《Emperor of 6 Nations》A Wild Ironclad Appears


"(I protest this kind of treatment, there should be at least a governing body for travelling across weird portals or whatever that crazy voice has done to me. If there's an organization like that, there must be a big guy who calls the shots. They should at least ensure that every portal fit for human consumption must guarantee that the receiving end is capable of fulfilling the minimum requirements of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. I hate you Noldor! I hate you crazy voice!! I hate you leader of portal transportation organization that may or may not exist!!!)"

As Sergei Leian keeps monologuing, less than 200 leagues away from him, a warship is cruising to his immediate direction. Luckily for him, it can be determined that the warship seems to be making a beeline for him, should the warship maintains it's course.

This warship is made of steel. It's thick bow look strong enough to ram anything in it's path. There is a rotating turret platform on the forecastle of this ironclad, where 4 naval guns are arrayed horizontally. Each naval gun is capable of shooting devastating mortar shells. There 60 gunports on the hull of the vessel. These are further separated into 2 tiers for each side of the hull. Each tier has 15 cannons.

On the vessel, specifically the bridge,

"I TOLD YOU TIME AND TIME AGAIN, STOP ESCAPING YOUNG LADY, DONT WASTE YOUR FATHER'S EFFORTS IN SENDING YOU TO THE GRAND ACADEMY. I promised your father that I'd see you off to the academy's gates. By the way, I even have permission to break your feet should you prove too hard to handle."

"Really? I just comprehended the ultimate druid state Regrowth yesterday. I've yet to see it's effects. Can you please give harder punishment, dear uncle?

"(Regrowth! Damn it, she also has natural healer state, and she also learnt the spell nourishing meal not a long time ago. She's gonna be more of a headache from now on.) YOUU!!! (Forget it, it's not worth the effort now that she has Regrowth state, besides I only have permission to break her legs, and for a druid with regrowth, that's like sending a mud Buddha to swim across the ocean. Such futile, much effort, ooh, woe is me.)"


A stalwart middle-aged man with a bionic right arm is lecturing a young girl wearing a dress made of flowers. Weirdly, it can be noticed that the wreath of flowers seem to be growing slowly.

The middle aged man with a stern attitude has weather-beaten face. He has a sharp brown eye, a flat nose, dark brows and you can even see soot on his brown hair. He has a scar on the left side of his face, cutting diagonally from the middle part of his forehead across his left eye until the underside of his left ear. He is covered in golden armor, and has a very straight posture, looking very intimidating with his somewhat large build.

The lady is a typical jade beauty with bright green eyes, a cute nose, beautiful lips, butterball cheeks, a jade complexion, shoulder length auburn hair and seems to be wearing a dress made of flowers. She also has a wreath of flowers on her hair. She has two tiny mounds on her chest, a snakelike waist, a discernible backside and long legs plus pointed toes and shoe combo. She is of lean build and her temperament seems to be of a free spirited type and can be seen playing with a tiny blue snake while the man is talking to her. It can be guessed that the man must be a guardian of this particular girl, though their particular relation is yet to be determined.

"Louise! School is important. You can only go so far without proper care and instruction from a verified institution of learning. Sure, most druids may be doing well with only self-learning, but remember this, we are the Human nation. Ever since Great Emperor Napoleon I united the 7 classes under the name of Nation, we have discovered great advances in each of our fields of study. It's also thanks to the founding monarch that through the academy we can uncover the mysteries of the 7 elements of magic, eliminate the discord between the 3 religions, and explore the truth of the world, the nation and the people."


"Uncle Philippe, then why is there still war? Why don't we make peace with the other nations?"

"Peace, little Louise, is a foolish endeavor. We must avenge our Great Emperor and crusade against these traitorous bastards, especially, that damned long-eared Leslie Wells. Remember the ancient tale? Welling Town does not interfere with Riverun Town, but that marshall from that god-forsaken island destroyed our Great Emperor's efforts in uniting every race under one collective. The Great Emperor was a visionary, sadly he wasn't able to see through his so called allies, those damned other races. They were merely using our Great Emperor's generosity and good nature into furthering their own agenda and creating their own nation. Luckily, the Emperor's legacy still lives on. His greatest disciple, the Grand Mechanic Edmund of House Dantes still respected the Emperor's last wishes, and made The Grand Academy the school where every race can still study... Such a great man, the Emperor, more saintly than the bishop, more knowledgeable than the mage, more eternal than the lich, more honorable than the general, more loving than the druid, more permissible than the assassin, more organized than the mechanic, Long live the Emperor, VIVE L'EMPEREUR!!!"

"Then uncle, why must I go to the Grand Academy? I dont have any friends there. Can't I just go to the academy in Erloins or the one in the capital Nearweiss? Most of my friends are there."

"Earloins is too close to your home, your father won't be able to stop your mother from visiting you all the time. The capital Nearweiss is too tricky for your own good. I won't let your father risk his only daughter, my niece to be corrupted there. Besides, with background such as your parents, you would have to take some responsibility for our Human nation someday, so you would have to be familiar with the brightest youngsters of the other races. Like what your grandfather once said, keep your friends close and your enemies' closer."

"Hmmph, It's not like I don't want to go there at all, Mr. Slimy here just wants to return home and eat mom's cookies."

"Forgive me for shouting back there, child, I just don't want to happen to you what happened to my daughter, and wife."

"Uncle..... What happened to cousin Isabelle and Aunt Joan? I asked father, but he became angry and told me never to ask anyone again. Mother cried when I asked her and then she kept telling me that she loves me repeatedly. Once, I overheard them while they thought I was asleep. I pieced it together and was able to conclude that you, uncle might be the only man who has seen and experienced the darkness of the nation and lived to tell about it."


As the man becomes more conflicted and keeps pondering whether to tell the girl or not, a flamboyant musketeer walks in to report to the Captain.

"Capitaine, the sky drones have discovered a floating person 12 leagues away from our route. Do we send a rescue or do we..."

The musketeer then makes the universal signal of murder by first bringing his right hand to the left part of his neck and slowly moving it horizontally to his right side while also moving his neck to the left side.

"Rescue people first, then we judge how to deal with it next."

The man known as Captain Philippe Scrowe, said to the guard.

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