《Blank Card - Destroyer X Destroyer (Volume 1)》The Battle Begins
A fight happened between us.
The reality struck me hard.
With the challenge upon us...
Everyone was sitting in the living room.
“Varsha, what do we do now?” Raghav asked with a worried voice. “It’s been 6 days since he left. The battle is near and there’s no sign of him.”
“We might lose without him. He’s a part of our team. Please, let’s go and bring him back.” Kenna too requested.
“Master, what will be our next move?” Alisa asked with a tensed face.
“Being silent won’t solve anything, Varsha. We have to bring him back.” Elena backed up their requests.
“How?” Varsha asked with intense voice. “Do you think that we’ll go and say, ‘Oh, Leo, sorry about all that. Please return and fight for us.’ And he’ll return?”
Everyone looked down in disappointment.
“He gave up on us. There’s no way that he’ll return now. And after what I did, I don’t think he’ll be ever coming back.” She cleared with a sad voice. “We are the team and we’ll win on our own. He had a good reason to leave us and I don’t think that what he did was wrong.”
She stood up and walked away.
“I'll go take a bath. We’ll then depart for Imperial Palace and prepare for the battle.” Varsha said and left as all of the others looked at her with either tensed or seriously worried face.
The 6 days here were equal to 1 and half day in our world. I was back to my regular schedule.
“Mom, I'm back from the school.”
“Okay. Freshen up and then eat the ice-cream in the fridge.”
Dad was back to his office and my life returned to how it used to be.
*Ping* *Ping* *Ping* *Ping*
“Damn. Farming in this game sure is hard.”
I was playing the single player RPG from before. I don’t know why I tried to play again when I know this shit is hard. I already gave up on this one but...
[“Fate can be rather cruel, won’t you agree? I have everything and you have nothing. Isn’t it proof enough for you to give up? Why fight when you can’t win?”]
“Ah, fuck you” I sighed while throwing away the controller.
The screen flashed with the two choices again.
Like hell I would give up. I give up.
The best choice for me is option B. Why? Because this time, I didn’t farmed much levels to get stronger. I’m weaker than the last time so it’s not a surprise that I’ll lose for sure.
Its better to just give up.
Why fight when I can’t win?
[“Sometimes, it’s not about winning. It’s about fighting to the end.”]
Lily spoke. Since I returned here, she was silent. I thought that her powers didn’t worked here.
“So you work here too, Huh? Why were you silent all this time then?”
[“I had no reason to disturb Master.”]
“So you think that I made the wrong decision?”
[“I am not in a position to criticize Master’s decisions. I’m merely his supporter.”]
“Then why suddenly took the initiative to speak? I believe you have a reason for that.”
[“I just wanted to remind Master that today was the day of the battle.”]
“That have nothing to do with me. I am no longer that team’s part. I won’t ever use your powers again. Sorry, Lily.”
[“Master don’t need to apologise. I have served many Masters and they all had to go through the same process as you. No one was strong since the start.”]
“Are you trying to say that there was someone who survived even after using your full powers?” I asked in a surprised voice.
At the same time in Imperial Palace...
“Master, are you sure we can win against their full deck? We are not even half of them.” Alisa concerned.
“We have come too far to go back now. We have to do this. Let’s go.” Varsha commanded with a serious voice.
The Imperial Palace was a giant fortress standing on top of a mountain. That mountain was situated near the habitats of the Imperial birds. There was a barrier surrounding that Palace. In its central core, the throne room, faced the two teams. It’s a 5 Vs 13.
“Well, Well. What do have here? Did the Blank Card ran away like a cowards that he is?” Kreed asked with a taunting smug on his face. “I told you not to gather trashes like him. Just join me and get this over with. I'll treat you like a Princess that you deserve to be.”
“Honestly, that’d be the last thing that I want. You don't have to worry about the Blank Card. My team and I are enough to beat you.” Varsha sounded intense and angry.
“Look at that cute threat. Sounds like a baby's wish. Fine then. If you like it rough, them I'll give you some hard spankings.”
Then a voice started echoing in the Imperial Palace.
[“Hello and Good Evening. I am Angela Etron, the heir to the Etron Family of Destroyer Faction. I'm glad to greet everyone into a friendly Inter-Faction battle. Today, I'll be the referee and commentator. I welcome everyone to this match between the heirs of Dragol Family and Sylong Family.”]
“Angela is the referee?” Elena asked in a surprised voice.
“I specifically asked for her. Aren't you and she best buddies?” Kreed smirked while looking at Varsha. “She'll watch this as her best friend will be ripped off of all her titles today.”
“You scumbag!” Raghav growled.
[“The rules are simple, both teams are assigned a base with a flag. The criteria to win is to either capture the flag of opponent team or to defeat the king of the opponent team. Whichever task is done first, will decide the victor. Each team now proceed to your base.”]
2 magical portals appeared in front of them.
“This will be fun. I’ll make you beg me for mercy. You’ll beg me to spare your team’s life. Mark my words, Varsha. You will regret ever choosing the Blank Card over me.”
