《Jack at World of Syntaria》Chapter : 24 Conquering The Dungeon
After a week Gin, Kara, Mirna, Nina decided to go with the four heroes, except for Gin the 3 girls just want to play there.
Era, Mira and Dina is plan to help Kimiru to establish network to other places for easy gain information, the teleportation is only for us, but i make wind communication for them, so they can set station to every place and make a central station at the Academy.
And I, a week after the heroes arrival
At 72nd floor.
As usual my outfit in the same, the only difference is my weapon I have two [ Dryad Blessed Wand ] with my [ Drake Heavy Sword ]
"[[ Mana Sense ]] [[ 7 Elemental Sphere ]] " I open my Mana sense to detect 1km around me, then I open seven sphere and supplement it with Nature Mana, Lightning, fire, wind, water, ice, light, earth with my [[ Multitasking ]] Skill, all hostile monster, around me are massacred while I’m looking for floor boss, and the entrance for next floor,
I kill many hostile monster as possible for experience and let those who are not live.
After 4 months doing same thing, I reach 100 Floor,
It’s a 6 headed dragon with a body of a turtle almost 100 meter whole body, 30 meters the neck length
Fire head, Water head, Lightning head, Earth head, Wind head, and Normal Dragon head?
With my [[ Mana Sense ]] and [[ 7 Elemental Sphere ]] trying to clash on it but I think of a good way.
"[[ Meteor Strike !!! ]] Die!!!" I shout making 3 meteors, 20 meters diameter
A strange field appears 40 meters around it..
When the meteor enter the field, just 5 seconds the meteors starting to lost its flame, it just becomes a three 20 meters stone falling then
"bang*! bang*! bang*!" it was smashed by earth dragon head then the 6 head look at me.
"Fuck, it... it’s cheating!!! [[ Magic Nullifier Field ]] where did you learn that!!.." I run then wait for it to lost its effect after
35 minutes
I try it again but it just the same...
"[[ Lightning Domain!! ]] , [[ 7 Elemental Sphere!!! ]] [[ Body Enhancement!!! ]], [[ Weapon Enchantment!!!]]," I activate my buffs skill then teleport in front of the earth Dragon then
I hit the head of the dragon with my full hit, but there's something cover my attack, a turtle shell made by solid stone, but still, the sword of mine cut the flesh a meter wound,
"[[ Multi-Icicle !!!]] ",
" CLANG *! CLANG *! CLANG *! CLANG *! CLANG *! CLANG *!...."
I start to bombard it with icicle then after 12 hit my skill stop, my buffs from lightning domain, even my weapon enchantment is removed, I notice here in this field I can't use any magic,
"Bi BI! "
A Lightning Bolt shot on me, which make me a little staggered,
But I still attack and target the eyes of earth dragon!,
While I'm running on the head of earth dragon, I'm hitting its body., then the non-element head charge at me.
"Crack*!!" the right arm of mine was bitten along with the sword and torn off
"Fuck!!!.. The non-element dragon is a speed type!!! It’s for sneak!!!" I shout
I was hit and thrown down, because of its speed and I can't use Mana Sense it caught me off guard
After I was thrown down the ground I keep running away from the field, I only hold the wand of mine, my sword was still in the mouth off non-element dragon, along with my right arm
"[[ Body Recovery !!! ]] and [[ Heal !!!]] Fine its yours!!!!" I shouted to the 6 headed Dragon, but it’s seemed just waiting for me, declaring its superiority, by standing its head high, looking down on me...
While analyzing the event, I got a good idea...
I open space and make its head separate, to the body!!!
"bang*!! " the space collapse I can't cut its head from its body,
"How can normal adventures hope to kill this!! It will clearly massacre the whole party once they got near there.... how about ... this..." I'm saying to myself....
I'm planning to teleport the whole meteor to the front of his body, because its take at least 5 to 10 second to nullifies magic near its body, but I got idea
"[[ Clay Molding !!! ]] , [[ Rune Enchanting !!!]] "
I create six drills made of solid stone I can make...
