《Gods of Tartarus: Melody of Wrath》Prologue: Curse be upon the Dreaded Enemy!
In a hospital room, a girl with short dark hair and pale skin was sitting up on her medical bed, looking out the window bored, with a bit of sadness. The nurse had just left after checking in on her and bringing her a meal.
The girl looked at the meal unhappy. Peas… Why do they always put peas? I feel like mom has something to do with this.
Suddenly, the room door bursts open where two girls who looked older than the one in the bed charged in a while carrying bags.
"Mal!" The two of them said, bringing a bright and happy smile to her face.
"Annie, Millie, I am really happy to see you two, but you're going to get yelled at again by the nurses for being too loud." Mal giggled along with her friends.
Her name was Mallory, but her friends, Annie and Millie, always called her Mal.
Annie had long blond hair and tan skin.
Millie had her light brown, shoulder-length hair up in a bun. Her skin was also tan.
"Looks like you two spent a long time at the beach," Mal commented with a smile.
"Well, yeah, you made us promise to stay and make plenty of stories to tell you," Annie replied as the two girls pulled up the two chairs up to Mal's bed and sat down.
The three of them had planned out a beach trip together and went on a perfect day, but Mal had collapsed after a few hours.
Mal was born with a genetic disease that had made her body weak. She could only be out and about for a few hours before she would collapse or need a long rest. If Mal became stressed or tried too hard, it would shorten her time of being out and about. With the combination of ultraviolet rays, playing on the beach, and some people who harassed them, she succumbed to her illness and ended up hospitalized for the rest of the day.
Her disease had also stunted her growth, so even though she looked like she was still in middle school, she was actually a junior in high school.
"If only those stupid guys hadn't bothered us, you would have been able to stay with us the whole time," Millie complained, replacing the hospital meal with one she brought with them.
"Here, your mom asked me to bring this when we stopped to get your game system and pad." Annie pulled out Mal's handheld console.
Mal thanked her and opened the small lunch box. It had a bit of rice, a few fried chicken, and her mortal enemy, peas.
"Oh, you don't like those, right? I'll eat 'em."
Annie! My savior! Annie took the cup of peas and began munching on them while Mal ate the rest.
"Oh, I brought some baby carrots for you to snack on."
Millie! My love! Marry me! It was not like Mal disliked vegetables. She liked it most. Mal just really disliked peas.
"I love my mom. I just wish she would stop with the peas…." Mal said a little sadly.
"Hahaha, that's why I brought the carrots. I know you love these ones." Mal hugged her friend declaring her love.
The three of them met back in kindergarten. Mal had been really weak back then, and the teacher grouped them on a whim but said whim had been the beginning of a deep and loving friendship. The three became inseparable since that day when they found their shared interest in stories. As they grew up, Annie and Millie would always come running over to Mal's home to play since they lived within biking distance. When Mal tried out one of her brother's video games, she became hooked on those too. Annie and Millie joined in happily, playing various RPGs and adventure games together. Mal enjoyed playing as a hunter, Millie was the tank, and Annie was the mage. They were not impressive at the games they played, but they enjoyed their successes and their losses.
"So, what was our quest again?" Millie asked, booting up her gaming console.
"I think it was clearing that dungeon, right?" Annie said, loading her game.
"Nope, we finished that the other night. We were to the cursed forest." Mal said.
"Oh yeah, that Minotaur boss was tough. We have to take out a Basilisk this time, right?"
"Yup, I'll get the potions from the shop."
They continued their conversation and played late into the day.
Mal's parents, kind-hearted and loving people, came to bring Mal her dinner. Her father offered to give Annie and Millie a ride home in his vehicle before hospital visiting hours were over. The two girls accepted, promising Mal that they would be back to finish the quest the next day.
"Did you eat your peas, or did Annie eat them?" Her mother asked, though she already knew the answer.
"Y-yeah…" Mal turned away sheepishly.
After a short lecture, Mal's mother placed her home-cooked dinner on the table before her daughter.
No peas? Something is fishy here… Yup, there they are, she hid them. Mal narrowed her eyes at her cursed enemy.
"Just eat them, Mallory. I promise you won't taste them with the sauce." Her mother chastised her.
Reluctantly, she spooned some into her mouth.
Bleeeeeh… She liiiiiiieed… Mal sadly ate the part she didn't like first to get it out of the way so she could finish on some tasty teriyaki salmon.
"See, I told you, you would not taste them." Her mother took the empty container.
You know the truth, I see that look in your eyes! I am onto you vile trickster! Mal joked in her mind.
