《Blank Card - Destroyer X Destroyer (Volume 1)》The Team Breaks Apart
When I found that Ken was a girl, my dilemma was big.
But we ended the day with laughter.
No one expected that...
Who's making that noise early in the morning? Wait, I recognise that voice. It's of...
“Hey, morning!” Varsha greets me as I walked outside the exit of the Mansion. There was a huge Icy-Blue bird with them.
“Good morning, Leo.” Elena followed.
“Morning. Pervert.” Alisa is still angry regarding the last night peeking stuff in the bath. I don't regret it. I still have that scene captured in my head. I even took a cloud backup.
[Writer note: Who installed a cloud backup in your brain, you brainless bastard?]
“Yo! You slept well?” Raghav asked. Honestly, I don't care if you ask that. Only hot chicks can greet me early in the morning! Just kidding.
“Morning.” I replied to all of them. “What's going on here?”
“Someone came to meet you.” Varsha answered with cheerful face.
The Icy-Blue bird walked towards me and rubbed its beak on my cheeks. I started petting its head too.
“Hey! Aren't you that baby Imperial bird which we met a few days back?” I asked.
“Yes. It came all the way here to meet you. I think it took a liking to you.” Elena guessed.
“Wow. An Imperial bird who takes a liking to human? That’s first in the history, I think.” Raghav wondered.
“How come it’s so big all of a sudden?” I asked.
Yes. The baby was now bigger. It's size grew to that of a horse. Did he drank a growth portion?
“The Imperial birds have the power of transformation. To be exact, they can grow themselves to their future self. It's handy in desperate times.” Elena explained.
“That's a great.” I smiled at the bird. “Thank you for coming here to meet us. I know! Let's give you a name!”
“But we don't know if it’s a male or female.” Raghav pointed.
“Miki. I'll name her Miki.” I presented with a proud face.
“And how do you know it's a girl?” Varsha asked.
“My Harem King intuitions. I just know that she's a girl, right?!” I claimed and the bird nodded.
“That's a rather... Strange power you have!” Raghav said.
“ He was born when 1000 perverts died. That's why he is odd.” Alisa commented. Why are you always on 'Hurt Leo As Much As You Can’ Mode?
“Where's Kenna?” I asked looking around.
She wasn’t there. In fact, I haven't seen her since morning.
“She's training in the practice ground behind the Mansion. You should head over there. You'll be training your Tank’s strength with her.” Varsha ordered.
A training session with a hot chick! Now that's what I live for! My life is the bestest of the best!
Or not.
“Good morning, Leo.” Ken greeted with a shining face.
My life ended the second time in 24 hours. This shit sucks balls!
“Eh, Yeah. About that... I-I'm not kinda comfortable in that form. This form suits me better.” She replied while shying like a damn hot girl.
“Don't reply while blushing like a hot girl when you are in your ‘DUDE’ form!” I yelled at her.
My life ended the third time that day. I have to delete what I saw or else nightmares are ready for me.
“Listen. Let's talk about why are you not comfortable in that form. So return to your original form and let's have a chat.”
“But why the other form?”
“Because I'm not comfortable with you being in your ‘DUDE’ form since I know you are a hot chick!”
We were sitting under the shade of a big tree. Kenna was sitting in her chick form. Her face was blushing and she was staring down. She was trying to catch my glimpse every now and then. On the other hand sat me, drooling like a dog while looking at her.
“You're damn hot. Why the hell do you take that other form?” I asked while cleaning my mouth.
“B-Because...I-I'm scared.” She replied nervously.
“You can relax. I won't fondle your funbags without your permission.” I made an expressionless blank face.
“No. I-It's not... about you... I-I-I’m scared of everything... w-when I'm in this form.” She finally completed her sentence.
“Who even IS that guy?”
“M-My... dad!” She answered with a sad voice.
“Oh. S-Sorry.” We sat silently for a couple of seconds. “Did he died in an accident?”
She shook her head.
“He was murdered.” She revealed.
“What!?” I asked surprised. “Why?”