Put 3 Rune, Wind Resistance, Strengthening, Heat Resistance
The six head just watching to me, waiting for me to come, maybe it’s really a stationary boss, if it's going to charge to adventurer party ... it will be really unbeatable even for the group of rank 10.
While I'm away on it, around 500 meters
I start to make the drill stone float and spin!!!
"More!!! ..It’s not enough,... Faster!!" While talking to myself
""""" "CringgggGGGG**!!!!!""""""
Because it's spinning in high velocity, the wind around starting to absorb
When I realize it's going to out of my control, making my ears and nosebleed, thanks to my perseverance for mind resistance,
I open a 6 space, I'm front of the head of 6 Headed Dragon
"BooOOOM !!!"
The six drill goes through its, continue its trajectory in too solid like a turtle shell, on 6 stone drill 5 is disintegrate, only one pass through the ground...
"DING! Congratulations For Being First To Conquered Half Of The Dungeon For 706,234 Years !!!" "Unique Skill Learned: Magic Dispelled (Unique Skill) !!!" Magic Dispelled (Unique Skill) : Removed all buffs on Target or Stop the flow of any kind of energy for 3 second, cannot be less than 5 minutes to cast again
"It’s been long since learned, skill, and what the… The 6 headed use this skill continuously for 35 minutes, 40 meters, when its gone recast again... when I get only 3 seconds and can be used after 5 minutes." I said to myself
I get the 5-meter scale of it for Tom and Gin shield and get my sword, then left, because I'm not planning to stay, but...
"and a half? There's still 100 floors, why did I think its only 100 floors, I even said to conquered 3 dungeons with 1-2 years...I really need to rush this..…, How’s Selica?..." I said
Since the arrival of the heroes I go all out to conquer a dungeon, But still looking for a time to visit Selica, it’s just that, I can't contact her anymore, I visit the church of goddess of hope, but can't have a response to her.
I hold the goddess pendant the pour mana to it, almost after a month of heroes arrival, I do it once a day.
"Crackk*!!" the pendant broke..
"What... What happen? did I pour too much Mana?...." I go out of the dungeon everything almost the same, the only difference is there's a lot of look like a Kingdom Soldiers here, in the tower, maybe they realize it after some of my talks before,… then I go home.
Once I out of the dungeon, I directly go home, then at the house, I see Kimiru, Mira, Era, Dina talking at the Sala.
"Yo!, " I
"Why are early today?... " Era
"Well I just kill 100-floor boss so I go out " I
"you've cleared the dungeon?" Mira
"No, it’s the only half.." I
"Only half? There still 100 floors? How did you know its half " Kimiru
"Well someone speaks on my mind, after killing the boss at 100floor, saying congratulation for conquering half .." I explain to them but not the skill I get
"So that's how.." Kimiru
"So what are you planning now?" Kimiru
"Well its only 4 months and since there’s a hundred floor to clear, I'm planning to rush it and minimize the killing, and what's new? It seems like you're talking about something interesting?" I
"Well now that, we have station all through the kingdom using your idea to centralize of information, the kingdom asking for its ownership, they will pay 10x you're expense," Dina said
"pfft*! , that the stupidest joke I ever heard hahaha" I said
"Yea, I know, I even trying to explain it to father... but the council trying to gain its ownership, saying it will be good for Intel" Mira
"um.. the council is stupid, they don't understand business they think they can buy base on the expense, the potential of the idea, and we even already operating, even thousand times will be possible" Kimiru
"It’s not that, they don't know business, it's just that they trying to approach, not in business way, they even keep saying for the Kingdom" Era
"Well, it’s not that I really care, but I hope for their Kingdom, they don’t do something stupid. The idea of central network communication is we created, is to access information in another village, like if there's a monster beast information, so we can help them, the information we freely give them, just don’t ask for yard after we give them an inch, if not for Mira I’m not willing to give them a single information, it’s our planned for our independent city, we are going to create, but if our help become a reason for them to backstab us, we should withdraw everything! Tell them don't push their life dead end I'm not affable" I said then walk away
"Where are you going?" Dina
"Going to church.." I
"You always visit the church... why?" Dina
"Because my little friend of mine lost connection with me since heroes’ arrival, the church is the only way I know where I can find her but... I really miss her now..." I said with my sad tone then leave
"A little friend of him? In church? Do you know her? " Mira
"No, I never heard it before" Kimiru
"It looks like she’s really important to him..." Era
"A little friend? Her? A little girl in church? Why I never heard of it? And it seems like he knows her a long time" Dina...