"I did taste them…." She commented, even though she knew her comment would fall on deaf ears.
If only that one doctor had not said that peas were a good source of vitamins… I could get the vitamin from those vitamin gummies! And those taste better than peas!
Mal finished her desert on a happy note and pulled out her pad, loading up a video.
"That video again? How many times will you watch that?" Her mother asked with a warm smile.
"Oh, mom, but it's so cool! People survived using methods like this. They were strong, without modern conveniences! I mean, look how this guy makes a primitive forge to make copper tools! Then the charcoal kiln, making a hut, and all of this is done with stone tools!" Mal got a bit too excited, making herself a little dizzy.
Her mother lightly cuddled Mal, asking her to take it easy. Her mother tried not to show herself being too worried even though she was.
"Thanks, mom," Mal said as her mother helped her lay down.
"Okay, Mal, keep watching your videos. Did you finish that book?" She asked.
"Yup!" She said with a happy smile.
Mal, during one night of boredom, stumbled across primitive survival videos on the internet. She was amazed at how strong the people were, carving out a home in a dirt mound, building a tower with a slide out of sticks, mud, leaves, and natural fiber ropes. Mal began studying survival books, watching shows and videos, and trying out what she could without exhausting herself.
She had a set of stone tools in her bedroom that she made herself. She and her friend's families decided to make a group camping trip one year. While there, the three friends worked together and created a set of tools each. They also had an issue close to sundown when one of the fathers forgot to bring bug repellant. Mal, though had recognized a few plants not far from their campsite that could be burned to act as one. They tossed some into the campfire and were surprised at how few bug bites they ended up getting.
During that trip, with the help of her friends, they created a primitive bow and a couple of arrows. The arrows never flew the way they wanted, but they were proud of their near accomplishment.
Her two friends insisted that Mal keep them, but she convinced them to at least keep one arrow each.
Mal loved studying plants, herbs, insects, and survival, giving her vast knowledge of survival outdoors.
If only I was strong… Mal was feeling one of her rare moments of depression. On most days, she was either content or happy while being surrounded by loved ones.
"What's wrong, honey?" Her mother noticed her sullen look, sitting upon the bed, rubbing a warm and loving hand on her daughter's back.
"Nothing new. Um, mom?"
"Do… Do you ever wish you had a strong child?"
Her mother leaned forward and embraced Mal. "You are strong, Mal. There are many forms of strength. Yours is your mind. I love you no matter what, my little Mallory. The same goes for your father and your brother. We all love you, and we will always love you no matter what you are. Then you have such great friends who love you just as much. Don't ever doubt our love, or else we'll get mad at you." Her mother finished with a broad smile that led Mal to smile as well.
Her father came back reporting that he dropped the two girls off at home and brought snacks from their families.
Mal's brother was not around as he was in another state going through college. Mal's brother would call her once a week, even with his busy schedule, to chat online to see how she was doing.
Mal's mother stepped out briefly, and the father sat down next to Mal to see the video she was watching.
"So, you survived the peas?" He asked.
"Bleh." He chuckled at her reaction.
"I think I've almost convinced your mother to stop. I have been testing that herbal remedy you told me about. I have been feeling pretty energetic for a while, so I might be able to convince her finally."
"Please do. I don't think I can stand any more peas…." They shared a laugh.
Her parents hung around for the last hour of the visitation time and put her to bed.
"Goodnight, mom, goodnight, dad. I love you!"
"Goodnight honey, we will pick you up tomorrow to take you home."
"See you tomorrow, little bear."
Her parents said their goodbyes and headed out.
Mal switched off the room lights using the remote and closed her eyes.
Today was a fun day. But boy, I feel tired… I usually don't feel this tired… Oh well, time, to, sleep…
Huh? Where am I? Mal looked around herself. The area was nothing but white clouds and the small space where she was sitting.
"Is this a dream?" She asked.
"I'm afraid not…." An almost sing-song voice said with great sadness.
Mal looked over and saw a man in fancy robes, white hair, and he was bowing his head to her.
"W-Wait, who are you? Where am I? A-and, what did you mean by that?" Her mind swam in confusion.
"I am sorry, Mallory… but you have passed away." The man said, staying in his bowed position.
"No." She stood up quickly, not noticing her usual weakness was gone. "You're lying! I was just a little tired! This always happens… I just needed some rest, and I would be fine!" Mal's breathing became fast, and she began looking around, trying to find an exit or some sign of how to wake up.
