《YOLO?》Chapter 22


Day 124

We were in the room the entire day yesterday and nothing interesting happened. They didn't even give us food. Well I didn't choose the slave life. The slave life chose me.

The fat man enters.

"Okay all of get out we're gonna see if anyone will buy you today."-Fat man

We are led outside and led up to a stage. There are about 70 men and women that are staring at us.

The fat man takes a random slave and brings it up next to him on the stage.

"Okay now here we have a big strong handsome male here. He is 26 years old and was a former rank C adventurer. You can use him as a body guard, sex slave for you ladies out there, manual labor and etc. etc. Look at these big muscles on him."-Fat man

Bids start going up starting with 3 gold, 4 gold, 8 gold, and finally the man is sold for 10 gold and 50 silver to a woman that looked like a noble.

The bidding lasts for a while and finally it's my turn to go up.

"Here we have a mysterious young child that is able to use magic. Let us show you his status plate."-Fatman

Suddenly my status plate was shown on the wall behind me and it was enlarged enough so that everyone could see. I don't know how they did it and it pissed me off.

The crowd was stunned at my status.'hmph. as well as they should be.' The crowd went nuts.

"Now we shall start the bid at 50 gold coins."- Fat man

Half of the bidders became quiet.

"50 gold coins."-Bidder 1

"60 gold coins."-Bidder 2

"70 gold coins."-Bidder 3

"100 gold coins."-Bidder 1


"150 gold coins."-Bidder 3

"200 gold coins."-Bidder 1

"210 gold coins."-Bidder 3

"500 gold coins."-Bidder 4

The rest of the bidders went silent. And the crowd cheered.

"Looks like Mr. Aruno has won the bid for young Regis here for 500 gold coins."-Fat man.

I was sent into a cage in a different room. I was worried about Ran. I hope the same man buys her also.

Three more strong looking men came in and they all looked like experienced fighters. I grew increasingly nervous each time the crowd in the other room cheered for the winning bidder.

The door opened once again and this time Ran came through the door. My worries went away. When Ran entered the cage I went up to her and hugged her and she hugged me back.

We were stood there hugging each other in silence for a while.

"Ahem. Now if you are done with your cute emotional display get ready to meet your master."- Fat man

I don't know when he came in. A thin man with a beard came. He looked to be in his 50's and he had this turban looking thing on his head that covered his entire head.

"Greetings slaves. I am your new master. You may call me Master Aruno."-Master Aruno

A mage comes in and does something with our collars. The collars glow for a bit and then the light disappears.

"The collars now know that I'm your master. If you run away I can use magic to blow up your collars and kill you. If you kill me all of you will die because that is how the collars are set up. I require absolute loyalty from you or you will be punished and those who fail to listen to my orders will die."- Master Aruno


"Now let us be off to my home."-Master Aruno

Our chains were taken off and we followed master Aruno outside. We followed him to the docks and he went up a boat. The boat was about 50 feet in length, 20 feet high and 15 feet in width.

The ships crew members were working. setting up the sails and moving crates around the boat.

We were led to the most bottom room on the boat.

"Now you are all going to clean the boat everyday."-Master Aruno

He took off his turban thingy and there were two small horns protruding from his bald head. We all gasped. He was from the demon race.

"As you can see I am from the demon race, and no I'm not going to eat you. Instead I am going to train you to be warriors. Why am I doing this you ask? For my amusement of course. I am going to enter you all into the Coliseum. Where warriors battle to the death in search for fame and wealth."-Master Aruno

"As I said you will clean the ship everyday and will be given 2 meals a day. Once we reach the demon continent we shall head straight to the Coliseum and you will train for a month before you are sent to die."- Master Aruno

And with that he left. One guy dropped to his knees and began crying.

"Hey why is he crying?"-Me

"You mean you haven't heard of the Coliseum?"-Slave 1

"Well... Yeah..."-Me

"The Coliseum is the most dangerous place a slave can be sent to. Most slaves die within a year. I've been there once and the demons that watch are all monsters. They laugh when you get stabbed and they cheer on the winner to kill the loser."-Slave 1

"I heard from an acquaintance of mine. He is a wolf beast man. He was once a slave and he said he was able to escape that place because he was able to win a thousand battles. I don't know if he was lying or not but I knew he was a slave that came from the demon continent."-Slave 2

We were silent the entire time and the rocking ship eventually drifted Ran and I to sleep in each others embrace.

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