After I left the house I go to church, I just sit there looking at the altar, which is a ladylike statue, I don't know who create it, but it does not even look like Selica while hoping a response for her there's an old woman with nun clothing,
"oh boy, it look like something troubling you, can I have the honor to hear your story .." old nun
"no, it’s not much..." I said keep thinking with my head looking the ceilings
"Well, it’s not much so mind to shared it?.." The Nun keep looking at me smiling
"it's kinda boring but... sigh*! ... It’s about a little friend of mine, we lost communication..." I
"It seems like the little friend of yours is really important to you" old nun
"I don't know, I.. I missed her, when we are together I cook for her, make some of her requests, she's annoying and thickheaded, she will not say if she doesn't want, it easy to tease her, well she's tsundere, I can tell anything to her, even she can't tell a single things about her, almost all my secret in this life is I told her she is a trusted friend of mine, I even think of her as a family, sob*!.. She can talk to me, sob*!... I know, sob*!... I might do something stupid, sob*!... But I didn't realize until now... sob*! ... She might hate but.. sob*! if .. she can meet me... sob*! .. but.. shes.. in.. trouble if she does that... " I take a deep breath and stand
"Thanks grandma.. " I said because after saying what on my mind I realize something
"It’s good to know I have been a help, May I know your decision" old nun
"That idiot little friend of mine, if I become her level, I will cook in her front and will not give her a thing, I only hope if its life threatening doesn't push herself, and just wait for me... " I said then leave
The old nun was just sitting there watching me leave.
After a while, she smiles then vanished.
After that I continue to conquered, dungeon after 2 months I reach floor 170, I almost clear dungeon in a day sometime 2 level a day, starting floor 100 you can never see a weak monster, the weakest is level 105.
In 170 floor of becoming different, it will continuous slaughter.
Floor 170 = 10monster beast with 10% higher level than dungeon conqueror
171 = 100monster beast with 10% higher level than dungeon conqueror
172 = 500monster beast with 10% higher level than dungeon conqueror
173 = 10 monster beast with 20% higher level than dungeon conqueror
174= 100 monster beast with 20% higher level than dungeon conqueror
175= 500 monster beast with 20% higher level than dungeon conqueror
176 = 10 monster beast with 30% higher level than dungeon conqueror
177 = 100 monster beast with 30% higher level than dungeon conqueror
178 = 500 monster beast with 30% higher level than dungeon conqueror
and so on,..
After I try it to floor 185 I stop, and tell the other the situation I might be gone for a month or so because there's no entrance, only exit, not like the other it only teleports you, to next floor after defeating it,
One thing good is not I continuously battle for 29 floors, a simple trick is left 5 monster beast without limb to move, without mouth to bite, then make a pit where only its head show then rest
Within 12 days I clear 30 floors,
From 170- 199
1/2/3 in one day
4/5/6 in one day
7/8/9 in one day
10/11/12 in one day
13/14/15 in two day
16/17/18 in two day
19/20/21 in one day
22/23/24 in one day
25/26/27 in one day
28/29/30 in one day
"12days... I thought it will take me 30 days. I should calculate it as 10 floors with 610 monster beast each, And there's a limit in the level of the enemy" Talking to myself.