Kreed and his team walked inside the Portal and disappeared. Varsha was seriously pissed. They too then walked inside their Portal.
[“Both teams are in their bases now. The friendly Inter-Faction Team Battle now officially begins!”]
The bases were in opposite directions from each other. Varsha got a big room as their base.
“We don't have the numbers, so we’ll use our brains. Alisa, find a high place and stay on standby.” Varsha ordered.
“Alright Master.” She said and ran off to look for perfect sniping spot.
“Kenna, block all the ways to our base. Leave only the front gate. Raghav, you and I will protect the front. Elena, prepare a barrier around the base.”
“Okay!” Elena and Raghav agreed.
“But what if they launch a full assault? We won’t get any way to retreat” Kenna said. “We have no way to win.”
“Sometimes, it’s not about winning, Kenna. It’s about fighting and giving our all. We have no way to back down now. We have to go all out right from the start. I'm going to unleash the whole power of Eradication and you shouldn't hold back either. They’re not one of the best teams for nothing.”
“Master! 3 people are approaching from left, 3 from the right and 4 from behind!” Alisa told. “Kreed is with 2 of his tanks, coming from front. We are totally surrounded!”
They all could contact each other via magical communication system of some sort.
“That was quick. They are seriously underestimating us.” Elena giggled.
“Let’s give it our all!” Varsha commanded with confidence and the battle started.
Alisa was standing with Elena on the roof of the room.
“Flame shower!”
Alisa shot a flaming arrow in the sky and it exploded. Many small flame arrows started raining down all around.
“Enhanced magical barrier!”
Elena raised her hands and formed a giant barrier which protected their base. The flame arrows rained down, forming a ring of fire around the barrier.
“I see. They are blocking us from entering their territory.” Kreed mumbled to himself. “ARCHERS, PUT OUT THE FIRE! TANKS! DESTROY THE BARRIER!”
2 Archers shot some freezing arrows to put out the fire and 3 of his teammates came forward to break the barrier. They started hitting the barrier as hard as they could. The barrier started cracking. They then charged for their last combined attack but Elena released the Magic before that.
As soon as the barrier was removed, the 3 Tanks dis-balanced and fall down. A giant Magical Circle formed under the 3 of them. It was a trap set by Raghav, Kenna and Varsha. It activated and a giant explosion happened towards the outside of the room.
[“Rank 6 Tank, Rank 7 Tank and Rank 9 Tank from Kreed Dragol’s Team have been defeated and sent back to lobby.”]
“Oh yeah! That was a successful defence!” Raghav cheered happily.
“They got too careless.” Kenna added while joining her hands in relaxation.
“Yes. Good work. But we are still outnumbered. Don't get soft now.” Varsha ordered. “Elena, enhance Alisa’s powers and shoot down their healer. We will try to take down the others.”
“On it!” Elena replied.
“Those sneaky brats! They took us by surprise!” Kreed grunted.
“What should we do, Master?” A girl, his Healer, asked.
“They are annoying rats! Get back, I’ll take them all out.”
Kreed walked forward and then took a battle stance. His cloths started shaking and his body started emitting a brown coloured Aura.
“Earth Eruption!”
He punched towards the room. A wave of magical energy struck the wall and the next second, the room started crumbling and breaking apart. Light earthquakes started demolishing nearby walls.
“Wh-What’s happening?” Raghav asked. All of them were losing their balance.
“Its Kreed! He is using his Destruction Magic. Looks like his Magic is Earthquakes. He can Create them anywhere he wishes to. That’s why he is considered one of the best in young generations. Let’s get out of this place before we get buried!” Varsha explained and then ordered.
Kenna and Raghav started running towards the exit. Varsha took their Flag and evacuated too. When they got out, they met Elena and Alisa.
“Master! Are you okay?” Alisa asked.
“Yes. We are all fine. How about you?”
“We are okay too. We located their healer. She’s with Kreed. Sorry that we couldn’t finish her.”
“No need. If Kreed is protecting her, then it’d have been hard to do that. For now, we have to face what’s in front of us.” Varsha commanded.
3 figures appeared in front of them. They were Kreed’s teammates.
“A Rank 4 Swordsman, A Rank 3 Archer and A Rank 2 Shielder.” Elena detailed.
“We can take them out. I’ve been itching for a fight.” Raghav walked forward. Alisa and Kenna were standing beside him.
“Make it quick. We don’t have much time.” Varsha ordered with a smile.
Raghav then summoned his swords.
“Fire and Ice, Spartan Swords!”
2 Magical circle formed in front of him and Spartan Swords appeared. He took them and then vanished from his place.
“Huh? Where did he go?” The opponent Shielder got surprised.
“Get back. I’ll handle him.” The swordsman walked forward and then took out his sword. He focused a little and then blocked Raghav’s attack with his sword.
“Not bad. You are an experienced Swordsman for sure.” Raghav praised as the 3 swords released dense Aura to counter each other.
