《Emperor of 6 Nations》The die has been cast


Water. It's wet, salty and really scary, especially if it's the only thing you can see around you.

Sergei Leian's relationship with water has never been this complicated. If only he was not stuck in this situation, he would have all the time in the world to ponder the intricacies of this so called element of life. Too bad for him, he is merely clinging to a plank of drift wood on the ocean, only seeing water on every direction, tired and thirsty after 12 hours of keeping himself afloat. His only solace is a piece of shining gem trapped in the grip of his cramping fingers, it's glimmer his only hope of rescue in this wide and lonely ocean.

"(Ni-ma, I really shouldn't have raze Elacrai. But still, what's wrong with slaughtering a near extinct group of treehuggers inside a computer game? Those of non-race as me are of different heart, every learned gentleman knows that at the very least.)"

-12 hours ago-

"Stupid Noldor, did you really think that I'm your friend? I have waited for this ever since the start of this playthrough. Once I unite Pendor with your help, I would lead my legions to deal with you. Not unlike how Liu Bang dealt with Han Xin. But of course, you don't know that, you're merely data on this game, how would arrogant stuck up data like you know about the wonderful culture of Ancient China, and such wonderful proverbs like the hunting dog is slaughtered once the hare is dead. Filthy treehuggers, I your father, shall take the place of the Ebony Gauntlet in ridding Pendor of your backward ways."

Sergei Leian haughtily said to a handsome middle aged male with delicate features, who might pass for a really gorgeous human, if it weren't for his long pointed ears, the tell tale signs of a Noldor, an elf.

Another handsome Noldor arrives in a hurry next to Sergei Leian, kneels and bangs his head to the floor.

"My High King, Imperator, Khan and Koningur, your subject Lethaldiran, of the house of Ithilrandir, asks for your mercy. This is all a misunderstanding, your majesty. If your majesty wants to kill, please kill me instead, but please spare everyone else, give us Noldor a way to life."


"How the hell did you get here Lethaldiran? Didnt I send you to take Singal back from Eyegrim the Devourer? Nevermind, since you're already here, I've changed my mind. Just give me all your qualis gems, I will spare a Noldor for each qualis gem I receive. Do not trick me, I have no patience for games."

The handsome Noldor man, who is in front of Sergei Leian said to him, "Sergei Leian, Us Noldor have never offended you, why are you doing this? You've killed too many Noldor and desecrated Elacrai, yet you still have the nerve to ask dragon tears from us, aren't you too greedy?"

"You jest! Ithilrandir, have you forgotten the time when you chased me in the the forests of Laria, across the Jatu plains, and only stopping the pursuit in the city of Poinsbruk, only because I dropped my mystical rune plate?"

"YOUU!!! Only because you stole it, thief. That rune plate was never yours to begin with."

"Finders keepers, old fool. Besides, I didn't see your name on it, how would poor old me know that this shiny plate with runic symbols belongs to you Noldor?"

"It has my name on it. Don't blame me for your ignorant self being unable to comprehend magical Elven script, greedy human."

"Anybody can turn black into blue, I seem to remember that runic script kind of looks like my name in Chinese Pinyin, return the rune plate to me, old bastard."


"Ancestor, Your Majesty, stop bickering, let us discuss more serious matters."

"It's easy, just give all your qualis gems to me, and we'll call it quits."

"Too much Noldor blood has been spilled, we can't accept this result. You can't just attack us, take all our treasure, then just leave and call the matter off."

"That, old man, should best be expressed through a meme. One does not simply walk into Elacrai, but when I do, you get dead Noldor, I get Qualis gems, all in all, it's a good trade. I'm happy, you not-so-happy, still, such is life, 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, we've all been there, don't be such a killjoy. Besides I still have an army, you have a dead army, but an army nonetheless, don't be sad, it's not like it's the end of the world, you Noldor can still hump more trees to create new soldiers."


"In all our history, we Noldor have never been insulted like this!! Very well, take what you want and leave, the Noldor won't welcome you and your ilk here in Elacrai anymore, from now on until forever. Traitor, go with this ungrateful human if you want, but remember, once you leave, there has never been nor ever will be a Noldor named Lethaldiran."

"Ancestor, I ...."

"Silence! Choose your path, child. And don't regret it, that will be my last lesson to you, whether you stay or leave, I will be stepping down from my position, for failing to protect Elacrai and it's people."

Upon saying that, the Noldor went back to the inner keep with a heavy heart, looking much more older with every step he took.

Meanwhile, Sergei Leian proceeds to the Noldor warehouses where his custom Knighthood Order, the Rune Guard, is busy counting his newfound wealth.

A rough looking soldier reports to Sergei Leian, who is now currently playing with a qualis gem in his hand.

"My High King, Imperator, Khan and Koningur, we have found at least 100 qualis gems and that's only 15% of the estimated number in this warehouse, there are at least 10 more warehouses like this plus another 3 larger warehouse and 1 more grand warehouse. Moreover, we have looted more than 2000 sets of Noldor armor, 3000 Noldor weapons, 1000 Noldor shields, 600 Noldor horses and 10000 Noldor arrows from the battlefield."

"Good, what of our casualties?"

"Your Majesty, we have lost 4 Rune Officers and 157 Rune Soldiers, plus 11389 other troops combined. We have 1276 soldiers ready to be promoted to the next tier and have accumulated enough prestige to supplement our elite troop losses and still have surplus to train another squadron of 300 Rune Guards. Currently, we have 6 Rune Officers and 2823 Rune Soldiers remaining for elite troops, 5893 for common troops, and our Rune Guard reserve of 3549 man-at-arms has no damage."

"Everyone up for promotion should be promoted. Start training the Rune Guards from the current batch of man-at-arms. Don't forget to transfer all newly promoted man-at-arms to the reserve division. Keep counting the loot, don't miss a thing, we've lost so many soldiers for this."

"As you wish, Your Maj-"

Suddenly, a weird maelstrom happened in the skies of Elacrai, followed by an attractive voice of a female, not unlike that of a god.

"Sergei Leian, you have failed me, I didn't intend for you to destroy Elacrai nor attack the Noldor. You have disturbed the peace of my people, the consequences of which you will soon regret. Now, pay for your transgressions, puny mortal!"

The maelstrom's suction suddenly increased to the size of the whole monitor, dragging the avatar Sergei Leian and the player controlling the avatar to the maelstrom. Fusing their bodies and their souls.

"Aaaaaahhh, What the frick is this? There has been no precedent for this. Saxondragon, fix you're bloody game, somebody is gonna die from this sooner or later."

The player and Sergei Leian screamed unnaturally as both their bodies keep fusing as they/he got dragged into the maelstrom, finally, as the person keep getting closer to the maelstrom, the onlookers can only see a glimpse of a sparkling blue gem being held tight in the hands of their High King, their Imperator, their Khan, their Koningur.

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