《Life as a solo gamer》Chapter 7 - Old man


Well, it's nice that I'm not(completely)naked anymore but I still get weird glances here and there.

But more importantly, what should I do? Here I am standing in the rain with a shirt, only a shirt, and 42 copper coins.

"I want shelter somehow, maybe an inn? can I get a night with 42 copper coins....? I don't know, but I seriously doubt it."

I walk around for about 30 minutes.

"This city is really huge, I thought it was a town earlier its way to big to be one. Anyways found the Inn."

Well, I already found plenty of Inn's but this Inn looks shittier so it's probably cheaper and it doesn't have a tavern so it's less trouble.

An old man spoke to me after I opened the door to the Inn.


I guess that means hello?


The old man looks at me with a weird look.

Was I wrong? so it wasn't hello. Oh... its obviously because of what I'm wearing. He probably thinks I'm a beggar or something.

I walk up to the counter and show him one finger. No not the middle finger. My index finger. I hope he catches on.

"1 Nusto?"

I nod, but I hope he said '1 night' it most likely is.

"25 Teslo"

I hand him 25 copper coins. I'm glad it wasn't 1 silver coin. Probably cause this place looks like a dump.

He hands me a key with a wooden plate attached to it with the number '2' on it.

I was thinking of going to my room but I decided to sit down at a table for food. I hope that 25 copper coins come with 1 night and food.

The old man glances at me then head to the kitchen.

30 seconds later what meets my eyes is one baguette bread.


I don't care what it is I'm soo hungry that I have a really painful headache.

I eat that bread so fast that it surprised me. I don't think I have ever gone soo hungry.

"Hyudo" I know 'Hyudo' is like saying hello or something but it's better than saying nothing with that I went to my room jumped in my bed and slept like a log.

I open my eyes. "I can't wait to eat mom's breakfast I'm soo hungry" I look around my room.

"Where am I?"

Ah, I forgot... I got kidnapped by a god or devil or whatever the fuck... I miss my mom, she's probably crying since I suddenly disappeared.

*sniff* "uhh..."

10 minutes later.

Alright, let's go get breakfast, I hope it also includes breakfast when I paid for the night.

I walk downstairs and sat down at a table.

The man gives me a confused look.

"Nudolo! Gusa tumao talo kel-"


My stomach interrupts the old man's rambling.

'sigh' The old man grabs another baguette bread and hands me it.


The man looks at me weirdly, sighs then goes back to the counter.

After I finish the bread I decided to go find a shop for cheap clothes it's better than 'just a shirt'. I hope I can get some clothes with just 17 copper coins.

Before I leave I turn around and say-


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