《Emperor of 6 Nations》Unexpected Challenge


"What did you just said?"

"Nothing, I just remembered my great and wonderful country."

"Understandable, so what exactly can you do, Mr Leian?"

"Well, I can do almost anything, though I think I could be a good ship officer. Im an exceptionally good helmsman, navigator and lookout, plus I'm pretty good at bargaining and could even go with ship's cook when procuring supplies. I can also command operations whether they be naval, boarding, landing and many others."

"Are you sure we can trust you with those?"

"No problem, if I can't even do the stuff I said, you can just throw me back to the place where you found me."

"I admire you confidence, Mr Leian. Only a madman or someone truly competent have the guts to say that. Well, then let's first go to the bridge to see your steering skills."

The three proceeded to the bridge. In the bridge, Mr. Leian relieved the current helmsman and did a few maneuvers under the command of the captain.

"Splendid! Mr. Leian, where did you learn to steer like that?"

"It just comes naturally to me. By the way, don't you guys have to do drills or something, let me show you more awesome stuff. Let's first do ordinary broadside shooting, then pursuit shooting, then I'll show you combat Scharnow and combat Williamson"

"Really?! I haven't heard of those, but they sound pretty cool. You, don't just stand there, inform the quartermaster, let's start the combat drills as soon as possible."

A minute later, every personnel assumed their battle stations and soon after, cannons fired continuously, with Sergei Leian using the momentum from the sea and recoil from cannon fire to offset both forces and steady the ship's stability, making it easier for the crew to load their cannons quickly. He then performed a few turns, the combat Scharnow a technique to pour the entire ship's firepower on a single pursuing enemy within a single turn and the combat Williamson a skirmishing technique balanced in defense and attack used by a vessel to unload every cannon and gun to a single enemy on the front.

"Such beautiful movements, Mr. Leian, these maneuvers are pretty good, can we incorporate them in our army? We'll compensate you for them handsomely."

"Hmm, can I be given a title of nobility though? I was accustomed to a life of nobility in Pendor you know(bullshit!), I'll be content with a village or something, preferably near the borders of a country you're in conflict with. I'll defend them for you wholeheartedly."


"That is a bit troublesome, but if you can show other good stuff, we might be able to negotiate a title of nobility for you. We do have a descendant of a Grand Duke in this ship, I present to you, Louise of House Montblanc, granddaughter of Pettin Montblanc, the Lion of Beardune."

"Greetings to you, Mr. Sergei Leian, I've yet to see someone as skilled as you in steering, I'm rather tempted to build an ironclad just to able to invite you to be the chief officer, would you accept it?"

Said the auburn haired lady, still eating sunflower seeds while playing with the blue snake.

"Louise, don't go too far, I discovered this man first, don't go digging into other people's corners. Besides, you're a druid, what do you need an ironclad for? Sergei, can I call you that? Don't listen to her nonsense."

"Hail and well met, Lioness of Beardune. I'll surely accept your commission, if only I we're not indebted to Captain Philippe over here. In Pendor they call me old driver you know, for I'm not just skilled in driving ship's *wink* *wink*. Should you find yourself in need of a good steering, just come to me and I'll show you anytime."

"Yes, Louise, instead of finding ways to escape from your destiny in the Grand Academy, you should learn more from Sergei here instead. By any chance, you might also be able to learn other skills you know, for magic is merely a means to an end."

"You're really a mechanic, uncle, for only mechanics can treat magic as a mere tool."

"(Woah, I never expected them to ignore my taking liberties with her. But I better not take my chances, in a world where gigantic humanoids can swim in the middle of the ocean, an outstanding person with the nickname Lion of Beardune should be rather scary."

"Well, next should be navigation, Captain, allow me to see the passage plan and the corresponding charts."

"Go ahead."

They proceeded to the chart room and Sergei Leian soon plotted a new passage plan, explaining to the captain his actions and made multiple contingencies for the duty officer to follow.

In the muster station, the captain convened all the unit leader's of the combat troops, introducing each one of them to Sergei Leian.

