《Jack at World of Syntaria》Chapter 25 : The Start of the "Calamity" means the end.
The Kingdom “Request” to everyone near the dungeon to evacuate, but there's a lot of people, thinking it’s just a rumor or even the Kingdom never believed it completely so why should they? There's only a thousand of soldier, act as scout because they're not planning to engage it, and they are not sure about the information.
I even created a flat-screen magic television, but with three screen, which used space, to view a long distance, but I only set it on certain view, the 3 dungeon!,
When I created it Kimiru ask if I can create more so we can give lend it to the Kingdom, which Mira also agree, so I created 3 for the Kingdom Council, Elfinalde and Dwarves leader. We request them if they knew something like cloning or duplicating skill,
While we are, talking about we experience in dungeon happily,
"Jack.. would you help them?" Mira
"No, we shouldn’t.." I said
"Why.. You’re strong!" Mira
"No, he shouldn't... " Diane said because even they said the necessary information, the Kingdom stance is not believing the information from them about the calamity, the King’s Council just requests the people to evacuate not even mandate it…
"But you're the heroes" Mira
"The heroes are not God, there's even a group of over hundred level monster beasts once it starts, they will only die! You all called it “Calamity” because it was doom to be difficult to solve. Even the four hero’s chances are slim" I said
‘Summoned a hero then after a year facing the Calamity? If I didn’t help them they might still around rank 7 or less’
"But you.. you can right?" Mira
"I can, but first we already warned them and they don't believe us if I help them now? What’s your Council will think?" I said
"But..." Mira
"Mira, .. I’m not a hero, but I'm trying to coordinate with them, why they always try to find fault with us? Because they don't realize the consequence, not showing them the consequence of surprising me personally, it’s because you’re my friends... this time it’s the consequence of their action, they need to face the responsibility, understand?" I said
"Right!, helping them solve the calamity, is already the biggest grace they received, you can't always clean up. There messed, they will never learn" Diane
"Right, if you always help them, they will think a way to use you, because your light-hearted, that's why I the politics" Mike, while putting is both arms behind his head
"Why don’t you go to the Council and watch there? Once everything starts and saw the unwinnable situation, they will forget the Citizen of your Kingdom, they will only think of their safety, they will even plan to make the Citizen of this Kingdom use to slow down the beast march" I said
"No! They will not!" Mira declared it,
"Sorry Mira, not everyone is thinking the same as you. After an hour it will start, I will attack the forest of Fijaika, look carefully how they will respond, they will blame me by not attacking the dungeon here and will discuss how to use me.." I said
"No…. they will not.." Mira look down
After that Mira leave to go to Kingdom, then after 2 hours
"Jack! What's that?" Kara pointing the screen
Because the mist on top of the tower, is starting to disperse, then something, crawling downward to the dungeon tower and small dot appear on the sky, then it became hundred, became thousands, hundreds of thousands,..
Then every adventurer, Soldiers, Vendor and even normal Citizen started to run...
Because if not everyone will surely become food for the beast hordes.
Everyone looking at the screen watching seriously, after an hour almost all place ruined the inside the dungeon wall is full of monster beast,
Then a two-meter human form covered with Ice flame like spirit appeared floating there in the middle, acting as a Leader
""”""""""" ROAR!!! """""""""
"Look!! Is that the leader?" Nina
"umm the one in the top of dungeon is look like that but with dark flame," I said
"So who's stronger you or that?" Kara
"It’s that a question pfft*! " I said confidently
"By the way, what's you're level?" Kara said then everyone looks at me
"Well do you really want to know? pfft*" I
"Um, now that I think of it, you always know our level, you didn't tell yours" Kara
"It’s because you never asked?" I flick her forehead then show my status to her
"HUH!!!" Kara, she jumps when she sees my status
"'""'''''Why ? """""''"'
Everyone was shocked by the reaction of Kara.
