《Unwanted》The Duel



I walked out of the back alley and into the streets and as I continued to walk I noticed that people that would go near me gave a face that made them look as if they smelled something awful. That’s when I realized that I’m giving off a strong smell of alcohol. I decided to go into a tailor shop, since I found a bag of Dubloons inside the clothes that I had just taken from the person who is now me. I thought I would make an investment and put on something new.

I enter the tailor and once I was inside the tailor greeted me by name.

“Ahh Sir Albert! It’s a pleasure to have you as a patron of my business what should it be today?

What a coincidence that the person’s identity that I had just taken had the same name as me. Even though I haven’t used the name ever since my parents died, so it brought back some memories.

“Hello sir I think I need some new clothes.”

“Ahh Yes well please remove your clothes inside here and we shall have you dressed up in no time.”

The man pointed to the booth with red and white curtains that dangled from it. I went inside but before I took off my clothes, which smelled so much like alcohol. I first checked my pockets to see if there was anything that would be valuable inside them. I checked the pockets in pants and found a letter. I opened it and read what was inside.

Dearest Albert,

I know hearing my engagement to Franz may have been a shock to you. But please do not wallow in sorrow, you are much too significant to have your thoughts thread on me. Please do try to be happy for the sake of the love that we had.



PS: Please come to our wedding, I shall be happy to see you again.

Jeez now I know why this guy was so drunk on the street. It’s a 'It’s not you it’s me letter'. Love can make you do stupid things. I checked the pockets in my vest and saw the bag of Dubloons I found earlier. After checking every pocket, I took out my clothes and hung it over one of the sides of the booth.

"Here are some clothes that you would usually get Sir Albert. I shall pass them over to you over the curtains."

The man outside gave me brightly colored clothes. Purple, yellow, and pink. I looked at the clothes and it made me not want to wear it. I asked the guy outside for something else.

"Do you have anything else? Maybe something black?"

"Ahh a change of attire! We’ll see what I have here."

The man outside handed me a white collar shirt, black pants and a black vest i wore all of it and they all fit perfectly. I went outside to look at myself in the mirror and thought something was missing. The man said the words right out of my mouth as he stared at my reflection in the mirror.


"Hmmm . . It seems something is missing."

The tailor goes in the back room and takes out a black suit coat and a red neck tie. I put on the suit coat first then I was thinking about putting on the tie. But I decided not to. I continued to stare at my reflection on the mirror and said something out loud.

"Not bad."

I began to smile because I found it kind of funny that not too long ago I was a savage orc now I'm some well-groomed human who's not quiet bad looking.

I turn to the tailor and asked him the price of the clothes that I'm wearing.

"How much are all these?"

"For you Sir Albert? It's on the house!"

I was shocked when I heard that he was giving away these clothes for free. Then suddenly, two guys come inside the room and they recognized me.

"Ahh Albert! It's nice to see that you look like you have straightened yourself up. I guess you're not too bitter about me marrying your one and only Elizabeth."

This guy must be Franz the guy that was mentioned in the letter.

"Yeah there has been a rumor of you going around the city drinking away your sorrows!"

I don't know who this short guy is but it seems like he's the side kick of this Franz fellow. The two began to laugh in front of me. I guess these guys were bullying this Albert guy. I should teach them a lesson. I first smiled at them.

"Why should I be bitter? You're getting my left overs. The fruit is only tasty once it been bitten, twice and maybe even the third time but the fourth bite will still be a bite that something that others have already had."

"You dare say that about Elizabeth!"

Maybe I said too much.

"Why? What are you going to do about it?"

"If you weren't the Mayor's son I'd do so much more than insult you with words!"

What the heck?! Mayor's son? This body is going to have too much attention. Dam it!

"Well what if I wasn't? What would you do?"

"I would challenge you to a duel!"

"And I will accept."

I smiled at the guy named Franz. He also smiled.

We went out to the field and people gathered around when they heard that me the drunkard son of the Mayor was going to duel the ranked 10th knight of all Shroom City. People gathered around from all over the city even the guards who had their post in the other parts of the city came to gamble on the duel. People all around made their bets, comment and jokes.

"I bet 5 copper coins on Knight Franz!"

"I bet a silver coin on Knight Franz!"

"The Mayor's son is going to die here no doubt about that!"

"I bet the Mayor's son is going to pee his pants and cry for mercy in the end!"