"No, I can't be. I was going to sleep!" She walked away quickly into the clouds, only to find herself back at the space with the person, who was still bowing his head.
"No! NO!" She now ran, through the clouds, arriving back at the space with the bowing man.
"I, I, I…." She collapsed to a sitting position, her strength gone. She broke down crying, wailing out her sadness over knowing she would not see her friends and family again. The man did not move from his bowing position the whole time.
After nearly an hour of crying and attempts to deny her fate, Mal was lying on her side, her eyes red.
"Why." She croaked.
"If you permit me, I will explain. Please, have a seat." The man was now standing, holding out his hand to help her up.
After helping her to a seat at the table, the man began.
"My name is *******, but you can call me Nova, and I am one of the gods of your world. You see, you were stricken with a curse that caused your weakness and-."
"A curse?" She cut in.
"Yes. You see, there is a place known as Tartarus. It would be the equivalent to the idea of Hell from the Christian or Catholic religion, where the denizens are horrible and cruel malevolent beings. They are powerful like us gods, and their curses are very hard to deal with without destroying massive amounts of land or lives. You were stricken by a curse of that place that rapidly depletes your life force. I had done my best combat the curse, but at a point, things changed, and you started getting worse." Nova explained.
"How did you combat it?" Mal asked, still wishing all of this was untrue.
"Positive energy. Happiness, love, warmth, they are things that greatly weaken the curse and strengthen you. I was having excellent success, but your progress stopped, and you became worse about a year ago. I did not find out what was causing it until, well, just now…." Nova said, scratching the side of his face.
"What was it?"
Mal's jaw dropped, "You have to be kidding me! I know I didn't like them, but that is ridiculous!" She shouted
"I know it is! But your distaste for them was enough to strengthen it bit by bit. But understand, though, they were just what finished you off. The biggest blow was the men who harassed you and your friends during your beach trip! They were basically a bundle of negative energy, just being in proximity to them caused the curse to flare up badly." Nova replied in a fluster.
She was speechless, unable to accept that her dreaded enemy of peas led to her death.
"Did you punish them?" She demanded to know.
"The men? Oh well, I did set them up to be punished by law enforcement. They were hitting on a group of underage girls, so they deserved it."
"Good. So, what now?" She asked.
"Well, it was my failure to save you. So I got permission to reincarnate you." Nova replied.
"Really! Could I see my friends and family again?!" Mal asked, hoping it would be possible.
Nova shook his head. "I am sorry, but I am required to put you in a different world under the jurisdiction of another god."
She deflated sadly. "I really wanted to spend more time with them…." She began to tear up again.
"You will keep all your memories of this world, though… Hmm…" Nova paused, falling into deep thought for a bit, "Tell you what, Mallory, I will check to see if I can get permission to send your friends and family your way too."
"What?! You can do that? But, what about their lives?" Mal didn't want her family and friends to die prematurely.
"Not to worry, they will live out their full lives in the world. When they pass on, I will try to get them transferred over."
Mal jumped across the table, hugging him, "THANK YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH!"
After returning the hug and returning Mal to her seat, "Do you have any more questions in regards to this?"
"Um, could I talk to them one last time? To let them know?" She asked.
"Well, I could, but it will have to be in their dreams. They shouldn't remember outright until they show up here. But if they do, it should not be a problem."
Mal thanked him with another hug, and he said that he would connect her to their dreams before he sent her off.
"So, is there anything you would like for your reincarnation?" Nova asked.
Mal did not need much time to think.
"All my life, I had been weak and smaller than others. So this time, I want to be big and strong! Oh, also resistant to diseases, poisons, and curses! Especially curses!"
"Very well, I will ensure that you are immune to all of those," Nova responded with a chuckle while writing down on a clipboard.
"Oh, by the way, what kind of world is it?" Mal asked.
"How silly of me," He laughed while smacking his forehead, "The world that you will be going to is somewhat like that RPG you were playing."
"Really! So there is magic! Different races! Oh, monsters, I kind of feel like monsters will be scary."
Her comment made him laugh. "Not to worry, I will make sure that you are so big and strong that you would have little to fear."
"Thanks! Oh, I really hope Annie and Millie will be able to join me. Wait, wouldn't I be old by the time they get there?"
"That is the part I need permission for. Time dilation will make it so that they show up around the same time you do. It is a bit of a difficult process and requires a very delicate touch. I will ask the god in charge of you to make it so you can meet them again."
"Thank you!" Nova was glad that Mal had brightened up, and he felt that he had to do his best to get permission to reunite her with her loved ones.