"Do you also want to see it too?" I ask
Then everyone nod
Level : 2598 Tittle : Civilian Name : Jack Age : 17 Years old Race High-Human Str : 2901 Atk Dmg : ?,???,??? Agi : 2721 Atkspd : ???? Movement spd : +???/sec +Evasion/Reflex NoWeapon Vit : 3042 HP : 3,483,440/3,483,440 Def : ?,???,??? Int : 3013 Mgc Dmg : ?,???,??? Mgc Def : ?,???,??? Mana : 12,837,040,/12,837,040 Dex : 2789 Luk : 2599 Crit Chance : ???% Crit Muliplier : ???x Skill List Level Interspatial Storage NoLvl Identify NoLvl Cooking Skill Max Healthy Body Max Magic Dispelled (Unique Skill) NoLvl Memorized Lvl4 Multitasking Lvl10 Mana Recovery Lvl10 Mana Sense Lvl10 Mana Control Lvl10 Perseverance Lvl10 Petting Lvl9 Tailoring Lvl6 Sword Mastery Lvl10 Two Handed Sword Mastery Lvl10 Heavy Sword Mastery Lvl10 Bow Mastery Lvl5 Animal Skinning Lvl7 Fire Magic Lvl10 Wind Magic Lvl10 Earth Magic Lvl10 Lightning Magic Lvl10 Light Magic Lvl10 Ice Magic Lvl10 Space Magic Lvl9 Nature Magic Lvl10 Gravity Lvl10 Aura ??? NoLvl Smith Lvl3 Shield Mastery Lvl5 Body Enhancement Lvl10 Body Enchantment Lvl10 Weapon Enchantment Lvl10 Rune Enchantment Lvl10 Lightning Domain Lvl5 ????? Skill NoLvl
"Boh!?" I make noise because it’s too quiet
""""""" HUH**""!!!!! ""'''
"You.. you're a cheater!!!" Mike shout
"Hahaha, I even I thought the same! pfft*!! " I said
"But .. how can you level like that" Era
"I fight at least around 5000 monsters with Lvl2000 monster beast" I said
"And you still alright after that?" Diane
"No, you’re wrong, you know how I make my Light Magic Lvl10?" I ask
Everyone look waiting for my answer
"It’s because if not, I'm going to die, I use body recovery every 5 minutes because they keep whacking my body hahaha pfft*!!" I said while laughing
Everyone turn green face,
Then Mirna hug me tight gently,
"From now on your not allow to conquered dungeon understand?" Mirna said in gentle voice
Kara and Nina start to hug me too
"Um, we.. sob*!! .., We only play from now on.. sob*!! ok?.." Kara
"umm, Kara is right .. sob*!!.. we should... sob*! .. only play .." Nina
Everyone turn silence again
"Wait.. relax .. it supposed to be a good joke, stop crying" I said
"""'No!!!!! """'''
Dina, Era, Sheryl, Diane, Kimiru shout at me
"I'm sorry, Jack.. I just never thought..." Mike
"Yea, sob*! .. I look at you strong and always smiling.. sob*!.. never thought of your hardship sob*!" Gin started to cry too…
"We keep seeing you smiling, so we never think of it before.." Tom
"umm, Jack.. sob*! .. thank you sob*!.. for sheltering us.." Sheryl
"Right, thank you, for sheltering us .. sob*! " Diane
"Later do not makes a joke about your life ok?" Dina said while smiling
"or I'm the one will whack you !?" Era
Then I never realize, even my tears start to fall without me knowing.
I starting to get numb to pain... I thought it’s only because of my perseverance,
But it's not a pain resistance...
While everyone looks gloomy I bite my hand, until it bleed
"Wait .. What are you doing..?." Mirna
"Just testing pfft *!" I said while smiling to Mirna,
"Testing? Testing what?" Kara
"If it’s hurt.., now I realize, it really hurt hihihi pfft*!" I said
"Why? What if its hurt?" Kara
"I realize when someone whacking my body, it’s really hurt, it’s not that I don't feel it, I just used to ignore it, because if not, I might not see you all again " Then I smiled
Everyone looking at me gently
"But, after the calamity, I still need to conquer the 2 dungeons," I said
"Why you said there's no reward, so why?." Kara
"The two so-called themselves god is there,.. " I said
"So what do you plan now,? " Era
"I’m planning to start at the forest of Fijaika, because there's nothing there except for monster beast, so I'm gonna play a little there, I can't destroy the field because, that is the place were going to live after this.." I said then left
I teleport at the Fijaika forest where one of the Dungeon is located
"[[ Mana Sense !!!]] [[ Lightning Domain !!! ]] , [[ 7 Elemental Sphere !!! ]] [[ Body Enhancement !!! ]], [[ Weapon Enchantment!!!]] " I start to activate my skill
After sensing the whole place with my [[ Mana Sense ]].
“Except for the Ice Spirit who’s level shows ‘????’ there’s even a Level 260 monster beasts…” Then I grin
Using [[ Multitasking ]] I make the rain of elemental spear in all direction, cleaning all, slaughtered every single monster beast I met.
