《Terror infinity 2nd update.》Terra Formars chap 2


At the same moment as the team of players left. A shock wave passed through the floor and a male voice rang out.

???: Attention!! Attention !!! The captain Shokichi Komachi is speaking. Our spaceship is falling. The main engine may go off at any moment. The landing will be though, so everyone moves to evacuation hangar. Follow plan delta.

Azat: “So we are on the spaceship. And we were transported to the moment of evacuation to the surface of Mars” Hey, let’s follow after members of the Martian expedition they are all moving in one direction and that should be evacuation hangar

After he said that Azat and other members of team Kazakhstan and newbies moved together in the direction of fleeing anime characters. After the 5 minutes, of walking in fast pace they reached a spacious hangar with 6 Identical evacuation ships. The hangar was already full of people when they entered.

Captain Komachi: Well everyone is here to start the evacuation. We will move out in the 6 different directions. After landing immediately contact with other teams and move towards a place of the landing of the main ship. And commander Azat you team joined the expedition at the last moment and we don't have an evacuation ship designed for you. So, team, Kazakhstan will join the second American-Japanese team. Under Michael K. Davis’s command. Is everything is clear?

Azat: Yeas, sir!!! “ It looks like we were given the identity of team Kazakhstan and we will join the team of the main character, In original anime and manga there wasn't even a single word said about Kazakhstan, so plot may have already been changed. And Why I am the commander, is it because I have passed more missions than others or Game Master Have some kind of planes on me? Well, it is not the time for such complex thoughts, my main priority now is to survive.”

After everything was said the team Kazakhstan started to move towards the ship of the second American-Japanese team. How they found them? Easy Azat momentary recognized Michael after all she is beautiful blonde women with a perfect figure so she was quite easy to distinguish her from others. After, they entered the ship and took empty places the ship momentary accelerated leaving the Annex behind and killing some cockroaches that blocked its way. Then the pair of parachutes came out of the ship and it landed. The overload from landing was big enough that some of the newbies passed out.


Micheal: “ Why U-NASA allowed the team from a country that did not participate in terraformation of Mars or BUGS program join the Annex. Some member of their team did pass from the overload of landing and that means not only their body modifications are weak but their level of physical training is quite low too. The environment of Mars is quite harsh even we exclude Terra Formars, the air here is discharged and is the same as on the peak of Alps.” Commander Azat your team consists of only 17 people and is quite small so despite us having you will be under my command. And because you team Joined us at the last moment I don't have enough information to effectively manage you. So please give a short overview of your team's capabilities.

Azat: Our team has 5 combatants including me.[ Irina, I am going to tell about you psycho scan so characters also will try to protect you and that should help us gain their trust there are a number of strong fighter among then too, and tell others to not use firearms or any other modern or sci-fi weapons if they don’t want to turn the characters into our enemies. ]

Irina:[ Understood]

Azat: Also, we have one member with strong sensory abilities that can accurately monitor surrounding to the radius within radius 6-7 km. All other members are scientific personal quite useless in the fight and will not be much help until we reach Annex.

Michael: “He is not so bad. He was sitting close to me at the time of evacuation. And he did not even flinch from overload, it feels like he is overflowing with power, and that he overpowers me without transformation.No it should be my imagination After all he has an impressive look. 2-meter tall centner of muscles. But he said 5 fighters, I counted only 4, well I will learn about him later” Fine then...


Clare: Commander, we have guests. I will go stretch up a bit.

At the next moment, Clare jumped out of the cabin of the ship towards Terra Formars that have already encircled the ship.

Genghis: I will go cover her back.

Azat: Fine, but not forget to capture some of them alive, and Ali stay here with me, we need to protect Non-combatants.

Ali: [ Is it really so necessary, I also want to gain some points too, and you have Batyr by your side.]

Azat: [Batyr, is a newbie, he may have some inborn powers ut you are forgetting that he is a child after all.]

Ali: [ Ha, a child. You are should clearly understand that he is just as strong as we are, or maybe even stronger. Fine I will stay for now if you want]

At the same time as two members of the team, Kazakhstan had a telepathic debate, Michael wanted to go out and help to two idiots as she calls them but then momentary stopped seeing what was going one.

Micheal: “What is it I can’t follow the movement of that girl. Only thing I am seeing is her shadow and then new Terra Formar dies with a hole in his head, and that guy he turned into the human-wolf hybrid and looks exactly like a werewolf from legends. And his physical strength, he is just ripping them off into pieces.”

While Michael was deeply impressed by the performance of members of team Kazakhstan, Azat was surprised by another thing. At that was not a good surprise.

Azat: “Damn it these cockroaches are too strong. According to the X’s analysis, they are 3.5 times faster than normal humans and 2.1 times stronger. The stats may be lower than mine but there are millions of them. Also, Clare, she has become even deadlier, theoretically she is immune to physical attack in her shadow form and I don’t know any spells that may hurt her in that form. Add to that her inhuman speed and accuracy together with her weapon that is becoming stronger with each enemy that she kills she is becoming a perfect assassin. But that is what scares me the most, I did not realize it immediately because of her looks, after all, she is the most beautiful girl that I have seen and I am the person that did not even have once gone to the date, but she is the most dangerous member of team Kazakhstan. She acts impulsively but as an assassin, she should have been taught to control herself. Also, she said that she does not want to receive any help from her father and reach everything by herself but when it had become that she will have troubles with organizations that oversee the Kazakhstan players, she immediately used his name. She is the most contradictory member of our team, and the fact she is assassin makes it worse because as long as there is not an enormous gap in strength between us she can kill me. Damn it, she may even just put the blame for the death of Maxim and Ruslan on me. I have to look after her until I learn of her real intention.”

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