“No idea.” She replied in a sad voice. “I and my Dad lived near the forest. My Mom died when I was born, so my Dad was everything to me. I used to get scared of everything and he always rushed to help me.”
She dived into her flashback memories.
“When I was 5 years old, someone broke into our house late night and attacked us. Dad tried to hold him, so I could run. But he got killed. I somehow managed to escape but I was too afraid to go anywhere. I wandered into forest, barely surviving.”
She cleans her tears. I had nothing to say. What can I say? Then she continued while gazing into the sky.
“Then, after two days, someone found me in the forest when I was on the brink of death. It was Elena. She took me with her and then I met Varsha. She took me in then made me her Tank. Elena even used her Enhancer abilities and helped me to bring out my potential as a Tank. I'm glad that I found them otherwise I would've died already.”
She then looks at me with her cute puppy dog look.
“This is why I don't reveal my true identity. I don't have the confidence to face others like Varsha and Elena. Nor am I so social like Raghav. I'm not brave like Alisa either that's why I keep myself near my Dad’s memories. You might think of me as a weirdo who’s clinging to her Dad because she can’t protect herself, and I’m just like that. I know it's pathetic. But I'm proud of being what I am.”
“No.” I finally spoke. “I don't think you are pathetic. In fact, it's the opposite. I think you are really brave.”
“What?” She looked at me with a surprised face.
“Yes. Surviving in forest for 2 days at the age of 5? I would've pissed my pants 10 times a day. You really are amazing.” I laughed nervously.
“And about that clinging thing... I don't want to sound rude but you should stop doing that. Your dad didn't sacrificed his life so that you can run and cling to his soul for help. He wanted you to run because he believed that you were strong enough to survive and you did. You proved him true.”
I then looked towards the sky and continued with a serious voice.
“He gave all his life to protect you, don't you think that you should let his soul rest now? All this time, he tried to be the best dad so now it's your duty to stand on your own and let him rest in peace.”
I then looked at her.
“That's the work of an ideal daughter, don't you think?” I finished.
“But I can’t do that! I'm scared to face the world after what I went through! I can't suddenly stand by myself just because you said me to!” She replied in an aggressive tone.
I petted her head and smiled sweetly.
“Don't worry. I'll protect you. If anything scares you, just tell me and I'll kick that thing’s worthless ass above the clouds. That way you can face the world too. I'll be by your side whenever you need. We all are a team, aren't we? So just move on and leave the clean up to me. I’ve got your back. I promise. Sounds good?”
I gave her a thumbs up and winked.
She looked at me with a surprised face. Her cheeks were glowing with red colour. She was blushing. She then smiled cutely while petting her head, the same spot where I petted.
“Mhm! I'll do my best! I promise! Thank you, Leo.”
“Ehehe. Never mind. Just stay in your hot chick form and I'll do anything for you.”
“Oh Yeah!” I stood with a proud face and the heavenly light descended upon me. “If a hot chick asks me then I'll gladly give my life too!”
Then the light disappeared and I continued with a soft voice.
“Only if she let's me fondle her bazookas first.”
“Pfft! Hahahaha! Ehahahaha! You-You-You are such a crazy weirdo! Fwahahahaha!” She started laughing like crazy.
“He~y! I'm just like that, okay? I don't die for free! There's a price if you want me to die! Let me suck those overgrown mangoes and my life is yours to command!” I declared confidentially.
“Mwahahaha! Y-S-Stop! Ahahahaha!” She was laughing so hard that her eyes got teary. I stood near her, smiling while looking at her.
“Hey! How's the training proc-?” Varsha was asking but stopped in middle. I turned at them.
She and the others were walking towards us. They all were having a strangely surprised look on their faces. Like I've done something miraculous.
“Woah, Dude! How did you managed to bring Kenna to her original form?” Raghav asked with a surprised face.
“Er, just a little talk. I guess. Hehe.” I replied while scratching my cheek.
“What did you exactly do, Perv?” Alisa followed the question barrage.
“Really! We were just talking about stuff!” I defended myself. “Did I do something wrong?”
