake up!"
Melody felt herself being nudged. Mmm? Mom? Gah! It's the mean old lady!
The old woman stared at Melody's face.
"You smart. Caution. Men not like. Kill you."
Wait? Is she warning me?
"Men not like seen as fools. Men kill you. Hide you smart. Understand?" The old woman stated.
"Mama. Know?" Melody asked.
"Me tell her. You hide you smart. Or you die." The old woman turned and left.
Maybe I was wrong about her…
More time passed, and Melody successfully stabilized herself, stood, and was now practicing walking.
"Melody?" Alui entered their cave.
As far as Melody had observed, they were the only two in the small cave. Now that she could move about herself, she could see that the room was sparse. It had a set of large furs stacked against one of the walls, which served as Alui's bed. Other than that, the only thing in the room was what Melody was using as her bed.
"Mama!" She awkwardly walked over and hugged her mother's leg.
"Melody." She said with a warm smile. Alui picked her up. "Melody. Want see outside?"
She smiled and nodded at Alui.
Melody watched her surrounding as her mother carried her through the cave system. The tunnels snaked their way around, with several small caves branching off of the main path.
As they came near a large opening, Melody heard some loud shouting and the sounds of a fight.
What the heck is going on?
Entering a massive cave, multiple male giants were shouting and hollering. In between them, the abusive boy was savagely beating another boy as he straddled him.
"Stop! Pol wins! Seb must serve!"
Melody noticed that the one who called an end to the fight was the angry man from when she was born.
I'm guessing that's my dad?
"Alui! Where go?!" He noticed them walking through, drawing all the eyes of the male giants.
"Rul. I take Melody outside. Please?"
"Hmph. Fine. Take out." After getting permission, they continued on their way out of the cave.
Ngh, that is really bright! As they approached the exit, natural sunlight poured inside, nearly blinding Melody.
"Melody. Turn off dark eyes."
Dark eyes? What the heck does that mean? Her mother stopped and pointed at her eyes.
Whoa, her eyes are changing from yellow to gray. Wait, do we have night vision!? That's so cool!
"How?" Melody asked.
"Will." She answered.
Will? Like willpower? Do I need to will it off? Hmm. Let's imagine it like a game. Press the button to turn it off… Oh. OH! It worked! The area is darker inside, and the light is tolerable! She looked up to her mother happily, who smiled back.
"Blue. Like mama."
Oh, I have blue eyes? I kind of wish I had a mirror now. I really, REALLY! Hope I look like my mother. Her dark blue eyes are so pretty. She also had fiery red hair. I kind of wished I had red hair like her! I hope I look like mom.
They stepped out into the light.
"Hmm? Alui? Have word?" A large male giant asked. He had a large wooden club and was wrapped in furs.
"Yes. Rul's word." Alui responded.
"Hmph." He turned away, ignoring her.
Rude. Every man is rude here.
Alui carried Melody away from the cave toward a forest.
Whoa, those are big trees. Wait, mom is a full-grown giant, so these things are enormous! I wish I had something I could use to compare the size to. We're giants, but how giant are we?
Her mother kept looking around herself.
"Alui take Melody to secret place. Quiet."
Oooo. Mom has a secret base? Hmm? Wait, I don't hear mom's steps. Does she have some kind of sneak skill! Mom is amazing!
After walking several minutes away from the clan cave, Alui stopped in front of a rock face covered in vines. Alui moved aside some vines that were hanging on a wall revealing a small cave entrance. She had to get down and crawl through.
Shortly after, they entered a small cavern that was open at the top and had a pool of water in the center. Alui could not really stand, but she sat down and stood Melody in front of her.
"Melody. Elder tell me you very smart. Will die if men find out. Is true?"
So the old lady did tell her.
"Yes, mother. I am very smart."
I probably shouldn't use too many tricky words. Mom seems brighter than the other giants, but I don't want to confuse her with my modern-day education.
"Elder said you must hide smart. Can you?"
"Yes, mother. I can hide dat I am smart. Mom, where are da humans?" Melody could not do 'th' yet because her teeth were still barely in.
"Humans? Humans fear giants. Giants big and violent. Kill humans. Humans hate giants. Try to kill us. Why?"
"Mom. Why do we stay here? Can we not leave?"
Alui shook her head. "No leave. Dangerous. Alui not strong."
I honestly wonder if she knows for sure or if it was abusive programming by the male giants?
"Mama. Are you sure you are not strong?" Melody asked.
