《Terror infinity 2nd update.》Terra Formars chap 3


Micheal: They are quite good are other combatants of your team on the same level?

Azat: Approximately yes.

Genghis: I have captured five of them. Thеir limbs a missing so I think there is should not be any problems with that.

Michael: Yeah, Akari help him to place them in specific cages and after you finish that prepare the containers for water, we have enough drinking water to last for 40 days but it would be better to have more water. After all, we have females in our team.

After saying that Micheal started to move in the direction of the nearby lake.

Azat: Not only that majority of Kazakhs are Muslims so it would be great if we had more water for ablution. We may use sand but water would be better.

Micheal: Are you religious?

Azat: Possibility of death at any minutes forces you to hope that there is something after it. And to be frank, prayer helps to relax. “Pure truth, before transportation to mission world I was not a very religious person, maximum is just believed into the existence of God. But when I returned too real world, my father saw through me that I am very nervous and scared. Then he advised me to start praying. And he was right it helped. I may be still scared of death but not so much as in the beginning.”

Micheal: I can understand your point. But the new question why are you following me?

After Micheal gave her command to Akari she was walking towards the lake. And Azat started to follow after her. His main objective was a modified cockroach with body parts of water strider that attacked Micheal in anime.

Azat: We are at the enemies territory, going out without backup is a suicide. I am here to help you miss Micheal in the case of ambush. “X watch out for attack from water. It is good that Akari is not going with her like in anime, that increases the chances of me killing water strider by myself”


Micheal: Fine then.

After saying that she sat down and started to wash her self with water from the lake. After all, she decided to help Genghis and Clare in the previous fight and some of the cockroaches internal fluid was spilled over her. And then a hand come out of water trying to grab Micheal.

Azat: “Now !” Watch out !!!

At the next moment. He threw Micheal aside and let the Terraformar grab himself.

Azat: “He is fast if not X detecting the movements underwater I would not be able to react in time. ” Commander Micheal please go help others if there is Terraformar then he is not alone.

After that, he disappeared under water.

Micheal: “Damn it, but he is right. He is the commander so he should be strong enough to take care of himself.”

With that thoughts, she started to run towards the evacuation ship.

---------------At the same time underwater---------------

Azat: “That guy is really stronger than normal cockroaches. He is almost as strong as me without strengthening with mana.” Are you trying to wait out until I run out of oxygen? Bad news for you I have already cast a water breathing spell on myself. And now for the next 10 minutes, I am even able to talk underwater, and after that time passes I can just recast the spell. Well, now. “X start remodeling water walking spell, and run simulations when the possibility of successful cast reaches at least 95% input finished variant of spell into my head.”

Then a mechanical cold voice rang out in Azat’s head.

X: Task created.

X: Running the first simulation. Failed

X: Running the second simulation. Failed

X: Running the third simulation. Failed

---------------- 5 minutes later---------

X: Running the 298th simulation. Success.

Azat: “Finally !”


After that Azat broke out from Terrraformar’s hands and the blue glow covered his left hand and shot out towards water strider.

Azat: What cannot move. “Well, that idea did come to my head at the moment when I remembered about you. The water walking spell is from the school of Thaumaturgy that focuses on manipulation of laws of nature. The water walking spell creates some kind of a field that changes the properties of liquid making them behave like a solid. The theory behind this spell is so complex that I had the strongest headaches in my life when I finally understood them. Now the X slightly changed the spell increasing the volume of that field thankfully it did not require any major changes and thanks to that it was possible to make those changes in such a short period of time and now that field fully covers the water strider’s body. ” And now you should be feeling like immured deep under the ground. Well, I suppose is the time to finish you off.

Side mission 2. KIll a modified Terraformar reward 300 points

At the next moment, a Wuurthard appeared in Azat’s hands and he cut down the Terraformar into two identical pieces. Then he stretched his hand and transported the remains of water strider into his spatial ring.

Azat: “I need to save up some samples for my own research. According to anime, these cockroaches have some kind of special organ that allows them to mutate at a fast pace, actually, this is the main reason why they were able to transplant the body parts of genetically modified humans from BUGS-2 operation and use them.”

----------------At the same time as Azat’s underwater fight-----------------


???: Djuh

A green Terraformar with different legs structure landed on evacuation ship.

Ali: Whoa, this grasshopper is mine.

Clare: As you wish greeny.

Genghis: Fine

???: Do as you like.

The last words were said by the 10 years old Asian boy without signs of emotions in his voice. Then the muscles on Ali’s body started to increase and his skin color become green.

Grasshopper: Djuh

At the next moment, that grasshopper used his strong leg muscles to land a kick on Ali’s body. However, Ali blocked the kick using his left hand.

Grasshopper: Djuh

Seeing that his attack did not have much effect he jumped away trying to retreat.


But Ali jumped after him and the whole ship was shaken by the impact, He caught up to Terraformar and crushed his head by clap. And all o that happened at the same time, when Micheal just reached the ship in order to help.

Micheal: “What is his base? Come to think of it I don't know the base of anyone from the team Kazakstan. They are too strange

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