“I’ve never seen her laugh like that!” Varsha commented with a smile. “You've done something... totally unbelievable!”
“R-Really? I thought it was no big deal.” I replied with a surprised face.
Was she really suffering that much? Looks like I didn't even understood her pain. Poor girl.
“You first made an Imperial bird to like you and now you bought Kenna to her original self? Are you a magician?” Elena added.
“Um... No!” I replied.
Finally, Kenna calmed down.
“You're seriously crazy!” Kenna commented.
Now that I noticed it, she have a really cute voice. Her voice is soft and sweet. Just like a kid.
“So you're not planning to go back to that 'DUDE’ form again, right?” I asked.
“Leo! That's rude, Man!” Raghav worried.
But Kenna closed her eyes and smiled.
“No. After all, we have a promise to keep!” She said with only her left eye open.
Damn, she's cute! Why the heck was she in the form of her Dad all this time! So much have been lost and I didn't even realised!
“I don't know what you did, but well done, Leo.” Varsha praised me.
I tightly clutched my right fist, raised it in front of me and closed my eyes. I then sat on my knees, in a position to propose someone.
“Thank you, possessor of giant gazongas! I'll be honoured to get my lap pillow for this as a reward! But if you have more in mind, then this humble servant is in your shackles!”
“P-Possessor of giant... what?” Varsha giggled while repeating it.
“Leave it to this supervert to give weird nicknames to a lady's personal belongings.” Alisa commented.
“HEY! They are NO personal belongings! Those things are Mankillers and they belong to only Me!” I replied with an angry voice.
“Who said that they belong to you? Master isn't your Harem’s girl! Master belongs to no one!” Alisa angrily said.
“Okay. That's enough. Let's not fight now. Leo, you can take a little rest and then you'll train your Swordsman skills with Raghav.” Varsha ordered.
My time table got fixed. I was to have an early morning session with Kenna or Raghav so that my offensive strength can increase.
Afternoon session was with Elena. She used her Enhancer abilities to help me focus on my magic flow. Varsha said that there must be a spirit of the Blank Card residing inside me. The focus was to help me connect with it and ask about my powers.
The evening session was with Varsha or Alisa. That was to increase my defensive strength and dodging ability. It was only a one side assault in which I ran around, yelling and begging for help. They even taught me a way to teleport back to my world without any troubles, but it was weekend and so I had no worries about returning back.
At night, we had fun by different activities and games. Kenna became closer to me after that day and paid more attention to me. She fed me, helped me clean my room (and threw away all the porn magazines that I hid inside my underwears) and also gave me free lap pillows in Varsha’s place.
“Are you comfortable, Leo~?” Kenna asked in a sweet voice and a shining face.
“Oh~ Yeah~! This place is Awesome~!” I replied with a grin while lying on her thighs.
The others were staring at us while laughing nervously.
“How did it come to this?” Alisa asked.
“No idea.” Raghav replied.
Elena giggled and Varsha smile too but her smile had a little sadness behind it.
My training continued and for next 3 days, everything went well and I was making really fast progressions. I even master some attacks too.
Then the day came when our team finally got into that fight.
“Alright. I’ll flow my Enhancer abilities into you. Ready?” Elena said to me. Both of us were sitting on the sofa in the living room. The others were sitting in the garden.
“Oh yeah. I’m totally ready!” I replied with a smug and nosebleed while looking at her Melons.
“No, silly! You have to focus!” Elena ordered with a little red face.
“S-Sorry! Kinda slipped out of track!” I nervously said.
“Well, if you want them... then...” Elena softly said and then came on top of me. She then whispered in my ears. “Then... master the ability. Then maybe... I'll let you have a go at them~.”
BOOBS CONTACT! Did I ever experienced this before? Her Melons are totally touching me. Damn! They feel so awfully soft that its scaring me!
“C-Can I really... t-touch them?” I asked with a slow voice.
“Yes. But only after you Master that power.” She softly whispered. “Oh my~. You're getting turned on just by this? You really are naughty~.” She giggled as she said that.
Her breathing in my ear is making different things turn on. Damn it!