Alui shuddered. "Mama try to escape. Many, many days ago. Was caught and hurt. Ended up pregnant. But happy I had Melody."
That makes me hate the male giants all the more. Hurting mom.
"Listen, Melody. Alui show you this place, so you train here. Become strong. Stronger than mama, so you can escape."
So I can escape?
"Mama, you can come too! I am very smart! I can help us survive!" Melody leaned forward and hugged her mother.
"Yes! I know a lot about survival! Once I am big and strong, we will both leave here! Maybe take the old lady?"
"No. Elder no leave. Bad health. She die during escape. She also not want to leave. Traditions."
Oh… I am really sad now. I know Elder has been mean to me and tossed me right after I was born, but I was hoping to have helped her… I need to get stronger.
"Mama. Can you teach me how to walk quietly?"
"Mm. That why Alui bring Melody here. Step back watch mama." Melody stepped back from her mother and watched her intently.
After a bit, she began having to really focus to see Alui squinting her eyes.
Whoa. What? I know she's there, but I am having a hard time seeing her!
"Mama! How did you do dat?!" Melody's mother smiled and came back into sight.
"You did well in seeing mama. Most lose sight. First step. Embrace rock. Second step. Embrace water. Third step. Embrace dark. Last step. Embrace air."
Crap. I really don't understand what she means.
Her mother picked up a rock and put it next to her. She then curled up like a ball and held still.
Within a minute, Melody could only perceive her as a larger rock than the one her mother placed down.
Oh. Like Bruce Lee said. 'Become like water.'
Melody moved over to the rock and curled up next to it.
"No, no, Melody. Become like rock. Rock hard. Rock cold." Her mother's voice could be heard.
Hmm. The video game method I used earlier is not working. Maybe after I learn how to do it? Using skills seems to be willpower-based. I am a rock. I am stiff and rough. I have ridged and smooth surfaces. I am cold. Melody continued stating her rock mantra in her head for two hours straight.
"Mm! Good Melody. You almost there. But we must return. Or else Rul come looking." Alui appeared and picked Melody up. Before they exited, Alui stopped and closed her eyes.
"Mama?" Melody said quietly.
"Make sure none nearby."
Oh! She has a presence sensing skill! I hope I get to learn that too!
Once she was sure no one was near, she exited the hidden cave.
After making sure the entrance was hidden, they headed back to the giant's cave.
"Listen, Melody. Only practice when alone or with mama. Do not practice hiding with anyone else." Alui warned.
Yeah, if they know I can hide, they would most likely begin smashing everything around them until I appeared…
"Mama. Do giants grow faster dan humans?"
"Yes. Giants grow fast. Hard to get pregnant."
Well, that explains how I can talk and sort of walk after a short amount of time.
"Mama, how long has it been since I was born?" Melody asked, trying to get a better idea of how old she was now.
"Hmm. We ask Elder. She good at numbers." Alui answered.
They exited the forest, heading back toward the clan cave.
I kind of wish we stayed there in the hidden cave. I really don't like this place.
The large giant from earlier was still at the entrance.
"Alui back. Go show Rul." The large giant raised his arm, blocking her.
Oh no. Did that Rul guy say not to let me back in!?
"Wait. Pay toll." A dirty smile came across his face.
"Rul not like."
"You no tell Rul." The giant grabbed onto her chest.
"Gehehe. GWAH!" The large giant was knocked over.
"NO TOUCH! Alui mine!" Rul jumped on the other and began savagely beating the other giant.
"Mine! She mine! No one touch but me!" The other giant tried to fight back, but Rul's attack was relentless and brutal. It was not long before the other giant stopped moving.
I-Is he… dead? I mean. I might have killed him too for abusing mom like that… But that was brutal… Is mom that important to him?
Rul stood up from the twitching body which he gave a good kick to the ribs. The other giant groaned and rolled over.
"Mug. You take watch." Rul ordered another male giant to take over watching the entrance.
The giant, Mug, grumbled about the beaten giant's stupidity and picked up the club. No one moved to help him. Rul approached Alui and grabbed her between the legs.
"Alui belong to Rul. Who you belong to?"
"Alui belong to Rul."
Mom looks really uncomfortable. Yup, he is a bad guy.
He ordered her to get inside, and some of the male giants headed out into the forest.
Mom's shaking. I really don't like this. I need to get stronger. Melody thought, trying her best to not shake in fear herself. Melody wished she knew the name of the god who gave her this reincarnation because she had one HELL of a complaint to file.
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