Watching at Academy
"Look Jack is really fierce!!!!" Kara
"Yeah his killing, every single one of them.." Mike
"It looks like a child play for him!" Tom
Watching at Kingdom Council
"The information got by Mira from Jack is right, it came from the dungeon!" King
"Your majesty, if the information from princess Mira is right, after a week they will be here at the castle!" Some middle-aged man in the council
"Yes, you're majesty we should send all soldier to defend the castle" Someone from Council
"You should order or adventurer to be in assistance to the Kingdom"
"From the look of it, it’s even higher than rank 10 monster beast!" protector rank 10
"Look there's a Blue flame there, that's must be the leader of it"
"Where are the heroes!! They should fight it!!" Everyone glare at the one who said it
"Without the heroes we really doom, we should think how to evacuate first then let adventurer slow them"
"Look!! There is someone on the 3rd screen"
Then they saw someone slaughtering every monster beast on the screen
"is that!!" King
"Yes it that boy!!!. He's killing every single monster beast with ease.."
"Why he is in that place!! Why he didn't go to the dungeon here!!!"
"We should use that boy to our Kingdom"
"YOU ALL SHUT UP!!! ... you all...!!!!" Mira clenching her fist
Every single of them look to Mira
"What do you mean, here is the Kings Council!!,"
"Jack is right!! sob*!... this damn place doesn't deserve to be saved!!! sob*!" Mira
"Mira!! What are you talking??" King
The queen only looking the turn of event
"I talked before with jack... He said this Council; he said this place once met the calamity" Mira
"He said In face of the calamity every single here in council will think of his own safety, I never heard from you, to evacuate the Citizen, you even think to make them as cannon fodder... Once he moves, you will only talk about how to use him, sob*!!..., This call council is full of non-qualified to lead the Kingdom sob*!..." Mira,
Everyone silence
"Did he say he will help?" King
"No, he says that forest of Fijaika will be his property, is the place they will live after this, that's why he clean it," Mira said then try to leave then the Queen speak.
Watching at Dwarves Council
"Sir isn't that sword is ..."
"Yeah. That boy I never thought his a mage.." Dwarves Leader
"According to the information that comes from Ms. Kimiru network, a week it will attack the Castle of Syntaria Kingdom"
"Hmm, everyone prepares for war, if the Kingdom fall we are the next!!, send a message to network of Ms. Kimiru if he can make me talk to Sir Jack" Dwarves Leader
Watching at Elves Council
"My queen the information from Ms. Kimiru is true then if this will continue."
"Everyone prepared for war if the Kingdom fall, we will be the next target! Send a message to Ms. Kimiru if we can talk with Sir Jack to help us here" Elves Queen
"Yes, my Queen!"
Back at the King’s Council
Before Mira leave,
"My Mira is right! This council is full of cowards! Hundreds of thousands of different Races died because of this council decision, if you evacuated all people there, not only send a scout to confirm it authenticity of the information, they will not die... this is the responsibility of this Council" queen
"My Queen what are you saying?!" King
The other council also waiting for the Queen speech
"All information we need is given by the party of Jack, if we only prepared earlier, it will be less the casualty, and did the party of jack ask any for return? This placed because of unqualified in the position is doomed, if we managed to survive this calamity, all in the council should be beheaded for treason! The council itself can be said the criminal of this Kingdom" Then the Queen stands and holds Mira's hands
"Mira, can I go with you on their side and help me convinced him?" the Queen holds the hand of Mira then they teleport back to the Academy
Back at Jack
After clearing every monster here for 2 hours because Jack can make a big attack which can destroy this whole place.
"If I have Clone someone can pick all of this, I will not need to pick this personally" Talking to myself
Then since my [[ Mana Sense ]] still active I sense 2 different but familiar Mana fluctuation response to it, so I teleport to it, when I arrive the place I can sense the Mana of it, but can't see its body
"Invisibility? Yo! You two can we talk?" I said looking at the surrounding forest
"If you don't want to talk... " I said and then I use [[ Mana Control ]] slowly dispersing the Mana around they’re body
""Wait!!"" a two small sound pass through my ears, so I stop dispersion of Mana in the surrounding
"So can you show your selves?" I say
Two green wisps like flame without distinction show in my front
When I use [[ Identify ]]
"oh so you are [[ A Lesser Spirit of Forest ]] Right? "" I said
""Yes, We are!""