“Ah, looks like something else got tuned on too down there. Fufufu.” She commented.
“Eek! I-I-I’m S-Sorry! But I can’t control that guy’s movement.” I replied.
“I know.” She giggled and backed a little. “Now then, let’s get serious.”
She then taps on my forehead and I felt a little jolt of uneasiness. Then the next second, I fell unconscious.
I was floating in my subconscious mind. It’s all porn videos here, just like always. Nothing new. I'm sure that the spirit of that Blank Card is somewhere jerking off too! What a waste of time!
“Hello, Master Leo.” A female voice called me.
“Yeah. Yeah. Hello.” I replied without looking. “Wait, who said that?”
I started looking around restlessly. My eyes focused on a thing. Not exactly a thing, but a cloud of smoke started taking shape in front of me.
“My ‘Hot chick alert' sensor is beeping at max!” I said to myself.
Then the cloud took the form of a hot chick. Her eyes were silver and her hairs were orange. Her globes were huuuuuge! MY LIFE HAS GROWN INTO AMAZINGLY AMAZING LIFE!
“Who are you?” I asked with a confused face.
“I’m the Blank Card. The power residing inside you.”
“Oh~kay? So what’s your name?”
“Blank Card.”
She and I stared at each other.
“I asked name, beautiful lady.”
“That’s what I told. I am Blank Card. I am a plane white card and that’s why I have nothing of myself.”
“That is... a little weird. Alright. Let me give you a name so we can communicate.” I started thinking really hard. “Does ‘Lily' sounds good to you?”
She looks at me with a surprised face.
“What? You don’t like it? Fine. I'll think of another one.”
“No. I like that name.” She replied. “Its just that... you are a strange Master.”
“Huh? What did I do?”
“The previous Masters that I served, no one ever even thought of giving me a name. Why are you giving me a name?”
“Well, it’s cause... a beauty without name will pain my heart.”
She looks at me with interested face.
“You really ARE a strange Master.”
“So, Lily. Where were you all this time?”
“I got lost in the collection of Master’s experience.” She said while looking around.
Don’t call those porn videos ‘collection of my experience'. It’s someone else’s fun which I used to get out of my depression!
“Er, so... Let’s talk about something else.” I said, trying to avoid that topic.
“I know. Master wants to know what exactly my power is, right?”
“Yes. I mean, if it's okay for you to tell me. Otherwise I can leave too. Ahaha. You are the boss!”
“Heh. Master is kind to say that.” Her cheeks grew red at that and she smiled cutely.
I know that this is just a spirit giving me power, but... HER SMILE IS SO CUUUUUTE!
“So tell me. How can I use you... Er, I mean, your power!”
“However Master sees fit. I am a Blank, that means you can use me for everything. I possess the 3 Godly powers of Creation, Protection and Destruction.”
Yeah. I can totally feel that I’ll need power of Protection to use you! Protection in other sense, that is!
“Wait, does that mean I can do anything? Then what Varsha said was true then!”
“Yes. Master can do anything as long as I am by his side.”
“Can I even create explosion? Can I... Can I... Can I fly? Can I summon beasts to do my biddings? Can I... Can I hypnotize other girls to make them do what I want? Can I grow other girl’s boobs bigger? Can I become invisible and peek into bathhouses?” I asked in an enthusiastic tone.
She smile gently. “Yes. Master can do anything.”
“Awesooooooome!” My eyes were shining as I imagined about hypnotising Varsha and the other to strip for me.
“Hey, wait. What will happen if I combine all 3 powers together? I’ll become a total badass God too, right? Right? Right?” My eyes shined with a total red light.
Her smile disappeared. She gave me a nervous look.
“What’s that look supposed to mean?” I asked.
“I think Master don’t remember what happened the first day when your powers were activated.” Her voice was serious.
“What do you mean? Of course I remember. I punched that strange weirdo in face and sent him flying.”
“That’s only half the part. You combined the 3 Godly powers and punched that guy. But then...” She revealed the truth of the first day and my eyes widened in shock.
I opened my eyes. I was lying in Elena's lap.