"Alright, so in regards to magic, there are many elements. Earth, water, fire, wind, dark, and light are the basic elements. There are advanced ones that are compounds of the basic elements. Any you have an interest in?" Nova asked.
"Nature magic!" She beamed.
"Yes! It allows you to manipulate nature. Like growing trees, controlling vines, and like, talking to animals!"
"Ah, okay, I understand now," He finished writing on the clipboard," Alright, here is a listing of all your requests." Nova handed the page over to her to look over and confirm.
"Yup, everything looks great! Thank you, Mr. Nova!"
"Now, it seems like they are all asleep. I was waiting on your brother since he was in a different time zone on earth. Let us begin." Mal closed her eyes as she was enveloped in light.
Mal's mother, father, and brother were sitting down on a couch in their living room.
"Um, why am I home? Is this a dream?" Her brother asked.
"Yup, it is a dream." Mal appeared in front of them.
"What's going on? How are you home? We were supposed to pick you up in the morning." Her mother asked.
"I wanted to tell you I'm going on a trip!" She tried to sound happy, but she was struggling to maintain a smile.
"A trip? Are we going too?" Her dad asked in a joking manner.
"Sorry, but this trip is just for me… I am getting reincarnated in another world." Mal could not find an excellent way to break the news to her family.
They froze at the word reincarnated. Mal's mother slowly stood, begging her that it wasn't true.
"I'm sorry, guys." That is all she could say. They all broke down crying for some time.
"My baby! Why!? Why god, why?!" Her mother trembled.
It took what felt like hours for them to calm down before her father asked, "So you said you are getting reincarnated?" His voice trembling.
"Yeah, a god named Nova had been doing his best to keep me alive all this time. It was some kind of curse, but thankfully it only affected me. Oh yeah! Nova promised I would have a strong body in the new world. I will keep my memories too! So I get to do all the survivalist stuff I always wanted to do!"
"Did he give you any cheat skills, little sis? He better have." Her brother asked.
"He did. I will have nature magic, strength, and immunity to poison, curses, and diseases!"
"That is a decent cheat, sis." Her brother said with a saddened smile on his face.
A small bell sounded.
"Oh, I'm out of time. I have to get going now. Please don't be sad. I am getting my wish to be big and strong!" Light began enveloping Mal, and her family rushed to hug her one last time.
"Goodbye, everyone. I love you all! AH! One last important thing! Nova said he was going to try to reunite us again in the new world! I really, really, REALLY, hope I get to see you all again! I love you!" With her final words, their dream ended.
Mal's mother and father woke up and looked at each other with tears in their eyes. Their phone rang, it was their son.
"Mom, I just... I just had a dream about Mal. Is she okay?" Mal's brother asked with sadness and desperation in his voice.
"I, you had the dream too?" At her question, all three realized they had the same dream.
"Our little girl in another world?" The father asked.
"You go, little sis!" Her brother could be heard through the phone.
Even though they were sad, they were happy for Mal getting her greatest wish answered.
Inside Mal's bedroom with all her survival stuff hanging from the walls, Annie and Millie were sitting on the floor.
Mal appeared and hugged the two of them. "Hey Annie, Millie."
"Mal? What's going on? We were just in bed." Annie asked.
Mal went into how she passed away, which immediately led to them crying and hugging for an extended time.
"M-Mal, sniff, will we, will we ever see each other again?" Millie asked.
"Nova said it will be possible if he can get permission."
"Then we will make sure we can. You said it is a fantasy world, right?" Millie asked.
"You're going to be a hunter, right?" Annie asked.
"Then we will be sure to be there. You will need your tank and mage, right." Millie was tearing up again.
Mal began to glow. "Well, it's time for me to go. I have already let my family know. I know I will see you two again. Say hi to Nova when you see him!" They hugged until Mal vanished.
Millie woke up to her cell phone vibrating. It was Annie. They spoke of their shared dream and their plans to live out their lives to the best they could, building as much knowledge and skills as they could so that they could take them to the new world to be with their friend.
Mal appeared back in the cloudy space where she met Nova.
"All finished?" Nova asked.
"Yup, thank you again, Mr. Nova. I am… ready."
"Okay. I sent the list over to the other god so your wishes will be fulfilled." He pointed his hand toward her, and she glowed one final time.
"Goodbye, Mr. Nova! Please get permission for me to see them again!"
He nodded as he sent her off. "Goodbye Mallory, I wish you the best in your new life." With his final words, she vanished.
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