《YOLO?》Chapter 24


Day 164

About 1 month has passed since we got on this ship. I think that I am now C rank in swordsmanship and about B rank in knife fighting. Ran can give Jarkson a run for his money in sword fighting but she is about on my level with the knife.

Ran is now pretty fucking fluent in the Demon language. While I am now able to grasp simple sentences and am now learning how to add in past tense present tense and future tense words.

While we train on the deck sometimes a few of the other slave guys join us. I learned their names. The one that cried, his name is Timothy, the one that asked me if I didn't know about the Coliseum, is George and the one that has the beastman friend is Ziggy.

Day 165

There was a pretty fucking huge ass storm today. The crew was praying to the sea goddess and praying for her mercy. I was praying to Arlinus, I mean he is the god of luck right?

The crew was busy on the deck making sure things didn't fall off and taking down the sail. Us slaves had to help them with it while the Master was in his cabin hopefully pissing his pants in fear right now.

'Sigh.. if they took the collar off of me I could probably do something about this..' Lightning hits the mast and it falls... on top of me....

I get knocked out.

"Well that wasn't pretty."-Arlinus

"Dude what the fuck. I pray to you every fucking day and this is what you do to your faithful follower? huh? Aren't you supposed to be the god of luck? Well why don't I fucking have any?"-Me

"I think you have plenty of luck actually."-Arlinus

"What the fuck are you talking about. My entire life here in this world was shitty."-Me

"I was there when you met Ran, I helped you in every battle so that you didn't meet any of the stronger elves that could have killed you, I made sure that the incompetent soldiers were on sentry duty the day you decided to dessert the army, I changed the female slaver's mind when she captured you because she has a habit of cutting off male slaves testicles, and I made sure you didn't die just now."-Arlinus

"..." -Me

"That's right, you better be learn to be grateful, even for the small things in life, because there are worse things happening to people everywhere in the world and worse things that could happen to you. So learn from this and be grateful more often."-Arlinus


Day 166

I wake up and have bandages all over my body. Ran is sleeping next to me.

I try to get up but it's painful to do so, so I just stay still.

Ran wakes up in a couple of minutes. She sees that I'm awake and hugs me. Fuck it hurts.

She notices my pain and backs off and apologizes. Master Aruno comes into the room.

"Looks like your finally awake. You better thank Arlinus that you survived. I didn't think you would make it with such "light" injuries."-Master Aruno

"How long do you think it will take for me to heal?"-Me

"Not soon enough. I will take you to see a healer when we reach the demon continent. Until then rest."-Master Aruno

He leaves the room and Ran and I are alone.

"I'm glad that you are alive."-Ran

She looks at me with tear filled eyes and begins crying into my shoulder.

After a while she stops crying and goes to sleep next to me. I fall asleep also.

Day 190

We reach the Demon Continent. I wasn't able to move around for the entire trip. Ran spent time with me everyday teaching me the Demon language instead of Master Aruno because he didn't want to come to the slave quarters. Also Ran was perfectly capable of teaching me now.

I was carried by Jarkson off the boat and onto a carriage. Master Aruno, two bodyguards, Ran and I went to a healer. The other slaves were taken to the Coliseum by Jarkson.

I was completely healed. It felt good to move around my atrophied muscles after not using them for 3 weeks. Master Aruno paid of course. I thanked him.

"Don't thank me boy. I am your master."-Master Aruno

We set off for the Coliseum. It looked very similar to ancient Rome's coliseum. It was about the size of a football field except in a circular formation and had seats that could probably fit about 50,000 people.

We went into the building and Master Aruno made the necessary arrangements to enter us as gladiators.

He left us and we were sent to an underground training room where we would be tested on our skills.

There were hundreds of muscular men and women and people of different races such as beast men, elves, dwarves, and reptilian people that i couldn't identify, training with all sorts of varieties of weapons. They all had bodies like Greek gods and goddesses. I was pretty jealous. Most of the gladiators had scars covering their bodies. The women looked smoking hot. I guess battling for your life everyday gives you a pretty sexy body. I saw the occasional child but there weren't many. I counted about 10 of them.


We were sent the back of the training area. I noticed a thin child with white hair and red eyes that looked about my age. A tiger beast man that looked pretty strong. I also saw an dark elf that looked pretty handsome. They were the only ones that stood out to me. I also noticed Timothy, George and Ziggy were standing next to each other. There were about 30 of us newbies.

A bald man with scars showing on his bald head with a muscular frame came up. (the scars were probably from torture) He called us by our names and we were paired up with a veteran gladiator. We could choose whatever weapon we wanted and as many as we wanted. There was to be no killing. Other than that anything was fair game. All we had to do was last for 10 minutes in a fight and then we would be sent to a trainer according to our performance.

People were called up and faced opponents that had the similar build as them. Most of the slaves lost. It was the child with the white hair's turn.

"Ptolemy, your up."-Bald man with scars on head

The child with white hair goes up to the middle of the ring with a dagger and he meets a large, muscular man with a twin bladed axe.

I feel pity for the child as I believe the child will be slaughtered. But the kid proved me wrong.

As soon as soon as the bell was rung for the fight to begin Ptolemy ran up to the man with insane speed. I mean I could barely follow him with my eyes. One second he was on the other side of the ring the next he was next to the large man.

Ptolemy stabbed at the mans eyeball and took out his eye. Then while the man was stunned he used his free hand to poke at his other eye. He blinded the large man. Then he cut at the man's achilles tendons and the man fell over writhing in pain, wailing about his eyes. The kid looked down at the man and smiled.


Everyone was absolutely astonished. Even the gladiators that were training around us looked at the kid in horror. Everyone was fucking scared of the kid. I mean that kid was fucking psycho.

"Ahem.. Now Ptolemy you are going to be sent to ... blah blah blah"-Bald man with scars on head

I wasn't paying attention to him. I was staring at the poor man that was being carried away by the healers.

I hope that I never have to face him in battle, but I know that my chances are slim.

Next was the tiger Beast man. Strangely he took no weapons with him. His opponent was a crocodile beast man.

Every gladiator came to watch this fight. everyone was excited about who the winner would be. They both pounced on each other once the bell rang. Two powerful bodies scratching and biting each other and wrestling on the ground one trying to dominate the other for supremacy. They were snarling and growling as blood was flowing from their cuts.

Everyone was cheering for their favorite. Each one had about the same number of people cheering for them.

After about 10 minutes the bell rang again and the bald man with the scars on his head had to get two more beast men, a rhinoceros beast man and a wolf beast man to separate them.

There was no winner in the fight and everyone seemed disappointed.

Next was the dark elf's turn. He brought a bow and arrow and two knives that were strapped behind his waist. A couple gladiators mocked him for taking choosing a bow and arrows to a one on one fight.

The elf proved them wrong. The elf quickly threw both of his knives once the fight started and his opponent blocked them. The elf moved quickly almost as fast as the kid with white hair and kicked the man in the solar plexus. The man was out of breath and on the ground. The elf began choking him with his bow and within moment the man surrendered. The gladiators that mocked him were shocked and the elf left the ring.

Finally it was my Ran's turn.

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