“Oh, morning. Did you slept well? Heehee.”
I sat up with a serious expression.
“What happened?” She asked with a tensed look.
I stood up angrily and went outside. She ran behind me. I walked towards the resting garden. Varsha and the others were sitting there.
“What happened that night?” I asked Varsha with a serious face.
“What do you mean?” She asked back. The others got a little confused too.
“Don't play dumb with me. What happened the night when my powers were activated?” My voice was filled with anger. “And don't you dare lie.”
She sighed and then stood up.
“That night, when you used your powers for the first time, the backlash was too intense. All your bones were nearly crushed and... You were badly injured.”
“Badly Injured?” I asked clutching my fist tightly.
“What’s wrong, Leo?” Kenna asked in a soft voice.
“That's not how it is, Leo. You are overreacting.” Varsha gave her excuse.
“Then how is it? Wasn’t I on the Verge of Death that night? Wasn't I healed by sacrificing half of my life force? Weren’t YOU the one who did that healing?” I asked angrily. “This isn't a small matter!”
She stared at me and then nodded. “Yes. I was the one who did that. But that was to save you!”
“Save me? For what? To fight and die for you? You sacrificed half of my life that day. What will you do when I get injured again? Sacrifice the rest of my life?”
I then passed my hand through my hairs angrily.
“I talked to Lily, The spirit of the Blank Card. She told me that if I was to draw out the Card’s powers, I’ll have to sacrifice something of equal value! Every time! Each time I use that power, I’ll have to sacrifice my life span! Until now, you forced me to do that but it never activated. Now I know why. It was all because I never signed the contract to sacrifice my life for power with Lily!” I finished in a slow tone and then yelled at her. “AND NOW YOU WANT ME TO DO THAT JUST SO I CAN FIGHT FOR YOU? AREN’T YOU FUCKIN’ SELFISH!?”
I then looked at the others.
“All of you knew, but no one told me about this. Why? Weren't we teammates?” I then turned to Raghav. “Weren't we friends?”
He looked down sadly. None of them said anything.
“I always hated friendship because others called me their friend, used me and threw me when their work was done. It was always like that. No one ever wanted to be my real friend. No one ever cared about me. I was treated like trash just because I was unsociable and weak in academics and sports!”
My voice was getting heavier.
“I was suspicious when you agreed to all my conditions in the start but I made myself believe that you were different. But It turned out that you guys were no different than the others. All this time, you were just using me too!” I tried not to cry while saying that.
“Leo, listen to me...” Raghav tried to calm me.
“Look Leo, it’s not like that. I care about all of...” She tried to say but I stopped her.
“Don't give me those lies. I respected you the most and you did this to me? You want me to keep using a power which will eventually kill me and you say that you care about me?”
“Please Leo. Calm down and listen to her once. She must have a reason. The reality must've been different.” Kenna defended Varsha.
“Oh really? Please tell me then. Your different reality!” I angrily demanded.
“There IS no different reality. It's just how it happened but you can avoid death. There must be a way. We’ll find it together! Trust me!” She answered.
“Trust you? Stop asking me to trust you while I’m still coughing up water from the last time you let me drown.” I glared at her while saying that.
“I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore. I'm giving up. On you, On this team and On this power. I have a family to care about.”
“We all have a family too.” Alisa replied with a worried face.
“I don't care. I care only about my Mom and Dad. This is normal for you guys. Your family will know how you died but my family won't even realise how I died.” I replied with a harsh tone.
“Is that really how you think? Is that how small your thinking is?” Varsha asked intensely.
“Yes. I only care about myself and my family.” I answered rudely as I walked backwards.
“I expected better from you. Looks like I took you for a person that you never were.” She stares at me. Her eyes were angrily glaring at me.
“That’s coming from you?” I gave her an angry stare. “Heh. How ironic.”
I then started glowing and teleported back to my world.
The rest of them stood there, looking at each other with a worried face.
With only 6 more days left for the battle challenge...