I eat, take a bath, and rest..
"Hahaha its good to grind here" while laughing like devil to myself
After resting and prepared everything I killed the monster beast left, then a light cover my body then it teleports me to 200th floor
When I look around me it’s just a plain field like simple arena flooring, but the field its rich in Mana density you can see it like a fog.
"Congratulations Adventurer! For reaching the highest floor of this dungeon" A 2-meter spirit looks like a dark flame but with a form of human.
"Sorry? I'm not an adventurer?" I said
"HA HA HA HA, The first person reach the Highest Place in the Dungeon is not Adventurer Laughable!!" a Spirit
"Are you the last boss?"
"HA HA HA HA! I no longer just a floor boss a long time ago!!, I already become a higher being" a spirit
"you change?" I said
"I already lose my body, have my own consciousness, not just floor boss, and become a Celestial spirit" spirit
"hmmm, so who are you?" i
"HA HA HA HA! I am one of those what you called god" Spirit
"HA HA HA HA! are you a comedian?" I said while copying the way he laughs
"HA HA HA HA! you will never understand " Spirit
"hmm.. are you one of those who design the calamity? " I ask while holding my chin
"HA HA HA HA! good.., clever child, I am one of those god " Spirit
"Since the floor boss here has now become Sir god, I think your very powerful, so may I ask you're honorable to lighten up this child, are you the strongest of them or are you on 20th position or something?" I said full of respect and awe
"HA HA HA HA! good clever child, I may not be the strongest but I'm one of the top 3 position" a spirit
"So sir God is top 3, it can be said that in this world is really at peak, but how can you be sure? Without getting out of here?
"HA HA HA HA! A good question there is one of the six god who has the ability to use space which helps to leave this place, but the place is full Mana so I choose to stay here and wait for a good play to watch.
"There's a god good in space? May I know Sir God when the last time you met him?" I
"HA HA HA HA! You clever child why keep asking, I entertain you enough that's is my grace you should now leave" The Spirit become cold
"HA HA HA HA!, you're not clever god, I thought your stupid enough to answer my question," I said with his tone
"You Insolent!!! " The Spirit
"A mere spirit calling itself god... Do you want me to chopped your head" I said while grinning
Then a group of dark Mana surrounding him, start trying to suffocate me with invisible pressure
I activated all my Skill from [[ Body Enhance and Enchant ]] [[ Lightning Domain ]] "[[ Mana Sense ]] [[ 7 Elemental Sphere ]]
Then holding my Heavy swords with my right hand I vanished
I smash the sword but I just pass through to the ground...
Then a fist came from my right side….
I blocked with my armguard then
“Bi! BI!”
Lightning Bolt appears in his front
But he waves his arm and it makes the bolt in his direction redirect to other direction
Even I block his first attack I was thrown down 10 meters of my spot before then
I use my gravity to suppress him a little but its look like it doesn’t have effect
I connect my [[ 7 Elemental Sphere ]] to my Heavy sword then
He smashes my attack with his fist
A wave of Firenova was created around 5 meters of the impact
Then a Dark ball was created on my side which sucks up my whole left arm, it was torn off…
“Hahaha, a little brat wants to show off, die …” He wants to say more but a light cover my lost limb and it regrows in an instant.
Bang*! Icicle*! Icicle*! Icicle*! Icicle*!
I hit again and ice spike was created to the ground, His left leg was hit by ice but it just pass through
30Meters pit was created and I’m in the middle of it…
‘Fuck even I already reach high level….. tsk..’ I keep thinking
I healed myself then teleport in his back
Bang! Bi! Bi! Bi!
A Lightning shockwave was created while I smash my sword on his body but…
“Hahaha, You think I’m only faster than you?” The Spirit holds the sword with his left hand showing his superiority not only in term of speed and power.