“You’re not bad either. I can tell that even if you have never been to a real battle, you have good potential with swords.” The other Swordsman commented. “But you should focus on the tactics of a battle.”
The opponent Swordsman pushed Raghav back with full force and then dashed to his left. Some arrows came towards Raghav.
“Damn!” Raghav dodged them barely by ducking down quickly.
“An Archer should Battle someone of their own level.” Alisa summoned her bow while saying that. Kenna too reinforced her body with concentrated Aura.
Alisa then shot some arrows at the opponent Archer. She too sent some arrows to counter. Both arrows clashed and exploded. Raghav sent 2 flame slashed at the other Swordsman but the Shielder blocked them. Kenna ran forward and then punched as hard as she could. The force sent the Shielder back flying. Then Alisa shot a light arrow at the opponent team.
“She’s trying to blind us! Both of you, close your eyes!” The other Archer yelled and then a bright light flashed and blinded them.
“Fire and Ice combo... Dual Slash!” Raghav launched a combination attack. A fire slash hits the opponent Swordsman and then the ice slash freezes him solid. His body started glowing and faded away.
[“Rank 4 Swordsman from Kreed Dragol's Team have been defeated and sent back to lobby.”]
“No, Damn it!” The Archer yelled in a grieved tone.
“Your partner said that you should focus on the tactics of the battle. Don’t look away.” Alisa said in a serious tone and shot a lightning arrow. The arrow got multiplied into smaller arrows.
“Tch!” Archer girl rolled to her left and dodged them.
The arrows went towards the Shielder who was standing a little behind the Archer girl. He was still blinded. The arrows hit him and shocked him really hard. He screamed and fell down with a thud.
“Serpent Slash!”
Raghav launched 2 snake like projections of fire and Ice and they exploded on contact with the opponent Shielder.
His body too, glowed and then faded away.
[“Rank 2 Shielder from Kreed Dragol’s Team have been defeated and sent back to Lobby.”]
“Fin! Damn you, bitch!” the Archer girl cursed. “You’ll pay for that.”
She pulled her string and a flame arrow appeared.
“Rather than getting angry, why don’t you join them?” Kenna said and then landed a real hard punch on that girl’s face. The Archer girl hits a wall nearby and fell down, unconscious.
[“Rank 3 Archer from Kreed Dragol’s Team have been defeated and sent back to lobby.”]
“Wow. You sent her flying. Don’t you hold back?” Raghav asked Kenna while swinging his swords.
“Don’t listen to him. That was cool. Keep punching others like that.” Alisa gave a thumbs up to Kenna with sparkling eyes and serious face.
“Ehehe.” Kenna nervously laughed.
“Good work. Now we are up against only 7 more.” Elena praised.
“The number is getting better. We only defeated their weakest members but let’s keep this up and win.” Varsha said in a cheerful voice.
“Yeah! We’ll show them who’s the boss and then I’ll kick Leo on his ass and bring him back too.” Raghav promised enthusiastically.
Suddenly an explosive arrow hits him and he fell away, rolling. He was badly Injured.
“RAGHAV!!!” The others got tensed and ran towards him.
“Do you really hope to win like that?” Kreed’s voice startled them.
He was standing near Raghav. His other teammates surrounded Varsha and the others. Raghav tried to stand up but Kreed stomped on him and forced him down.
Just when things were getting good, Raghav falls.
Can these guys still win in their outnumbered stage?
Or will Varsha become Kreed’s plaything?
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Searching Mrs. Angelo (✓)
PLAGIARISM/❌#1Saanvi Roy, an Indian girl who left her country, her parents and everything behind her and flied to London with one phone call from her lover; to marry him; to become his bride.As soon she landed, her dream was shattered without any warning When he denied to marry her & cheated on her. Then, how she became the married woman in just one night and mistook another man as her lover. Was she drunk? Or something happened to her sanity?It was an unsolved mystery to herself.How she became from an ordinary girl Miss Saanvi Roy to missing wife of the richest man in London, Mrs Saanvi Angelo?And now he's searching for her, to claim her as his wife. Join Saanvi in her journey to finally meet Mr. Angelo.**"I may not know today who my wife is. I may not know how I got married. Or Where she is right now. But I would be pleased if now people start addressing my wife respectfully. Because I won't stop until I find her. There's only one thing left for me 'Searching Mrs. Angelo' my wife."/Romantic Drama/Romance heartbreak/Romance & happy endings9/1/2021✓ PLAGIARISM is prohibited✓No TRANSLATION is allowed✓No COPING of single scene or content is allowed✓NO SCREENSHOT is allowed_____[The story is only available on WATTPAD & BOOKNET. If you're reading it somewhere else you're at reading the copied work
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Sharing Materi with IWF
"Jika ingin menjadi seorang penulis pertama sekali kena membaca, kedua kena membaca, ketiga, membaca, keempat membaca dan kelima baru menulis." - A. Samad Said.
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