《YOLO?》Chapter 21


Day 120

Today Ran and I went back to the adventurers guild to get a new job.

We find a Rank C quest. We have to kill 3 ogres and come back with their heads. We quickly set off into the forest. I hear footsteps behind us. They are seriously doing a lousy job in following us discreetly. It seems Ran noticed also.

We use wind magic to quickly enter the forest and hide in some bushes.

"Dammit we lost them."- Male 1

"Hurry and look for them."-Female

I use wind magic and quickly get behind the female and put a knife next to her throat.

"Why are you following us? and depending on your answer I might not kill you."-Me

"Woah. Now take it easy now. We were just following you to see if you can help us with our quest. We saw how you guys killed off the goblins yesterday and saw the you were crazy strong."-Male 2

"What do you need our help for?"-Me

"We need you to create a distraction to a pack of ogres because they are keeping a hostage of a low class noble. You guys create the distraction and we save the noble. You will obviously get some reward from the nobles and from helping us."-Male 1

Still suspicious of them I let the woman go and Ran and I decide to help them with their quest because it coincides with ours.

After about 2 hours of wandering around in the forest I spot an ogre camp. I count 8 of them. I am about to return to the group and tell them of my discovery but I feel sharp pain in the back of my head like something hit me there and I pass out.

Day 121


"About time you woke up you stupid brat."-Female

She kicks me in the stomach and I gasp in pain.

"Stupid brat thinks he can put a knife to my throat and get away with it."-Female

She kicks me for a while and vents out her anger.

"Hey stop that you will damage the goods."-Male 2

'Goods... what the fuck?' I don't have my shoes or shirt on and I feel something on my neck. 'fuck... I'm a slave again.' These guys are fucking slavers. I swear when I get out of this I'm gonna fuck them up and send them to hell.

"You have some pretty neat weapons. We're gonna have to go to the black market to take the stuff out of your bag."-Female

I try to use magic to cut the ropes on my wrists but I can't seem to tap into my mana pool.

"hehe it seems that you found out that you can't use magic. Those collars are specially made. Your friend figured out the hard way and wouldn't shut up."-Male 1

I saw Ran knocked out and bruised all over. Rage washes over me like a tidal wave and I start cursing and squirming in my bonds.

I get knocked out again

Day 122

I wake up and I'm blindfolded and my mouth is gagged. I don't know how much time has passed but I'm able to see a light from the bottom of the blindfold so I'm assuming that I have been out for about a day. I am currently on a wagon and we're traveling somewhere.

Suddenly the wagon stops.

"Get up ya piece of shit."-Female

I get up and she pushes me off the cart and I fall to the ground. They laugh. They take off my blindfold and I see that we're in a city and we're in the docks. I see Ran standing next to me looking terrible.


We're led to a building. Once inside I see many people with collars on their necks and they all look miserable.

I see a fat man with a beard come up to the people that captured me. They talk for a while and they come up to me.

"Now boy. Show us your status plate."-Fat man

I refuse. He punches me in the face and I fall down.

"Now will you show me your status plate boy."- Fat man

Not wanting to get hit again and fearing worse punishment I show him my status plate.

They all look shocked and they look at me with mixed expressions of fear and surprise.

"Well,well,well, now this is a pleasant surprise. He will fetch quite a price in the slave market. I will give you 25 gold for him."-Fat man

They bicker for a while and the female is able to raise my price up to 30 gold.

They do the same thing with Ran and she is sold for 25 gold.

We sent to a room behind bars with a few other slaves in there. We sit down and no one bothers to pay attention to us and Ran begins to cry in my shoulder. I hug her until she falls asleep.

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