《YOLO?》Chapter 5


"....." = Person is talking aloud

'......'= MC is thinking to himself


Day 2 continued

It is almost sunset now and we prepare for camp. My feet are hella sore and are aching. After dinner we draw straws to see who takes the first watch.

I got the first watch...

'sigh... my life sucks ass'

After my shift is over I quickly fall asleep.

Day 3

We walk in silence today as I have gained all of the information that Jack could tell me. Nothing interesting happens today and feet are killing me.

Day 4

Today I saw a rabbit all alone. I throw my spear as hard as I can.. I miss...

Everyone laughs at me but luckily Jack was able to kill it with his spear. So that night during the campfire we had a little bit of rabbit meat.

Day 5

It is about 10:00 AM and we reach the city. I was getting worried that we were lost and would never make it because we ran out of food and water so I was starving.

At the city gates the guards noticed us and sent us to the training grounds for the army which is located in the west quarter of the city. We are escorted there and I refill my waterskin at a well nearby. We wait in line to check in that the slaves of Jabba arrived. I see that there are plenty of other children ranging from 5 to 13 with collars on their neck as well. This country must be getting it's ass whuped if they have to resort to using children in battle i thought.

At around what I believe is about lunch time after we sign in a man with a magnificent Mustache comes in. He is HUGE. About 6 foot 7 inches and is wearing shiny red armor and is followed by armed guards.



"Alright you worthless pieces of shit. I am your commander Sir Mcluvin the 3rd. You will all train here in the barracks for a week and then we shall march to battle for the glory of his Majesty the king."- McLuvin

"We begin your training tomorrow. You will be assigned a station depending on what weapon you have and you will learn teamwork and how to play well with others. The king his Majesty declared that if a slave shows much courage and honor in battle he shall give him freedom. DISMISSED!"-McLuvin

'That was interesting. If i am able to prove myself useful in this war I can be a free man.' -Me

I head over to where all of the other slaves with the spears are going and find my commander.

His name is Tamerius Jormandus and he was going to lead the spearmen into battle. We were given the day off and so I decided to explore the city.

The city was huge. Not as large as New Y*rk or Los Ang*les but still pretty impressive. There were not many people roaming around.

'The war must have taken a toll on the people'

I walk around and find myself in front of a temple. A white robed man who looks to be in his 60's which i assume is a priest comes up to me and asks....

"Would you like to come and donate to our temple? The gods will surely give you their blessings."-Priest

I decide to give him a copper coin from the slime that I killed.

"Thank you for your patronage. The gods will surely remember your kindness" -Priest

"Your welcome but I have a few questions about this town could you answer them for me?" -Me

"Why of course young man what can I answer for you?"-Priest


"Obviously I am not from around here. So where do you think I can sell this?"-Me

I show him the green slime ball that i got from the dead slime.

"Oh you can just go to the alchemist who lives a few blocks in that direction." -Priest

"Thank you. I also have another question if you don't mind. I am curious about the gods of this world you see. I'm not very informed about them." -Me

It looks like the priest just noticed the collars on my neck and he looks sad.

"Of course my pitiful child." -Priest

"What would you like to know?"-Priest


"... Hohoh. Well that is a very broad subject indeed."- Priest

"Hmm... I guess I should start with...."-Priest

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