《Life as a solo gamer》Chapter 8 - Language Comprehension


I walk around the city. Getting weird glances nothing new.

This time, however, I don't search for a rundown clothes shop I just go to the nearest one.

Who knows there's probably cheap clothes in a good shop has well. As I enter the store with a sign saying god knows what but there's a wooden logo with a pair of pants engraved on it.

As I enter the shop/store I don't know the difference. The store clerk looks at me for a second then looks elsewhere. How rude, not even gonna greet me. Well, i understand. I look like a beggar after all...

I look around the store and see a lot of clothes. On the left side Girls, right side boys. I (obviously) go to the right side and look for clothes. I find a normal pair of pants not that bad looking. Not good either. I look at the Clerk then point at the pants.

"90 Teslo"

Blackmail 100% blackmail... This doesn't even look good but it cost 90? I was expecting around 20 or something...

I grab a pair of pants that wasn't even on a shelf it was on the ground it was torn up a little. I point at it.

"30 Teslo"

I almost thru the pair of pants in the clerk's face. The clerk looks at me with eyes filled with pity.

"*Cough* 20 Teslo"

I grab 17 copper coins and put it in the clerk's hand. Honestly, this pair of pants looks so bad it should be 5 copper coins.

The clerk looks at me. Sighs then smiles.

"Serto nanu destsha!"

I hope that meant thanks or something along the lines, but it has to be I mean she's smiling.

I walk out of the store with the pair of pants on.

"Hopefully I don't get any more weird looks."


Now let's hope that there is a guild here.

Actually, let's find a library, I need a book with this annoying ass language first. I know it will take me a LONG time to learn but it's better than not learning it. Gotta finds a building with a wooden logo of a book or something. I doubt it's like that but who knows.

After 3 hours Yes 3 hours! Of searching, I find a library with a wooden logo of a book... didn't actually think it would have one. Do they use these signs for everything?

I enter the bookstore, there are not that many books so I think it's a bookstore. I walk past the girl reading a book.

I guess if it were a library they would ask me for copper coins and give me a wooden membership item of some sort right?

I browse the books for a good 3 minutes.

"I don't understand this language so how am I supposed to know if it's that sort of boo-"

'Would you like to learn this skill' '10 Intelligence 15 Wisdom required ' 'Yes or No'

Ohhh ohh!

I wasn't expecting this!


A light blinds me and the book disappears.

Skill acquired 'All Language Comprehension'

".......YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS FUCK YESSS That's right hahaha!!!!!!!"

"Excuse me is something wrong?"

"....No, I am just EXTREMELY happy for understanding you"

".....uhhh thanks?"

"Well I'm off thank you so much"

"For what?"

"Oh nothing, thanks, ALOT"

"Your welcome?"

As I get out of the bookstore with a stupid grin on my face.

"Well!, Off to the guild!"

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