《The Story Of The Shadow Hunters》Chapter 12: The Road To The Town


Chapter 12: The Road To The Town

On my way toward the town, I knew if you just go straight there is a town at the end of the forest, after a few hours I was pretty sure I was getting closer to the town as I started to recognize parts of the forest, my father always told me I had the eyes of a hawk so sharp and that I could remember places we have been to for years even if we only came to it once.

A few more hours went by, I came by a lake, I was pretty sure I saw this lake before, like maybe around two hours away from the town, I looked up, half the day was gone already again, as I continued my journey toward the town, the faster I arrive there the quicker I could try and find the guild, they have people specialized in everything, from monster hunting to collecting herbs, kinda like a video game, but then with real people taking jobs for decent amounts, some more than others, depending on the risk on the quest.

Almost two hours went by again, as I could see light from the way I was going, it was the end of the forest, walking out of the forest immediately gave you a warmer feeling of the sun on you, as I was looking around I noticed smoke from behind a hill a bit farther away, I walk toward the hill looking if it was the town, it was, I would hide my belongings that I might need if I needed to flee from the city behind some bushes in a hole under a tree, before moving toward the town.

Population: 300

(240 normal people, 30 guards 30 guild members on jobs or taking jobs).

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