《The Story Of The Shadow Hunters》Chapter 5: Too Quiet? 1/3-3/3


Chapter 5: Too Quiet? 1/3

Days of normal working on the farm continued on as nothing happened, but something did not feel right like something was watching me... I can not really say what it was at that moment, but we would find out sooner than expected, the day itself was pretty decent it was quiet but not silent, you could hear the animals nearby, the feeling of being uneasy went on the rest of the day when the time came to go eat my father asked me if something was wrong, I told him I felt uneasy, so he told me I could take the day off tomorrow.

Chapter 5: Too Quiet? 2/3

The night went on like usual, I woke up in the middle of the night hearing noises downstairs, as I went to inspect my door I looked through the keyhole, it was just my dad looking for something downstairs, My door was right in front of the stairs so I could see it clearly, I took a deep breath thinking that I was just stressed from working to much on the farm with my father, till I heard a loud scream, which I instantly recognized... My dad!

Chapter 5: Too Quiet? 3/3

Loud noises could be heard from outside as the scream clearly sounded more like a shock than actually someone being hurt, as my room door would be slammed open, my father with a face of fear would grab my arm running with me and my mother down the stairs, but it was too late, they were surrounded, my father told me to hide, as he pushed me into a nearby closet, as he whispered to me to not come out whatever I might hear, I nodded to him, as the noises came closer and closer.

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