I smiled at all of the comments and Jest. I turned to them and announced my bet.

"I bet 100 Dubloon coins that I'll win! Who would like to bet against that?"

Then suddenly a voice from the crowd said something.

"I bet the entire city and my entire wealth that Sir Franz will win."

Whispers echoed throughout the crowd as if everyone was shocked when they heard the wager.

"It's the Mayor."

I overheard from the crowd's whispers that this guy who's supposed to be my father, had bet his entire city and fortune against me. Me, who’s supposed to be his own son. It made laugh and thought how cruel can the people in this world be.

The short guy who seems to be the side kick of Franz gave each of us a Rapier sword. After that Franz, held his rapier high to the crowd and kissed it. I just smiled and stood there. As the duel began everyone continued to cheer on Franz.

"Go Sir Franz! My life's saving is wagered on you!"

"Go Sir Franz! Beat that snotty spoiled brat!"

Franz began his attacks. He lunges at me with the sword and I dodge. He continues to Lunge the Rapier at me trying to skewer me with the end of his blade. I easily dodge every attack. His attack looked very slow from my perspective. After a while he became very tired. I decided to end it quickly. I held my rapier tight and in a swift movement sliced off the tip of his member. He screams in agony and I put my hand up and shout out my surrender.

"I yield!"

Everyone in the crowd cheered as they hear my surrender. Franz's agonizing scream was over shadowed by the joyous cheering of the crowds. With me losing, it meant that all who waged against me will get 100 Dubloons each. I turn to all of them and shouted to them to collect their winning from my father, the Mayor. After hearing what I had just announced, the person who is so called my dad screams out in denial. So I decided to use my [Hypnosis] ability on him to force him to pay all of the people that had bet against me. The Mayor announced to meet him in the City Bank to collect their winnings. While everyone was energetic thrilled to have won 100 Dubloons, Franz was on the ground in agony as he bled from his member. I stood there smiling watching him cry in pain. After a while when it became too much I healed it a little bit but without the tip.

I walked inside the City to follow the happy cheerful citizens. Once they arrived in the bank they all lined up to collect their Dubloons. As they collected it the happy faces thanks me for losing. They were much too absorbed with the money they had just won from the bet than the person who they bet on.

After the whole event Franz never walked normally again. He would tremble in fear and urinate on himself whenever he would see me.

I decided to go to the place where I could get information of who gave the order to exterminate the beings inside the caves. I went to the Adventure guild to ask around. It seems that they weren't selling any information to those who weren't a high ranking member. I tried using Hypnotize on some of them but it seems that they were all immune. So a road block as come appeared in front of me.

The Adventure guild had the number source of information, but I decided to look for an alternative so I decided to go use my so called father again. I went to his office where he was going crazy because the bank had just reported to him that he had given away over 100,000 Dubloons. Inside his office I asked if I could speak to him alone. I used my [Hypnosis] and asked him about the orders of the attacks on the caves. He said that he knew nothing about the attacks. I asked if there was anyone who would know of such. He answered told me that the Adventure guild knows everything and they might know about such things.

I scratched my head and because I just confirmed that I needed to actually join the Adventure Guild and buy the information. Money wasn't the problem which I could get easily from my so called father, but the problem was to buy any information an Adventurer must be Double S ranked.

I went back to the Adventurer guild and decided to become a member. I registered myself by giving a drop of my blood and signing a form. After registering I got a card with my name and the rest of my information. The card seems to be magic and It received my information from getting a drop of my blood.

Name:Albert Van Wolfe

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Age: 16

Blood Type: X

Rank: F

Abilities: Unregistered

It seems that I've cheated the card. I'm supposed to be an orc in disguise but the card says that I'm human. Also it seems I have to do many quest to get my rank up to Double S Rank. Right now I'm in the lowest rank, a beginner and a no name. The Adventurer clerk asked if I wanted to form a Guild of my own. The Guild members would be under the protection of the Adventurer Guild all throughout the continent as long the Guild members obey the laws of the Adventurer Guild and the amount of members allowed is unlimited. I decided to make a Guild for myself because it would seem useful in the future. The clerk asked what name should my guild. I told them "Unwanted". The clerk asked for my card then she returned it.

Name:Albert Van Wolfe

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Age: 16

Blood Type: X

Rank: F

Abilities: Unregistered

Guild: Unwanted

Position: Leader


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