Then I created Explosion Made of Mana in the body of the Boss
I was thrown down again but my clothes it has torn off and my body is already burned because of concentrated Explosion in front of me.
“Hahahaha you see it brat!... I am a God! I’m Immune to magic! Because I myself was made of Mana itself! ” The spirit
Seeing I control some Mana connected to his body when I created concentrated explosion I grin…
"[[ Clay Molding ]]" I create a chair which is more likely a throne then repaired my jacket and sit on it
“You really powerful isn’t?” I said while smiling at him
“Hahaha Did you realize our difference!” The Spirit
“Hahaha, right we are different….” I said while laughing out loud
The Spirit frown but doesn’t know why I can still laugh in this situation
“You see I already reach High level but in term of speed and power, I’m no match for you… And you are immune to magic hahaha isn’t you are made of too much of stupidity.” I said
“You!!“ Spirit
Then I concentrate to use "[[ Mana Control ]]"
"YOU BRAT!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!" The spirit
"A [[ Highest Dark Spirit ]] pretending to be a god?, don't you think it’s funny?" I said while sucking all Mana around his body making a Mana stone, out of him
"How did you..." Spirit
"I don't know you're level, its only show ???? but you're age 1,069,087?? that... seriously no one kills you after that many years, you will really become spirit no matter you like it or not after that hahaha pfft*!" I said while laughing
"YOU... WHAT IS HAPPENINGS!!??" The Spirit
His body starting to disintegrate and he can't do anything about it...
"Your body is already gone long ago and now you are just a spirit made of Mana, I'm gonna help you to reborn don't worry... when you respawn I will visit you!" I said smilingly
"NO!!! ARGHHHHH!!!! Stop this...please please stop this..argh!"
"So should I stop? If you answer my entire question I might stop it, deal?" I said
I slow down the absorption process
"Ok, well you as long as I know… " I
"Why do a million years, there's no heroes conquered the dungeon? Yet" I ask
"We.. we planned them out... we kill them before they become strong..every hero will die inside dungeon" Spirit
"Why does all living adventurer is now weak? Can’t even rise to 100lvl? " I said
Then I speed up the absorption
"it’s…. It’s because... more than million years we start tampered a heroes body... experiment to weaken their potential... the heroes failed to save everyone from the calamity... most of the race extinguish, more so the powerful one, like Dragonkin Angels, Fairy, Demonkin, and other race who participate to war, after that with the help of 6 of us turn into a spirit more than 600000 thousand ago, we started to tampered the body of everyone, pretending a savior of the calamity by blessing them, which passes to generation to another generation and we kill all strong monster beast little by little, until then, we become the most peak of the world" The Spirit
"Why are you six? You should be only three?" I ask because there's only a 3 dungeon
"It’s a lesser spirit we build up for hundred thousands of years, by feeding Mana to follow our command"?
"Your Dark Spirit, what are the others?" I ask
"The dungeon at forest Fijaika is fire Spirit, in the Elves Forest Wind Spirit, we help to grow is space, ice, lightning, space was bought by the adventurer millions of years to the top and left it behind there and it grow by sharing with fire spirit" Spirit
"There's no light spirit? How about the Goddess of Light, Selica?" I said
"Light Spirit? The church goddess? it died 500 years ago. In unknown cost but maybe Space Spirit and Fire Spirit kill him"
"Is there's a five rune ring act as her wing? at the back of Selica?" I ask
"There's no such.., " Spirit
"Last... How’s the calamity of yours will work?" I said while thinking maybe Selica I know and the Light Spirit they knew is not the same.. Did she kill the Light Spirit? …
"But..." Spirit doesn't want to say
But I increase absorption process
"The top.. of the tower.. is filled with monster beast after years of the summoning of heroes...it will release after a week it will attack the castle and.." The spirit was sucked dry
"Fuck, he's gone!!, I'm planning to ask for more detail but... I think I need a good control to myself" I said because I space out a little when I think who is Goddess Selica
"DING! Congratulations For Being First To Conquered The Dungeon For 1,069,097 Years !!!"