"These are the representatives of my 4 units of civic guardsman, each unit 45-men strong, armed with light crossbows, blades, daggers, nets and grenades."


Sergei Leian saw the captain introduce 4 people wearing feathered caps and puffy coats.

"These are the leaders of my longswordsmen... wearing fine plate mail and wielding longswords. They are heavy assault infantry used to board other vessels."

"These are the leaders of my halberdiers... wearing cuirass and wielding a halberd, they are used to prevent enemy boarding operations."

"My archer leaders... wearing armor and wielding longbows, are used as vanguard during landing operations and skirmishers during naval battles."

"My priest's representatives... with their robes and their prayers, they fulfill the spiritual requirements of my troops.

"These are the leaders of my 2 scout units, strong of body, swift of foot, each unit 45-men strong. Armed with grenades plus two daggers."

"My representative of berserkers... assault infantry, wielding large two handed axes, these madmen don't even wear anything on their upper bodies."

"My representative of monster hunters, a single unit, 35-men strong, capable of slaying almost every type of undesirable creature, even those of magical origin. Wearing armor and armed with light crossbows, greatswords, daggers, nets and grenades."

"Next is the leaders of my phalanxes... with shield, Pike and heavy hoplite armor, these heavy infantry are stationed permanently at the vessel's important chokepoints."

"Next is my representative of the warbreeds... you're familiar with him right? Half-ogre monsters armed with clubs, the group of them are the ultimate shock infantry."


"I present to you, representative of my manticore riders."

"Wait a minute, is that a tiger, with wings?"

"Technically, they are lions capable of flight, but literally, they are still oversized flying cats."

"Okay! Shall we continue?"

"These are the leaders of my musketeers... armored men wielding the musket."

"This is the representatives of our golem soldier... our mechanic's prideful construct, with an engineer behind the controls."

"This are the leaders of my 2 units of martyrs, each unit 42-men strong, capable of shooting projectiles made of light magic. Armed with daggers, blades, grenades and are able to connect their bodies to other people to absorb their wounds."

"The crusader's leaders... with shining silver swords, shields and armor, they are dependable infantry."

"The representatives of my evangelists... donning robes carrying holy scrolls and wielding staff with symbols, they are most useful in dealing with undead."

"This winged representative is the leader of my exalted unit... a flying upgrade of the martyr, these capable assault infantry are capable of staving off fatal blows."

"The representatives my group of scoundrels, 2 units, each unit 45-men strong, strong of body, swift of foot, armed with double daggers, light crossbows, nets, and stronger grenades. Hardy and resilient, these men are the best troops to rely on when searching for intruders or engaging in urban warfare."

"These beautiful ladies represent my groups of bards... they entertain the crew with their beautiful voices but they are also equipped with light crossbows and daggers for protection."

"The leader of my group of rogues, 35-men strong, their daggers are covered in poison and they also carry grenades. They are good swimmers and are able to survive and thrive in any place."

"These are the leaders of my hunters... equipped with bows and nets, they can travel on inhospitable terrain to flank the enemy."

"The representatives of my groups of shamans... they wield staves and use it to cast shoot poison bolts. The are capable of speaking to plants and animals, asking for help in dealing with their enemies."

"Next to them are their representative animal companion's."

"These people in robes are the representatives of my group of mage's apprentices... They are capable of mending beings of magical origin, dispelling magic and enchantments."

"I've gone over most of my troops in this ship, now I want you to select two groups of soldiers between my 4 units of civic guardsmen, 2 units of scouts, a unit of monster hunters, 2 units of martyrs, 2 units of scoundrels and a unit of rogues to do a mock battle between them, where you need to use 2 groups to fight against 4 groups of men. It depends on you to choose the type of crew you'll command. Is that okay with you?"

"Huh? But aren't these groups of men not equal in strength? The civic guardsman with 4 units can't be fair to the others right? I reckon I can even win 1 v 5 using only the civic guardsmen group."

"Oh, really? We'll see about that, Mr. Commander. I'll be your opponent in this battle, prepare yourself."

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