《Emperor of 6 Nations》Tales of Monsters and Men


"Jack Sparrow? The Black Pearl? 1 million people? Strange."

The golden armored captain put his thoughts into words upon hearing the half-ogre describe the situation. He can be seen inspecting a blue gem, wondering how this magic object managed to isolate a new type of magic power inside, stopping the raging Mana of the vast world of Thrae, from polluting the pure energy inside the gem.

He then proceeded to the starboard wing of the bridge, his only remaining hand manipulating Mana. Upon reaching the observation post, he ignored the musketeer saluting in his presence and proceeded to look at the body of water near him, looking for something. Not long after, movement can be seen in the water, little by little until it can be noticed that whatever thing in the water that does the movement doesn't fit the word little after all, for a few moments later a massive krakken can be seen rising from the depths, it's gigantic size dwarfing the ironclad vessel by not a small amount.

"Charlotte, old friend, has there been any news of a large fleet sinking around this part of the ocean?"

The kraken took some time to ponder then responded telepathically.

"(No fleet has sunked around here, Philippe my darling, only a slight magical disturbance some time ago, merely enough for a tier 1 spell. There are no fleets around this part of the ocean, should that Mana be used for teleportation, at most only a single person can be transported, not even enough for the weakest tier of battleship, much less a fleet. Tell me, have you finally decided to accept my love? Perhaps you want to ram your bow into me and together we shall sink ourselves in the depths of ecstasy. We're not getting any younger you know, let me fill the void of your heart from the loss of Joan, that heartless consort of the dead.)"


"If you were someone else, I'd have you destroyed for your impudence, but since you've been with me for so long, I'll just have to pretend that I didn't hear that last part."

"(A pity! Don't you feel bad for this old maid and her unrequited love?)"

He ignored the massive beast acting coquettishly, then turned to the musketeer, saying,


"I see nothing and hear nothing, milord!"

"Then what is your use? Report to the quartermaster immediately. Relieve your post and have someone inform me once the rescued man awakens."

"Aye, sir."

Philippe Scrowe walked into the bridge, his mind filled with thoughts.

"(Either he is a mage, or a lunatic. Probably both, for based on my experience, not all lunatics can be mages, but every mage sooner or later become lunatics.)"

Meanwhile, in the vessel's sick bay...

The unconscious Sergei Leian is being watched over by a guard, the same guard that saw the chemistry between the Captain and the massive kraken.

"(I've heard stories, but was Captain Philippe really that kind of person? Discarded his wife and daughter for his summoned beast. I still can't believe it, you can even see that the kraken can't wait to swallow him whole. For him to act angry was maybe just one of their weird plays. To think that even a mechanic can be more bestial than a warlord, it's really a stain in the name of the mechanics. Whatever, it's his life, as long as he keeps doing his job well, he can do what he wants. I hope I can transfer to another ironclad soon, after that blunder, I think I don't have any hope of being promoted under him.)"

The poor musketeer thought to himself, despairing his situation of being on the right place at the right time, but unfortunately, given the wrong type of opportunity.

"(Come to think of it, it's this guy's fault for the captain to call that monster on an emergency, if it weren't for this bastard, the captain won't have to talk to that monster on my side of the bridge, and I surely won't be discarded like this. Hmm, maybe the captain sent me here to finish this guy off, then I can get back to the Captain's good graces if I do that. Or, could it be, that this guy, is the sole witness of the bestiality between the Captain and that monster, and I am the dead man sent by the captain to kill with a borrowed knife, then I shall be executed too, to cut of all the loose ends. Ohh, Good Lord, what mess have I been put into!!)"


The musketeer became paler and paler, his face drained of blood as his thoughts become more and more outlandish until resolve can be seen on his eyes as he finally decided what to do.

"(AAHHH, damn you Philippe Scrowe, the more you want me to kill this guy, the more I want to save him from your evil clutches. Don't blame me, you started it, abusing your power for personal gain, I shall make it my life's mission to see your downfall, and arranging me to guard this guy is like giving wings to a tiger. The tiger that will soon herald your doom.)"

While fantasizing his superior's downfall he didn't notice the person he was supposed to guard has started to twitch.

"(Am I still alive? Woah, this is a bed right? I'm laying on a bed. Thank God. Maybe I was rescued from the clutches of that monster. Very nice, at least my body is intact. But I seem to have forgotten something. Hmm, what could it be?)"

The guard soon noticed Sergei Leian's movement. Looking suspiciously in every direction around him, he found out that nobody seems to be paying attention to them. He then sat on the chair near the bed and whispered softly.

"Can you hear me? Move your eyelids twice if you do."

Upon hearing his words, Sergei Leian soon found out that communication doesn't to be a problem in the place he was transported too. Upon slightly forgiving the portal transportation organization that may or may not exist because of the slight hint of civility that he has experienced, he then proceeded to twitch his eyelid once.

Dumbfounded, the musketeer was. He then thought maybe his poor charge was traumatized after remembering the bestial act that he thought his charge had to witness. Pitying the poor man, he then whispered.

"Don't worry. Everything will be alright, I know you have witness something awful, but I'll help you set things right. Don't believe other people on this ship, just think that all of them are the Captain's men, remember that the one who wronged you was the captain, and only I am the who sympathizes with you. Once we reach Monty Creasethon, I'll do my best to get you to safety and will arrange for us to meet a person of authority who is willing to help."

Hearing the man's words, Sergei Leian soon felt a hint of coldness in his backside and imagined what could have happened during the time he was unconscious, he first remembered the ugly humanoid beast, his hard to move body, and finally, felt that his waist was a bit numb. It took some time to explain but it all happened in the blink of an eye, and on that particular moment, Sergei Leian has never felt such despair in his life. He tried so hard to stop crying but wasn't able to stop his tears from flowing out. In the end, the misunderstanding between the two idiots went even further than what was thought to be possible.

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