Then a light wisp with face slowly appeared in my front
"Congratulation For Conquering the dungeon!" Wisp with face of pointed nose appear
"yo!?... who are you?" I ask
"I'm a dungeon Spirit, for million year’s accumulation of magic, may I know what you wish for?" Wisp
"Well any? Weapon? Skill? Item? I can think of?" I ask
"Any, of your wish..." Wisp
"Does the 2 dungeon the same? Giving me a wish too?" I said
"Yes! The 2 dungeon spirit can do what I can because our creator the same" Wisp
“What if this (@#$%&&%$$#@ @#$$%&&&%$$#@@)” I said
"So the first one is impossible, because even i don’t know her name, sigh*! ... the latter part? Can you guarantee it?" I said
"So long as you are first to conquered the other 2 dungeon it will be not a problem" wisp
"Then.. I need the first one pfft*!" I said
"DING! Unique Skill Learned : ???????"
"Hahaha, what if conquered this again after 10years?" I ask
"It’s only possible, because of accumulation of magic for millions of years" Wisp
"Last question, what is the maximum level of mobs on the 170th floor to 199th floor? can I overuse it?" I said
"Start at 170Floor mobs there will start at level 170 and will be calculated base on the Conqueror Parties....
you see 2000 before but since the accumulation is used for your wish the max will be back to normal 1000 level if you overuse it dungeon will be closed down and wait at least 10000 of years to accumulate again to open" Wisp
"Well thanks.. see you Mr. Wisp!" I wave to him then leave
When I regained my senses I was at 169 floors,
"I still more than half a month to practice and learn to fully control my stat" I
After practicing it for 15 days I already have a good power sensitivity
Then early morning I return home
At the kitchen I start to cook breakfast then Dina is the first to wake up
"Good Morning!!"
I said
"Jack! You’re ... when did you come back?" Dina goes to me
"Just came home... to cook for breakfast!! How's life here?" I said
"Well, everything's ok, and everyone misses you now," Dina said
I hug her waist and playing my nose to her
"How about you.... do you miss me?" I ask
"um!" She nod then I kiss her lips, then I make a gentle movement downward to his plenty back then change its shape.
"I always think of you too" I whispered in her ears, and then we hug for several seconds
"Okay, let cook breakfast now, I may not control myself to eat my midnight snacks earlier pfft*!!" I said
Then we cook for breakfast, and then I take a bath
While I’m gone, everyone’s awake one by one and sit on the dining table like usual
After taking a bath I go out my room and go to dining table and sit my favorite spot
Everyone's looking at me then
"Good Morning?" I said
"""""" Jackk!!! """"""
"What’s with that reaction?" I ask
""Whisshhhhh*!!"" Kara and Nina instantly on my lap
"I always think of you all, miss me? " I said while stroking their head
""umm!"" Kara and Nina
"Kara always crying while sleeping, so Sister Mirna and I always hug her on sleep" Nina
"You also cry when sleeping not only me!!" Kara
"Sorry, don't worry I already conquered the dungeon so later I have many times to play with you"
""Really??"" they’re both eyes shone and I simply nod and feed them
"You cleared the dungeon?" Era
"um I cleared the 200 the floor," I said
"So what's the reward?" Era said
"""""""""Reward?? """""""
"Well, do you really wanna know?"" I said
Everyone's look at me
"I don't know too, hahaha pfft*!!!"
"""" Huh!!""""''
"Don't you get it??" I ask
Everyone look at me acting mysterious
"Mike, you should have the idea right?" I said because the way he smiles, saying 'fuck! This is bullish!'
"Ha ha ha!! should I say it? will it lost the fun?" Mike
""""""Said it!!!!"''''''
