《Emperor of 6 Nations》Goldfinger.txt


Sergei Leian can be seen poring over all the maps in the ship's plotting room.

"(Not one of these places resemble Pendor or the Earth.)"

He looked at a globe in an obscure part of the room, spinning it multiple times, scrutinizing every part of it, just to make sure he has not skipped any important information.

"These places and their names look unfamiliar to me."

He confirmed while looking at the captain and the messenger next to him, then continued saying.

"But I still can't get over the fact that you guys named this world of yours Thrae. Why this particular name?"

"It concerns a halfling of famous renown and his travels across the world. Upon mapping every piece of land, he then compiled them all on a book and presented it to the Halfling Party commitee. The council, upon hearing of his exploits, took it as a chance to organize another large scale party again, seriously, these halflings just cant survive without having fun. While the halflings were busy making merry , the rest of the race with nations including us humans also sent our representatives to determine the information and then set the names of each unoccupied land, and then after that lay claim to the ownership and development of each territory. When all the delegations have arrived, they ask the party committee to introduce to them the heroic Halfling who has mapped the world. After many hours of searching, he was finally found drunk and wasted inside a bakery sleeping on a tray, so his compatriots just brought him to the congregation while he was lying down on it. Furthermore, our world has 3 giant balls of fire lighting our sky during the day, so it was easily accepted by everybody that our world shall be called Thrae, in honor of the heroic halfling Ham the Wanderer's 'mount' and the three balls of fire lighting our daytime."

"Is that it? Cool. Though, it must be pretty tiring to have more hours with light during the day."

"Well, it enhances productivity, so it's beneficial for us mechanics. Besides, there's magic, and assassins even have the spell to make a territory plunge into eternal darkness if they want to."


"Right. But what am I going to do now? I have nowhere else to go to and you're the only people I know in this place. I don't suppose you guys know of a job I can do around these parts?"

"Depends on what you can do, Mr. Sergei Leian. We servants of the human nation have never lacked jobs for people of talent."

"Does being of good moral character count as a talent?

"What does that even mean?"

After saying character, Sergei Leian was suddenly surprised by the parchment of paper that appeared in front of him showing all his stats like the character sheets found in warband.

"(Hmmm, isn't this THE character sheet. Did I just activate my goldfinger? It seems I won't have any problems finding a job, especially with these big numbers. I'll just refresh my mind on the effects of each attribute. First, strength determines how much hit points I have, and how hard I hit. Agility determines my competence in fighting and slows down my perception of time. Both are very important in combat. A strength of 28 and agility of 26, that's like almost 3 times stronger and faster than an ordinary villager. Next is charisma, the stat for the commander, the more you have, the more people you can command, for if everyone has the same amount of stats, two hands won't be able to beat four. 21 charisma, twice more than a common village elder. Finally, intelligence, more skills can be learned with a large brain or high intelligence rather. 28, that's like the same as a capital city guildmaster.)"

"Hello? Thrae to Sergei Leian, Thrae to Sergei Leian?? Come in, over!"

"Wait a bit, I'm organizing my bio data."

"(Next are the skills associated with strength, hmm, if I remember, toughness seems to give a little bit of hit points plus also reduces damage taken by a flat amount, like the ironskin technique from the monks of Shaolin temple. Striking power increases the power and damage of melee attacks. Lift strength and throwing power is the ability to lift objects and throw them to a further distance, it is also needs a high level to use more complicated throwing weapons. Grip strength is literally strength of grip and pull strength, and it's mostly associated with bows, for some heavier bows require a high grip strength just to be able to use them.)"


"(Agility skills, martial arts seems to increase the amount of experience gained whenever practicing with weapons or unarmed. Guard increases the damage reduction, range and speed of defense whenever using a shield or parrying with a defensive object. Athleticism increases movement speed and calisthenics ability. Sense of balance is ability to balance on moving objects, especially on ships and horses, it also increases ability to steer the horse or ship during combat, the higher the stat, the better the result and the lesser the effort. Steady hands is the ability to aim and shoot on a moving object, for every level, vertigo will slightly lower until it disappears and the body will just react instinctively once it becomes high enough. Dexterity should be the one I just used to retrieve the qualis gem from the captain last time, in-game it just increases the loot I receive, but here it seems connected to skilled hands, enabling me to pickpocket, open locks and reappropriation of battlefield scraps plus other materials not secured or taken care of by the owner.)"

"(Charisma skills, silver tongue is the ability to persuade other people with one's own views. Warden is the ability to control prisoners and keep them from escaping. Inspire increases the number of troops that can be controlled, raises group morale, and allows me to pocket a portion of their salary while not compromising combat power. Business acumen is ability to buy low and sell high, and ability to spot profitable business from market news.)"

"(Intelligence skills, drill is ability to impart experience to allies. Tracking and logistics is ability to find clues to track a person or object, it also includes wilderness survival knowledge, like which clues will lead to water and food such as huntable animals and edible plants. Tactical acumen is the ability to find advantages in battle thus increase fighting power of troops. Navigation is the ability to find the correct position on the map by instinct using only the clues discerned, it also speeds up the trip with the higher levels gaining better speed to reach the destination due to the one with this skill inputs every factor, either man-made or natural into his calculations. Alertness is the ability to observe the surroundings by sight or by hearing, at higher levels, further distance can be observed. Holding space is activated by the keyword 'inventory', it incorporates space magic to store materials for the owner, the higher the level, the bigger the space. Traditional medicine is the ability to use herbs and other accessible materials to stop infection of wounds and injuries, the higher the level, the faster the recovery. Modern medicine is the use of tools and other materials, of practical design or makeshift, into performing surgeries on the spot to save your party members from death, at the highest levels it incorporates the use of stimulants on the dying or fatally wounded person into fighting for yet another round. First aid is the ability to set bone, connect ligaments and stop bleeding with instruments or even only by hand plus knowledge of pressure points, at the highest level, includes hypnosis to trick an injured person into thinking he is much stronger with an injury than when he was without it. Engineering is the ability to build buildings and craft items, at higher levels, faster building speed and better quality is a given.)"

"(I've finished remembering the skills, proficiency is rather different from the game for it includes unarmed close combat too, but the descriptions are self-explanatory enough. Now, I just have to figure out how to close this.)"

After reading his character sheet, Sergei Leian tried closing it by saying close but it won't budge. He tried looking at the parchment again and tried to press the X button. He looked at the X button and found it rather familiar. Familiar because it was two forearms forming an X, with the right arm over the left arm.

"(Seriously?! Sorry, Pendor old friend, you can't blame me, blame the character sheet instead.)

He then crossed his arms from right to left, and shouted,


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