- In Serial42 Chapters
I was Reborn as the Villainess but I will become a Great Sage
Nova Allandis, formerly known as Suna Lee, remembers her previous life and realizes her current life is as the villainess in a fantasy novel she once read. However, as Suna, she was the laziest person with no motivation, possibly attributed to the fact that she didn't go into a major that was her strongest suit. Now that she has a high affinity towards magic and wishes to go into it, will she be able to change her lazy self for the better, or will she go back to being lazy like the villainess in the novel? Can she become a Great Sage and live life happily this time? Note: This is not a "revenge of the villainess" novel, but rather a "rise to fame" novel. A/N: This is just an experimental novel and criticisms are much appreciated, but I'm extremely defensive of my own work and characters. If you are here to put down a novel, please remember, first of all, you are not paying anything to read this, and second of all, authors are humans too.
8 214 - In Serial41 Chapters
The Day that Darkened
Reiss is a [Florist]. Or at least he was before he became a [Regressor]. His first skill, [Orgin Point], allowed him to travel back in time to his starting position. In the world of Aurelia, the world of Classes, Levels, and Skills. The highest-leveled rule. The Emperor of Dreams keeps the world in check through prophetic visions. For decades the world has been safe from global war and disaster. No more. The Emperor has been having spine-chilling nightmares. Levels alone can't stop what is coming. He sees the shadows of innumerable invaders and the complete annihilation of Aurelia. A cataclysm that is impossible for a single world to birth. Now. Reiss expended all 364 uses of [Origin Point]. Again, he failed to save Aurelia. He returns for the final time, as his death lights up Aurelia, casting a shadow over his conquered world. *This is an original novel. Any relation to pre-existing characters, locations, or otherwise is purely coincidental.* (Cover Art is my own artwork.)
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Midnight Rose ( The Rose Series: Book 1)
At the age of 10, KJ woke up with no memory of who she is or where she is from. She lived the next 9 years as a rogue trying to regain her memories. However when she stumbled into a pack's territory, everything took a complete 180 turn in her life. Strange things begin to happen to her Blade is the Alpha of one of the largest and strongest packs. He lost his mate when he was only 20 years old. He is known for killing any rouge that enters his territory however he could not bring himself to kill a certain rouge and he can’t figure out why. He is determined to find out who this rogue is. Niklaus, Blade’s gamma, is not too thrilled about him allowing the rogue to live. “Inveniam eam… I will find her even if I have to destroy all of Europe. *Update every Wednesday and acasionaly sunday if I have to much back log of chapters*
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The Orb Weaver Chronicles
"The Orb Weaver Chronicles contains several major and unique events that may or may not unknowingly intertwines with one another. The author of these chronicles is unknown, although some have hinted at the symbolism behind its name..." - Year unknown, location unknown 9 February 2022 Update: Welcome to the companion short story compilation of my novel trilogy The Shadow Paradigm. This compilation features prequels, sidequels and sequels to the novel's major plotline, as well as featuring a wide range of characters, new and recurring. Prior knowledge of the novel is not necessary as the Orb Weaver Chronicles' short stories are standalone. Once called The Arkesyyan Chronicles, I've deleted quite a few of its old stories. Due to the new avenue and revision, oriented toward more mystery and film-noir ambience, that I took my stories into, I've removed all aliens and overly sci-fi aspects of the whole TSP lineup, so I've updated the Orb Weaver Chronicles accordingly. I hope you enjoy them, and in time, a revised version will also be updated.
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Messenger of Dawn
Gray Shadow is a young hunter of the Crimson Alder clan, a daughter of the clan's head. From her early days, she was taught the way of fidelity and right. She vowed to protect the honor of the clan with her own life. If only she knew that the price for this was set much higher. When everything she knew is turned upside down, and powerful forces converge in a struggle for magic and dominance, what should she do as the filial daughter of the clan? Should she stand true to the old principles that no one needs anymore apart from her? Or should she plunge headlong into the abyss in the desperate hope of passing It through and finding new morals? Author notes: I do my best to publish updates at least once every week.
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Perseus Jackson: The Last Stand
Book 3 of the Perseus Jackson series.
8 139