Everyone shout
"Hahahaha I knew it coming!! ppfftt**!! " I said while laughing
"It’s the experience. the dungeon is for adventurer its created to adventurous people, to adventure, it doesn't mean you need to reach the top to get the meaning of it, when you're group are playing happily conquering the dungeon, it will turn into a life happy experience and that's the greatest treasure one can get... so having no reward at the top ... is also reasonable... that's what I guess" Mike
"So? It means nothing? Just experienced no treasure?' Kara
"chopped*!!" I chopped the head of Kara the stroke her hair again
"it’s not it doesn't mean a thing, it’s the memories you can cherish which you can laugh once you got old, it cannot be bought by any treasure in this world, example when the group of orangutan gets your food what your topic?" I ask Kara
"We are all claiming that we are peacefully and loving race!?, ... then I remember Sister Mirna said 'Kill them all without mercy pfft*!!" Kara
"pfft*!, Dina said she's a loving person when orangutan gets our food she shouts 'You shall not pass!!!' Hahaha pfft*!!"
"I remember that day Gin saying he doesn't care about petty things, but when his food turn to banana, he shouts with full of hatred ' justice must prevail"'!! pfft*!! " Dina
"Why me? Sister Era..." Gin wants to say something Era glared at him, he continues " Is a loving person..."
Everyone laugh....
"See it's not it doesn't mean a thing, it’s a memory that we shared which even I cherished, pfft*! " I said
"I wish I'm with you when you all go adventure,.." Mira
"Why don't you go with us when we are getting ingredients for lunch later, and we visit the elves Kingdom inside the dungeon," I said
"Um!!," Mira agree
"By the way, Mira, do you know or heard a cloning technique? " I ask
"Why?" Mira
"Well I know how to use summoning rune, when I reverse its effect, I need information which will tell me if the sending is success, are in the right world," I say
""""You can send us back?"""
"Um, actually when you got here I’m planning to send you back right away, the problem what if ... Do I send you not to your world? Would it at least it’s I, makes you a dead end? That's why I study still the space magic... Well I know people here do have skill list but I know my runes is Lvl10, and my space magic is already lvl9" I said
"That high?" Diane
"How can you do that?" Mike
"17 years of deadly training?? pfft*! so do you know some Mira?, I plan to ask the Elves Queen but I never hear Elves has that" I said
"Well gonna ask father" Mira
"And Sister Miru can you help me too, set Sister Rhea and his group away from the dungeon if possible buy or rent them some land in the Capital" I
"Why? They are stable there right?" Miru
"No not for long I got an idea where the calamity will start but not sure what it is" I
""""""What ??""""""
"Where?" Mira
"At the dungeon" I
"""""" Dungeon '"""""""
"Right… Don’t you think? If there's a monster invasion where is the possible place it will come??" I
"Well you have point, but it’s just you're hunch?" era
"No? I caught a god I interrogate him.." I
"""""" God """"""
"Are you making fun of me? Who organizes this? if I said I accidentally kill the god after interrogating him?"
""""""""" Kill ""'"''''"
"Ha ha ha ha pfft*!! Your reaction is really priceless... hahaha " I laugh out loud while holding my stomach,
"You.… you said it clearly" Era
Everyone look at waiting
I cover my eyes with my hands
"Pick a boo?" I said while smiling at them
""""" You said it quick!!!""""""
"Fine fine, why you always bully me pfft*!! at the 200floor dungeon, a god is playing hide and seek" I look at them and still waiting for what I'm going to say
"He can't find himself because he doesn't hide!? pfft*!"
