《YOLO?》Chapter 17


Day 72 continued

I realized I forgot to ask Urik about what the ranking system of his skills meant. When I went back to look for him he was gone.

Day 74

My division was stationed at the west part of the fort to protect the archers. in case any enemies are able to climb the walls. The walls are about 3 feet thick and about 30 feet high the fort has a rectangular shape and is about a the size of a football field. We have archers manned on the walls with shield bearers to protect them from enemy arrows and magic attacks.

Arrows are flying and magic is being used by the mages. Ran throws the occasional fireball but otherwise just waits around and dodges the oncoming enemy arrows and uses magic to save some of our men.

I recently learned archery a little while back so I'm proficient at it though not that really good. The elven bow is too big for me and it is quite difficult for me to pull back the string as it is meant for an adult and not a child, but I manage and fire arrows at the enemy and conserve my mana in case for emergencies.

What sucks is that I no longer have a way of collecting any dead elf bodies that I kill so I can't get any extra money.

Sometimes elves and enemy soldiers are able to climb up the walls with their ladders but I haven't gotten any elf kills. Usually the mages use wind magic to push back the ladder or the soldiers drop boiling oil on them and set them on fire with a burning arrow or a mage throws a fireball at them.

Today I was part of the crew that picked up the dead bodies and put them into a pile. We usually burn the dead bodies so as not to have them get in the way and burying them takes too much time and mages don't want to waste mana for that because you never know when we might get a surprise attack.


I saw a familiar dead face. It was Urik. I searched his dead body and found what I was looking for. The status plate.

"Status open."-Me

Nothing happened. I remember what he said about how I have to form a blood contract with my bag so I decided to do the same thing. I got a knife and pricked my finger with it and put it on the status plate. The status plate shined and It said

"New owner identifying"

I was excited.

"Status open."-Me

TITLE: Arlinus's Bitch, Reincarnator, Lieutenant of the Republic ArmyNAMERegisRACEHumanAGE9

Skill Name:Skill Rank:[tr]Fire Magic MasteryA[tr]Water Magic MasteryB[tr]Wind Magic MasteryB[tr]Earth Magic MasteryA[tr]Lightning Magic MasteryC[tr]Ice Magic MasteryC[tr]Spear MasteryC[tr]Archery MasteryE[tr]Knife MasteryD[/td4]

I was really excited by looking at my status. I saw that I was pretty good at magic if i do say so myself. At least I found something useful today.

'Wait a minute.... What the fuck?? Arlinus's Bitch? Holy shit that fucking bitch. I rage and start throwing random fireball into the air and the guys panic around me. After about 30 minutes and my mana being completely wasted I calm down.

I quickly finish my job and go back to rest.

Day 75

It began to snow today. The enemy didn't attack today. I wonder when the king will make the stupid horny prince beg for forgiveness to the Democrats.

I found another adventurer today and he told me how the ranking system worked. D rank is usually average and most people don't have the talent to be able to go past C rank. There are F,E,D,C,B,A,S,SS,SSS,and X ranks. SSS is basically god level. and X rank is over god level. No one has ever gotten X rank before. No one alive is currently and SSS rank but there is an SS Fire Magic Mage who is supposed to be alive somewhere in the world. I thank him and leave.


I wonder how I can get another status plate for Ran. Because I'm curious about his status plate also.

Day 76

The snow fell continuously. We now have about 2 inches of snow, and I don't think that the snow will stop any time soon. I train in the training hall with a couple of mages and learn some more magic theory and get some people to help me improve my knife, archery and spear skills.

Day 78

There was a blizzard today.

'Hehe sucks to be the enemy that are outside of the fort and staying in camps. We are protected by thick walls so the wind can't get to us.'

It still sucks to be on guard duty cause it's freaking freezing outside.

Day 90

We haven't fought for a long time and I'm getting kinda bored of the routine of just training. I'm getting sick of seeing snow. The blizzard stopped but the snow keeps falling. There must be about at least a over a foot of snow outside. Many guys are getting sick. I'm glad that I have a room to keep warm in.

Day 100

The snow stops. It rains now....

There's been a lot of accidents and people keep slipping and falling.

Day 110

Most of the snow has melted off and it has been reported that the enemy troops are preparing for battle. Finally something interesting is gonna happen.

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