"So what are you doing here? "
""This is where we live"" Spirit
"You know later I'm planning to rebuild this place, but because you also live here, do you want to become my friend?" I ask while smiling
"I’m a good chef I can cook for you if you like,"
"We don't eat.. We only absorb Mana" Spirit
"Spirit... Did you eat Mana?" I ask
"How about this" I try to release Mana to my hand then flow it to them I give around 10k
"is it good?" seeing the two happily absorbing it
""umm.. We want more "" The spirit
Somehow they keep answering in synch.
"I can give you, but you have to tell me your name and became friend of mine understand?" I said
"Name? We don't have name we call Spirit of Forest"
"What if you give us a name?" The Spirit
"Right give us name, then we became friend" the other spirit
"Ok, you are Lilith, and you is Lulu ok? " I said because they’re voice are sound like little girl
"Lilith.." Lilith
"Lulu..' Lulu
"Um from now on you are Lilith and Lulu come, I am your brother Jack follow me while I'm cleaning! I’m going to feed you with my Mana then I'm gonna introduce you to other!"
It good its Hundreds of thousands of rank 8 above up to Lvl160, if it’s a million of rank 1~6 its gonna be a mess to cleaned it,
It’s Already 4 pm when I’m Finish Cleaning it,
I make a [[ Water Ball ]] then goes inside it, make it spin, so it can simply clean my body, they dry myself by absorbing all water in my body and clothes,
"I really need a clone to clean this" I said and then I look at two spirits after feeding it about hundred thousand of Mana
"You your now a [[ Spirit of Forest ]] not a lesser right Lilith, Lulu?" Because I notice that they already form into a little girl
"Um brother Jack why you are rich in Mana?" Lilith
"Right brother Jack?" Lulu
"Because I'm strong, come I'm gonna introduce you now to our family," I said
"Our family?" Lilith
"Um, family, I'm gonna make you meat Kara Nina Mirna and everyone, from now on we are not just friends we are family" I said then we teleport to house
"I'm home!!" I said
"Jack!!!! " I see Kara and Nina
"Kara Nina, this is Lilith and Lulu they are now my little sister right Lilith and Lulu" I said
"um brother jack is feeding us with his Mana" Lilith
"brother jack is good to us!" Lulu
"So how's here" I ask
"We have a visitor come!!..." Kara said and run to Sala
While we are walking I see the Queen talking with Era and Dina
"Yo!, so what we have here Era? Dina?" I ask
"Sir Jack, it’s an honor to meet you again..." The Queen
"Please stop the sir thing, in this house doesn't have status, even I act as a plate cleaner, one of my wives want to dress maid clothes, which look very lovable, pfft*!"
Dina blushed when I declared her as my wife to the Queen
Then go to sit down between Era and Dina
"Pfft*! ok if you want" Queen
"So why are you here Sister Queen? " I ask then everyone look weird to me
"Well Mira is our friend? And the queen doesn't look old to Call Auntie?" I said seriously
"pfft*! you can just call me Sister Yan" Yan
"Well, Sister Yan why are you here?" I ask
Mira and Yan look at each their turn seriously
"We would like to request you to help us in this calamity" Yan
"Ok.." I said
They all shock when I say it
"Pfft*! hahaha look even Sister Yan join your team!!! pfft*!" I said
"What you saying,..you will help the Kingdom?" Mira
"Would you prefer if I make things difficult for you?" I said
"Well, no but thanks" Mira
"But I have a condition for you two!" I said
""What"" Mira and Yan
"Tonight... you're gonna be...." I said with mysterious smile
""""Gonna be?"""" Dina, Era, Mira and Yan
"Gonna be your mother pillow understand!?" I said
"um" Yan immediately agree
"no!" Mira
"pfft*!! So it’s a deal!" I said
"So why did you agree easily?" Era
"I don't want you to be awkward with our friend because of me and I need to favor my wife, besides I’m planning to end calamity itself right? Just want to teach them a little lesson so I didn’t act early" I smile then stand
"I'm gonna start cooking, so sister Yan hope you can eat dinner here" I said and goes kitchen
At the kitchen
"Why are you smiling like that?" Dina ask and look at me weirdly because I'm grinning while cooking
“I just thought something amusing ” Jack
“Amusing?” Dina
I gently hugged Dina then say...
“Um.. the moment the so-called ‘Calamity’ start, is the signal for me to end it, isn't?…” Jack
"Right?..." Dina
At dinner, I introduce Lilith and Lulu to everyone else and then after a long fun talk with them I play a little with Dina and Era at night.
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