"Hahaha, that is stupid god!!, right Nina?" Kara
"Umm!!" Nina
"Kara, Nina this is why I love you, look they all serious," I said and kiss them both on they're cheeks
Everyone still looking at me
"After breakfast, I will tell what I know ok?" I said
Then everyone starts to eat then I help washing the plate
After we cleaned up everything, I sit to Sala while playing with Mirna
I tell them, except for the reward, how I kill the floor boss and why adventurer now is weak making everyone shocked about the game of god, the calamity maker, about how other powerful race disappeared,
After we talk, Kimiru transfer her parent and Rhea group, Our village is safe, but we already make a preparation for them in any case, once we settle our side, we let the King and their Council know where's the calamity might begin, so they can garrisons their soldier there, and prepare for war, we also informed the Elven Queen, it takes 5 days to set our side prepared before we make the other influences get the report..,
After that almost every day we play inside the dungeons, for four months, we even reach the 90th floor, I created a vehicle like a flying carpet, but it’s was made by the bed of fluffiness with a stone bed under, by rune float and control it by manipulating earth, I also create Mana Stone, because that is the only way I can spend my Mana.
Era, Mirna, and Dina, reach rank 9, Gin, Kara and Nina are rank 8, Mira and Kimura rank 7, but the four heroes reach rank 10, once a powerful monster appears I always use gravity magic to suppress it a little send some pressure on it, which makes Mike look like a God of War, but there's a time when mike attack the same monster without my suppression, make him pay a leg,..
More than half a month before the so-called "Calamity" will start, seems like everything’s prepared.
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The Silly Alchemist
In my previous life, I had been ordinary all my life. When I reincarnate, this time, I want to find a family which has authority, power and money! I want to become a prodigal son! A prodigal who has authority, power and money! Yep, it would be great if there were some lackeys who followed behind me too. I want to squander money, I want to be a prodigal son! [I want to let the world confront a surging tide – an Alchemist Surging Tide!] Introduction by staff: Ye Lang was a person who wanted to live an ordinary life, but alas, life kicked him to the curb after giving him some candy. In his next life, Ye Lang doesn’t want to be ordinary anymore, he wants to do what he hasn’t been able to: Squander money like his life depends on it! This is a novel that tries to avoid the regular xianxia clichés. So if you are tired of the clichés and the arrogant MC’s, then this is definitely the novel for you.
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Canticle: Code Caligula
Death to you. A phrase the demon "Bloodstrider" Mura knows all too well; living out his unusual life as a would-be assassin in an unforgiving world. But in a twist of fate, Mura is exiled to Earth, stripped of his powers and is now hunted by those he once called comrades.
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Reborn to become the boss of the Strongest Mafia
The Richest man, The Boss of a Organization, The one who'll make a Labyrinth, The smartest man, The one hailed as a genius, The most mysterious man, The one who was reborn. Jason Zheng, a Chinese American man, a person who was full of debt in his last life gets reborn after being shot to death by his debt collectors. But being reborn isn't the only thing that happens. Along with his new life he is given a mission of conquering the world. For this mission he is given 3 powers to help him on his mission. It’s my first story, constructive criticism would be appreciated.
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A Large Debt (Shuli Go Vol. 2)
Zhao Lian is a sheriff without a county. A member of an old magical order called the Shuli Go, she was raised to uphold the law and protect her fellow citizens. But after her order was disassembled, she was left with no choice but to wander in search of work for someone with her very particular set of skills. When she stumbles across a group of bandits plundering a merchant's wagon, she steps in to save the only innocent survivor. Quickly though, Lian learns innocent is not the right word to describe him. This new addition to her life pushes her out of her comfort zone and into a run from the law, but his impact on her life is only just beginning. The second story in the saga of the Central Empire's most famous Shuli Go, this continues to build the world and set of characters which will be central to future installments.
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Dungeon Core: Alex : Hiatuss Infinitetum
Alex was an average guy. He lived in an average house, in an average neighborhood and worked at an average job. One day while walking home he was looking at a short skirt a little too closely and didn’t see a car. In some kind of God like kidnapping his soul was taken from his rightful afterlife and forced into a dungeon core! A dungeon core under the control of a black robed necromancer bent on destroying the world. Will Alex learn what it is to be a dungeon? Will He help to destroy the world? Or will he find a new path? A path of his own design.
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